WHY AM I SO SENSITIVE Emotionally? Simple Detailed Guide

Why am i so sensitive

Have you ever wondered why you are so sensitive? If so, know that you’re not alone and that it’s not a failure; it’s a scientific phenomenon that people all over the world experience on a regular basis. People that are emotionally sensitive typically have more rigid thought processes.

Come along as we unfold some wisdom as to why lots of people ask this question because in this article are a whole lot of things you’re unaware of.

It’s common to frame sensitivity as a bad personality attribute. You may have heard that you need to “toughen up” because you are overly emotional or sensitive. You could be wondering why I’m so sensitive.

It’s critical to realize that sensitivity is a personality characteristic. There is no such thing as being “too” sensitive. It’s not inherently a bad trait, just like being quiet or being, even if each can have its drawbacks.

There are numerous possible sensitivity causes. For instance, you might be more sensitive to particular stimuli if you have a neurological problem like autism or ADHD.

Why Am I so Sensitive and Cry Easily

A normal reaction to sadness, joy, or overload is to cry. Undoubtedly, some of us cry more frequently than others around us. That describes me; as a child, I can recall repressing tears in school, camp, sleepovers, and other situations where there was a lot going on. Even though other kids might occasionally cry too, I couldn’t help but notice that it wasn’t quite as often as I did.

I still am as an adult. When I’m physically ill, when I’m anxious or overwhelmed, when I hear lovely music, or when one of my friends is depressed, I cry a lot. Or, as I did just yesterday, I can find myself sobbing uncontrollably while viewing a video of a poor little girl who was missing, and who was later found abandoned and saved.

Reasons Why People Cry Easily

#1. Our Brains are Built to Have Stronger Emotional Reactions

Compared to non-HSP brains, HSP brains have more vivid emotional experiences.

Having a gene that “turns up” how strongly we feel emotions is associated with being highly sensitive. The ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), a region in the front of the brain that influences emotional regulation, is likewise impacted by this gene.

This translates to a stronger ability to feel our own emotions. Crying is a normal method to process and let go of the feelings that HSPs experience frequently, including happiness, sadness, frustration, and others. (Most importantly, these intense feelings are still regarded as natural. Being an HSP doesn’t necessarily indicate that you have a problem of any type; in fact, your sensitivity can sometimes work to your favor.)

#2. We tend to be More Empathic, and the Emotions we Detect can be Strong

Highly sensitive individuals not only experience their own emotions profoundly, but they also “absorb” the emotions of those around them. This enhances our capacity for empathy, or the capacity to comprehend and share the sentiments of others.

They discovered that HSPs had greater activation of brain regions related to empathy and awareness when viewing images of their partners and complete strangers expressing happiness or sadness. Additionally, their brain activity in regions related to focus and decision-making was higher.

This explains why we could cry more readily after hearing a sad story or experiencing someone else’s suffering. This aspect of being an HSP, in my opinion, is a real superpower. It makes us more likely to cry when someone is in pain, but it also makes us tremendously loving partners, parents, and friends.

#3. In a setting that is highly stimulating, we are more susceptible to becoming overwhelmed, which can result in tears.

HSPs are more receptive to small changes in their surroundings and more sensitive to external stimuli. It can be incredibly draining to feel everything so much more intensely on top of ordinary worries. Others may think we’re being overly dramatic or outraged without cause. In actuality, it’s a normal reaction to thoroughly absorbing information.

#4. HSPs Might be More Prone to Stress, Anxiety, or Depression

Frequent crying fits are a sign of melancholy, anxiety or a lot of stress in your life. HSPs are more prone to experiencing intense depressive or anxious feelings since we feel things so intensely and can get sensory overload.

We could feel alone because of our sensitivity or turn inside to avoid too much stimulation. Additionally, because HSPs are more susceptible to being startled and struggle with change, even modest changes in life can be challenging.

As an HSP, even minor incidents that accumulate over the course of the week can make me feel depressed, agitated, or anxious.

  • I was supporting a friend during a difficult time and feeling their sorrow
  • Receiving feedback at work about which my mind keeps thinking.
  • Needing alone and being too surrounded by people
  • Feeling overly alone and yearning for more meaningful connections
  • Excessive caffeine consumption can make some HSPs anxious
  • Thinking excessively about the past or the future

I questioned why it took so little for me to feel overwhelmed by work, relationships, or just… life before discovering that I was a highly sensitive person. Midway through the week, I’ve been known to start crying for no apparent reason and wonder what’s wrong with me.

