SETTING BOUNDARIES WITH PARENTS In Relationships & After Marriage


Setting boundaries with your parents is essential for various reasons. It keeps you from harboring anger toward them. It promotes healthy, joyful connections while also assisting you in establishing individuation—that is, having an identity apart from your relationship with your parents. Without sufficient boundaries, parents may assume and feel that imposing their views and ways of life on their adult offspring is acceptable.

While these discussions might be unpleasant, they are vital for developing a healthy connection with them and yourself. Setting appropriate boundaries with your parents can lead to less anxiety and resentment, better managing conflict, and healthier self-esteem.

Setting Boundaries with Parents When You Live With Them

You’ve discovered that your standards are being ignored, but you’re unsure how to approach your parents without sparking a fight. Don’t worry: we’ve got you covered with all of the steps to gently and efficiently set appropriate boundaries with your parents when you live with them.

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#1. Be concise and clear.

Begin by determining which behavior you wish to alter. Next, consider why this behavior bothers you and how it can be changed. Understanding what is producing negativity in your relationship and having concrete measures to resolve the issue will help you feel more confident and relaxed heading into the chat.

#2. Select a mediator

It may be preferable to have a mediator help facilitate this dialogue before facing parents about setting boundaries. Selecting the individual who can deliver the facts most objectively is critical.

#3. Make a timetable

Set up a schedule with your older parents as soon as possible. Setting a program may be quite beneficial when attempting to establish boundaries because everyone knows what to expect throughout the day.

#4. Have designated areas

Creating designated spaces off-limits at specific times of the day might be an excellent way to establish boundaries with your parents while you live with them. Combining this strategy with a timetable is a tremendous advantage, especially if you work from home. For example, the office may be reserved on workdays from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m.

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#5. Maintain a positive attitude

When both participants enter a conversation furious, they are less likely to respect each other’s boundaries. If you enter the conversation defensively or argumentatively, people may believe you didn’t mean it because you were emotional at the time.

Setting Boundaries with Parents as Adults

When their children are young, many parents might be overprotective and overbearing. This is a simple result of their intense love for their child and their wish for him or her to grow into a productive, successful, and independent individual.

However, as their child reaches adulthood, the parents may find it challenging to step back and allow them to live their own lives. This might cause family strife and hatred toward the parents. This is why, as adults, it is critical to establish appropriate boundaries with your parents and clarify what they are and are not comfortable with.

#1. Plan what you’re going to say.

Before approaching your parents, consider what problems exist in your relationship with them and what boundaries you might set to resolve the issue positively. For example, if your parent is continuously texting and contacting you throughout the day, consider setting a time frame during which they should not expect a response.

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This could include when you are at work or after a particular hour at night when you are resting or spending time with your partner. This will give you more privacy without making you feel terrible for not answering straight away.

#2. Try to be empathetic while remaining tough.

You can explain to your parents that just because you’re setting healthy boundaries with them doesn’t mean you don’t care about them; you need these boundaries to have a better effective relationship in the future. Furthermore, you might also underline that you understand their point of view and why they are acting the way they are.

#3. Do not give up.

If your parent violates one of your boundaries, remind them of how essential it is to you that these boundaries be followed. If you do not admit that a limit has been crossed, your parent will not understand the gravity of what they have done, and it will most likely happen again.

#4. Express your appreciation when boundaries are respected. 

Make it plain to your parents that you appreciate that they value you enough to accept the boundaries you’ve established.

#5. Don’t feel wrong about establishing boundaries.

While it may feel weird and intimidating initially, you’ll be glad you did in the long run. They can help to safeguard your relationship with your parents by preventing disputes and tension. Indeed, these boundaries may lead to a closer overall relationship with your parents.

Setting Boundaries with Parents in Relationships

We chatted with Dr. Wyatt Fisher, a psychologist, romantic getaway leader, and NYC relationship specialist Susan Winter about setting appropriate boundaries with parents in a relationship that should be set between you and your parents.

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#1. It is entirely up to you who you date.

Most parents can’t seem to stop themselves from jumping in when they disagree with someone their child chooses to date, but who you date when you’re no longer a child shouldn’t be up to them. Assuming your partner isn’t a danger to you or them, most of the other reasons parents are concerned are about what they want for you.

#2. They should respect them even if they don’t like who you date.

When it comes down to it, even if they don’t like the person they’re seeing, they must be willing and able to set aside their feelings. Choosing who you spend your time with is a very personal decision, and no one (not even your parents) should make these decisions for you. Ask them if they believe in themselves. As a result, they should have faith in you and your judgment.

#3. The decisions you make with your relationship are solely yours.

Even if your parents disagree with your behavior with your new partner, they must still be courteous to both of you. If you and your spouse want to move halfway around the world to live in a hippy commune and dance naked around a bonfire every night, your parents should be supportive (despite their feelings).

