ARE SOULMATES REAL? The Psychological Facts About Soulmates

are soulmates real

While “soulmates” have not been scientifically proven to exist, many people believe they do—and there is a lot of psychological evidence that supports the notion that some people are perfect for us! They understand and support us; they share our goals and ideals, and everything about them feels natural. Want to know more? Continue reading: I have gathered a collection of facts regarding soulmates below.

Key Takeaways

  • Soulmates support each other through thick and thin. They support and encourage each other to follow their passions. 
  • Soulmates are vulnerable to one another. A soulmate relationship is built on mutual trust and openness.
  • Soulmates are frequently thought to be romantic, but they can also be platonic! You may feel a deep core connection with someone you only consider as friend.

Are Soulmates Real?

Soul mates exist biologically for humans. However, Soul mates, like any other relationship, can be tricky. 

Of course, there isn’t a scientifically accepted definition of “soul mate.” However, humans are one of the few animals capable of forming long-term relationships. I’m not referring to sexual monogamy. Humans developed neurocircuitry to recognize another person as special. We have the ability to pick out someone from a flock, raise them above all others, and then spend decades with them.

In other words, our brain’s wiring allows us to find what we know as “soulmates.”

What fascinates me is how unique we all are. Our DNA is unique, our faces are distinct, and our brains are different. Nonetheless, we all have brain neurocircuitry that allows us to perceive another individual as more special than anyone else. When we make someone special in this way, they get greater value than others. There is a lot more at risk whether or not they call us.

Read More: What Are Soulmates? Psychological Facts About Soulmates

Psychological Facts About Soulmates

#1. Soulmates lift each other’s spirits.

Your soulmate is your biggest supporter and fan. Mutual respect and appreciation form the foundation of a successful relationship. Soulmates help and strengthen one another, encouraging each other to pursue their dreams. When you’re having a rough day, your soulmate is there to hold you and assure you tomorrow will be better. When you feel like you can’t do something difficult, they’re there to say, “Yes, you can!” When you do, they will be in the audience, clapping furiously. And you’re also their biggest fan!

#2. Soulmates share their vulnerabilities.

Vulnerability is necessary for a healthy connection. To have a great, long-term relationship, you must be completely transparent with your soulmate. You can share your dreams and anxieties, as well as your past experiences and future ambitions. And, while being vulnerable is never easy, finding someone who understands you and you know you can trust makes it much easier!

If you are like me and are not accustomed to being vulnerable, it may take some time and practice. However, the more you watch your significant other respond to your vulnerability with love and care, without judgment, the easier it will be to be vulnerable with them.

#3. Soulmates support one another during difficult times.

In difficult times, soulmates serve as beacons of support. When you’re dealing with a job loss, a death, or simply a bad day, your soulmate will be there to offer a hug, Ice cream, and an encouraging word—or perhaps just soothing silence, if you love your head space as much as I do. Healthy relationships include the ability to rely on one another for support and comfort during difficult times. Through mutual reliance, you may emerge from a difficult situation stronger—and more connected—than ever.

#4. Soulmates’ goals tend to overlap. 

Their lives tend to go in similar ways. It is undoubtedly possible to meet someone and fall in love, only to discover that their life trajectory is very different from yours. However, soulmate love typically involves two individuals whose lives are headed in the same direction, whether that is getting married, having children, never having children, never getting married, moving to Germany, living on the moon, or staying in the same town you’ve lived in your entire life. Isn’t that just divine?

#5. Soulmates could be best friends. 

You could be closer to your soul mate than anybody else. While friends make life more meaningful, who says your soulmate can’t be both your lover and best friend? Some people may grow so close to their soulmates and spend so much time together that they consider them their best friends. I don’t know about you but I would love my partner to be my gossip buddy, hair stylist, drinking buddy, and everything!

I mean think about it, it totally makes sense. If you live together, they’re probably the first person you see when you wake up and the last person you see before you go to sleep. As your lives grow increasingly entwined (via having children, sharing earnings, and so forth), you’ll come to rely on and trust them more than some of your closest platonic friends.

#6. Soulmates can be platonic or romantic. 

For some folks, soulmates are simply close friends! The exact concept of “soulmates” varies from person to person, and while many individuals consider their soulmate to be the ultimate romantic relationship, others view soulmates as platonic. That is not to say that the connection is any less valuable or deserving of celebration: in fact, while romantic relationships can be invaluable to our happiness and growth, for many people, friendship soulmates can help you live longer and happier, more meaningful lives.

Read More: Platonic Soulmate: Meaning, Signs, Examples & Detailed 2024 Guide

#7. They feel safe with each other.