#5. Crying can be an Indication that we Need more Self-Care than other People do

Our society as a whole is not designed for persons with high levels of sensitivity. For many of us, the quick, high-stimuli pace of life can be challenging. We can feel like we need to “toughen up” or avoid our desires until we comprehend them.

decreased sensitivity to emotions. Ironically, trying to fit into a shape that is not natural to us just increases our sense of overwhelming. When my daily life doesn’t fit my HSP thinking, I weep more frequently.

This is why it’s so important for HSPs to take care of themselves and ask for assistance when they do. If we find ourselves sobbing frequently, we may need to address specific issues in our lives or adjust our routines to better suit our requirements. (Here are some suggestions for HSP self-care.)

Why Am I so Sensitive Emotionally

Do you have any symptoms of cold before they become obvious? Do you ever notice a lamplight starting to decrease a day or two before it actually goes out? Or are you able to tell when someone is upset or happy merely by observing their minor facial expressions?

Why am I Feeling This Way?

There may be a wide range of causes. Sometimes when we are going through a difficult or stressful moment, we get more emotional. Stress, trauma, and recent bereavement can make us feel more emotional.

Some people have a tendency to be emotionally sensitive because it’s a trait of their nature. Whether something is nice or negative, someone who is highly sensitive will feel it deeply. This can include their own emotions, other people’s emotions, and sensory input from their environment.

How do I Stop Being so Sensitive

So what kind of emotional control strategies can you acquire in therapy? So you can be less sensitive now?

#1. Mindfulness as Always

One of the most effective methods for bringing you into the present moment and away from your reactionary thoughts is practicing daily mindfulness. It improves self-esteem, makes your mind calmer and clearer, and is now a cornerstone of many therapies. By reading our free “Guide to Mindfulness,” you may start learning mindfulness right away. Keep in mind that it often takes several months or longer to truly “understand” mindfulness, so be patient. If you are having trouble, think about downloading a mindfulness app.

#2. Training Your Mind

We can compare our brains to a computer. Unless otherwise instructed, it prefers to repeat the same program. The tendency of a sensitive person is to “feel threatened, overreact, or withdraw.” Your brain has to be taught new ways to react. Through the use of “thought charts,” cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) accomplishes this. Your brain eventually learns where you are mistaking assumptions for realities by documenting stressful thoughts for several weeks and pushing them through a particular process. Being able to recognize assumptions is quite effective on its own. We become less sensitive when we give up the idea that we are infallible and start to suspect that we may not be seeing things correctly. Our page on balanced thinking contains information on using thought charts. Even better, schedule a CBT therapy session.

#3. Demodulation Techniques

The goal is to become aware of when you are experiencing emotional triggers and utilize a planned instrument of diversion to break your concentration. The best strategies are those that take you out of your head and into your body. The suggestions made by dialectical behavior therapy include holding ice, belly breathing, and taking a few steps backward. Learn more in our post “Techniques to Stop Distress” about this.

#4. Jumping into Prospective

When we have a limited perspective of “me against the world,” we are more likely to be on guard and sensitive all the time. Learning how to change perspectives is an effective life coaching strategy. Consider a recent instance where you were really sensitive. What might an alien observer in the sky think? Your future self at the age of 80? What advice does the Dalai Lama have for you in this circumstance?

#5. Approval

Our tendency to overreact seems to increase as we criticize ourselves for being oversensitive and struggle to control the circumstances we find ourselves in. However, a curious thing happens when we begin to accept ourselves and our circumstances: we begin to relax a little. We suddenly feel a little less delicate. The “worst case scenario” tactic might work. Whenever you feel overwhelmed, ask yourself, “What is the worst thing that could possibly happen here? Can I deal with that and accept it?” If so, you’ll let up a bit. If not, you can select a potential helper. Self-compassion is a useful strategy for promoting self-acceptance. Imagine you were speaking to a close friend instead of yourself whenever you catch yourself criticizing or belittling yourself. How would you address and interact with them? Self-promise to do the same.

What are the Signs of a Sensitive Person?

You may be pondering whether you or a loved one exhibits extreme sensitivity. The characteristics that extremely sensitive persons most frequently have are listed below.

#1. You Have Deep Thoughts

When life throws you a curveball, you withdraw inside yourself and consider every detail of what happened before acting. Small things can have a great impact on you, both in your own life and other people’s lives.

#2. You Pay Attention to Details

You have a similar sensitivity to details and emotions. Always notice things that others overlook, and you won’t be satisfied until you’ve done everything exactly right. This is a skill that can be very useful in the correct line of work.

#3. It Takes You Longer to Make Choices

You tend to take your time making judgments because you like to delve far beyond the surface. You can’t help but attempt to consider every scenario, frequently at the expense of the passing of time.

