The word “soulmate” is short but intense, which might be scary. However, fate, the alignment of the stars, or the discovery of a missing puzzle piece are not factors in determining soulmate relationships. It’s about developing a deep, intimate, and passionate connection with someone and sustaining that love through ups and downs. Sometimes, it does not last forever.
I believe that soulmates are not born but made. You may spend the rest of your life with one person and have a profound and beautiful love story, but the process is collaborative. As an experienced relationship writer and someone who has been in several relationships, I can tell you that Prince Charming does not arrive fully prepared to sweep you off your feet. They are people you build an equally fulfilling life with, and that isn’t always perfect, but it helps you grow more into the person you’re meant to be.
But I would like to go over all these in detail. So grab that bowl of popcorn and …
What is a Soulmate?
A soulmate is someone with whom you are highly compatible. Deep connections create soulmates, and while many people think of soulmates as a love story-perfect match, they can be much more than that. Your genuine love—your spouse or romantic partner—may be your soulmate, but you may also have another soulmate, such as a closest friend, mentor, or business partner.
Healthy relationships outside of marriage are crucial. Still, when people talk of soulmates, they frequently refer to “the one”: the individual with whom they have an instant connection and love desire. Whatever type of soulmate you have or want, this person will inspire and fulfil you in life-changing ways.
Are Soulmates Real?
That depends on whoever you ask. For 56% of Americans, the response to the question “Are soulmates real?” is unequivocally “yes.” Nearly 20% are unsure, with a fifth claiming they do not exist. Science isn’t much assistance here, either. It’s tough to precisely describe “What’s a soulmate?” as science is famously lousy at answering metaphysical problems.
The truth is that it doesn’t matter whether soulmates exist. What matters is if you believe soulmates exist. Your beliefs shape your reality, and if you think that soulmates exist, it will influence how you look for love, form relationships, and more.
How to Know If You’ve Found Your Soulmate
Are soul mates real? If they are, how will you know when you’ve discovered yours? Signs might range from a “clap of thunder” awareness to subtle hints.
Pay attention to the following signals that someone is your soulmate:
#1. You Respect One Another
A partnership is meaningless without respect. If your significant other doesn’t appreciate you for who you are, they’re probably not your soulmate. They should take your feelings and opinions seriously, not dismiss them. They should admire, love, and always treat you nicely.
#2. You Just know!
No test will tell you whether you’ve discovered your soulmate. You must have a strong gut feeling that this individual is right for you. We know that sounds corny, but you’ll understand what it means when you have that feeling. Their presence should energise you, secure enough to open up and be overjoyed with affection. Connections manifest differently for everyone, and emotions might shift over time.
#3. You can Easily Spend Time Together
Spending time with a soulmate should be minimal to no strain; your hours together should be enjoyable, and time will fly by. Soulmates can and do dispute, but what matters is that you always act toward one another with love and make room in your heart for forgiveness.
#4. You Have the Same Life Goals
Speaking of essential matters… you both have comparable life goals. We’re not saying you want to pursue the same career or attend the same college. However, you both agree on whether or not to start a family and what ideals you wish to live by. There will be conflicts here and there, but you’re all on the same page about the main issues.
#5. You Respect Each Other’s Differences While Agreeing on the Vital Things
You may never agree on what TV show to watch together or what toppings to put on your pizza. Still, you’re on the same page regarding the essential things in life, such as your principles.
#6. You’re Concerned About Their Well-being
You will want to support your soulmate’s family, job goals, and interests outside of your partnership, and they should desire the same happiness for you.
#7. It Feels Like You’ve Known Them Forever
Whether you’ve been dating for five months or years, being with your soulmate seems like you’ve known them forever. It’s frequently difficult to believe they weren’t present at certain life moments simply because you haven’t met them yet.
#8. You May Feel a Spark Around the Person
You may have a romantic spark—an ineffable sensation in each other’s presence—but it might also be a platonic or intellectual flame. Whatever it is, it will be contagious and leave you wanting to spend more time together.
#9. Your Self-Confidence Grows
Spending time with your loved ones may make you feel happier. This person should make you feel good about yourself and boost your self-esteem. Similarly, this person should feel safe, comfortable, and valued by you.
Imagining a life without your partner may be dark and lonely. Losing a soulmate can be a devastating loss. Therefore, you may feel bittersweet toward this person because you understand how fortunate you are to have found a soulmate, how fragile certain relationships are, and how important this person is in your life.
