TEXTING TIPS: 2023 Comprehensive List & What You Should Know

Texting tips

Texting is the most popular method of communication these days. When was the last time you called a girl you fancied on the phone? Exactly. The solution is obvious to all of us. But, as a guy, are you aware of the most essential texting guidelines? Texting is basically used by the majority of individuals to communicate. This isn’t to say that it’s a negative thing, but it does raise some concerns. If you text your best friend, they already know who you are, so they can play some images in their heads and get the message without stress. But it’s a different scenario when you text someone you just met. You are unfamiliar with them. This will provide you with the most insightful tips when it comes to texting anyone.

Basic Texting Tips

Using the hints below, you’ll be able to text the right way

#1. Didn’t Receive a Prompt Response? Unwind

If they don’t react, stop texting them. Most likely, they’re occupied. If they aren’t, it’s possible they aren’t in the mood to text. Continually texting them ensures that they will not respond.

#2. Always React to the Second Question

Don’t dismiss anyone. In a courteous and timely manner, respond to someone’s text. (Unless it’s a stalker; in that case, don’t react.) I am quite concerned about your safety in this situation.

#3. Consider the Timetable of the Other Person

Of course, unless it’s your best friend, you shouldn’t contact someone at 4 a.m., and even then, your best friend could want to kill you.

Keep in mind, though, the schedule of the individual you’re texting.

Is your friend at his or her place of business? Then don’t text him a million times in a row throughout their shift. On weekends, does your friend like to sleep in? At 8:30 p.m., then don’t text him. Always remember to be cordial.

#4. Texting a Novel Is Not a Good Idea

I myself break this rule all the time, but it just makes sense: if texting takes more than thirty seconds, you should probably call it. Make things as simple as possible.

#5. Don’t Call Without Asking in Response to a Text

Treat introverts with respect. Someone who texted you did not want to talk on the phone. That could indicate that they’re busy or resting but don’t respond by calling them. If you truly believe it would be preferable to discuss it over the phone, text them first and ask them.

#6. Avoid Sarcasm Wherever Possible

Sarcasm should be avoided via text unless the individual knows you quite well. You won’t be able to interpret the tone as effectively, which could lead to disputes or wounded feelings.


Flirting is similar to any other skill in that it takes practice to master. It will be more difficult to break bad habits if you start with them.

And when it comes to flirting, bad habits can be the difference between having a date next Friday……and having no dates for the foreseeable future.

Plus, because many of the social cues we rely on in face-to-face conversations are lost on a phone screen, you may be completely unaware that your lousy flirting behaviors are unpleasant or insulting. Here are some flirty tips you should keep in mind moving forward.

#1. Make The Number Exchange More Efficient

If you think about it, getting your numbers into each other’s phones is your first chance to show her who you are over text. And, like with any first impression, you want to make the best possible impression.

It’s not difficult, and it’s amusing (but useful) to include a short reminder about yourself alongside your name. Maybe it was because of where she met you, what you said, or how you appeared.

Not only would she appreciate the fact that you stood out from the crowd on her phone, but what you wrote will almost certainly make her smile, depending on how you phrase it.

#2. Use Texting Starters Beginning Your Conversation

It’s easier to start a text conversation with a female if you have some effective text conversation starters stored in your brain.

If you don’t know how to start a text conversation with a girl, on the other hand, here are a few pointers to help you get started.

#3. Return the Call

Make your first text a callback to a topic you covered in person if you’re texting a girl for the first time after receiving her number.

It demonstrates to her that you were paying attention to what she was saying (something that a surprising percentage of males fail to do!).

Using comedy to start a text conversation is one of my favorite methods to do it.

#4. Use Humour

Sharing amusing items with a girl demonstrates to her that you have a sense of humor and like spreading it. Who doesn’t appreciate someone who can make them laugh?

#5. Try to Be a Sweetheart

There’s no need to hide the fact that you’ve been thinking about her.

Let her know in your next discussion (but don’t come across as weird or needy!)

Here is a good example;

“I require your assistance… I have a lot of work to do, but I can’t seem to get away from you.”

#6. Give Her a Compliment

Everyone enjoys receiving compliments because they make us feel wonderful.

And one of the best ways to flirt with a girl over text is to compliment her.


Technically, you have complete freedom to do and say whatever you want. But, let’s be honest, when it comes to texting, there are unsaid norms. These are the regulations that everyone is aware of, but no one discusses. These guidelines were created by trial and error and feeling. These guidelines provide structure to your texting.

For guys, here are some amazing tips.

