HOW TO START A CONVERSATION TEXTING: Best Easy Techniques & Conversation Starters 2023


Texting multiple people throughout the day is as natural to most of us as brushing our teeth or preparing dinner after work. We don’t stop to consider the thousands of tiny bubbles we’ve sent between loved ones over the years; we just keep adding to them, one response after another. Unless, of course, we’ve received a new phone number and the message screen is blank. You must now determine the best way to start a conversation by texting.

“How to start a texting conversation depends on the situation,” says Carmelia Ray, an online dating expert, and WooYouApp advisor. “You should be very aware of the person’s personality type and communication preferences.”

How to start a conversation by texting

Use the conversation starters listed below to jump-start your next text thread with someone new:

#1. What are your plans for the weekend?

This conversation starter has two functions: It allows you to get a sense of their interests while also allowing you to suggest a meeting time if their schedule is open.

#2. In three words, how would you describe yourself?

Characters with the most insight in the fewest characters.

#3. How do you deal with stress?

Is this the type of person who never misses a day at the gym, or do they find peace by binge-watching TV? In any case, understanding how a person unwinds is just as important as understanding what keeps them going.

#4. What is your zodiac sign?

True, this may appear to be a corny pick-up line, but knowing their zodiac sign can give you insight into their personality. You can also look into their sign’s compatibility with your own.

#5. Who have you known the longest, and how did you meet?

If they’re open to it, this text conversation starter could spark a conversation about their childhood, including their family life, hometown, and how they ended up where they are now.

#6. What was the name of your first concert?

They might be embarrassed to reveal their previous musical interests, but that’s all part of the fun.

If you share a meme or video that made you laugh and they don’t, it could be a sign that you don’t share the same sense of humor.

#8. When you were younger, what did you want to be?

Inquire further about who or what contributed to their success if they were able to realize their dream.

#9. Who is your inspiration?

What qualities or accomplishments do they admire most in their role model? Check to see if they believe they have any of the same characteristics.

#10. What has been the highlight of your day so far?

If they’re having a bad day in general, respond with some amusing gifs or a link to a silly YouTube video.

#11. Are you working on anything exciting right now?

This question is not limited to professional initiatives. Outside of work, they could be working on a creative project, such as redecorating their bedroom or training their new dog.

#12. What do you bring with you everywhere you go?

Are they the sentimental type who keeps a childhood memento in their pocket at all times? Or are they more pragmatic, preferring to keep only the necessities in their phone and wallet? This start conversation texting might give you an idea of what they value most.

#13. What is the most intriguing thing you’ve recently read?

If they haven’t read any good books recently, recommend some of your favorites.

#14. What causes you to be nervous?

Spiders, public speaking, Zoom calls, and so on… Whatever their response, ask them to discuss their anxiety coping mechanisms (or lack thereof).

How to start a conversation with a girl on text

What should you text a girl in order to start up a conversation while texting? Texting can be an excellent way to break the ice and pique your crush’s interest. The trick is to go beyond a simple “hey” and ask interesting questions that will elicit a response from her. Fortunately, flirting and communicating with a girl via text does not have to be difficult. We’ll walk you through the entire process to start texting the girl you like with a list of easy conversation and pro-tips from one of our expert dating coaches.

#1. Pose a free-form question.

A simple “hi” is difficult to respond to, but questions allow for a more natural flow of conversation. Choose open-ended questions over simple “yes-or-no” questions because there is more you can both say. You can start with a general “How’s your day?” or a more specific question. Try to include some context around your question so that it feels natural.

#2. Inform her that you are looking for a recommendation.

Requesting a recommendation will make her feel valued. At the same time, you get to know what she likes. Remember what she says so you can surprise her later or start another conversation about her favorite topics. As an added bonus, you might get a great first-date idea from the restaurant she recommends or the vintage arcade she mentions.

#3. Discuss her interests.

If you bring up topics about which she is passionate, she will be more likely to respond. If you know she enjoys a certain band, TV show, or movie, inquires about it! Inquire about her thoughts on the most recent episode of her favorite show, or whether she has any song recommendations from her favorite album.

#4. Say something current and pertinent.

Bring up an upcoming event to keep your text from feeling completely random. If you’re concerned about your text sounding random or overeager, this is a great approach to take. Mention a popular band’s latest EP, a looming math test, or ask her if she’s heard anything about her favorite football player.

#5. Start a texting game.

“Would You Rather” games can help you get to know her better. Plus, if you and your partner disagree on an answer, it can be a great way to start a lively debate. You can use this approach as a conversation starter or if she doesn’t seem interested in the first topic of conversation.

How to Start a Texting Conversation with a Guy

It can be difficult to figure out how to start a conversation with a guy via text. You want to appear cool and confident without sounding cheesy. But what should I say to him? It is critical to make a good first impression by sending him that first text. That’s where this handy list of how to start a texting conversation with a guy comes in. You can use these to help your conversation get off to a good start.

#1. Be self-assured in your leadership

Yes, sending the first text message is audacious. However, it also demonstrates that you have a lot of confidence and aren’t afraid to go after what you want. You might be nervous about it or wonder, “Is it even okay to text him first?” And, yes, sending that first text can be nerve-racking. However, it is perfectly acceptable to message him first. Even if you’ve only recently met.

#2. Be unique and engaging

To stand out in today’s world, you must be a skilled texter. That means texts like “Hey”, “Hi!!” and “How are you?” are no longer an option. Aside from being completely boring, these types of messages can be completely off-putting. In fact, according to one OkCupid survey, sending someone a “Hey” message is completely ignored by users 84 percent of the time.

#3. Pose open-ended questions to him

Isn’t the goal to get him to text you back and keep the conversation going? The best way to accomplish this is to ask him a question that will spark a conversation. One method is to ask him an open-ended question.

