HOW TO MAKE A GIRL WANT YOU MORE: 19+ Simple Ways To Make Her Crazy

how to make a girl want you more
Image credit: TMM

This is where it all begins, and if you ignore it, you’ll be missing out on the powerful chemistry that will make everything else a lot simpler later on. Consider this: Sometimes attraction requires a boost, and the only way to get that boost is for a lady to ask herself one simple question: “Does he like me?” It all starts with a girl being interested in you, regardless of where it ends up. That’s just a preamble read further to discover all you need to know about how to make a girl want you more.

How to Make a Girl Want You Badly

You’ll have the key to making her crazy for you once you learn the different techniques and tricks that will make her want you, miss you.

There’s a big difference between getting your girl to desire you badly the legitimate way and getting her to want you badly the covert way. Consider whether you want her for a one-night stand or if you truly love her and want to be with her forever.

If you choose for the latter, there are a few particular steps you can take to entice her to stay.

#1. Loaded with self-confidence

You must possess a certain level of self-confidence and worth if you are to achieve anything in life. You have an advantage over the other males if you have evident confidence rather than arrogance because girls are naturally drawn to men who aren’t hesitant to take the lead.

Some men simply lack the bravery to express their self-assurance in front of women. If that describes you, you’ll have to fake it ’til you make it. If you want a woman to think about you all the time, you must demonstrate that you know what you want and that you are confident in your own skin.

Dress neatly, shower and shave, and put effort into your appearance so that any woman would be delighted to have you as her guy. Simple things like this can increase your confidence and help you get closer to your goals.

You can practice talking with a lot of girls to improve your confidence. Practice will not make you perfect, but it will help you improve. This will assist you in de-stressing for your next key date.

#2. Be trustworthy

Guys attempting to impress a girl have a huge problem in that they are unreliable. They arrive late or say or do anything other than what was agreed upon. You can get through the door by looking good, but you can’t utilize that to hit a home run.

If you can be trusted, you will become miraculously attractive in a girl’s eyes. So, if a lady needs to vent or needs assistance with something, make sure you’re the first man to arrive.

You’ll be in the running to make her crave you, and only you, if you show her you can take care of her.

#3. Flirting is attractive

Keep in mind that this should be done in moderation. Flirting is an excellent way to boost your self-esteem and put you in the positive when it comes to social situations. Just make sure you’re flirting in a genuine way. Fake flirting can quickly get you nowhere.

Don’t forget; your purpose for flirting is to get her to laugh and to open the door for intimacy. When the air is light, it’s much easier to get closer, faster.

#4. Make sure you don’t smother her

You’ll get old quickly if you’re around a girl every second of every day. Allowing her space gives her the opportunity to miss and think about you. You want her to desire you, and you’re not going to give her that chance if you don’t move out of her way.

She requires individuality and must be valued for it. After all, why would you want to be with a lady who is dependent and unable to stand on her own two feet?

As difficult as it may seem, it’s critical that you allow this girl to travel freely. If she really wants you, she’ll let you know, and if your strategy works, she’ll want you terribly.

#5. Make sure you are her escape

If there’s one pointer you should keep in mind, it’s this one. This means you should be the one she turns to when she has good or bad news. You’re it if she picks up the phone and calls you!

Make sure you provide her with the secure environment she requires when she needs to confide in you about something. Give her a unique moniker. Make her laugh, trust you, and, most importantly, desire you.

#6. Drop hints you want her

Because she can’t read your mind, it’s critical that you tell her your plans after you’ve established the essentials.

Why is it important for you to accomplish something now rather than later?

You may be kicked to the friend zone for the alarming cause. That is, without a doubt, a difficult place to leave.

It’s critical that you move quickly here. Make it clear to her that you don’t want to be relegated to the friend zone using your body language and covert flirtation.

Invite her out on a few dates and make sure you tell her you’re thinking about her in moderation. Do nice things for her and make sure you’re there for her when she needs you, no questions asked.

Open the door to make her feel at ease, and when you’re ready, take it to the next step by asking her out on a romantic date.

#7. Use your manners

There’s something endearing about a man who considers treating a lady with respect his top priority. This means you should open the car door for her, assist her with her shopping bags, offer her your jacket if it’s cold outside, and ensure she walks on the inner of the sidewalk away from traffic.

If you want her to think about you 24/7, then you’ve got to practice chivalry. Trust me on this one. It works!

#8. Text communication

With instant access, it’s so simple to reach out and communicate with her these days. Texting and texting her is advantageous since it informs her that you are thinking about her, even if you are at work.

Don’t go overboard, but you can develop a routine to pique her interest in you. No matter what, start by texting her good morning and good night. This is a smart move since it indicates that she is thinking about you when she wakes up and when she goes to bed.

