How Do You Know You Found Your Soulmate 
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We all want to feel seen, understood, and loved, so finding a “soulmate” sounds appealing—but are soulmates real? And how do you know whether you’ve met your match?

Right from an early age, I was taught that meeting our soulmate is the key to falling in love and living happily ever after (thank you, Disney). But what is a soulmate, and how can you know whether someone is your soulmate? Is it enough to love each other and not want to be with anyone else? How do you know when you’ve met the right person? Is it possible to have more than one soulmate? I will answer all these questions in this article, so come along.

What Exactly Defines a Soulmate?

As described, a soulmate is “a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner”—as defined literally by the Oxford Dictionary. Soulmates can be thought of as people who share your energy.

What Makes Someone a Soulmate?

It might be difficult to discern, particularly at the start of a relationship. Falling in love can be an intoxicating experience, but it does not always end well. Some argue that the emotional charge you feel when you meet someone results from hormones or “happy brain chemicals” doing their thing. However, some couples have a valid, deep, and lasting connection that far outweighs shallow, transactional, or surface-level relationships.

If you meet someone who makes you feel amazing, know that a soulmate connection is a definite possibility. To balance your strong emotions with some logic, ask yourself a few basic questions to determine whether this is genuine.

In this article, you will learn what questions to ask and what to look for in a soulmate. 

#1. Is it like Having a New Best friend?

Deep relationships are not solely about romance. They care about lasting friendships more than anything else. The appropriate person will make you laugh, enjoy good times with you, and be a confidant you can always turn to. Cracking jokes and being foolish together is a fantastic sign that you’ve found a lifelong partner.

With a soulmate, you’ll have just as much fun sitting on the couch with a bowl of popcorn or doing everyday weekend chores together as you would on a nice dinner date. They won’t judge you for staying in your pajamas all day. You can discuss deeper topics, share the latest gossip, and engage in activities together, such as travelling or climbing. You are a team.

#2. Do They Feel Like Home?

While respecting individual needs is crucial, you should also have a natural desire to be with one another. An unwavering sense of comfort frequently characterizes soulmate relationships. When you meet them, you may feel that you’ve met them before, as if you’re returning home.

Conversations flow effortlessly. You end up talking all night about everything from old relationship problems to goals and dreams to your day at work. You may find it easier to discuss topics you previously could not discuss. Even in solitude, you feel safe. You don’t need to force a discussion.

#3. Do They Support You During Difficult Times?

Your partner is the last person you want to back away from during a difficult time. However, for some, the less-than-perfect moments are a signal to cut and run. This is not for soulmates. After all, the soul is a profound and robust being, full of positive and negative life events that have contributed to its development. So, a soulmate will be with you through thick and thin.

When you suffer, so does your partner. They are not simply passively watching what is happening; they are right there with you, experiencing it. If you feel comfortable talking to your partner about anything, you might have discovered your soulmate and know they have your back.

#4. Do You Have a Sense of Peace?

You get home from a long day and can’t wait to spend time with them. You lose a loved one, ber and, in their embrace, you know everything will be well. Your partner will provide you with a sense of tranquillity and refuge from the storm. The intimate link you share transcends conflicts and hardships. On the deepest level, you are two people who respect and adore each other’s souls. That brings peace.

#5. Do They Activate What Needs to Be Healed in You?

While soulmate partnerships are lovely, they are not without challenges. Our soulmates can bring out some of our most challenging sides. They can operate as mirrors, revealing precisely what needs to be healed within ourselves, which can be difficult. You can expect significant triggers in a soulmate connection because that is where the most profound gifts reside.

Uncomfortable feelings and awareness can contribute to greater self-knowledge and progress.

Your partner’s professional success may make you feel competitive or unworthy. Maybe they don’t call when they say they will, and your inner child panics. However, you’ve just been told what you need to work on the most, which is a valuable gift from a soulmate. 

#6. Do You Share Values?

Some issues are critical to interoperability. One of them is a shared set of fundamental principles and ideals. You don’t have to agree with everything your partner believes, says, or does, but you’ll probably need to decide on some fundamental topics.

This could refer to monogamy or non-monogamy, how much time you prefer to spend with a partner, how much solitude you desire, or whether you value kindness and empathy above all else. It could refer to what is most essential in your life, such as family relationships, work objectives, creative interests, the freedom of travel, or the security of living in a suburb.

It could also refer to more practical considerations, such as whether you want to marry and/or have children and how you manage your finances. It could also refer to ethics and morality, religious or spiritual views, or how you live your life. 

#7. Do They Bring the Best Out of You?

It is usual for your partner to trigger you occasionally. As a result, some of your less desirable characteristics may emerge from time to time. However, a soulmate connection allows you and your relationship to bloom naturally into their largest, most luminous expressions.

If you are timid, the warmth and safety of a soulmate connection may give you the confidence to let your guard down and express who you are. If you’re artistic, a soulmate could be your inspiration, allowing you to express yourself in ways you’ve never been able to do before. Or perhaps your soulmate understands you—you feel heard and seen, so you don’t have to prove yourself as much, and you feel free to be honest, even vulnerable. All of these symptoms indicate that you’ve found your soulmate.

#8. Do You Feel the Spark?

