Emotional Support

Getting emotional support can be sometimes tricky. Well, because there’s this funny thing about human psychology, we don’t always seek emotional support from every single person just because they are willing to give it but there is a little sensitivity involved. We often want to feel emotional satisfaction from particular people in our lives. It is somewhat similar to getting someone’s approval like parents and all in sensitive matters.


Emotional Support is a kind of comfort, help we get from people around us in times of difficulties.
A lot of people show emotional support to others through words of encouragement, reassurance, and even compassion.


In relationships or marriages, the husband is usually not as sensitive compared to their wife. It is in a woman’s nature to be caring, comforting, sensitive, and charming.

Husbands may not know how to show their emotional support for their spouse or even are not sensitive enough to their wives’ feelings. Some husbands may not understand the kind of support their wives are looking for.

Men typically give instrumental support that is; they’d try to give specific advice to solve a particular problem. But, women, on the other hand, tend to give more emotional help, like empathy and sympathy and they are always searching for what they give at times to their husbands. Communication solves this problem though.


This is usually a person who is really committed to helping other people, empathizing with them, and helping them elevate stress, anxiety, and depression. Depression is becoming rampant these days, a lot of emotional turmoil and an emotional support person helps people gain mental relaxation. In most cases, an emotional support person could be a therapist, counselor, psychiatrist, and even in some cases a simple friend we seem to be open to.



a) People say smiles usually pack a warm impact; I never really understood that till I saw yours. Full of life, wonder, and hope. You are really one of nature’s wonders…

b) Everyone sees the facade I show them, you are the only one who knows me for me. My pure encouragement, this is more than just love, you are my life’s sun…


a) Life is full of wonders, hope, and love. It is full of pure ecstasy, and it becomes a lot more beautiful with you in it…

b) Be brave enough to hope, be strong enough to dream, never be afraid to love. That is what makes life beautiful…


a) In strength we strive together, in weakness we are there for each other. That’s the love we share because you are what completes that…


Although, there are no known types of emotional support, giving someone emotional help usually falls simply under empathy.


When you are able to understand what someone feels. However, these days there are a few empaths. Being there with them, in their feelings is what emotional support really means.


Friendships are a little hard in this content because a lot of people prioritize romantic relationships to platonic ones but in my book, friendships are more powerful.
A friend can give most of the help you need when it comes to emotional aid. Your friends might support by;

#1. Listening:

Not just listening but trying to understand and relate to your problems to give you the help you need. At times even if as a friend you don’t have the answers being there to listen does a lot.

#2. Validating your feelings:

Do you think you are overreacting in a particular situation and you don’t know how to feel or what to feel? Well, a friend could just be what you need.

#3. Doing nice things:

When talking about friendships and emotional support we can’t forget this- doing nice things for you just because they want to. Basically, platonic relationships tend to cover up holes you didn’t know you had.

#4. Helping distract you when you feel sad or upset:

Are you emotionally exhausted? Then, you are probably pretty upset, talking things out with your friend; he/she can just change the topic or even an ice cream break to take your mind off your bad day. Always works for me.

Are you feeling an emotional drought, leave a comment down below if you want to talk about it…

Emotional Support FAQ’s

Why do I need emotional support?

A robust social network of family, friends, neighbors, and/or workplace improves your ability to deal with life’s stresses on your own. Your network does not have to be vast in order for you to profit.

What to do when your partner can't support you emotionally?

When your partner does not answer in the way you require, try not to react with anger, impatience, or other surface emotions that may elicit a reaction from your partner. Instead, talk to your partner and give him/her some pointers on how to respond in ways that would make you feel more supported.

Is support a part of love?

Supportiveness is regarded as a pure type of love because the one providing it does so for the benefit of their relationship rather than for themselves. We may confide in friends and family members, but not to the same extent as we do with our spouse—and in some circumstances, we don’t want to.

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