HOW TO TELL IF SOMEONE IS LYING: A Comprehensive Guide & Best Practices


Are you suspecting your boyfriend or husband of cheating on you? Your gut instinct tells you that something isn’t right, but they keep insisting that they’re being truthful with you. This post discusses how to tell if someone is lying. The uncertainty saps your energy and stresses you out. However, no one can keep the truth hidden for long, and your partner will eventually make a mistake, exposing his lies.

How to Tell If Someone Is Lying About Cheating

If you suspect your partner is lying about cheating, there are ways to tell if someone is lying about cheating.

#1. Behavioral shifts

Changes in behavior are one way to tell if someone is lying about cheating.
If your partner suddenly starts changing their habits but denies it when confronted, this could be lying behavior.

#2. A more hectic schedule

A schedule that appears busier, similar to changes in behavior, could be a way to tell someone is lying about cheating.
If your partner used to arrive home from work at 5:30 p.m. but now arrives at 7:00 p.m. on a regular basis with no reasonable explanation, this could be lying behavior.

#3. Communication breakdown

A healthy relationship necessitates open and regular communication between partners. If your partner abruptly stops communicating with you, this could be a sign of lying.

#4. The manner in which your partner speaks

Keeping a close eye on your partner when they speak is a tried and true method of determining if someone is lying about cheating.
A study published in Applied Psycholinguistics found that when people tell the truth, they are more likely to use the phrase “um,” implying that the conversation is flowing naturally and effortlessly.
Similarly, changes in gestures while speaking have been associated with lying.

#5. Keep an eye out for signs of increased thinking.

Aside from the fact that lying in marriage makes conversation appear more difficult, lying in marriage makes a person appear to be “thinking harder.”

#6. Projecting and deflecting

Finally, deflecting and projecting are lying behaviors that a person may exhibit if they are deceiving about cheating.
If you confront your partner about cheating and they change the subject, your partner may be trying to divert attention away from the issue in order to avoid coming clean.

How to tell if someone is lying over text 

Physical cues that someone is lying include shifting eyes, stumbling over words, telling facial expressions, and so on. However, if you want to know how to tell if someone is lying through text, you must first learn to read between the lines.

#1. Being Intentionally Vague

If the person you’re communicating with appears to be having difficulty committing to a solid story, this could be a sign that they’re not telling the truth.
The term “lying by omission” refers to telling a half-truth that omits specific incriminating details. For example, they may say, “I went home after work last night,” when what they really mean is, “I went home after work last night, THEN went back out to the bar.” There is no lie here, but it is still dishonest.

#2. Detecting a Lie in Text

When we tell a lie, we often feel nervous about what we’re going to say. After all, we need to get our story straight, don’t we? When you’re trying to have a conversation, this can result in longer response times.

#3. Things are being overcomplicated.

Examining the volume and specifics of their response is another method for determining whether or not someone is lying. Is their response to a relatively simple question overly complicated? If this is the case, it could be a red flag.

#4. Avoiding Specific Questions

When you ask someone a question and they act as if you didn’t ask it, this could be a good indicator of how to tell if someone is lying.

#5. Going to Extensive Efforts to Proclaim Honesty

In an ironic twist, you may be able to tell if someone is lying by their overuse of the buzzword “honest.” “I’m being completely honest with you,” they might say, or “honestly, I just went home after work and went to sleep.”

How to Tell If Someone Is Lying With Their Eyes

Here are some ways to tell if someone is lying:

Take note of their eyes: This is a physiological response to him feeling uncomfortable or trapped by your questions that he doesn’t want to answer, says Bouton. “It’s a throwback to when people needed to find an escape route if they were in a dangerous situation, such as facing a human or animal adversary.”

#1. Be on the lookout for rapid blinking.

“A person will normally blink five or six times per minute, or once every 10 or 12 seconds,” says Bouton. “When he’s stressed — for example, when someone suspects he’s lying — he may blink five or six times in a row.” According to Bouton, exceptions to the normal blink rate are mostly caused by the body’s production of dopamine.

#2. Count the number of seconds someone closes their eyes.

According to Bouton, if a person closes his eyes for a second or two, it could mean he lied to you because this is a type of defense mechanism. Normally, a person blinks at a rate of 100 to 400 milliseconds, or 0.10 to 0.40 of a second, he explains.

#3. Take note of the direction in which they are looking.

“When you ask a normal, right-handed person about something he’s supposed to have seen, he’s truly accessing his memory of the incident if he looks upward and to his left,” Bouton says. “However, if he looks up and to the right, he is accessing his imagination and inventing an answer.”

#4. Take careful note of what you’re asking.

“If you ask a person what he heard, his eyes will shift to his left ear to recall the sound he heard, but if his eyes shift to his right, he’s about to lie,” Bouton says.

#5. The key is in what they’re attempting to remember.