Sometimes, you know they are the one. While you shouldn’t base everything on a transient emotional high, something must be said about the electrifying feeling of desire, the exhilaration of being in sync with someone, and the sense of being touched on a deep emotional level. This could happen on the first date or after a few days, weeks, or even months. However, just because you’ve been in an excellent relationship for years and haven’t felt overwhelmed by emotion doesn’t mean you haven’t discovered your soulmate. Some people function best in a steady, devoted, predictable, and profoundly knit union.  

#9. Do You Respect Each Other?

Love equals respect, and respect is frequently about balance. Soulmates must compete on an equal playing field. There should be a balance of give and take, with both people supporting each other, giving each other room to discuss concerns, and picking each other up when they’re down. If there is an imbalance or one person continually prioritizes himself, there may be a problem with respect.

Respect also entails appreciating each other’s limits and independence. This can take the form of giving each other room to spend time with friends, work toward job objectives, and acknowledge their personal energy ebbs and flows. If one tries to push others to conform to their demands, lifestyle, or habits, that person may not be a soulmate.  

How Do You Know You Found Your Soulmate

You know you’ve found your soulmate when you agree on everything, large and small. You enjoy the same things, laugh at the same jokes, agree and disagree with love and affection, and compete with zest without bitterness or jealousy. These people are on the same journey to truth and love.

Here are signals that you’ve met your soulmate.

#1. They Enter Your Life at the Perfect Time

Your soulmate will join your life at the ideal time. You may be going through significant life changes, and their presence will bring you immense calm and peace.

You likely met your soulmate before you became a couple; you may have lived in the same neighbourhood or known mutual individuals, but it was not the perfect time. Soulmates always enter one another’s lives at the right time.

#2. Instant Connection

Soulmates frequently have an instant connection; you’ll feel like you’ve known them forever. Looking into their eyes makes you feel right at home.

Although soulmates have an immediate connection, that does not imply instant attraction. There may be little physical attraction when soulmates meet, but a force draws them together. Even if the initial attraction is minor and your soulmate does not fit your ‘normal type,’ you will know that this is the person you should be with because it will feel right.

#3. Unspoken Understanding

A soulmate bond is unlike any other; the highest level of understanding characterizes it.

Soulmates can frequently converse without speaking, knowing how each other feels without saying a single word. Spending time with your soulmate is never exhausting; you may talk for hours about your deepest thoughts and feelings, as well as theirs.  

#4. You Felt an Immediate Connection

I can tell you that meeting a soulmate creates an instant connection, as if you’ve known them forever. “You just feel like you’ve known that person forever—it’s having that deep connection where you simply recognize that soul.

#5. They arrived at the same time

Humans tend to attract soulmates during times of need, such as while learning a lesson. “The soul is well-versed in the art of attraction. It will connect you with the people you are meant to be with, and it does so through attraction.

#6. You “Recognize” Each Other’s Soul

Speaking of recognition, it’s another clear spiritual indicator of meeting your soulmate that appears to be beyond understanding. I came across a professional psychic who believes that when two souls share a significant former life (or lives), they are mysteriously drawn to each other in this existence. 

#7. Deeper Connection

Soulmates frequently have similar experiences before the meeting, bringing them closer. No one on the globe knows you better than your soulmate. You discover you can open up about your deepest secrets without fear or shame. They know everything about your past, including what makes you happy, sad, and tick. You even have a secret humor that no one else understands, and no one can make you laugh as much as they do.

#8. You Bring the Best Out of Each Other

Your soulmate always wants the best for you. They see potential in you that you haven’t seen in yourself and push you outside your comfort zone. This is a perfect love match, and you actively work to enhance each other’s lives. They motivate you to do better, and you have the same effect on them.

You also share similar perspectives on life and the desire to reach the same destination, even if you take different paths.

#9. Your life is Unimaginable Without Them

Your existence is inconceivable without your soulmate; being in their presence is like nothing you’ve ever experienced, and the prospect of being apart from them is excruciating. Nothing can break the tie between soulmates; you accept each other’s defects and imperfections and even come to adore them.

#10. You know,

Above all else, you’ll know if they’re your soulmate. Your intuition never lies; merely look within, and you will find the answers. 

What Does a Soulmate Connection Feel Like?

A strong and immediate connection is frequently present during intense, unambiguous soulmate energy exchange. Some people feel a sensation of recognition or familiarity as if they have known the person forever.

What Happens When You Find Your True Soulmate?

Some of the most favourable symptoms of finding your soulmate include experiencing an intense connection with the other person, feeling at peace, being comfortable and peaceful, and having a profound sense of understanding despite disagreements or fights.

How Do  You Know You’ve Found the One?

Since you met, the relationship has flowed well and been effortless. In addition to attraction, there is mutual respect and appreciation. You have similar thoughts and can talk about topics for hours without boredom.

Can You Feel Soulmate Pain?

You can feel their sorrow. Feeling your soulmate’s anguish is frequently called “empathic bonding.” In this case, soulmates can sense and understand each other’s emotions.


While the definition of the soul is still debated, our soulmates can be found in our friends, family, and romantic partners. They may be for today or forever, but one thing is sure: soulmate connections are among the most gratifying and growth-oriented partnerships we will have.


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