#4. Find a point of commonality with a shared interest.

Bringing up shared interests or experiences is one of the best ways to start a conversation with a guy you like. Do you share a taste for the same music, books, or tacos? Whatever it is, there is a cute opener in there somewhere.

#5. Request a recommendation from him

People enjoy passing on their recommendations. If you know he enjoys music, ask him what album he should listen to next. If he’s a foodie, you can ask him where the best Sushi in town is. Or where he likes to eat in the neighborhood. In reality, the sky is the limit.

#6. Make use of emoji power

Using emojis to help break the ice with that guy you’ve been crushing on is a fun way to help break the ice. Aside from being entertaining and unexpected. You also have a good chance of receiving a response from him.

#7. Pose him a provocative question

If you know something about the guy you’re texting, you can ask him a leading question. Then it’s because you’re confident he already knows the answer. It will be simple to elicit a prompt response from him. Your text exchange can continue from there if you receive a response.

How to start a texting conversation with a friend

Here are ways to start a text conversation with a friend.

#1. “Greetings, [Mutual Friend], “What are your thoughts?”

Going one on one can be stressful. If you have a mutual friend — perhaps someone who introduced you — ask them to start the conversation so you can both riff on it.

#2. “I’m Always Awkward When It Comes to Text”

Hoffman says, “Bring up the elephant in the room.” “Expressing your nervousness or discomfort in a social situation can be a great icebreaker.” Being self-effacing may also make them feel more at ease.

#3. “So You’re Into XYZ — How Does That Feel?”

“If you have any social anxiety, it’s very helpful to get the person you’re engaging with talking,” Hoffman says. In addition to making the other person feel more at ease, asking questions has the added benefit of making them feel more at ease. Show genuine interest in their life and interests.

#4. “I’m Really Looking Forward to Doing XYZ This Weekend — How About You?”

“Try to bring up topics that you’re excited to discuss,” Hoffman advises. Your enthusiasm can be contagious, and you can open the door for them to ask questions or share their own stories about how they spend their time. Allowing them to know about your plans also creates a sense of intimacy.

#5. “Can You Tell Me How You Met XYZ?” “Are There Any Good Stories?”

If you have someone in common, that could be a potential bonding point. If your mutual friend isn’t in the group chat, you can tell them about that embarrassing time in middle school when they smeared apple sauce in your hair.

#6. “Would You Like to Play/Watch/do XYZ?”

If you’re not feeling the straightforward conversation angle, consider sending them something fun to do instead. “Select an activity that requires you to be fully engaged or that relieves the pressure of having to engage in sustained dialogue,” Jackman advises.

Best Conversation starters on text in 2023

Some of our favorite conversation starters are listed below. If you’re looking for a real banger to get things started, this is the place to be. The following are some of the best ways to start a conversation while texting:

Sometimes those outlandish, fleeting fads aren’t for everyone.

#2. When was the last time you put in a lot of effort?

If you want to always have an answer for this, you must push yourself on a daily basis.

#3. What were your true interests as a child?

I was interested in gems and minerals. For some reason, I also collected keychains… Children are peculiar.

#4. Do you have a controversial opinion?

As long as you keep an open mind, this can lead to a very interesting conversation.

#5. What is the most vexing habit a person can have?

Bonding over dislikes is an incredibly effective way to get to know someone. But if she never mentions anything positive… That raises a red flag.

#6. What do you take with you wherever you go?

Girls get purses, so I’ve started carrying my new backpack everywhere with me. It’s incredibly convenient, and I wholeheartedly recommend it.

#7. Where is the worst place you’ve ever been stuck for an extended period of time?

Airports, the side of the road, and an elevator full of wet dogs are all excellent examples.

#8. What is something that irritates you but doesn’t bother the majority of people?

We’ve all got our pet peeves.

#9. What is your shameful pleasure?

What do you enjoy that most people despise?

In middle school, we were all a little perplexed.

#11. What is your stupidest fear?

Perhaps you can assist her in overcoming it!

#12. What smell reminds you of childhood memories?

Smell and memory are two extremely potent combinations. It’s been ten years, and Victoria’s Secret’s Love Spell still transports me back to my first love in high school.

#13. What do you do best?

Everyone has one skill that they excel at.

#14. What is the best show on television right now?

Impractical pranksters? What about Game of Thrones? What are Pawn Stars? Everyone has a personal favorite.

#15. What were your favorite cartoons as a kid?

Childhood memories are enjoyable to discuss because they transport you back to a simpler time in your life.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you start a message?

What is the best way to start a conversation?

  • Inquire about information.
  • Give a compliment.
  • Make a pleasant observation.
  • Please introduce yourself.
  • Offer assistance.
  • Solicit assistance.
  • Mention a common experience.
  • Inquire about others’ thoughts.

What should I text my crush to start a conversation?

Send your first text message.

A simple “How are you (name)?” or “What are you up to?” is a good way to start a conversation. If your crush says they’re watching TV, listening to music, or playing a game, ask them what they’re watching, listening to, or playing.

How can I be a good talker?

Here are six habits that the best conversationalists have mastered that you should put into practice whenever you enter a new situation.

  • Listen more than they speak.
  • Don’t always share their personal experiences.
  • Acknowledge what they don’t know.
  • Read a lot…
  • Look for cues.
  • Let Go Of details.

How do you send a cute flirty text?

  • Hello, stranger…
  • Good morning, you! …
  • What would you say if I invited you over right now?
  • When it comes to texting, I’m making the first move, so I’m expecting you to make the first move when it comes to kissing.
  • This is my invitation to you…
  • Nobody understands me like you.
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