“If he’s going to tell you his memory of a smell, touch, or sensation, such as a cold draft or a terrible odor,” Bouton explains. “But if he’s going to lie, his eyes will shift down and to the right.”

#6. Keep track of any excessive sweating.

According to Bouton, sweat may appear on the forehead, cheeks, or back of the neck, and you will most likely notice the person attempting to wipe it away.

How to Tell if Someone Is Lying Left or Right

According to conventional wisdom, when people talk, the direction of their eye movements reveals whether or not they are lying. A glance up and to the left indicates that someone is telling the truth, whereas a glance to the upper right indicates deception. New research, however, thoroughly debunks these notions. As it turns out, you can’t tell a liar by looking at him.

Researchers in the United Kingdom investigated the alleged link between eye direction and lying after discovering it was being taught in behavioral training courses, seminars, and on the Internet without any scientific backing. The concept is based on a largely debunked 1970s theory known as Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), a set of techniques designed to help people master social interactions.

In one experiment, scientists tracked the left and right glances of 32 study participants while they told a mix of truths and lies. Regardless of whether they were lying or telling the truth, the participants — all of whom were right-handed, in case eye movements are reversed in lefties — were equally likely to glance upward and to the right and upward and to the left.

In a second experiment, the researchers discovered that a group of 25 participants who were told about the alleged relationship between eye movements and lying performed no better at detecting lies than a group of 25 participants who were not told about the rule of thumb.

Finally, in a third experiment, the researchers examined a video archive of 52 people making public pleas on behalf of missing relatives, half of whom were found to be lying (based on the outcomes of the cases) and the other half to be telling the truth. There was no difference in the directions of the liars’ and truth-tellers eye movements when the researchers counted the number of upper-left and upper-right glances among the speakers.

How to tell if someone is lying by body language 

Here are some signs that someone is lying based solely on their body language.

#1. A deviation from their usual body language.

If you want to analyze a person’s body language, you should first become familiar with their typical demeanor. This is known as “baselining,” and it is critical in determining whether or not someone is lying.

#2. In order to emphasize statements, use the non-dominant hand.

If you know someone well, you should be able to tell whether they are right or left-handed. Furthermore, if they begin gesticulating or attempting to punctuate strong statements with their non-dominant hand, they may be lying to you.

#3. Instability in their equilibrium.

Another indication that someone is lying to you is if they rock back and forth when speaking to you. They may even be standing on one foot or putting significantly more weight on one foot, indicating that they are asymmetrical.

#4. Tilting the head

Asymmetry is not restricted to the lower half of the body. A cocked head can sometimes tell you everything you need to know.

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#5. Smirking rather than smiling.

It can’t hurt to pay attention to a person’s face while they’re talking, especially if they’re smirking a little. When someone is lying, the face may also show a lack of symmetry.

#6. They appear to be on their way out.

Does the person you’re speaking with appear to be eager to leave? If this is the case, it could indicate deception.” ” Liars frequently tilt their upper bodies away or point their feet toward the door, indicating a desire to physically and psychologically escape an unpleasant situation.

#7. A scratchy nose.

When we are nervous or deceptive, the capillaries in our nose expand slightly, making our nose itchy, Reiman explained. “You’ve probably found a hot spot if you notice someone bringing their hand to their nose and swiping several times.”


The truth is that there is no universal, surefire way to tell if someone is lying. All the signs, behaviors, and indicators that researchers have linked to lying are simply hinting that a person is being truthful.
Stop looking for the clichéd “lying signs” the next time you’re trying to determine the veracity of someone’s story and instead learn how to spot more subtle behaviors that could indicate deception.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 5 signs that someone is lying?

  • A shift in speech patterns Irregular speech is one telltale sign that someone is not telling the whole truth.
  • Using Non-Congruent Gestures.
  • An Unusual Change in Vocal Tone.
  • Their Eyes’ Movement
  • They are covering their mouth or eyes.
  • Fidgeting excessively.

What words do liars use?

The words people use and the way they speak can also reveal when they are not being truthful. There are a few phrases that indicate someone is lying. Overemphasizing their dependability:

  • “To tell the truth”
  • “To tell you the truth”
  • “Believe me,” I say.
  • “I’d like to be clear.”
  • “The truth is”

How do you catch someone in a lie?

Here are 5 foolproof ways to do so effectively:

  • Make a mental note of any inconsistencies. Pay attention to any inconsistencies in someone’s story if you suspect them of lying.
  • By asking an unexpected question, you can throw them off guard.
  • Keep a close eye on their actions.
  • Search for microexpressions.
  • Be suspicious of extra details.

What do all liars have in common?

Liars smile, nod, lean forward, and make eye contact while listening, all of which are characteristics commonly associated with trustworthy and friendly people. Don’t be fooled by their charm; it’s all a ruse. “Ums” and “uhs” are dead giveaways of a lie, so habitual liars have learned to think quickly.

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