HOW TO MAKE A GIRL MISS YOU Like Crazy: The Psychology Behind it & Helpful Tips


What can you do to make a girl miss you? We all hope that when we are in a relationship or hope to be in a relationship, we will be missed when we are not present. It’s human nature to want to feel useful. You may discover that you are romantically interested in someone or that you are already in a relationship.

Perhaps you are in a relationship where the two of you appear to be drifting apart and she no longer appears to miss you. You want to make a girl miss you in any case.

This article contains a number of methods and strategies for making a girl miss you. She’ll be hooked with some perseverance, thoughtfulness, and dedication, and she’ll surely miss you when you’re not around. Because of how good you are to her, you will almost feel like a drug or a candy that she craves.

Whether you’re just starting out in a relationship or have been in one for a long time, you’ll always want to make sure your girl misses you. How exactly do you go about doing that? By giving her something to miss forward to! While you should be yourself, there are a few good tips you can follow to help ensure that your crush, girlfriend, or wife misses you when you are not around.

How to Make a Girl Miss You

Here are 14 things you can do to make a girl miss you:

#1. Be a little surprising

When you’re first getting to know that special someone, you should let her get to know you first. Make sure to tell her enough about yourself to pique her interest, but don’t tell her everything all at once.

#2. Don’t talk about yourself too much.

Do not be afraid to let her into your life, but do not treat her as if she were your personal therapist. She doesn’t have to know every single detail right away. Also, if you reveal too much about yourself all at once, you will find yourself talking a lot about yourself. Excessive self-promotion can come across as arrogant.

#3. Be careful with the technology

Allow her some space from time to time so that she can miss you. How could she possibly miss you if you are present at all times? This does not only apply to being physically present. You should also avoid bombarding her with phone calls and text messages.

#4. Devote some time apart

Even if you care about each other and enjoy spending time together, it is a good idea to give each other some alone time apart from time to time. Whether you spend an hour a day apart or a day out of the week apart, you should make time for yourselves.

#5. Demonstrate to her how much fun she can have

It is a good idea to take some initiative rather than being completely passive if you want a girl to miss you. How will she miss you if she doesn’t even know you exist? Take your crush, girlfriend, or wife on a slew of fun dates and provide her with a slew of memorable experiences.

#6. Surprising her

She will be able to miss you more if you try to treat her well. Small gifts, surprises, and encouraging words will make her feel truly special. If you make her feel special on a daily basis, she will always be anticipating your next move that will make her feel like a queen.

#7. Don’t try to make her like everything you like.

Try to find something you can do alone so that you can stay in touch with yourself. It’s nice to be able to be alone with yourself sometimes. If you try to make her do everything you want her to do, even if she isn’t interested, the relationship may become boring and suffocating. Allow yourself to do your own thing every now and then.

#8. Give her room to breathe.

If you’re truly in love with her, your first instinct will be to spend every waking moment with her. She may also want to spend all of her time with you. While spending a lot of time together is beneficial, you also don’t want to rush things. If you spend every available free moment together, things may fizzle out quickly.

How to Make a Girl Miss You Psychology 

A couple who spends the majority of their day apart will have more time to miss each other and fantasize about how wonderful it will be to be together again. Plus, when they’re together, they’ll have more to say. That being said, here are some psychologically sound ways to make someone miss you.

#1. The worst thing you’ll probably do

You’re in a relationship with a man, and everything seems to be going swimmingly. But you gradually notice that he isn’t calling or making plans as frequently as he used to. It’s normal to be concerned and bring it up.

However, when you bring it up, he simply says he’s been busy or even denies that he’s been distant. Instead of stepping back and focusing on what you can do about it, you press harder, asking him if he still finds you attractive.

#2. Be someone who will be missed

Only people who miss a special place in our hearts are missed. Whether or not that person is a romantic partner, if you share special, happy moments with them, you will undoubtedly miss them when you are separated. If you haven’t done anything special with him or her yet, he or she won’t miss you.

The dopamine-seeking reward loop is a psychological phenomenon. And it explains that when we have wonderful experiences, the kind that causes a rush of dopamine in us, we associate that wonderful feeling with the person we were with at the time.

#3. Maintain communication balance

Overcommunicating is one of the major things that can quickly make your partner want less of you. When you care about someone, you want to keep in touch with them as much as possible. When you’re not together, staying in touch via texting or phone calls is a good way to compensate for being apart.

Some people, however, get carried away and overcommunicate. When you overcommunicate, you are always the one who initiates contact.

#4. Mystery

One of the reasons we find celebrities so amusing is that we can play the part of this mysterious, elusive personality that no one can grasp. When there is a major event, such as an award ceremony, they dress up in unusual and unconventional outfits. They have the good girl look at times, and the “bad boy/bad girl all in black who doesn’t give a sh*t” look at other times.

#5. Distribute highlights

When you see a guy or girl you like having fun with their lives without you, it makes you want to be a part of it. This is due in part to the fact that we all want to be a part of something positive. We want to be with people who are living their lives to the fullest and who are in love with their lives.