You should send her a message at least once during the day because that isn’t enough. Your best bet is to send this message at a random time. Give her a sense of anticipation throughout the day, as she wonders when you’ll contact her.

In the wild and wonderful world of dating, a little mystery may go a long way.

#9. Make sure she wants more

It makes no difference whether you’re messaging back and forth or out on an actual date. It’s critical that you leave her wanting more of you at all times. The last thing you want is for her to become tired of you and, even worse, forget about you.

When you end chats on a high note, she’ll feel excited and a little disappointed. That will rekindle her desire to communicate with you. You’re putting pressure on her to think about you.

As a result, make sure you never run out of topics to discuss. Make it a habit to start an engaging narrative and then excuse yourself by saying you have to leave and will complete it later. This is a great way to pique her interest in you.

#10. Tell her how you feel

Women are more attracted to males who aren’t scared to express their true feelings, according to studies. This openness is contagious, and if you can tap into it with this exceptional girl, she won’t be able to resist your advances.

Of course, this is a risk, but it’s best to find out if she agrees with you sooner rather than later. This brave action will either make her want you like no other man, or it will be the card that ends the relationship.

You have to do what you have to do!

#11. Hop on a roller coaster

This one has a scientific component to it. You should take her on a roller coaster on your first date if you want to make a lasting impression. The link is by the simultaneous release of endorphins.

The bottom line, she’s going to see you as more attractive than you already are after the ride.

#12. Mysterious is magnetic

Some individuals think it’s a good idea to play hard to get, while others think it’s a waste of time. According to experts, playing hard to get will pique the interest of most women. The challenge is to strike the correct balance.

It’s not easy to reduce enthusiasm while somewhat increasing evasiveness. Make sure you’re not playing too hard to get if you don’t want it to backfire.

#13. Chillax

It’s a wonderful idea to turn on the calm for your health and love life. In general, women prefer guys who are laid-back versus people who are tense. You’ll stress her out if you show her you’re always stressed out, and that’s not a good thing.

Not to mention that calm guys are considered to have a stronger genetic foundation, which helps them produce healthier children in the future.

#14. Brush your teeth

This one is self-evident. A girl’s first impression of a man is his mouth, particularly his teeth. It will be an automatic turnoff if you have poor breath or bad teeth. Who wants to kiss someone with a filthy mouth?

#15. Make her laugh

The finest medicine is laughter, and it works wonders when it comes to seducing ladies. According to studies, people who can make a girl laugh outperform every other type of guy, regardless of how much money he makes.

Her distress is alleviated by laughing. After all, who doesn’t enjoy a good laugh?

#16. Sexy scruff

This one has my attention. It’ll be that seductive scruff that makes her desire you even more. Few women like beards, but you’ll have a hard time finding one who doesn’t like the sexy scruff appearance. All you have to do is forego shaving for a few days and you’ll be considered extremely gorgeous.

#17. Work on the conversation

In today’s environment, it’s difficult to have a real-life discussion because technology has seemingly taken over. Make sure your language skills are up to par if you want to impress her. This means you must be able to converse intelligently with her in your big-boy language.

It may sound a little ridiculous, but it’s really accurate.

#18. Make sure you’ve got goals

Not only should you have goals, but you should also have a plan to reach them. Driven men, who set regular targets and hit them, are seen as focused and successful in the eyes of women.

It really doesn’t matter what goals you have. Just make sure you share them with her, and as a bonus, ask her what goals she’s set for herself.

#19. Practice being thoughtful

It’s beautiful when a man remembers something a woman says and acts on it. There’s nothing more thrilling than a man surprising you. This isn’t about impressing her with a large sum of money.

It’s the little things that make a difference.

Pay attention to what she says and do everything you can to show her you care, without expecting anything in return. Perhaps a kiss would be appropriate.


It’s not easy to make a girl desire you badly, but there’s always a way when there’s a will. Make a plan of action to get that particular girl to want you badly using these suggestions and tactics to help you navigate the wild and thrilling world of dating.

Take into consideration getting rid of this. It’s like a second introduction, with the same information repeated.


How do you make a girl crave attention?

To make a girl become obsessed with you, get into her brain and her heart by being her hero, minding your looks, making her laugh, and making her feel special. You’ll need to tailor your efforts to the girl in question, but keeping these basic principles in mind should give you an idea of where to start!

How can I attract any girl?

Get to know her.

Respect her ideas, her opinions, and her beliefs. Girls like it when you treat them like people. If you want girls to find you attractive, respecting them as people is a great place to start. For example, ask her about her favorite hobby, and then ask her how she got into that hobby.

How do I keep her interested?

Respect her.

Respecting her is crucial to keeping her interest. Show her that you value her opinion and make sure that she puts in her two cents when it comes to decisions that you make together. Let her talk without interrupting her, listen to her, and never insult her or belittle her.

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