Moon Phase Soulmate: Everything You Should Know

Moon Phases Soulmate
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We’ve all gotten it done: contrasted our zodiac sign similarity and our crush or significant other. However, the most recent visionary pattern is seeing whether they’re your moon phase soulmate. The viral trend came about how most things do nowadays: on TikTok. Furthermore, youngsters can’t get enough of seeing whether their ongoing partner (or ex, assuming that you’re muddled) is the ideal individual for them given how their moon phases line up. So where does the moon assume a part in all of this? Also, how would you decide whether somebody is your moon phase soulmate? Let’s find out all you need to know below.

Key Takeaways

Here are the key takeaways about Moon Phase Soulmates:

  • Moon phases can have a symbolic and energetic influence on relationships. Understanding the moon phase during significant events can provide insights into emotional compatibility and the potential challenges within a connection.
  • Exploring the moon phase during your birth or significant life events can facilitate self-reflection and personal growth. It can help you understand the inherent qualities and energies that shape your personality and experiences.
  • There are various Moon Phase Soulmate apps available that offer personalized astrology, compatibility analysis, and guidance on harnessing the energies of the moon. These apps can provide insights, rituals, and practices to deepen your connection with your soulmate.

What Are Moon Phase Soulmates?

Moon Phase Soulmates allude to people whose spirits adjust and synchronize with explicit moon phases. Similarly, as the moon goes through various phases, our spirits might resound and interface with various energies at different phases of the lunar cycle. These associations are accepted to be significant and extraordinary, giving open doors to development, understanding, and profound emotional resonance.

The moon has for some time been related to feelings, instinct, and the recurring pattern of life. Each moon phase conveys its own one-of-a-kind energy and imagery, impacting our emotional states and encounters. By investigating the connection between moon phases and soulmates, we can acquire a more profound understanding of the grandiose powers at play in our connections.

In my own encounters and interactions with people, I have seen the amazing force of Moon Phase Soulmates. There is a feeling of commonality, an unexplainable attractive force, and a significant profound emotional connection that rises above the actual domain. These experiences frequently accompany serious feelings, and difficulties, and open doors for self-awareness.

What is the Moon Phase Soulmate Trend?

The moon phase soulmate trend depends on the possibility that the phase of the moon when you were conceived (also known as your “natal moon phase”), influences your character, and in this manner, how viable you are with others. For two individuals to be “moon phase soulmates,” then, at that point, their particular moon phases would be profoundly viable.

According to AstroTwins, your natal moon phase deliberate ease in crystal gazing says a ton regarding your profound disposition, which adds one more layer of understanding to your moon sign, or your “emotional blueprint.”

Furthermore, in this moon phase soulmate trend, individuals are using web applications like CapCut to show what it resembles when they line their natal moon phase up with the natal moon period of their partner or crush.

How to Find Your Moon Phase Soulmate

To see whether you and your partner are moon phase soulmates, you’ll have to sort out which phase the moon was in when you were both conceived. Look at the AstroTwins’ moon phase calculator to find them, and afterward, you can perceive how they line up.

Remember, depending on who you ask, you could get various understandings of which moon signs are perfect partners. Assuming your two moon phases structure a full moon, that is not an assurance you’re perfect partners. After all, considering there are just eight moon phases, that would mean you were soulmates with everyone brought into the world under your most viable moon phase, which would be…one in eight individuals.

Viable moon phases could help add to general similarity, obviously. However, they’re not vital for a solid relationship, nor do they ensure soulmate status. That said, always go with your gut and how you feel about a person over what their birth chart or moon phase might tell you about them.

Here is a video on how to find your moon phase soulmate on Tiktok:

Moon Phase Compatibility Test

To investigate the similarity between people given moon phases, Moon Phase Compatibility Tests have arisen. These tests consider the moon phase at the hour of birth for every individual and break down the possible agreements or difficulties that might emerge in their connection. They give bits of knowledge into the profound similarity and reverberation between Moon Phase Soulmates.

