The eyes are a distinct part of the body. The function of the eyes covers both vision and aesthetic value. It would interest you to know that eye shapes differ from one individual to another. Hence, eye shapes vary from one person to another, but gender is not a factor that influences eye shape. It is believed that your eye shape says a lot about your personality and can also affect your vision. Would you like to find out your type of eye shape?
Types of Eye Shapes
Generally, there are a lot of eye shapes. Six common ones, amongst others, include:
- Monolids
- Round eyes
- Almond-shaped eyes
- Downturned eyes
- Upturned eyes
- Hooded eyes

Others include:
- Deep-set eyes
- Wide-set eyes
- Protruding eyes
- Close-set eyes
- Asymmetrical eyes
- Big eyes
- Thin and Narrow eyes
- Small Round eyes
- Puffy eyes
- Triangular eyes
- Phoenix eyes
- Slanted eyes
Asian Eye shapes
Unlike the common eye shapes mentioned above, Asians rate the beauty of the eyes not according to the shape per se, but according to the eyelid type. Here are four eyelid types common among Asians:
#1. Monolids:
The monolid, commonly referred to as the ‘single eyelid’, is characterized by the lack of a prominent crease separating the eyelid into two parts. Generally, a lot of Asians tend to have monolids.
#2. Tapered Eyelid:
The tapered eyelid crease runs parallel to your upper lash line and tapers off by merging at the inner corners of your eyes. This gives you an innocent, doe-eyed look.
#3. Parallel Eyelid:
The latest eyelid trend in Korea is the parallel eyelid. This type of eyelid runs parallel above your upper lash line without meeting at the corners of your eyes like a “floating crease.” Most Asians consider this the perfect type of eyelid. This is because it gives the impression that one has bigger and brighter-looking eyes.
#4. Hooded Eyelids:
These eyelids highlight a layer of skin that droops over the crease on the outer corners of the eye. This makes the eye appear smaller and, sometimes, sleepier. It is caused by either aging, which makes the skin sag, or genetics.

What is My Eye Shape: How To Determine It
To determine your eye shape, you have to ask yourself this question: Do you have a visible eyelid crease?
If you can see your crease, you have further determining to do. If the crease is not visible, you have monolid eyes. Likewise, if the crease is not visible because it is covered by a flap of skin that droops down, then you have a hooded eye shape.
If there is a visible crease, then your eye shape might be one of the following;
#1. Round Eyes:
If you have a visible crease in your eyelid and your iris is surrounded by just a touch of white, you have round eyes. The top and bottom of the iris are surrounded by white space.
#2. Almond Eyes:
You have an almond eye shape if you have a visible crease in your eyelid and, unlike those with round eyes; your iris touches both the top and bottom of your eyelid. The white space is not visible at the top and bottom of the iris.
#3. Downturned Eyes:
Your eye shape is downturned if the outer corners of your eyes turn downwards. It may be hard to tell at first, but imagine drawing a straight line across your eye. If your outer corners bend beneath the line, your eyes are downturned.
#4. Upturned Eyes:
If you have upturned eyes, the outer corners of your eyes turn upwards. If you can’t tell, use the same method used to check for downturned eyes. When your outer corners turn upwards above the line, then you have upturned eyes.
Makeup Tips for Different Eye Shapes

Eye shape is also an aesthetic issue. It will also help determine what lashes, eyeliners, or eyeshadows will look best to really accentuate your beauty. While there is a makeup style for everyone, that doesn’t mean that just any style is suitable for every eye shape.
Therefore, your makeup look can dramatically enhance the shape of your eye and can also do the opposite as well. Just like knowing your size when it comes to trying on that new pair of jeans, it’s important to know the proper shape of your eye when dressing them with makeup.
#1. Almond Eyes:
Almond eyes are considered the ideal or perfect shape because you can pretty much pull off any look. In addition to being able to pull off stunning eyeshadow looks, almond eyes look perfect on any lash style. When applying eyeliners, to create the look of bigger, longer, more seductive eyes, keep the line thin along the length and through two-thirds of the eye. Intensify the thickness and finish with a semi-dramatic wing at the end. Draw the liner on the bottom lash line to really drive home the cat-eye makeup shape.
#2. Hooded Eyes:
Persons with hooded eyes have a heavier lid. The heavier lid tends to give the illusion of a smaller crease, leaving less room for makeup and lashes. However, there is a style of lashes and makeup that looks best on each eye shape. For those with hooded eyes, it is best to wear a lash that has a dense base. The dense base doesn’t get covered up like lashes with a lighter base. For eyeliner, if you draw a small line, you will never see it when you open your eyes, so the thicker, the better. Next, get under the top lash line and into its waterline to add some balance. Then smudge the line outward a little for a sexy, smoky cat-eye. You can also draw the eyeliner along the bottom lash line to make the eyes look smaller.
#3. Monolid Eyes:
Monolid eyes tend to have little or no crease. The eye doesn’t sit as far back as other eye shapes, so the brow is less prominent. This creates a smooth surface for makeup and lashes. The popular makeup trend “cut crease” is perfect for this kind of eye shape. Usually, people with monolids enjoy the creativity that the eye space allows them to have with makeup. Because this eye shape doesn’t have a crease, you want to keep the liner as close to the lash line as possible and then go for a thick, elongated wing.
