How Do You Find Your Soulmate Test, Quiz & Tips 2024

how do you find your soulmate

Happy couples appear to be everywhere you look. One is holding hands in the park, another is smiling at the lunch table, and still more are making out on television. So, when’s your turn? Where will you meet your soulmate, how do you find them and what will they be like? Answer these questions to find out! Who knows, your partner could be a classic artistic soul, a hopeless romantic, or an enchanting scholar.

In addition, I will also teach you how to calculate if someone is your soulmate through your birthdays and spiritual signs which indicates you have found the one. So, keep reading to find out if your special someone really is your soulmate match.

Key Takeaway

  • An unknown understanding of a person can imply that you are soulmates. Even on your first meeting, you should be able to quickly understand each other and have a strong connection.
  • Being with your better half can make you feel as if you have known each other forever, even if you have only known them for a few minutes.
  • A person who has found their soulmate will never feel constrained. They will experience unparalleled levels of freedom.

Questions Overview

1. What’s the first thing you notice about people?

A. Smile 

B. Laugh 

C. Eyes 

D. Intellect

2. You’ve had a tough day. What will make you feel better?

A. A joke. It would be nice to laugh.

B. An embrace. I simply want to be held.

C. A trip. I don’t care where I go; all I want is to escape.

D. One pint of ice cream. Dessert calms my soul.

3. How do you imagine your perfect partner?

A. Intelligent, funny, and bright 

B. Loyal, caring, and protective 

C. Beautiful, charming, and romantic.

D. Brave, ambitious, and surprising.

4. Your friends could label you as:

A. Creative and shy 

B. Kind yet reserved 

C. Charming and melancholy

D. Smart but cocky.

5. How do you want to meet your soulmate?

A. While Skydiving. Perhaps we will even hold hands while jumping.

B. Attending class. We could bond over our love (or dislike) of maths.

C. Visiting an art museum. Perhaps we will be soaking up the same painting.

D. Online. If they get my memes, they get me.

6. You are seeking for a partner that can

A. Help me both emotionally and physically. 

B. Make me laugh even if I’m sad.

C. Encourage me to become the best version of myself.

D.Make me blush and feel stunning. 

7. You are on a first date. What stands out most?

A. If they hold the door open for me.

B. Their field of study or profession.

C. How they communicate with the server or staff.

D. If they say they enjoy travelling.

8. When you meet your soulmate, you would like to feel as if:

A. You have known them your entire life.

B. You were hit by lightning (in a positive way).

C. You have met your other half.

D, you’ve taken on a new identity.

9. What do you wish you had more of in your life?

A. Stability 

B. Romance 

C. Creativity 

D. Exploration

10. It’s Saturday night—woohoo! What does a perfect evening with your love look like?

A. Settle down on the couch to watch a movie or read a book.

B. Going out, such as eating at a good restaurant or going to different clubs.

C. Relaxing in the hot tub with a box of chocolate.

D. Going to bed early—it’s been a tough week. My perfect partner would understand this.

11. In your spare time, you enjoy:

1. Reading or drawing 

B. Singing or dancing

C. Volunteer or teach 

D. Go hiking or travel

12. You’re in a new restaurant. What do you order?

A. Something I had never heard of before. I enjoy trying new things.

B. Whatever the waiter recommends. I trust their judgement.

C. I do not know. I’ll ask my partner to place an order for me.

D. Whatever looks good in the menu photos. I am a visual person.

13. It is your birthday. What do you hope your soulmate gives you?

A. Bouquet of roses.

B. A heartfelt card 

C. Something from my childhood 

D. A funny present inspired by one of our private jokes.

14. You’ve always had a crush on which fairytale character?

A. A knight in shining armor, 

B. a misunderstood artisan,

C. a jolly traveler or jester, 

D. an enchanting warlock.

See Also: HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW YOUR PARTNER: Quiz and Questions

Who Is My Soulmate by Birthdate?

If one number in your chart matches one number in another’s chart, you have established a soul mate connection. This forms an instant bond because one-sixth of your personality is the same. The karma of soul mate connections varies, with some producing a reward and others creating a debt.

A Numerology chart is created by extracting three digits from one’s birthday. The first number is determined from the day you were born.

The second number is calculated by adding the day and month. The third number is calculated by adding the day, month, and year.

See ALSO: MY SOUL MATE: Who is My Soul Mate? (All You Should Know)

For Example:

Let’s say I find my possible soulmate whose birthday is July 19, 1955. His first number is 19. His second number is 26(7+19), and his third number equals 46 (7+19+20). Keep in mind that the year of a birthday is determined by adding each number to get a total (1+9+5+5=20).\

My birthday is 5/26/58. Therefore, my first number is 26. My second number is 31 (5 + 26). My third number is 54 (5 + 26 + 23).

There exists a soul mate connection 26.

