rekindle a relationship

“If you aren’t happy just leave…” That is what most people would probably say but it is not always that easy. Yeah, the spark is gone, most butterflies are dead and there is nothing interesting or exciting anymore. How do you rekindle that relationship? Let’s find out, shall we?


#1. Have you considered trying new things?

Is it turning to the same old, same old? Try something new that you haven’t done before. Go all out if you must. A little tip for the guys, ladies love to be wooed afresh. Why don’t you try that? Something she’d really love. For the ladies, what does your partner like? Friendly tip, guys love women who are eccentric. So try someone unique that you probably won’t do normally. Spice things up a bit.

#2. Show ‘em some love:

Love is a very deep word. A lot of people interpret how they feel. Or how they think they feel when they run into this particular emotion. But how do you show your partner you love him/her? It is not only on sexual intimacy but feeling that neediness that needs to be filled every now and then. Show your partner you’re still around, you are still here.

#3. How about some time alone?

Date night always seems to do the trick basically. You can plan a couple’s date night. Cute right? No need to make it a double, spend some time together.

Rekindle that spark


Rekindling a relationship simply means restoring that lost interest or simply something missing.
A lot of people rekindle their friendships with people, relationships after or before a breakup even in marriages. It is totally normal.


It’s always a little rough when you are trying to rekindle your relationship after a hard separation. You got tired of your husband/wife so you took a break but how are you going to get that spark back? How do you rekindle your relationship becomes the question.

#1. Take it slowly:

This is depending on your partner though. The separation might have been a little bit harsh and everything is still probably sensitive. It always feels like you are working on eggshells around your partner. So take it slow, loosen up a bit but never overstep.

#2. Learn to retrain yourself:

There’s plenty of blame to go around so you don’t need to start with the “who’s the right game”. Learn to control your anger if you want to rekindle that relationship with your partner.

#3. Prioritize your relationship:

Jealousy is a fickle creature. If your partner still gets the sense of always being second in your life, he/she might not want to rekindle. Show them you love and prioritize their company and the relationship. However, it might be a little difficult but efforts are very important.

#4. Identify the root cause:

What caused the problems the first time? Is it cheating, or even distance? Then you need to identify the root cause of the problem to be able to solve it.

#5. Date night:

Although, everything is still fresh start small… Regular date nights, picnic at the park. Start small. Stop hoping, start doing.


Although, it is always too hard to fix a broken relationship especially if there was a breach of trust. Especially when he did something he shouldn’t have or she did something she shouldn’t have. It is always hard. However, you can rekindle the relationship by;

Rekindle a romance

#1. Taking responsibility for your actions:

Accept that you were wrong in general. In cases of cheating, some people love to toss blame around especially when it comes to physical/sexual intimacy or emotional intimacy. Don’t do that. It makes it worse basically.

#2. Have you tried therapy?

Therapy is the answer in most cases. Have you tried seeing a counselor? When the issue is getting out of hand, a counselor might be what you need to rekindle the flame.

#3. Don’t be too closed off:

Give your partner the chance to love you and fix what he/she broke. Although, it is always hard in most cases open your heart to the possibilities.

In conclusion, always know when your relationship needs to be rekindled. It does not necessarily have to fall apart because you realize it.

How to Rekindle a Relationship FAQ’s

Can you fix a broken relationship?

Even if a relationship is severely damaged, it is still possible to repair it. You can get back on the same team and realign your goals and expectations if you both start taking responsibility for the repair of your relationship.

Does space help a broken relationship?

Space can also help to repair a relationship that is collapsing due to a loss of individuality. Spending time apart can make your relationship much healthier since it allows you both to reconnect with your own values and desires.

How do you know if a relationship is worth saving?

You’re still the best of friends.

Friendship is thought to be the foundation of the best relationships. A relationship with a buddy is worth keeping, whether it begins as pals or eventually develops into a genuine friendship. It would be bad to lose a relationship and a friendship.

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