#4. Bad Choices Have Devastated You

You take it much harder than most people do when you do finally make a decision and it turns out to be a bad one. The dread of making a poor choice is one of the factors that slow you down in the first place, so this can start a vicious loop that slows down your decision-making process even more.

#5. You Have a Sensitive Heart

You respond to your sensations in an automatic manner when left to your own devices. And you also react strongly to what

There are other people going through it. It’s simple to let your emotions control your behavior while they’re running high. The challenging aspect is controlling your emotions to produce the desired behavior.

#6. You React Negatively to Criticism

Criticism can be difficult to accept due to your strong emotions and powerful emotional responses. Despite the fact that you may at first overreact to criticism, you also have a propensity for thoughtful consideration and in-depth investigation. This investigation of criticism may benefit you in the long run since your inability to “shrug it off” encourages you to make the necessary adjustments.

Is Being Over Sensitive a Disorder

No, having a high level of sensitivity (HSP) does not indicate a condition. Being an HSP is completely normal and healthy, and between 15 and 20 percent of people identify as HSPs. Particularly in the creative and helping fields, this quality offers many benefits and can be a strength.

Why is HSP not Considered a Disorder?

You were born an HSP if you are one. You will always be extremely sensitive, but there are ways to use your sensitivity to your advantage. In fact, many of your greatest talents and gifts may have their roots in the fact that you are an HSP.

There are often four key indications that someone is an HSP:

#1. Depth of Processing

This means you take notice of even minute inputs and deeply process information.

#2. Overstimulation

which develops as a result of HSPs’ constant information processing. HSPs are prone to feeling overstimulated or “wiped out,” and they typically need some alone time in a low-stimulus setting to recover.

#3. Strong Emotional Emotions or Empathy

An HSP is more sensitive to social and emotional cues in addition to physical stimuli. They also have more active mirror neurons, which enhances their capacity for empathy and understanding others.

#4. Perceiving the Subtle

In other words, noticing even minute details that others overlook and drawing connections that others would not.

Being an HSP is similar to other natural human traits in that it may be both a strength and a weakness depending on the situation.

Want to determine your HSP status to learn more, you might want to read about these HSP warning symptoms.

Is it Advantageous to Be Sensitive?


Of course, speaking with sensitive directly is the best way to learn more. We have discussed sensitivity with hundreds of extremely sensitive people. Here are some quotes they have made regarding being sensitive.

Being sensitive, makes you pay attention to details that others might not, which helps me accomplish my job well and be a wonderful wife to my husband. I’m able to accomplish things that others cannot.

It Entails Being Forgiving, Sympathetic, Courageous, and Strong

Being able to perceive both the large picture and the intricacies in all facets of my existence. I am a quiet but certain leader… I did not understand how special my abilities were until I observed others laboring to perform the same tasks [that I accomplished effortlessly].

There is little doubt that some sensitive people experience difficulties, particularly when their needs aren’t well understood or when their work environment doesn’t accommodate them. Others simply find it difficult to block out the feelings they can sense coming from everyone else in the room. It can be challenging to only be as relaxed as the one who is the least relaxed in the group.

Due to this, being sensitive requires knowing and appreciating this attribute as well as trying to establish boundaries and carve out the time and space necessary to prevent overwhelm.

Why are Sensitive People Frequently Classified as Being Disordered?

People frequently confuse Sensory Processing Disorder with Sensory Processing Sensitivity, two characteristics that define sensitivity. Despite the similarities in nomenclature, the two characteristics are extremely distinct.

A very sensitive person has a trait called sensory processing sensitivity (SPS) (HSP). It’s a positive quality that some people are born with and is caused by a gene. This essentially merely means that the person’s neurological system is extraordinarily sensitive to inputs of any kind, including internal stimuli like emotions and in-depth thought processes, as well as external impulses from the environment and other people.

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Why Am I Sensitive FAQs

What causes a person to be too sensitive?

It is believed that high sensitivity has hereditary roots, and some gene variants have been linked to the feature. However, the settings of early life may also be important; research indicates that early experiences may have an epigenetic impact on the genes linked to sensitivity.

Is being over sensitive a disorder?

Hypersensitivity: What Is It? Being a “highly sensitive person” (HSP) or experiencing hypersensitivity is not an illness. It is a characteristic that many ADHD sufferers share.

Why am I so sensitive and easily hurt?

People who exhibit sensory processing sensitivity as a significant personality feature are considered HSPs. This is a characteristic of your personality rather than a sickness or mental ailment. How you interpret sensory information includes how you take in sounds, feelings, other people’s moods, odours, and other stimuli.

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