Looking for cute ways to ask someone to be your girlfriend? Fortunately, you’ve arrived at the right place. Knowing how to get a girlfriend is all about making the right romantic gestures and asking her out in a romantic way! As a dating expert who has been recognized and featured on many sites such as HerNorm and Apartment Therapy, I have a lot of romantic things to do that you can use as proposal ideas! So, without further ado, let’s get started!

Cute Ways to Ask Someone to Be Your Girlfriend

When you finally take the plunge and ask a girl to be your girlfriend, you may find yourself hyperventilating, but just take a deep breath in and out. Rather than panicking, learn cute ways to ask a girl to be your girlfriend by selecting the best location, words, and timing. Because nervousness can cause blunders, preparation is essential!

Cute Ways to Ask Someone to Be Your Girlfriend

Find cute ways to say I love you if you want to make her yours. When your dream girl is certain of your feelings for her, she is more likely to say “yes” when you ask her to be your girlfriend. Here are 12 really cute ways to ask someone to be your girlfriend:

#1. Write a poem to express your desire.

There’s something utterly romantic about expressing your feelings through poetry, whether it’s something you’ve written yourself or verses you’ve found that express how you feel. When it comes to proposing, using a literary piece is a unique way to entice the woman of your dreams.

#2. Use the traditional “Will You Be My Girlfriend?” line and present her with her favorite flower.

A cute way to ask someone to be your girlfriend is to keep it simple while incorporating a heartfelt gesture. You can take her to the location where you first met them, or you can play her favorite love song in the background. You don’t have to make it difficult. Doing it the old-fashioned way feels more natural. Simply look her in the eyes while holding her favorite flower, and then ask her the question. When you’re this cute, she’s bound to say “yes!”

#3. Sing a song to her about wanting her to be yours.

Music is a universal language that expresses true love in a powerful way. Find out who her favorite artist is, or use her favorite song to help you express what you can’t say. Use that song to your advantage once you’ve obtained it. Consider sweet things to say, similar to how the lyrics express your feelings for her.

#4. Get her special people involved.

Allow those close to her to join in the fun if you’re looking for a cute and unique way to make it memorable. You can plan an intimate event if you make your romantic intentions known to her family and friends. It’s a clever way to win not only your girl’s heart but also the hearts of her friends and family.

#5. After a movie date night, pop the question on the big screen.

We’ve seen this movie before, but let’s be honest: it’s pretty awesome! Consider this: after a flirtatious night, you take the person who has your heart to the movies, and as the credits begin to roll, she notices your big question on the screen. It’ll be difficult to say “no” to that one!

#6. Make a dating resume and present it to her as if you were applying to be her boyfriend.

This one is a lot of fun! This will earn you a lot of points for originality. What’s more, the best part is that it’s completely free. She will consider your application. It’s a strange way to start a relationship, but it’s undeniably a good foundation for a fulfilling love life.

#7. Write her a letter and have her read it to her.

Writing a letter demonstrates that you went out of your way to express how you feel about her. It’s a good way to say exactly what you want to say to her. You don’t have to scramble for words on the spur of the moment. Plus, your letter may become her favorite item, something she will keep as a keepsake.

#8. Present her with a heart (jewelry or a folded piece of paper) and ask, “Now that I’ve given you my heart, will you be my girlfriend?”

Corny? I don’t think so. It’s the sweetest thing in the world to give a girl a love token while asking her to be your girlfriend. It may seem silly, but imagine her smile when you hand her a heart symbol. Little things can make a big difference. This is super cute, and you can do it on almost any date!

#9. Draw a picture of yourself and her.

Be creative! Bring out your inner Leonardo Di Vinci and paint a portrait of the two of you. While asking her to be your girlfriend, frame the painting and give it to her as a present in a cute way. The painting itself may turn out to be terrible, but even you can admit that some of the greatest works of art aren’t always visually appealing. This idea’s effort, time, and uniqueness will be appreciated by your girl.

#10. Customized T-Shirt Proposal.

The options for creative date ideas are limitless, and they can be inexpensive. This is a low-cost option that will even commemorate your proposal. Get a customized t-shirt for your question from your local print shop. Print your question and “flash” it to her.

#11. Use balloons to ask the questions.

