I WANT MY EX BACK: Why & How to Get them back


I understand you want your ex back. But you’re also considering moving on. You know they have flaws, but your heart still encourages you to return, thinking about how good they are at times. For better or worse, you just want to be with that person again. What’s more, guess what? When we break up, more than 80% of us think of that.

Then you cry, maybe look up at the sky, maybe pray, and think, ‘Please… allow me to reconnect with my ex.” I’m hoping my ex was just making a mistake and wasn’t thinking things through. I know we’re made for each other. I just want to call my ex and say, “I love you.” Then you check your phone every half hour, checking your messenger, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and, hell, even your email inbox, to see if your ex wants to chat with you, all ready to get back together.

Stop. Everything is in your head. What do you think? Your ex wanted to end things with you because he or she believes something is wrong with your relationship. That’s why it’s not going to work. At the very least, your ex believes you’re not worth the effort.

Sorry to break it to you, but that’s the harsh reality. Everyone has flaws and issues. If your partner wants to end the relationship, it suggests they don’t love you enough and are unwilling to work things out with you.

Why Do I Want My Ex Back So Bad

No, your ex has not cursed you if you still think about them months or even years after the breakup! I’ll give you several theories for this occurrence that will almost certainly apply to your current situation.

In your opinion, wanting your ex back is a positive thing since you are still in love with him or her or because you regret a hasty decision. If you find yourself in the second category, check sure you’re not suffering from emotional reliance or idealizing your ex.

#1. I love my ex and cannot fathom my life without them.

I’ve briefly touched on the major reason why you’d want your ex back since the beginning of this essay, but I haven’t gone into great detail on the issue. It is all about love! It is frequently the most reasonable explanation, but it is also the most delicate because it can be tough when you believe it is the only thing directing you! In reality, there are other little explanations, but you’ve been blinded by your emotions and are unable to perceive them.

#2. I regret the breakup!

We’re not talking about the men and women who were broken up with here; we’re talking about the folks who chose to depart. But, as time passed, they realized that their ex was The One. Don’t worry if you’re in this scenario, because even if you decide to end the relationship, it’s possible to entice the person you love to return to you!

That being said, never allow remorse to run your life since it can wreck it. A person may believe that they will be happier, that they will be able to have an even better connection with someone else, but if you are regretting the absence of the person with whom you shared your life previously, you will not be able to go on to something else.

#3. You miss your ex and want to reclaim them.

Even a few intense weeks or even days can be enough for someone to occupy a significant place in your heart, and you need their presence to feel good. Even if you idealized your spouse, which is not good for getting back together, and I’ll get to that in a minute, you’re having trouble forgetting about your couple’s habits, reflexes, and all the little gestures that made you so happy.

#4. I’m addicted to my ex, and my emotional need drives my desire for them to return.

This isn’t the nicest thing to hear, but it’s fairly frequent after a breakup and should not be overlooked because it affects many of my readers. This is a problem that many people face, and it does not always occur after a divorce. Emotional reliance can arise at any point in a relationship, including during the seduction phase, after you’ve already been together, and after you’ve broken up.

I Want My Ex Back But He Moved On

Once you believe you have (at least somewhat) recovered from the breakup, that you have matured as a person, and that you are convinced that a new relationship with him can work, it is time to get him back from the other woman. Take the following actions.

Step 1 – Reestablish contact with him through texts or phone calls.

If your ex is with someone else, re-establishing communication with him is best done by SMS. On this page, I’ve talked about re-establishing touch numerous times. Here are a handful of resources that will provide you with detailed instructions on how to do so.

Step 2 – Determine how serious he is about the new relationship.

Remember how you tried to grasp his new relationship in Part 1 of this article? In that section, we attempted to determine whether his current relationship is a rebound or if he has moved on based on the signals he may be giving or the length of your prior relationship. But now that you’re talking to him, you can find out how serious he is about this new relationship and whether he truly loves her.

Step 3: Meet, rebuild attraction and make him feel connected to you.

The final step is determined by how serious he is about this new relationship.

#1. If he is interested in the new relationship

If he is serious about this new connection, it is generally best not to be overly aggressive in trying to win him back. You must proceed cautiously and avoid making it clear that you want him back.  Furthermore, if he has moved on and swears he loves his new partner, you must be realistic about your chances. And you must continue to grow as a person and heal from the split. You should keep looking at your possibilities and dating different guys.

#2. If he is not committed to the new relationship

If you believe your ex is not committed to the new relationship, you can be far more aggressive in your efforts to get him back. You can flirt with him, phone him more frequently, and try to meet up with him as much as possible. You’re safe as long as your ex responds warmly and flirts back. If you make the appropriate moves, he will gradually lose interest in his new partner and become increasingly interested in you.

I Want My Ex Back What Should I Do

So you’re wondering how to get your ex back. You’ve been in relationships when you knew the other person wasn’t suitable for you, yet you’d leave them and realize you’d made a terrible mistake.