#4. Deep Set Eyes:
Deep-set eyes are larger and deeper set into the eye socket, creating the illusion of a more prominent brow bone. Since the eyes sit further back, you’ll want to make sure the lashes you choose have enough volume to be seen but not so much that they touch your brows. A wispy or medium-density lash will look best on you.
#5. Downturned Eyes:
When applying makeup and lashes, keep the attention on the eyes and face. With the outer corners downturned, make sure the lashes have a round shape to give the illusion of a lift. Otherwise, the eyes can appear tired, especially if the lash extends too much. For eyelining, a wing is ideal for creating a nice, natural lifting effect. This is because downturned eyes droop slightly at the outer corner. Be sure to start the line much higher than usual. Lean your head back and draw a line that points at a 45-degree angle, starting from the middle of the eye and moving outward toward the temple.
#6. Wide-Set Eyes:
The dramatic wing of cat-eye makeup can sometimes widen your already wide-set eyes. Minimize the effect by keeping your wing short and pointed upward. When working with liquid eyeliner, extend the line inward a bit at the inner corners of the eyes to create intrigue and balance the look. To visually bring the space between the eyes closer to one another, bring a darker eyeshadow color from the outer corner of the eye closer to the middle of the eyelid. You may use more intense eye shadow colors near the inner corners of the eyes. You can also draw your eyebrows closer to one another to make wide-set eyes appear closer together. Contouring your nose can also help in reducing the distance between the eyes.
#7. Close-Set Eyes:
Close-set eyes are better extended outward. Make your line sleeker and longer and slightly more horizontal, so it widens the eye shape. Make sure not to bring the liner all the way to the inner corners. Keep the focus outward to open up those eyes. Makeup Tips: To create the illusion of a wider gap between the eyes, keep more intense eyeshadow colors at the far corners of the eyes. Do not place dark eyeshadows more than 1/3 into the lids as that would make the eyes appear even nearer to one another. Apply more mascara on the outer corner of the eye to build volume outwards. You can also draw your eyebrows further apart to make the eye gap look wider.
#8. Small Eyes:
For small eyes, smudge the line a bit because a very precise line can make the eyes appear even smaller. This adds structure without closing down the lid. Add your wing and smudge it out, so it takes on a more smoked-out effect that will enlarge the eye area.
#9. Upturned Eyes:
Upturned eyes take on a similar shape to almond shapes, but they have a natural lift at the outer corners that draw them upward. This makes them ideal for a cat’s eye. Follow the natural uplifted shape and work the liner outward toward the temple.
#10. Big Eyes:
Enhance the shape of big eyes by adding depth with darker colors on the contour area. For big eyes, it is safe to apply darker colors on the lower lash line as it will add color and more dimension to your eyes without closing up your eyes too much. To make your eyes appear smaller, frame them with black eyeliner on the lash line and waterline and dark eyeshadows.
#11. Thin and Narrow Eyes:
For eyes that appear to be smaller than every other feature on the face, make the eyes appear bigger and rounder by applying light shadow on the lids and dark black eyeliner at the base of the eyelashes. Widen the thickness of the eyeliner while you transfer it out toward the outer corners of the eyes. A little upward tick at the outside corner will add lift to the eyes. Apply white eyeliner on the bottom waterline to open the eyes. For small eyes, try to keep using dark eyeshadow colors to a minimum as they will just close up your eyes. Instead, work on creating lush lashes with double coats on both upper and lower eyelashes.
#12. Puffy Eyes:
To reduce the appearance of the bulge, apply a medium shade on the upper lid to immediately tone down the pronounced eyelid. Use dark colors to recede the prominence or puffiness. Then use eyeliner and line the lash bases from corner to corner to remove the spotlight on the pronounced eyelid.
#13. Triangular Eyes:
The makeup goal is to create the illusion of lifted eyes and a higher well-defined contour. Draw the eyeliner thicker as you go toward the outer corner of the eye. Add a wing to lift the eyes.
#14. Phoenix Eyes:
The Phoenix Eye is so named because it resembles the eye of the mythical phoenix bird. It is a rare type of eye. It is often considered exotic and seductive. This eye type can be seen on either monolids or double eyelids. For makeup, use a darker color eyeshadow color, like brown, to contour the eyes. Next, bolden the eyes with eyeliner and mascara. If you want to downplay the little upward curve at the outer corner of the eye, draw a thicker line at the outer corner without extending beyond the eye. Do not wing it out. Lastly, draw on the lower lash line to balance the look.
#15. Slanted Eyes:
Slanted eyes look similar to phoenix eyes. However, the difference between Slanted eyes and Phoenix eyes is the degree of slant in the eye. The Slanted Eye has a greater slant but does not possess the little curve at the outer corner of the eye like the phoenix Eye. Likewise, the phoenix Eye does not slant until the corner of the eye. The goal is to take advantage of the natural slant in the eye by winging out your eyeliner. To downplay the slant, follow the tips for phoenix Eyes.