Impress her with this trick and say it with balloons. Alternatively, have her pop a few to discover your surprise. Throw some confetti in there as well, because it’s always a good time.

#12. Use food to ask her out.

Girls adore food, and the possibilities are limitless with this concept. Sure, you could ask her out over a simple dinner. You could also go for an out-of-the-ordinary move and bake her a cake with the question written in icing.

Cute Ways to Ask Someone to Be Your Girlfriend Via Over Text

Most guys get nervous when they think about approaching a girl and asking her out. He doesn’t like her any less because he chose to ask her out via text. Text messaging can help to alleviate some of the nerves that arise when you are nervous about something.

Some men prefer to ask a girl out via text because it eliminates the need for a personal encounter or potential rejection. Now, let’s look at some cute ways to ask someone out via text. You don’t want to send a corny text after you’ve worked so hard to learn the proper strategy.

Here are cute ways to ask someone to be your girlfriend via text.

#13. I’ve been wanting to try this new restaurant, and they serve your favorite cuisine. When are you available?

Assume she will say yes. This is the type of text to send after you’ve had a few text conversations. The idea that you remembered something they told you, such as their favorite dish, will make most girls smile. Please make sure the mood is light before texting her this question and refrain from starting a conversation. Instead, lead to the question.

#14. Hello there, are you available for lunch?

Although it may appear simple, many girls enjoy receiving “good morning” texts. It demonstrates that you are thinking about them or that you care enough to send a text first thing in the morning. Don’t be concerned if she doesn’t respond right away. Keep in mind that schedules may clash, but if she’s interested, you should hear from her by the end of the day at the very least.

#15. How is your day treating you? Do you want to go out to dinner?

Ask her about her day to demonstrate that you’re interested in what she’s up to. Guys send too many short, meaningless texts. Engage her thoughts and emotions by being friendly and caring at the same time. Girls appreciate guys who care about them and are interested in what they do on a daily basis.

#16. I hope you get a good night’s sleep tonight. Would you like to meet in the morning for coffee or breakfast?

After you’ve been communicating via text for a while, send the “good night” text. However, saying good night is a great way to casually ask her out. Make an effort to say something other than “good night” but implying the same, such as “I hope you have a good night” or “rest well tonight.”

#17. I am extremely proud of you and cannot wait to see you. Let’s go out and have some fun!

Congratulatory moments are one of the simplest and least intimidating ways to text a girl and ask her out. Remember that you don’t want it to sound too casual. Your goal is to communicate to her that you are interested in her and want to date her. Include how happy you are for her and how proud you are of her accomplishments.

#18. I’ve missed talking with you; let’s go out to dinner.

If you haven’t communicated with her in a while, this is a great way to reintroduce yourself. It’s fine to express your feelings, and it’s okay to admit that you’ve missed her. This shows her that you enjoy spending time with her and miss doing so.

#19. I enjoy talking and texting with you and would like to take you out for a meal.

This is a simple text that explains exactly what you’re looking for. There is no sugar-coating or avoiding the truth. You express your intentions and wait for her response. Girls value honesty and a man who can express himself. At its best, this is pure self-expression.

#20. I have an extra ticket for the movie you’d like to see. When should I come to pick you up?

You might not have the ticket yet, but it opens the door to a movie date. If you know she enjoys going to the movies or has mentioned something she’d like to see, text her to set up a date.

#21. I have an upcoming event and would like you to accompany me.

If you’ve received an invitation with a plus one, ask her to join you. It could be a wedding, dinner, or other formal event. Because attending an event is less intimate but still considered a date, this sets the tone for a second date.

#22. This weekend, my family is getting together. I’d appreciate it if you could join me.

It’s a big deal to invite a girl to spend time with you and your family. Unless she’s already acquainted with the family, it’s best if you only introduce her to them once you’re exclusive. She can see you in your true form when she is around you and your family. She can tell what kind of person you are and what is important to you in life.

Romantic cute ways to ask a girl to be your girlfriend

Even if you’ve been seeing someone for a while, asking them to be official can be intimidating. When you pop the question, plan a romantic gesture to sweep her off her feet! Read through this list of romantic cute ways to ask someone to be your girlfriend, then pick your favorite to strengthen your relationship.

#23. Make a playlist for her.

