THINGS TO ASK A GIRL You Like to Get to Know Her That Will Blow Her Away (Updated)


Every guy should know a few things to ask a girl… because: Whether you’re making small talk at work or trying to impress your crush, talking to girls can be intimidating. Fortunately, this does not have to be the case. You can easily navigate any social situation if you keep these things or questions to ask a girl in mind. Be confident, charming, and friendly, and you’ll find that once you’ve started a conversation, keeping it going is a piece of cake.

Make an effort not to overthink it. Even if you’re talking to the girl of your dreams, keep in mind that she’s a real person like you. Indeed, she may be more nervous than you are. The most difficult challenge is coming up with topics to discuss in the first place. This handy list of questions to ask takes care of it. The only way to improve at something is to practice. Every time, the art of conversation becomes more natural and effortless. Talking to girls is also a great way to gain new perspectives and boost your self-esteem.

Things to Ask a Girl You Like

If you want your crush to like you back, you must communicate with him or her. Of course, you don’t want to begin with difficult questions. These are pleasant questions, but they are also intriguing. To spark a spark, use these questions to ask a girl you like. Fan the flames once the conversation begins. Hopefully, you’ll have a raging inferno in no time. Here are the top 15 things to ask a girl you like:

#1. What is something you thought you’d outgrow but didn’t?

We all have little quirks from our childhood. What about hers?

#2. At what age do you feel you are right now, and why?

Is she an old soul, or does she have the spirit of a child?

#3. If you were the last human on the planet, what would you do?

This is a fun question with limitless possibilities. The discussion can be serious or amusing.

#4. How Has Your life changed in the last year?

Let her know you’re curious about her as a person and how she’s changed.

#5. What is your favorite childhood memory?

Childhood experiences have the power to shape a person. Talking about the good ones is a great way to figure out who she is now.

#6. Is there anything you’ve always wanted to try?

This is an excellent question to ask someone you like because it allows you to ask her out to do it.

#7. What do you believe everyone should do at least once in their lives?

What is the one must-do experience that everyone should put on their bucket list?

#8. What is the most touching thing you’ve ever witnessed?

This question demonstrates your sensitive side.

#9. What is something you enjoy that most people haven’t heard of?

Allow her to discuss some of her more obscure interests that might not come up otherwise.

#10. What is your least favorite word?

Crusty? Moist? Language can be entertaining or upsetting.

#11. Have you visited any other countries? Which of these was your favorite?

Talking about travel is always a great way to get to know someone on a deeper level, and you’ll almost always hear some interesting stories.

#12. Tell us about your worst first (and last) date.

This question reveals important information about what not to do. Furthermore, the stories are frequently amusing.

 Things to ask a girl to get to know her

These questions to get to know you are ideal for a first date. They are more in-depth than simple conversation starters, but not so personal as to be intrusive. The great thing about these things to ask to get to know a girl is that you can use them with both new and old acquaintances. After all, there’s always something new to discover about someone. Here are the things to ask a girl in order to get to know her:

#13. What are you well-known for among your friends and family?

The way a person interacts with their friends and family reveals a great deal about them.

#14. What role do you play in your group of friends?

Is she in charge? Who is the fighter? What about the joker? What does she think of herself?

#15. What is your best quality?

This is a direct and to-the-point question. It’s an intriguing one because, obviously, you’ll only get her personal perspective on herself, which may be slightly biased.

#16. What were some of your life’s watershed moments?

If you truly want to know her, you must first understand her journey and experiences.

#17. When do you really feel “alive”?

Discover those magical moments and try to recreate them for her.

#18. What was your most recent adventure?

Everyone enjoys talking about their latest and greatest exploits.

#19. What constitutes a good life?

This is a thoughtful question that avoids becoming too personal.

#20. Do you have an irrational fear?

The human species is fascinating because of its quirks.

#21. Which of the following personality traits do you value the most and which do you dislike the most?

Use her response to help you improve.

#22. If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be?

This is a fun question that makes her think without putting her under undue pressure.

Funny things to ask a girl

Whether you’re trying to connect with a Tinder date or your grandmother, humor is your best friend. One of the quickest ways to someone’s heart is to make them laugh. Laughter is a powerful tool. It gets us through difficult times and makes good times even better. Laughing with someone strengthens your bond. It fosters long-lasting camaraderie. These amusing questions can be just as powerful as serious ones. Use these amusing questions to ask a girl to set a playful tone. After you’ve made her laugh, anything is possible.