How to Make a Girl Miss You Over Text 

If you spend the majority of your time communicating with your sweetheart via phone or computer, you’ll love the following suggestions! Prepare to have your phone flooded with her notifications in no time!

  • Never text her or send her messages more than four times per day!
  • Send her poems or love cards whenever you can!
  • Don’t be overly needy when texting her!
  • Inquire about her day and show her you care about her well-being!
  • Send her at least one funny video a day just to make her laugh!
  • Go a day without calling or texting her so she misses you!
  • Don’t bother her about everything she does; instead, give her plenty of space.
  • Whenever possible, play games with her, such as would you rather or truth or dare questions!
  • Don’t be boring with her or act as if you own her!
  • Call her on a regular basis, but not too frequently; you don’t want her to think you’re stalking her or something!
  • Text her whenever you have the opportunity, but no more than four times during the day!
  • Express your concern for her by inquiring about her day. Don’t be nosy or envious!
  • Tell her that you need her in your life on a regular basis to remind her that she is valuable to you!
  • Tell her as many jokes as you can in order to make her laugh as much as possible. Men who make women laugh are adored by women!
  • Be romantic by sending her flowers or perfume whenever possible.

How to Make a Girl Miss You After a Breakup

The following are four ways to make a girl miss you after a breakup:

#1. Engage her on the phone, reactivate her feelings, and then give her 3 to 7 days of space.

One of the most effective ways to make a woman miss you after a breakup is to actively rekindle her feelings of respect and attraction for you on a phone call, followed by a week of no contact with her.

#2. Share photos of yourself having fun with other people on social media.

Even if your ex has unfriended you on social media, chances are she will still look at your profile to see what you’re up to from time to time. She’ll be curious to know if you’re still missing her or if you’ve moved on.

#3. Show mutual friends that you are confident, happy, and doing well without her.

One of the best ways to make a woman miss you and want you back is to simply go about your business and let her make about it. You don’t have to do anything except having fun and make sure enough mutual friends see you doing it.

#4. Reduce your availability and responsiveness.

If your ex is still in contact with you after the breakup, it may be tempting to maintain the connection. You may even be thinking in your head, “If I don’t reply right away, she may stop texting/calling me,” or “If I don’t go with what she wants to talk about, she may get annoyed and stop contacting me.” However, that way of thinking makes you appear too available to her, and as a result, she is unlikely to miss you.

How to Make a Girl Miss You Like Crazy 

I don’t mean to be harsh, but why did you leave her in the first place if you wanted her back? I understand that we all make mistakes that lead to the loss of valuable relationships, but if you have someone in your life who is important to you, do your best to treat them like a queen.

#1. Be busy with other things

Ignoring your ex for a while is one of the best ways to make her miss you after a breakup. Being overly clingy or demonstrating to her that you can’t live without her is not a good idea! Simply make an effort to keep yourself busy by doing other important things in your life.

#2. Don’t interact with her friends

If you want her to miss you or make to you, never talk to her friends after a breakup. Talking to her friends will make you feel awkward and tempted to seek assistance in repairing your relationship. Every wound necessitates healing time, and talking to her friends will not provide her with the space she requires to heal.

#3. Make her envious

If she truly loves you and has forgiveness in her heart, she will not want to share you with anyone else. She may be hurt, but if she loves you, she will return after she heals; however, you can speed up the process by making her jealous.

#4. Display your joy

This may sound awkward, but trust me when I say that you will need to show her that you are fine without her and that you are happy! Posting pictures of you having fun on social media is a great way to get her back in your arms quickly!


These are just a few of the many romantic things you can do for a girl to miss sure she misses you when you’re not around. Try out a few of these strategies and see how she reacts. Take note of how your small and large efforts can affect her to the point where she begins to feel and develop a strong attachment to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you know if a girl misses you?

Instead, she tries to use your friends as intermediaries, relying on them to carry her emotional water. She wouldn’t bother asking about you if she had moved on. Instead, she hasn’t moved on and wants to know if you share her sentiments. If she starts asking your friends about you, it’s a sure sign she misses you.

Will she miss me if I give her space?

That’s why relationship therapists and psychologists recommend it all the time. Simply put, giving her space causes her to miss you. And many times, it’s enough to bring you back together, stronger than ever before.

How can I make her want me again?

  • It’s not too late to reignite that fire. But it will take effort.
  • Pay attention to what she says.
  • Open your heart to her.
  • Make the ordinary extraordinary.
  • Increase your physical appearance effort.
  • Have a ‘Date Night’ on a regular basis.
  • Learn how to make her fall back in love with you.

How do I keep her interested?

Maintain physical contact, talk about your relationship, and make time for just the two of you to form a strong bond. Make an effort to fulfill her needs in the relationship. Try new activities, take on challenges together, and be adventurous and spontaneous to keep things interesting.

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