Setting Boundaries with Parents After Baby

Here are some pointers for setting appropriate boundaries with parents as you progress through your parenting journey. Remember that proper limits communicate to others how each person wishes to be treated, with the ultimate goal of establishing a happy connection.

#1. Reflect on yourself first.

We must start with ourselves before we can discuss our boundaries with others. Take some time to consider what setting boundaries means to you.


#2. Identify the boundaries you want to establish.

Now that you’ve focused on yourself continue to reflect on what areas you’d like to see altered.

#3. Go over all of the worst-case possibilities.

One hurdle I’ve discovered that people face when setting boundaries is the fear that they won’t be well-received or that the edge will fail quickly. Consider all possible worst-case scenarios to combat this.

#4. Set the boundaries on your terms if possible.

This means you don’t necessarily have to set boundaries immediately when unfavorable contact occurs. That is the ultimate goal, but it may not be easy to achieve. It may feel easier to discuss with the offender what happened and your boundaries privately.

#5. Keep trying

Finally, what if the border is not followed? Continue to try. Setting boundaries is complex, and most of us were not taught how to do so as children. So keep at it. Maybe talk to a friend, see a therapist, or keep reading articles like this one that will encourage you to tell your truth.

Setting Boundaries with Parents After Marriage

You probably want to focus on your spouse and start a life together when you’re newly married. Dealing with parents who overstep their boundaries, on the other hand, can make things a little more complicated. Fortunately, there are strategies to establish and maintain good boundaries with your parents while maintaining your relationship.


#1. Talk about your boundaries with your partner.

You and your new spouse should work as a team. While talking to your parents, talk to your spouse about the boundaries you need to establish. They may have some insight into what you should say or do, and they may be able to assist you in developing a script or particular things to say.

#2. Sit down with your parents for a discussion.

Choose a time when everyone is free, and no one is anxious. A Christmas party is not the best time to discuss this, but a sleepy Sunday afternoon is perfect. If you believe your parents will raise a commotion, meet in one of your homes. You can also converse in a restaurant or a café.

#3. Be specific about what you want and need.

Declare your boundaries explicitly to avoid confusion. Remember what you and your partner talked about, and don’t forget anything. You can also include particular instances if you have them. To avoid making your parents defensive, use I-statements while articulating your point of view.

#4. Say no to your parents if they push your boundaries.

Your parents may initially test the limits of your boundaries. If they do, say no. You are not required to explain yourself, but if you like, you can remind them of your established limit and why you are maintaining it.

#5. Practice deep breathing to remain calm.

Setting boundaries can be complex. Take a few calm breaths and count to ten if you become upset or annoyed with your parents. If you can’t calm yourself down, go for a stroll or move to another room till you feel better.


#6. Speak out for your partner.

Your parents may try to blame your boundaries on your husband. Remember that this isn’t the case and that you and your partner are now a team. If your parents try to disparage your spouse, tell them that it is inappropriate and that they cannot do so.

#7. Seek expert assistance if necessary.

When setting boundaries, many people find therapy to be highly beneficial. If you grew up with parents who continuously pushed your limits, standing up to them can be pretty tricky. If necessary, seek the advice of a mental health expert about your circumstances.

Is It Disrespectful To Set Boundaries With Parents?

With gratitude and admiration, set your boundaries.

Setting boundaries with your parents is not at all rude. On the contrary, it is healthy to politely establish your boundaries and ask your parents to respect those demands.

How Do You Set Boundaries With Toxic Parents?

7 Techniques for Setting Boundaries with Toxic Parents

  • Describe the boundaries you intend to establish.
  • Accept the concept of disappointing them.
  • Be wary of what you share.
  • Stop disputes with them.
  • Reduce the amount of time spent in the same place.
  • Make your own needs a priority.
  • Make peace with their person.

What Are Examples of Boundaries With Parents?

Mutual acknowledgment that you are an adult with your thoughts, opinions, beliefs, experiences, and needs is required for healthy boundaries with parents. It entails taking responsibility for your needs and being able to say no when you want to say no and yes when you want to say yes.

Should Children Have Boundaries With Their Parents?

Parental boundaries make children feel safe.

Predictability eliminates uncertainty, which lowers anxiety. Parents should not prioritize a child’s sense of security over his or her ability to express themselves. Setting boundaries does not make you a nasty or unfair parent, even if your child says so to you in anger at the time.


Setting good boundaries with your parents allows you to protect your space while honoring your physical and emotional needs. In a nutshell, they’re necessary for every relationship. But keep in mind that firm boundaries do more than protect you. They also have another crucial purpose: to assist you in developing a healthy adult connection with your parents. After all, they’ll always be your parents, but you’re no longer a child.

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