Here is a video that talks about moon phase compatibility:

What Does Your Moon Phase Say About You?

1. New moon:

People born during a new moon are unconstrained self-starters who like to follow their motivations, requesting forgiveness instead of consent. They’re gutsy and lively, while perhaps not a piece credulous, and they need to look out for “Peter Pan syndrome.”

2. Waxing bow moon:

Individuals brought into the world during a waxing bow moon are steadfast and conventional while likewise innovative and mindful. They may be a handyman, and you can likewise rely on them for help, however, they could have to figure out how to defend themselves.

3. First quarter moon:

Individuals born under a first quarter moon are the changemakers and forces to be reckoned with in the world. They’re continuously searching for ways of improving things than previously and are clever and natural. They function admirably under tension however can battle with long-haul arranging.

4. Waxing gibbous moon:

Individuals born under a waxing gibbous moon are deliberate and energetic. Their work should be significant to them, and they will quite often be astounding and diligent employees. They might have offbeat strategies, yet they’ll take care of business, no matter what.

5. Full moon:

People born under a full moon are sustaining, sure, and expressive. They might appear to be very fortunate because they’re phenomenal at showing and will more often than not find success. They’re cool and quiet under tension, making them extraordinary pioneers, however, they can be drama magnets, and, surprisingly, excessively materialistic.

6. Waning gibbous moon:

People born under a waning gibbous moon tend to seem like old souls, as they do their own thing and don’t care what anyone thinks. They will not draw in with the plot of the human show except if they’re the ones doing thought-driving with their out-of-the-box ideas.

7. Last quarter moon:

People born during a last quarter moon are special people who will generally be mavericks on the most fundamental level. They love to keep the world speculating and don’t have a high need for close connections, they are happy with their own organization. They’re likewise frequently extremely inventive and vanguard.

8. Waning crescent (Balsamic) moon:

Individuals born under this last lunar phase could appear to be a piece mind-blowing. They might have proactively lived numerous lifetimes, so they convey incredible insight yet in addition a specific hesitance or bitterness to draw in with life. They must stay grounded and enjoy the simple pleasures life has to offer.

Moon Phase Calculator

The Moon Phase Calculator is an important device that can assist you with understanding the impact of moon phases on your life and connections, especially about Moon Phase Soulmates. By contributing explicit dates and areas, the calculator gives exact data about the moon phase during a specific event or birth. This data can be instrumental in acquiring bits of knowledge about the lively impacts at play during critical minutes in your day-to-day existence.

The Moon Phase Calculator considers the date, time, and location of a particular event, like a birth or a critical achievement in a relationship. It then ascertains and uncovers the comparing moon phase that was available at that point. This permits you to comprehend the particular energy and imagery related to that phase and how it might have influenced the dynamics of your connection.

By using a Moon Phase Calculator, you can gain a more profound comprehension of your Moon Phase Soulmate connection. It provides you with valuable insights into the emotional compatibility, resonance, and potential challenges that may arise between you and your partner. Understanding the moon phase during critical events in your relationship can reveal insight into the particular energies and impacts that were present, assisting you explore the intricacies of your connection with more noteworthy mindfulness.

While using a moon phase calculator, it means quite a bit to move toward the data with a receptive outlook and a readiness to investigate the subtleties of your connection. While the calculator gives significant experiences, it is fundamental to recall that it is only one device among many in grasping connections and self-improvement. Trust your intuition and combine the information the calculator provides with your own experiences and observations to form a holistic understanding of your Moon Phase Soulmate journey.

Moon Phase Soulmate App

Picking the best Moon Phase Soulmate app can be a useful method for saddling the energies of the full moon and extending how you might interpret your connection with your perfect partner. These apps provide an abundance of information and tools that permit you to line up with the intense energy of the full moon and investigate its effect on your relationship. Here are five Moon Phase Soulmate apps to consider:

1. Moonit:

Moonit offers customized crystal gazing and similarity analysis, including experiences of moon phases and their effect on connections. It guides outfitting the energies of the moon for self-awareness and association.