If you can’t locate a number to match your chart, don’t give up. There are three more numbers generated by computing the letters in the name. The method for getting these numbers is more complex. Each letter carries a numerical value.

First, you must convert each letter to a number. Next, sum up the numerical vowels to get a total. Then, add the numerical consonants to get a total. Last, add the two totals together.

For example, Lily=1555. The vowels equal 6(1+5). The consonants total 10(5+5). The total is 16 (6 + 10).

When calculating the figures for the name, use the complete birth certificate name.

Yes, you were able to find a soulmate connection. What does this mean? For example, the 26 soulmate link represents two playful souls who enjoy sports, and excitement and are energetic in nature. However, there are two aspects to a soul mate connection: personality similarities and the chemistry created by the combination. This combination creates a powerful spiritual bond that elicits conveyed feelings that both parties would perceive regardless of where they were.

This formula can help you find several soul mate connections.

Spiritual Signs You Met Your Soulmate

Whether you are currently married, in a relationship, or considering starting one, it is important that you understand what significance this person will have in your life. According to what I’ve discovered during my research and in my experience, certain characteristics definitely indicate a soulmate connection (or absence thereof).

As you go through this list, consider your partner or potential partner and determine whether they fulfill the soulmate criteria.

Here are 10 signs from the universe that you have met your soulmate.

1. They make you feel at home.

It’s impossible to describe how your soulmate makes you feel. It’s a tenacious, deep, and lingering emotion that brings you joy but that words can’t express.

Being with your soulmate is an amazing experience, but probably the most suitable phrase is “home.”

2. You have déjà vu or flashbacks when you’re together.

If your partner is your soulmate, he or she has most likely been there in your previous life. Soulmates frequently opt to reconnect during the same lifetime and strive to figure one another out in this large world. You can have sudden and fleeting flashbacks of your soulmate. You may even experience an odd sense of déjà vu, as if that particular event has previously occurred, possibly a long time ago in a different location.

3. You just understand each other.

Ever come across a couple who can complete each other’s sentences? Some call it spending too much time together, but I refer to it as a soulmate connection. You may have had this experience with your best friend or sibling, but sharing it with your partner is clear evidence of a soulmate.

4. You fell for their flaws. 

No relationship is flawless, and even soulmates will have their share of ups and downs. Still, that bond will be much more difficult to break. Soulmates have an easier time accepting, and even growing to appreciate their flaws. You will find that a relationship is more likely to be a soulmate match if you love each other for who they are and accept both their good and bad qualities.

5. Your feelings for each other are deeper than normal.

A soulmate relationship might be more intense than other relationships, in both good and harmful ways. That’s because soulmates typically have some karma to resolve together. The most important thing is that you remain focused on resolving the problem and see beyond the difficult situation.

6. It’s you two vs. the world.

Soulmates typically view their relationship as “us against the world.” They feel so connected to each other that they are willing to take on any challenge in life as long as they have their partner by their side. Soulmate relationships are built on loyalty and unity beyond everything else.

7. You are mentally inseparable.

Soulmates often share a mental link, akin to twins. They might pick up the phone and call each other at the same moment. Even if you are separated, your minds will always be in sync if you are two half of a whole.

8. You feel safe and protected with each other.

Regardless of gender, your partner should always make you feel protected. This means that if you’re a man, your woman should defend you, too! You’ll feel as if you have a protective angel by your side. A person who exploits your anxieties, whether knowingly or unconsciously, is not your soulmate.

See Also: EMPATHY IN RELATIONSHIPS: Common Signs, Examples & Tips

9. You can’t imagine living without them.

A soulmate is not someone you can easily leave; your instincts will always bring you back to them. This is someone you can’t fathom being without, and you believe they are worth sticking with and fighting for. Even during the most difficult times, knowing that you have your soulmate nearby will reassure you. Honestlt, I can’t picture my life without my besties. My soulmares through and through.

10. You meet each other’s eyes.

Soulmates are more likely to glance into each other’s eyes when chatting than other couples. This is a natural result of their intimate connection. When speaking to someone, look them in the eyes to convey transparency, ease, and confidence.

See Also: EMOTIONAL CONNECTION: Meaning, Signs & How to Build a Solid Connection


How Do You Know Your Soulmate?

Soulmates usually have an instant connection; you’ll feel like you’ve known them forever. Looking into their eyes makes you feel right at home. However, soulmates having an immediate connection does not imply instant attraction.

At What Age Do You Find Your Soulmate?

According to research, the average age you’ll find your soulmate differs depending on gender. That’s right: according to the research, the average woman discovers her life partner at the age of 25, while males are more likely to find their soulmate at the age of 28. 

Note that meeting your special someone can happen at any age, from young age to late in life. However, finding your partner can be a time-consuming procedure. You never know what will happen. If you’re scared about missing out on them, astrology may be your best option. It can certainly aid you with several things. Calculate the age you’ll be when you meet your love using your zodiac sign.

See Also


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