#23. If you had a one-minute ad slot during the Super Bowl, what would you say?

Imagining how viewers will react makes this question a laugh riot.

#24. What is something your brain tries to make you do that you have to force yourself not to do?

Our brains do not always want what is best for us.

#25. What problem or situation did TV or movies make you believe was common, but when you grew up, you discovered it wasn’t?

Quicksand and volcanoes have always seemed like major dangers to be aware of, but so far so good.

#26. Which fictional character would be the most boring in real life to meet?

Sometimes the most ordinary people are the most amusing.

#27. What reality show should exist but doesn’t?

Some people are so ridiculous that it’s a shame the rest of the world isn’t able to witness them.

#28. What would you do if you won the lottery?

This question reveals the type of person she is when she is not burdened by money.

#29. What Is the Worst Pickup Line You’ve Ever Heard?

Make a point of using it ironically a few days later. Here are some of the funniest lines ever.

#30. What’s the worst food combination you can think of?

What disgusting fusion food makes her gag?

#31. What is the most bizarre collection of items you could purchase to make a cashier uncomfortable?

You get extra points if you put it to the test.

#32. How Would You Quit Your Job If You Won The Lottery?

Everyone has daydreamed about the ultimate walkout. How would her not-so-polite exit go?

Things to ask a girl over text

While it isn’t as effective as a face-to-face conversation, texting can help you build a relationship. Texting allows you to be a little more daring than you might be in person. You also have time to prepare the perfect answers to her questions.

When you want to keep the back-and-forth going, use these things to ask girls via text. You don’t want to overuse them, though. Understand how to text a girl. Understand when to take a step back. Don’t be an obsessive texter who constantly blows up her phone. Etc. Here are the best text questions to ask a girl:

#33. What is the most intriguing piece of art that you have ever seen?

You’re already on the phone, so look it up and talk about it.

#34. What is the best movie title to describe your life?

This is a fun thought exercise with some truly hilarious results. I’m hoping she doesn’t go with Mean Girls.

#35. What are your plans for the next few months?

Talking about the future is a great way to connect with someone.

#36. What is your favorite website?

Check it out and let us know what you think.

#37. If you had unlimited time, where would you spend it?

Where she prefers to talk about herself extensively.

#38. What do you think you’re most likely to be famous for?

This is a fun question because it allows her to talk about aspects of her personality that you might not know about otherwise.

#39. What is the best question to ask to learn the most about someone?

Allow her to do the grunt work for you.

#40. Would you rather trade intelligence for appearances or appearances for intelligence?

This question helps you understand whether she values beauty or brains more in life.

#41. What is the strangest conversation you’ve ever had?

Perhaps you can outdo it?

#42. What is your favorite phrase?

What words of wisdom does she treasure?

#43. Which app is your favorite?

You’re on your phone once more. Why not find out about a new app?


Before you ask a girl these things, make sure you have an answer prepared for yourself. Conversations have two sides. These questions will get you about halfway there. It is your responsibility to keep the rest of the conversation flowing naturally.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you start a flirty text?

flirtatious texts to initiate a conversation

  • Hello there! You appear to be very entertaining.
  • There isn’t a word in the English language to describe your kind of beauty.
  • Hello, I really like your profile picture!
  • Hey, I, too, am a fan of (insert musical artist).
  • Hello, there.
  • Hello, I’m quarantining myself due to COVID.
  • Wow, you appear to be a lot of fun.
  • Hello there.

How do u flirt over text?

  • Keep it brief and to the point. The simpler the message, in general, the better.
  • Maintain a positive attitude. Flirting, by definition, is meant to be lighthearted and cheerful — it should make you both feel like you’re back in high school.
  • Compliment others.
  • Pose a lighthearted question.

What questions make a girl blush?

  • There’s something special about you.
  • You do realize how much you irritate me?
  • You know you’re amazing, don’t you?
  • Do you want to leave?
  • What would your response be if I invited you to dinner?
  • Do you think it’s possible to fall in love at first sight?
  • I’m curious what’s behind that smile of yours.

How do I ask for a hookup?

When approaching him for sex, take a direct approach.

  • You can simply go for it and say, “Would you like to come over and hook up?” “I want to kiss you right now,” for example. “Come on over.”
  • Simply saying, “Let’s have sex,” is very direct and cannot be misconstrued as implying anything else.
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