Make a playlist of romantic songs that she’ll enjoy. Also make a playlist on Spotify, Apple Music, or YouTube with your favorite songs, her favorite songs, and a mix of the two. Set up the playlist on your phone and listen to it together the next time you two get together. You can ask her to be your girlfriend at the end of the playlist.

#24. Go out to a nice restaurant with her.

This traditional romantic gesture can never go wrong. Make reservations at a nearby 5-star restaurant and offer to pick her up. You can both dress up a little more than usual, and you can splurge on that bottle of wine (if you’re of legal drinking age) or a dessert she’s been eyeing. Take her hand and look her in the eyes as you ask her to be your girlfriend at the end of the meal.

#25. Use a scavenger hunt to say it.

Set up clues and send her out into the city to find them. If you’ve been dating for a while, you’ve probably visited a few places where you’ve spent a lot of time together. Sit down and jot down a few clues, then end the last one with something romantic. Finally, you can have flowers and chocolates waiting for you as you pop the question.

#26. Win her over with a baked good

You can either make something yourself or go to a nearby bakery. As long as she isn’t gluten-free, buy her a delicious pastry or a muffin! Then, with a baked good in the hand, go over to her house and ask her to be your girlfriend.

#27. Say it in a love letter.

Try this if you have trouble expressing yourself. Take out your best stationery and a ballpoint pen, and sit down to write a letter. Tell her how much you enjoy her company and how much she means to you, and then ask her to be your girlfriend. Put the letter in an envelope and hand it to her the next time you see her.

#28. Make a romantic dinner for two.

Cook her a meal at home to show off your culinary skills. Remember what her favorite food is—pasta? Tacos? Curry? Then, devote a few hours to perfecting it. When she arrives, light a few candles and play some soft music to set the mood. When you’ve finished your meal, ask her to be your girlfriend while you digest your romantic meal.

#29. Buy a nice gift for her.

Go out and get her something small to show her how much you care. Don’t feel obligated to spend a fortune, especially if you’ve only been dating for a short time. Grab a bouquet of flowers, a simple pair of earrings, or her favorite snack. Then, when you pop the question, give her your gift to show her how much you adore her.

#30. Take her for a walk in the woods.

If she enjoys being outside, this is a great option for you. Consider going on a hike or a nature walk somewhere nearby. Wait until you get to a beautiful view before asking her to be your girlfriend while you’re out walking through the great outdoors. This is likely to be a memory she will never forget!

#31. Plan a picnic.

Fill a basket with crackers, cheese, and fruit. Take your favorite picnic blanket and head to a nearby park (or even just to your backyard). [10] Arrange everything on the blanket so you and your date can snack while talking, then pop the question while pouring her a glass of juice or champagne.

#32. Take a weekend trip.

Rent a cabin or make a hotel reservation somewhere a few hours away. Pack your car, bring a suitcase, and leave your worries at home. During your trip, choose a special occasion (such as a romantic dinner) to tell her how much you enjoy spending time with her, and then ask her to be your girlfriend.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I ask my friend to be my girlfriend?

She’ll be flattered that you like her as a friend and that you’ve given it enough thought to realize you want something more from her. “Would you like to be my girlfriend?” simply ask. Alternatively, “Would you like to go out with me?” You don’t need to spend hours getting to this point.

What make a girl fall for you?

Simple Strategies for Making a Girl Fall in Love with You

  • Work on yourself and have a life of your own.
  • Maintain a positive attitude.
  • Continue the conversation.
  • Respect her as a peer.
  • Make it fun for her by being her friend.
  • Try not to be clingy.
  • Take it slowly – everything will fall into place.
  • Don’t put yourself out there too much.

How do you pull a girl on text?

  • Leave her with a smile on your face. Don’t text her about trivial matters.
  • Keep it brief. The message should be no more than 2-3 sentences long.
  • One idea should be communicated. Just concentrate on one thing at a time.
  • Don’t use texting to replace dates or phone calls.

What are the sweetest words to tell a girl?

Sweet Sayings for Your Girlfriend

  • I’m not sure what I’d do without you.
  • You are absolutely stunning.
  • You mean everything to me.
  • I enjoy sharing my life with you.
  • Being with you takes precedence over all other plans.
  • I feel so fortunate to have you in my arms.
  • I’m grateful for…
  • Thank you for your time.
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