#1. Recognize that Everyone is Unique

Understand that everyone is different when it comes to texting. Though some of your lines will resonate with some folks, others will fall flat. Some people can detect sarcasm in a text, whereas others cannot. So, before you start texting jokes and lines, try to get a sense of who you’re texting.

#2. Do Not Send them a Text Right Away

Texting should be reserved for when both of you are ready to move on to the next stage. Do not text this individual if you only met them last night. You don’t know this individual; they aren’t your partner. Texting should be avoided until you’ve formed a relationship. Until then, keep it classy.

#3. Keep Track of the Time

There’s no need to text someone at midnight unless you’re looking for a long-term booty call. When texting someone you’re interested in, the time of day matters. Late-night texting can send the wrong message. Save your small conversation for later in the day or early in the morning.


For starters, you don’t want to fail when you go out on a date with the intention of getting into a relationship. Who doesn’t want to begin their happily-ever-after as soon as possible? Though there is no definitive guide or tip to texting while dating, keeping the following points in mind will help you put things in perspective.

The Three Dating Do’s

#1. Establish Clear Boundaries

What is your approach to dating? For some people, dating numerous people at the same time is typical unless they have agreed to enter the exclusive dating stage, which is when they exclusively date one person. Others, on the other hand, feel betrayed when they realize that someone else is seeing their date. With these distinctions in mind, you should establish a clear boundary.

#2. Be Interested in and show Interest in your Date

Don’t just wait for your date to finish telling his or her tale before you start telling yours. “Oh really?” you would say. “Well, for me…” delivers a message along the lines of “Good thing you’re finished. Now, let me tell you about my fascinating story.”

Also, ask questions that need more than a yes or no answer, and remember that paraphrasing works wonders for demonstrating that you paid attention. You’re not in an interview, so don’t make it all about you.

#3. Stay True to Who You Are

Don’t borrow an automobile solely to impress your date if you don’t own one. If you’re not a bookworm, don’t pretend to be one by memorizing the plot of a book. Make sure your date doesn’t fall in love with someone you just made.

The Three Don’ts of Dating

After you’ve learned what you should do, you should also learn what you shouldn’t do. What good are all the necessary components for baking a cake if you don’t know when to take it out of the oven? So, here are some dating don’ts to avoid sabotaging your plans:

#1. Don’t look at your Phone

You don’t want your date to think you’re uninterested in him or her, so checking your phone is the last thing you’ll want to do. If the call is urgent, please excuse yourself, but make sure you return as soon as possible.

Alternatively, if you choose to answer the phone in front of your date, be explicit about what you’re talking about. Your date won’t realize you’re talking about him or her this way. Remember to explain why the call is so crucial that you must answer it right away.

#2. Don’t Broach the Subject of your ex or Unsuccessful Dates

Knowing your ex entails knowing much about yourself, but the first date isn’t the ideal time to broach the subject. It could make your date feel insecure or give the impression that you haven’t moved on and are looking for a rebound. It’s also a no-no to talk about unsuccessful dates. Your date might think your expectations are too high or not good enough.

#3. Don’t Try Too Hard to Seem Good

Wear something presentable and comfortable instead. Wearing a microskirt that requires pulling it down with every movement is not a good idea. Wearing a polo that is overly tight will make it difficult to breathe. It’s more important to get to know your date than it is to correct your clothes.

How do you make a girl go crazy on you?

If you want a girl to go crazy for you, you need to make her feel special by taking the time to recognize her as an individual. Only then will she go crazy for you. Make it clear to her that she is distinct from the other girls and the people she associates with by telling her things like, “You’re not like other girls…” or “You’re so different from your friends…”

What makes girl fall for a guy?

They want a man who is genuine, devoted to his family, honest, trustworthy, and respectful of others. Most of the time, a woman searches for a man who will treat her with love, care, and respect while avoiding any kind of drama. Therefore, if you want your crush to fall in love with you, you need to show her the best version of your personality. 

Texting Tips FAQs

What does IG mean in texting?

IG commonly signifies “I guess” (either to show agreement or ironic certainty through doubt and reluctance, frequently followed by eye-rolling), but “IG” usually refers to Instagram, the company owned by Meta.

What is a lazy texter?

A slacker texter barely pays attention to a group discussion. They are receiving the same 405 alerts as you and are reading them at the same time, but they have no input. Why? They are simply uninterested in such negativity in their lives. Unless it’s about food or gossip.

What does RN mean on Snapchat?

“It means Right Now.” With the emergence of popular texting apps like iMessage, WhatsApp, and Snapchat, as well as direct messaging on social networking platforms like Twitter and Instagram, the initialism has become even more common.

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