The fear of sexual intimacy has destroyed a lot of relationships and marriages. When sex is at a very low ratio then your marriage is seemingly on the rocks. So what is genophobia?
Generally, the fear of sex or physical or sexual intimacy also known “genophobia” or “erotophobia.” Basically, this is more than a simple dislike, it is a condition that can cause intense fear or panic when sexual or any other form of physical intimacy is attempted. Additionally, for some people, even the mere thought of it can make them immediately react.

Genophobia and related phobias:
Generally, genophobia is one of many sexual phobias that a lot of people suffer from daily. However, there are some other phobias that are closely related to genophobia or occur when someone is suffering from genophobia. These phobias include;
1. Tocophobia: fear of childbirth or pregnancy:
Basically, some young women are victims of this particular phobia. Because the pain that comes with childbirth is scary basically. As I would often say, “They aren’t sharing candy in there so why bother”. But it was only recently I discovered that this is tocophobia.
2. Haphephobia: fear of physical touch:
This is usually common for victims of rape. They move around with the fear of physical touch because they were forcefully harassed. Because the whole incident seems to replay in their head.
3. Eurotophobia: fear of genitalia:
Generally, I was once guilty of this particular fear. When randos just pee publicity, it appears really irritating and uncalled for. However, I won’t classify mine as a full-blown fear but a lot of people dread seeing genitals.
4. Gymnophobia: Fear of nudity:
When you hate seeing people naked even if it’s they are the same sex as you, then you definitely have trouble with this particular phobia.
5. Nosophobia: fear of disease:
You’re scared you might catch a disease so you stay from sex. This might just be a compulsive thinker acting up but still, you definitely have nosophobia.
6. Philophobia: fear of falling in love:
There are been issues of heartbreak at every chance you give to love, as such, falling in love again is really scary and dreadful to you.
Generally, phobias are usually characterized by an outrageous reaction to someone which is deeper than simply disliking something or being afraid of something. Basically, phobias involve intense fear or anxiety. They cause physical and psychological reactions that typically interfere with normal day-to-day life. This fear reaction is triggered by the event or situation that a person fears. Some signs or reactions to phobia include:

a. An overwhelming feeling of worry, anxiety, and panic when exposed to that particular phobia or even thoughts of the source like sexual attractions.
b. The understanding of the intensity and extremity of the fear but still you can’t do anything about it.
c. The symptoms worsen when the trigger is not removed.
d. Avoiding any situation that can cause a fear reaction.
e. Disgust, sudden dizziness, difficulty breathing, irregular heartbeats, or sweating when exposed to the triggers.
1. Basically, if your fear of sexual intimacy is caused by your fear of an illness that your partner has like vaginismus. Then it can be quickly overcome by treating it.
2. Pain when having sex is very common. But if left as just that, it might build up into a full-blown avoidance of sexual intercourse and intimacy so the root of this should be discovered so it can be solved. When the physical cause is identified, then treatment should closely follow as well as any accompanying emotional issues that need to be addressed as well.
3. Therapy can also work when you’re trying to overcome phobias like psychotherapy, Gottman therapy, exposure therapy as well. Basically, there are various types of psychotherapy that are very effective for phobias.
The cause of phobias has not been fully determined. When you have genophobia, treating the cause is wiser when dealing with it before anything else. Generally, causes of genophobia usually include emotional distress.
and physical but we also have:
1. Vaginismus:
Vaginismus is a condition when the muscles of the vagina are glued shut.
2. Erectile Dysfunction:
Generally, this is the difficulty in getting or sustaining an erection. Although it’s treatable. However, it might lead to feelings of shame, stress, and embarrassment. Someone with this problem might not want to tell his partner and as such he can be deeply intimate with foreplay and all but when it comes to sex. He’s deeply ashamed and disappointed in himself basically.

3. Past sexual abuse or PTSD:
ild abuse or sexual abuse can cause post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and also affect the way you view intimacy or sex. Generally, it can also affect sexual functioning and performance. Although, not every survivor of abuse develops Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or even a fear of sex or intimacy. But that doesn’t mean the people who struggle with it should be mocked or their struggles trivialized.
4. Fear of sexual performance:
When you sense that your partner is becoming too nervous about pleasing in bed, then it can be a sign of building genophobia. Basically, this can cause extreme psychological discomfort and such as it leads your partner to avoid sexual intimacy altogether. Because he is scared of the shame, ridicule for poor performance.
5. Body shame:
When you are ashamed of your body, you are scared of sexual intimacy. Generally, shaming of one’s body, as well as being overly self-conscious about the body, can affect your sexual satisfaction, action and also cause anxiety when you think about sex. A lot of people with severe body shame or dysmorphia may avoid sex or dread all forms of sexual intimacy altogether. Well, because of the lack of pleasure and intense shame it brings them.
6. Bad memories of rape and sexual assault:
Sexual assault is one of the leading cause of genophobia in general. Basically, a lot of people suffer from PTSD from sexual assault, including negative associations with sex. This might cause someone to develop a strong fear for sexual intimacy in general.

here are a lot of free online tests that can help you know if or your genophobic or when the fear is growing more intensely and rapidly.
Take the test here!!!
Generally, a phobia is classified as such when you have an extreme unrealistic fear of something after six months. In this case, you’d know you’re genophobic when you start having some of the symptoms associated with this phobia. Anytime your partner touches you, you get light headed basically you can even faint or suddenly push him off you. When you do this, there is a very high tendency that you are genophobic. Basically, you can even get diarrhea, fever anything your partner gets physical with you. When you start noticing all these signs and symptoms. Then you definitely have genophobia and seeing a therapist is the next step to helping you out.
Generally, sex is a vital aspect of the human life, and genophobia can have lasting impacts on those who experience it. Although, some people choose to live asexual lives, finding meaning and fulfillment and satisfaction outside the whole sexual experience. However, those who choose to be asexual out of fear not because they truly usually end up unfulfilled and most commonly lonely. Genophobia can also wreak havoc on romantic relationships, particularly when your partner’s level of interest in sex differs from your own. When you see that you’re suffering from genophobia, it is probably wise to see a trusted therapist to help you with your problem.
Do I have genophobia?
Well, that’s easy to know. Are you always afraid to have sex or any other form of sexual intimacy?
What do I do when I notice I have genophobia?
Seeing a therapist is one of the fastest way to get help because he or she will help find out what causes yours to help you solve it.
What causes genophobia?
The leading cause is rape or sexual assault. However there are other factors like diseases.
What is erotophobia?
This is basically the fear of sexual intimacy. It’s the same as genophobia.
Are philophobia and genophobia synonymous?
Well, no they aren’t. Genophobia is the fear of sexual intimacy and attractions while philophobia is fear of falling in love.