Alternatively, your ex may have left you, but you are convinced that you can still have a good life together. While there are no guarantees that your ex would agree with you, there are some things you can try to bring your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend back.

You may have done everything possible to win back your ex, but chances are you went about it incorrectly, as most people do when they are desperate and emotional. So, here’s how to get your ex back for good!

#1. Give them space

Yes, you want to bring your ex back rather than push them away. However, if you want to win them back, you must give them space and time to reflect. Calling them often, pleading for their return, crying on the phone, and doing everything else we do when we’re hurting them is a tremendous turnoff. It’s considerably more of a turnoff if your ex dumped you. They are seeking a break from your relationship. To keep your self-respect, it’s not a good idea to text and phone all the time.

#2. Use the no-contact rule (Yes, even on social media)

This one might be challenging, especially if you and your ex were together for a long time before your breakup. It’s difficult to say goodbye to someone who has supported you for months, if not years. You may have relied on them for emotional support for a long time, and quitting can be challenging. In terms of giving people space to reflect, this rule goes a step further than the preceding one.


#3. Become a person you can be proud of

This is where the bulk of people make mistakes. No contact will help you nothing if you don’t try to change your life for the better during this time. If you choose to sit at home and be miserable for the next month, even after a no-contact period, nothing will change. Yes, you should grieve after a breakup, and yes, spending time alone, grieving, and analyzing your relationship may be good.

However, you must create a balance with things that bring you delight. You must go out and live your life. You must first figure out what makes you happy and then go after it. You must also learn to be content in the absence of your ex.

#4. Change your appearance for the better

Changing your physical appearance for the better will provide you with a new appearance. You’ll feel fresh new and much better. And when your ex meets you after the no-contact time is up, he or she will see a completely new person!

#5. Make some positive mental adjustments

Being happy and confident is possibly the most important component in getting your ex back. You must understand that you can achieve contentment and self-confidence by working on yourself.

Here are some additional ideas to help you get more self-assurance and become a happy person.

#6. Give yourself some time to grieve.

We realize how tough it is to be happy after a divorce. This period is necessary for you in certain ways. You set aside time every day to grieve. Feel free to pity yourself if that’s what you want to do. Take actions, however, to assist yourself feel good about yourself.

#7. Write a journal

Make a list of your emotions and thoughts. Writing is therapeutic, and it will almost certainly help you release all of the emotions that have been building up inside of you. Studies have shown that expressive writing might help you restore your composure in stressful situations.

#8. Spend quality time with family and friends

Spend time with the individuals that matter to you. Your friends and family are always willing to aid you and enjoy spending time with you. Enjoy yourself by going out with them.

#9. Make effort to meditate

Be aware of your surroundings and try to identify your weaknesses and strengths. You should be proud of yourself and take care of your health. Accept yourself as you are and do not try to change yourself. That is the core of confidence.

#10. Make arrangements for a date

Before you cut all touch with your ex, go on a couple of dates. You must obtain some perspective right now, and meeting new individuals is the greatest way to do so while simultaneously gaining additional insight into your previous relationship.

#11. Asking the right questions

It’s vital to keep your cool during the process of reconciling with an ex. You’ll need to go into your ex’s head to figure out what they’re thinking at any given time, as well as find out what went wrong and prepare correctly every step of the way.

This applies to your past relationship amid any disagreements or troubles, as well as moving forward while striving to reclaim their affection.


The mere fact that you and your ex once together suggested that you both found each other attractive as a mate and that it could happen again. It’s also worth remembering that, even if you think your ex has moved on and is ready to start a long-term relationship with someone else, it’s not only possible but also likely that they have strong sentiments about reconnecting with you.

Many people conceal their genuine feelings to fear of being revealed. You may put yourself in a great position to get back with your ex if you can be patient and cunning enough to use the right approaches and push the right buttons.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you make your ex want you back?

5 ways to make your ex want you again – how I got him back

  • Heal your ego so you can feel attractive again.
  • Take control of your desperation.
  • Recognize that he still desires you.
  • Re-hook him with self-respect and boundaries.
  • Remove the impediments to getting him to chase you again.

Is it possible to get my ex back?

While the reason for the breakup plays a significant role in your chances of success, practically anyone can permanently get their former back. It’s simply a matter of pressing the proper buttons in the right order while remaining persistent but not needy or obsessive.

How long should I wait for my ex to come back?

How Long Does It Take to Get Back Together With Your Ex After a Breakup? In most situations, couples reconcile after 1-6 months following their split. This statistic only includes couples that remained in a long-term relationship after reuniting.

Should I try to get my ex back?

If you still believe that your connection with your ex was special, and you are certain that you are not thinking this because you are terrified of losing your ex, it is generally a smart idea to try to reconcile with your former. Again, in most circumstances, I urge that you avoid contact and allow yourself to heal from the split.

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