Generally, a lot of people don’t know how to express love. It is a very common relationship problem. Trust me, the struggle is real. However, the issue is not that they don’t love but don’t know how to show love. So the bigger question is, what is a love language? How does the love language quality time work? You’ll find a lot of answers in this text.
First of all, love language is plainly the science of showing to someone, expressing, and receiving love from someone. Basically, relationships work on balance. And generally, every couple needs quality time together in order for the relationship to work and develop.
The love language “quality time” and absentmindedness are pure opposites. Basically, quality time, as the name implies, is simply “time spent with your partner.” If your partner loves your time and attention, this is their love language. The quality of time for love language quality is centered on togetherness. Basically, it’s all about expressing your love and affection with your undivided attention. Personally, I love it when my partner spends time with me. It’s the attention and initiative, basically.
When it comes to speaking your partner’s love language, it’s important that you do things that will make your partner feel loved and appreciated.

It is said that the eyes are the key to our souls. When we talk about quality time, eye contact is the first sign of reassurance to your partner. Generally, maintaining eye contact tells your partner that they have your full attention. It just tells them you’re all in. Additionally, it makes them feel loved, important, and eventually understood. But when you are distracted and scrolling through your phone while your partner talks about their day, they will feel like you don’t care about what they say. And eventually, they’d feel stupid.
Active listening is one of the sweetest and most loving things you can do for your partner, with quality time as your love language. But for many people, this does not come naturally. Instead, most people think about their thoughts and opinions more than their partner’s. And that’s a problem.
Generally, active listening skills are quite easy to learn. You just have to;
1. Lean in slightly when they are talking.
2. Focus on all they are saying.
3. Affirm and reassure them when they need it.
4. Avoid cutting them short when they speak.
5. Ask thoughtful questions.
When it comes to quality time, it’s not about the amount of time you spend together. But rather what goes on in the time you spend together. In other words, quality time, not quantity time. And with so much going on in your life, carving out a few minutes for a meaningful and uninterrupted conversation can be a wonderful way to show the person you love that you care. The key here is that you take the time to enjoy one another’s company. Even though you guys just sit on the couch enjoying a cup of coffee before work. Remember, it’s not about the quantity of time you spend together, but instead about the quality of that time.
For someone whose primary love language is quality time, they never lose sight of time being limited. Simply said, they are extremely conscious of time and that tomorrow is not promised. As a result, they view time together as precious and priceless. When you are dating a quality time person, you notice that they love living in moments. Additionally, they prioritize people and things they love over everything else.
A relationship can get quite stale when it’s all the same things. However, a lot of people now set up a to-do list to spice it up. And it works, trust me. For example, rather than running all your errands alone, you could invite your quality time partner to come with you. Even though you are doing something mundane or seemingly boring, you can sneak in some quality time. Trust me, it’s those little things that matter.
However, it can be hard to communicate love to your partner through quality time, especially if this is not your primary love language. However, you will eventually get the hang of it. The key is to avoid a few of these common mistakes like;
a. Complaining about the time you spend together.
b. Doing something else while your partner is talking.
c. Viewing your quality time partner as needy.
d. Texting when you have time planned together.
e. Forgetting to ask what your partner needs so they can feel loved.

The love language quality time is generally one of the simplest. But it is also the easiest to misinterpret. There are some ideas that can help you get a jump on things, though. They are;
#1. Take a walk around the neighborhood:
Generally, this can be a little therapeutic. You can take a walk with your partner and enjoy the simple things of life. Taking a walk and enjoying small talk is a good example of quality time and love language.
#2. Find a new recipe and make it for dinner together:
Cooking together can be quite romantic. Any way you want to go. Is it a traditional dinner like salmon or a Southside Mac N’ Cheese? However way you decide to do it, this is definitely a bomb.
#3. Make homemade pizzas and eat while you watch the sunset:
You can never go wrong with pizza, trust me. Although it might be a big step in new relationships. But a cheesy pizza at sunset is the perfect glue you need.
While “spending time together” may look a bit difficult in a long-distance relationship. But it’s not impossible. If you are partner’s primary love language is quality time, it can be a little tricky. When starting out with your long-distance relationship, you’d realize that most of your minor tiffs are because of the distance. Well, there are some ways you can enjoy your relationship from a distance:
#1. Pick a date on your calendar to spend quality time together:
You can’t be physically present with your partner, and it can feel quite difficult. However, it can still work. Basically, you can agree on a date together, the perfect time, and schedule that on your calendar. Treat it as you would any other meeting, coffee date, or dinner reservation. Don’t reschedule unless absolutely necessary.
#2. Make sure you’re fully present when spending time together:
When you guys agree to spend time like face timing, you have to take it seriously. Not just a short call when you’re stuck in line at a grocery store. Ensure you’re free of distractions and somewhere calm and quiet where you can fully concentrate and connect with your partner.
Being single is not a crime. It’s quite fun because you express a pure form of self-love. The quality time love language for singles is all about “you.” That just goes to say there is no guidebook. It’s all you want. How do you spend time with the people you care about? Basically, it’s anyone you choose. They are focusing their attention on your conversation and want to get to know you. Spending quality time with your friends and family is really important. Because it makes you feel loved and understood. Gary Chapman says when you have these met, it fills up your love tank.
How do I know if my partner’s love language is quality time?
Well, it’s simple: just study their behavior. Does your partner enjoy eye contact? Or often appreciate when you put your devices away just to talk to show you are actively listening to them? That’s a true sign that your partner’s primary love language is quality time.
What is the most common love language?
Generally, according to public research, the most common of the five love languages is the word of affirmation. On a scale we have,
Words of affirmation: 23 percent
Quality time: 20 percent.
Acts of service: 20 percent.
Physical touch: 19 percent.
Receiving gifts: 18 percent.
Regarding quality time as a love language, most people assume it means spending a lot of time together or going out a lot. Trying to show your partner you care through this could get exhausting and expensive if that were the case. But loving such a partner has very little to do with the time you are together. It’s also not only based on the activities.