2. Co—Star:

Co—Star is an astrology app that provides detailed insights into your birth chart, including moon phase information. It offers customized horoscopes and similarity investigation, allowing you to investigate the elements of your relationship with your soulmate.

3. TimePassages:

TimePassages is a comprehensive astrology app that provides detailed birth chart analysis, including moon phase information. It offers experiences into your soulmate connection given astrological compatibility and permits you to follow the lunar cycles and their impact on your relationship.

4. The Pattern:

While not explicitly centered around moon phases, The Pattern is a popular astrology and personality analysis app. It gives experiences into your relationship elements, incorporating similarity with your perfect partner, in light of celestial examples and impacts.

5. Sanctuary Astrology:

Sanctuary Astrology is an app that offers customized crystal gazing readings, including moon stage estimations and bits of knowledge. It provides information on the energetic influences of the moon and helps you understand the impact of different phases on your soulmate connection.

Remember to research and read user reviews for the most up-to-date and accurate information on Moon Phase Soulmate apps, as the app landscape is constantly evolving.

What moon signs are soulmates?

Now, let’s explore the 7 Moon sign combinations that make for perfect partners and soul mates:

  • Aries (Moon) and Sagittarius (Moon)
  • Taurus (Moon) and Virgo (Moon)
  • Gemini (Moon) and Libra (Moon)
  • Cancer (Moon) and Pisces (Moon)
  • Leo (Moon) and Aries (Moon)
  • Virgo (Moon) and Capricorn (Moon)
  • Scorpio (Moon) and Cancer (Moon)

How to do the moon soulmate test?

Open TikTok and search for the “Moon Phase Test” effect. Then press “Use this effect” and input your own and someone else’s birthdays. Hit record to watch your birth moon phases line up. If they fit neatly together, you might be soulmates.

Here is a video on how to do moon soulmate test:

What is moon phase compatibility?

The Moon Phase Compatibility Test is a TikTok trend in which you use one of many apps to compare the moon phase you were born under to the natal moon phase of your crush, lover, bestie, etc. to see if it’s a match.

What moon phases say about your relationship?

Full moon beings give their all to relationships. The Waning gibbous phase is on board to commit. The last quarter moon adds forgiveness and compassion to their partnerships. The waning crescent moon person is turbulent but fun in their relationships.

How to calculate soulmate birthday?

The calculation works like this: You take the month and day of your birthday (ex: 07/04) and add that to your mom’s birthday. Then, you subtract your dad’s birthday from that number. The result is allegedly the month and day on which you’ll meet your soulmate.

How to know if someone is your soulmate based on astrology?

If you and your partner are compatible, your Mars and Venus will be within 10 or so degrees of each other. For instance, if your Mars is 15 degrees, your partner’s should hopefully be from 10 to 20 degrees. Look for a partner whose degree of Mars and Venus is closest to yours.

How can I connect with the Moon?

Here are some ideas for incorporating the Moon into your spiritual practices or using the cycles of the moon to bring more spirituality into your life.

  • Use the Moon as a Reminder to Set Intentions. 
  • Create a Ritual Connected to the Moon. 
  • Connect with Nature. 
  • Honor Women. 
  • Practice Daily Charting.


The concept of Moon Phase Soulmates offers a fascinating perspective on the cosmic connections we form in our lives. From the initial stages of exploration to the heights of emotional intensity and the depths of transformation, these connections can be transformative and profoundly impactful.

By using moon phase compatibility tests, moon phase calculators, and soulmate apps, we can deepen our understanding of these connections and navigate the complexities with greater clarity.

As you embark on your own Moon Phase Soulmate journey, remember to trust your intuition, embrace growth opportunities, and nurture the connection with open communication and authenticity. Reflect on the lessons learned, release what no longer serves, and embrace the transformative power of the moon phases. Ultimately, where does your Moon Phase Soulmate journey lead? Only you can uncover the answer within the depths of your own soul.


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