Have you ever heard of the popular saying, “we are like oil and vinegar, great individually but we don’t mix”…. Yeah, that is how compatibility tends to play out. Most times it’s not all about love or like we’d often say “butterflies”, how compatible are you with your partner? Basically, compatibility deals with how you can “co-exist” or live peacefully with someone. Although, we are nothing but human right, so yeah disagreements can occur sometimes. But when we are dealing with compatibility, it is deeper than just loving someone. It deals with understanding someone’s emotions, attitude and his or her personality in general.

Compatibility doesn’t just have to deal with romantic relationships but all relationships in general. When you are looking for a partner, you generally have a set of characteristics that you’d love to see in this person or even a friend. However, we tend to develop a habit of looking for the same kind of person in other people. And the type of person we might be looking for is not actually what we might be or should be looking for. So how do you know the type of person? How do you know if you are compatible with someone?
This simple compatibility test will help you know, how or if at all you are compatible with someone.
#1. Are there children in your future?
A. Definitely or I have kids and I definitely want more.
B. At some point, I would like to have children, but I am not ready just yet
C. I am not sure yet, I haven’t decided
D. I don’t think I want children or I already have a child/children, and that is enough.
#2. Which of these is most important to you when it comes to relationships?
B. Someone who will be by your side no matter what that you can always depend on
C. Trust, stability, and consistency
D. Being able to let loose and always have fun together
#3. Which of these best describes you?
B. Compassionate and empathetic
C. Successful and confident
D. Innovative and Curious
#4. Which of these would you most desire in a partner?
B. Someone with more of a sensitive side
C. Honesty and trust
D. Adventurous
#5. Which of these would be most frustrating to you?
B. Someone who can’t connect on an emotional level
C. Someone who doesn’t like to take risks or have a sense of adventure
D. Someone who lacks the motivation to accomplish their goals
#6. Which of these have caused the most significant issues in your past relationships?
B. lack of dependability and feeling supported
C. Trust and stability issues
D. Not being interested in the same things
#7. When you picture your future, what does your love life look like?
B. Taking things slow and waiting until I am sure I have met the right one before settling down, so I don’t make any mistakes
C. I am in no rush to settle down, but I do picture myself getting married someday
D. I am not sure if I will ever settle down
#8. What month were you born in?
B. March, July, November
C. January, May, September
D. February, June, October
#9. What qualities are least attractive to you in a partner?
A. Someone who lacks motivation or ambition
B. Someone who is disconnected from their emotions or other people’s emotions
C. Someone who sends mixed signals and is not dependable
D. Someone who takes life too seriously and doesn’t know how to relax
#10. Which weekend activity sounds most enjoyable to you?
B. Date night with my partner cuddled up watching a movie
C. Doing something creative or working on a project around the house
D. Traveling or exploring
Compatibility is all about being on the same page with your partner.

#1. Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius):
Fire signs in love:
#2. Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn):
Earth signs in love:
#3. Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius):
Air in love:
#4. Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces):
Water in love:
As you might have guessed, water signs are “really not very good at casual dating because they fall in love quickly.”

#1. LEO:
#2. LIBRA:
The signs most compatible with Libra are fellow air signs Gemini and Aquarius. Because these signs understand the dynamic nature and diversity of the Libra. However, they can also work well with fire signs; Leo and Sagittarius.
#3. ARIES:
#10. TAURUS:
#12. VIRGO:
Who is the most compatible sign for a Leo?
The most compatible signs for Leo are fellow yang energy. Which comprises the fire signs and air signs.
What is compatibility?
Compatibility is simply coexistence, how you live with someone with a balance in your personalities.