Marriage Counseling

Marriage counseling is a type of psychotherapy for a married couple or established partners that try to resolve problems in the relationship. Typically, two people attend counseling sessions together to discuss specific issues. However, some couples still opt for group counseling. Although the major issue most couples have is communication issues, there are others you’d discover in therapy.


Do you need therapy to clear your head? Although therapy doesn’t always do it for everyone as it probably might for others but let’s give it a try shall we;


Marriage Counseling

Although, different couples have a lot of questions to ask when they go for therapy and most times always different but frequently asked questions are;

#1. Can we revive our marriage?

The counselor/therapist should be able to denote that this particular couple does not have any intention of a divorce but simply looking to save it. So how best to save it? Restoring those old sparks usually works.

#2. Will we ever feel desire again?

Desire is a very strong word. Sometimes when couples go for therapy they don’t know what they want or how or restore that missing “thing”. As a counselor, it’s your job to be able to know what they want, what they lost. Many couples get a little distinct from each other because of kids or work or even responsibilities.

#3. Can we get over the affair that they had?

Oh, he had an affair or you probably caught her cheating, now what do you do? How do you feel about that? The counselor tries at best to get the wronged partner to speak up about all his feelings so he can probably loosen up a bit. Communication is the first step to healing right? But some couples conclude to go on a trial separation.

#4. Will an open relationship improve our marriage?

A minimum amount of couples usually consider an open marriage but if that’s what would help them, then why not?


Counseling sections are always quite strenuous especially when it involves married couples or a relationship between two persons because there’s always the thought who’s right? Who’s wrong? Who’d submit? When it comes to dealing with an alpha male, it’s always hard because he’d never want to admit his fault. As a counselor, what do you do?
Your job here is to plainly weigh the situation and instead of getting in the middle, maintaining a neutral sense of view with questions like;

#5. What are the biggest problems in your marriage?

Is it cheating? Although some people deal with cheating differently, the cheating could be a result of low intimacy levels while some people can even go for therapy and talk about some petty things like he snores too much, yeah petty, but before resolving anything with your partner you should be about to identify the problem.

#6. Are you living together?

Is it so serious that they waited to be separated before coming for therapy? Marriages can never be easy but let’s try to resolve it.

#7. When did these problems start?

As a counselor, this question is very important if you intend to solve any arguments. As a couple, you should bespeak your mind so your partner can know how he/she hurt you.

#8. Are you satisfied with your degree of intimacy?

This is always the major problem for most young couples. Are you getting the level of intimacy or passion you need? Well, talk about it.

#9. Where do you see your marriage in one/five/ten years?

For the young couples, how do you see your marriage in a few years’ time? In most cases, group counseling usually helps here because you get to see older couples fighting for their love and it can just be what you need to get back to it don’t you think?

#10. Are you both willing to make the changes needed?

This is actually the most important question. Do you want to make changes? Are you ready to apologize? Although, it’s not easy to try and make up before considering a divorce or even a trial separation for couples that still have a love for each other.


When it comes to Christian marriage counseling, it’s usually a bit different than normal and it’s probably wiser to get a Christian therapist than an atheist because you definitely don’t share the same beliefs. It is usually bolstered by obedience to the Word of God and spirituality so a divorce is rarely an option.

#11. Do you both have the same beliefs?

It’s a bit dangerous to marry someone if you don’t share the same beliefs because well what would happen to the kids? Some people do this out of love bit plainly said, love alone at times isn’t so there’s always going to be common issues.

#12. What are your differences?

Obviously, you have differences? What are your problems? Although Christians have a way of overlooking and forgiving it might be very intense at home so it’s OK to get help.

#13. Are these minor or major?

Are these problems something really bad or still very little? Let’s try to resolve it, which is what usually happens when this is asked.


In 2 Corinthians 6:14, it says, “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” Many churches always advise on this.

  • Who exactly is He or She?
  • What is Marriage to You?
  • Where Will We Be 20 Years Down the Road?
  • Why are You Marrying?
  • When Will You Marry?

These are questions you’d mostly encounter in Christian premarital therapy. However, in some cases, the questions might be slightly different.


Black Marriage Counseling

Blacks are mostly into culture and heritage when it comes to matters of counseling. They are more traditional, and all about family norms, and values. Although, some blacks still go for normal therapy sessions.

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