Different Eye Shapes and How They Tell Your Personality

#1. Deep Set Eyes:
You are intense, idealistic, observant, and romantic. When it comes to revealing your inner feelings, you are rather secretive and very private. One of your many passions is to observe people and survey anything around you. This makes you very insightful.
#2. Almond Eyes:
You are compassionate, attentive, balanced, and cautious. And you are loyal by nature and therefore make a great partner or friend. You avoid getting into heated arguments due to your grounded and calm nature. And you are a good listener. You have the ability to keep your composure in the toughest situations and stay calm in stressful moments. Your calm and warm personality attracts those around you. Therefore, you make great friends. You have a very balanced outlook on life and don’t usually show your emotions. However, you tend to inspire others to show theirs.
#3. Round Eyes:
You are a creative individual with a vivid imagination. You tend to wear your heart on your sleeve. And you can sometimes get carried away with your emotions, and find it tough to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself. Strong idealism is also a trademark of these eyes, as are moodiness and impracticality. Fortunately, you also possess a charm that endears people easily, even when your sharp tongue has hurt them over and over again.
#4. Hooded Eyes:
You are open-minded, calm, extremely helpful, and cheerful. But you are reluctant sometimes to ask for help. You also find it difficult to stand up for yourself and end up in a job far below your capabilities. You are very good at keeping a brave face even when your heart is full of turmoils.
#5. Monolid Eyes:
You are optimistic, friendly, and a worrier. You are easy to get on with due to your caring nature. However, you often tend to get involved with someone else’s emotions and end up taking on the baggage.
#6. Down Turned Eyes:
You are dependent, easily dominated, and pessimistic. And you tend to be very dependent on your close ones. You are pessimistic, which sometimes makes it difficult for you to take any decision independently. Basically, you are easily dominated and find it very difficult to say no to anything. However, you are very loyal and usually the best life companion.
#7. Up Turned Eyes:
You are determined, ambitious, witty, and optimistic. Nothing and no one can stand in your way when you have set those beautiful eyes on something. You’re the typical go-getter. Unfortunately, you are sometimes seen as rather opportunistic and selfish. You are also a very fun and interesting person to be with. This is because people often fall in love with your witty remarks and optimism.
#8. Close Set Eyes:
You are focused and traditional. Hence, discipline is a watchword for you. You are detail-oriented and prone to a short temper, but ultimately very successful. You take an interest in family and ancestral history. However, you can be resistant to or become stressed by the smallest of changes in your life.
#9. Wide Set Eyes:
You are impulsive, flexible, and adventurous. You love to explore new things, be it the newest trends in fashion or the latest lifestyle options. You are extremely broad-minded and flexible; you don’t stick to a routine as you are rather spontaneous. You will do well in places that offer lots of freedom and choices.
#10. Small Eyes:
You are focused, farsighted, and intelligent. You are often very precise and specific in reaching your goals. However, you are often wary of strangers, which unfortunately means you come across as stuck-up or unapproachable. You are very thorough and tend to notice the details in things.
How Eye Shapes Affect Vision
Basically, the shape of the eyeball and the weight of the lid droop can affect a person’s vision.
When the lid droops, the upper eyelid border falls lower than normal and can interfere with vision by covering the pupil completely or partially. This can cause someone to raise their eyebrow in order to see regularly, leading to tension headaches. There are surgical options to correct the drooping if it is age-related or a condition from birth.
It is possible for the eyeballs to be either shortened or elongated. An elongated eyeball is also referred to as myopia or shortsightedness. In this case, people have difficulty seeing objects that are far away. Subsequently, this can cause strained headaches due to the inability to see objects far off.
A shortened eyeball is known as hyperopia or long-sightedness. This condition makes it difficult to see objects that are close. For example, it may be difficult to read a book or see a laptop screen.
Which eyes shape are most attractive?
It is generally agreed that people with almond-shaped eyes have the best eye shape because they can successfully pull off virtually any eyeshadow look.
Who has the best eyes in the world?
Eagles have exceptional vision over long distances, which sets them apart from other birds of prey. They have a vision that is approximately eight times as sharp as that of humans, which enables them to locate and zero in on an animal, such as a rabbit or another species, that is approximately two miles away.
In conclusion, the eyes are a delicate and aesthetic part of the body and should be treated as such. Hence, in such cases of eye defects, a visit to an eye doctor will put you at ease.
What eye shape is the most common?
The Almond eye shape is the most common. It is also considered the perfect eye shape.
What is the rarest eye shape?
The Phoenix eye shape is the rarest of all eye shapes. The animated character Mulan is a perfect example of this eye shape.
Which eye shape is most attractive?
Because you can very much pull off any makeup look with almond eyes, they are considered the most desirable eye shape.
How do you know your eye shape?
- Look for a mirror: To get the best perspective, place a mirror at eye level and then take a step back.
- Look for a crease in the fabric: Examine the top of your upper eyelid.
- Draw a straight line across your eye that is invisible: Try this approach if you don’t have hooded or monolid eyes.