You may feel less anxious and more relaxed with them. Almost every relationship starts with butterflies in the stomach or sweat on the palms, and your relationship with your soulmate may be no exception! However, as your relationship progresses, you will probably feel more secure and safe, knowing you can trust your soulmate with anything.

Scientifically speaking, being around your soulmate may cause the release of feel-good hormones such as oxytocin, which can give you warm fuzzy feelings, while cortisol levels decrease, reducing anxiety and stress.

#8. Soulmates may be obsessed with one another.

You might become addicted because they make you so happy. When you find “the one,” it’s easy to lose sight of who you are as an individual. Because of their close bond, soulmates can become too attached, even to the point of codependence or obsession! Furthermore, being in love leads your body to release dopamine, resulting in a high very similar to addiction.

Being obsessed with your partner may cause you to use your relationship as a coping mechanism to avoid thinking about painful or uncomfortable situations. You may discover that you are unable to enjoy your hobbies or spend time with friends since you are only interested in being with your soulmate.

I experienced something similar, so, here’s some advice. To deal with being overly attached to your soulmate, try alternative activities that produce the same feel-good hormones, such as exercising, listening to music, or watching a comedy movie. 

Meditation and writing might help you become less reliant on your soulmate for emotional support.

#9. Soulmates may have complementing personalities.

Their differences strengthen their bond. A widespread misconception is that soulmates are identical, whereas, in fact, soulmates can have distinct but complementing personality qualities. This isn’t to say they don’t have things in common or aren’t similar in many ways, but in many cases, their differences bring out the best in one another and strengthen their relationship. 

For example, if you’re like me, an introvert and your soulmate is an extrovert, you can help your partner become more reserved and introspective, while they can help you develop your sociable, outgoing side.

#10. They do not necessarily agree on everything. 

Simply because you are destined to be together does not mean you will not fight. All relationships, including soulmate relationships, need effort, which often results in disagreements. Remember that soulmates aren’t just carbon copies! In reality, it could be because you love and trust each other so much that you feel comfortable disagreeing with one another: you know your soulmate is unlikely to blame you for disagreeing, and you know you can sort it out together.

#11. Soulmates benefit from effective communication.

A successful relationship requires open and honest communication. Soulmates aren’t flawless, they don’t always know how to handle disagreement or express their feelings. However, in a good partnership, both people are willing to learn how to communicate and develop into more honest, open, and trustworthy communicators.

Open communication entails attentively listening to one another without judgment. Give your significant other your undivided attention when they wish to talk.

Use “I” sentences to base your arguments on your perspective. For example, saying “You aren’t listening to me” rather than “I don’t feel heard” may come as accusatory.

#12. Soulmates may have amazing sexual chemistry.

Your relationship may benefit from a strong sexual connection. If sex is sacred to you and your soulmate, your great communication skills and intense bond will most certainly serve you well in the bedroom. You care about each other’s sexual pleasure and health; you want to make each other happy while also feeling protected and secure.

Because you and your soulmate trust and respect each other, it will be simpler to talk about your sexual desires, including what turns you on (and off) and your most intimate fantasies.



How Do You Know if Someone Is Your Soulmate?

A few definitive signs you’ve found a soulmate include a sense of instant recognition and understanding of each other, an inexplicable attraction to each other, and complete acceptance of the other person.

Do We Have One True Soulmate?

Contrary to popular belief, you may meet quite a large number of soulmates in your lifetime. We meet our soulmates every day! However, deciding whether to pursue this individual in a romantic relationship will be clear.

Do Soulmates End Up Together?

Soulmates do not necessarily end up together since these relationships help us grow, connect on a deeper level, and transcend the boundaries of ordinary relationships. They don’t require a “forever relationship.”

What Happens if You Never Meet Your Soulmate?

Soulmates may never meet due to some reasons like one of them passing abruptly before their paths meet. Don’t be worried! If this happens, you don’t have to live your life alone. It is not uncommon to have a long, happy, and productive relationship with someone other than your soulmate.

Do Soulmates Recognize Each Other?

Yes, a strong sense of recognition or familiarity is one of the signs of soulmate connection. A strong and immediate connection that feels deeper than physical attraction. A sensation of comfort and ease in each other’s company, even when discussing difficult or personal matters.

Are Soulmates Real According to the Bible?

The Bible never uses the term “soulmate,” but the text makes it plain that your biblical “soulmate” is simply the person you choose to marry. The Bible refers to this marriage bond as a “one-flesh” relationship (Matthew 19:4-6).


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