#10. You Fight For This Relationship
Relationships are not always easy, especially between soulmates, but you both work hard to maintain your connection. This frequently entails compromising, working on oneself, or talking through problems. You may debate or disagree on anything, but you will come out stronger and more understanding of one another. The fact that you two are prepared to go to these lengths to work together and fight for each other indicates that you are soulmates.
4 Ways to Prepare Yourself to Find Your Soulmate:
You won’t meet your soulmate by constantly hunting for “the one,” compiling a laundry list of characteristics and questioning your dates. Your energy is better spent achieving personal fulfilment, trying new things, and learning from your mistakes so that you’ll be ready to start a good relationship when your soulmate appears.
#1. Focus on What You Can Control
Where the attention is, energy flows. Focusing on things beyond our control wastes energy, and we may become nervous or depressed. Instead of wondering, “Do soulmates exist?,” concentrate on what you can control: Learn from your previous romantic blunders. Put yourself in circumstances where you can meet new people and develop new relationships, all while improving your happiness.
#2. Become Self-Aware
Before answering “What’s a soulmate?” you must first answer a much more important question: Who am I? How can I establish my dream relationship? Stop playing love roulette and start a soulmate connection when you understand yourself and what you want. Take the time to define your values. Discover your greatest human need that influences your decisions.
#3. Find Personal Fulfillment
We’ve all heard the expression, “If you’re not happy single, you won’t be happy in a relationship.” If you believe you must be in a relationship to be happy, you will bring bad energy to all your dates, resulting in stressful relationships. To form a soulmate relationship, you must first start with yourself.
#4. Apply the Law of Attraction
The law of attraction is the belief that. Whatever you hold in your mind consistently is precisely what you will experience in life.” In other words, we get what we focus on. The law of attraction is how we can create our desires by focusing on the positive aspects of life – and what is a soulmate if not someone who appears out of nowhere?
Types of Soulmates
#1. Soul Partners
Sincerely, I can tell if you are committed to partnering with particular souls in this lifetime—the most prevalent form of soulmate. You may have agreed to be best friends, raise children, or start a business together. A soul relationship can be with someone you’ve known intimately your entire life, such as a cherished sister, or it can be with someone you’ve only known for a short time, such as an influential person in your profession who offers you a significant career boost.
Soul partners are specifically made to assist you emotionally, professionally, or in any other way necessary to accomplish and experience what your soul intended to do here on Earth.
None of us can undertake this life alone, and soul connections demonstrate how beautifully, brilliantly, and intricately our lives are intertwined.
#2. Romantic Soulmates
I know a few things after thousands of intuitive readings for customers worldwide. One is that if we enter a significant romantic relationship or fall in love, we may eventually partner with this person.
The partnership allows us to heal, learn, and grow. Even in the sweetest or healthiest relationships, romantic soul mates can tap into your deepest traumas or push you in uncomfortable ways. When two souls form a romantic relationship, they also enter a course together.
Many of my clients have met their ideal mates and stated, “I feel like I’ve been waiting my whole life to meet this person.” It is always worth the wait! Find strategies to fall in love with life, believe you can have a beautiful romantic relationship, and seek help to repair past romantic traumas.
#3. Karmic Soul Mates
Karmic soul mates are also known as “wrecking ball soul mates.” However, rather than thinking about karma as good or bad or as a system of punishment and reward, consider it a neutral force of cause and effect.
The earth plane is primarily a dimension of cause and effect. We constantly develop karma with others, both through little and extensive exchanges. Every interaction with another individual generates energy that can be converted into karma. This is nothing to be afraid of but something to be aware of.
Karmic relationships can enter our lives as change agents, providing opportunities or invitations to improve our karma (how we behave in our lives and the world) so that we might grow and evolve through positive, negative, or neutral interactions. Remember that the soul seeks new experiences, growth, and progress.
#4. Soul Crossings
Have you heard the cliche “ships that pass in the night”? It’s a term used to describe someone who enters your life, but the time and circumstances do not lend themselves to a lasting connection. This phenomenon can occur when friends, lovers, or colleagues are thrown together briefly and share incredible experiences and awakenings.
Even if someone does not stay in your life for long—such as a freelancer who works at your firm for nine months and becomes close to you before moving to the other side of the nation or a sweetheart you meet on a retreat who unfortunately dies four months later—they are still a soul mate.
In the case of a friend, you may always cherish your time together, and the lessons you learned, but your lives are too hectic to maintain the friendship meaningfully.
If your partner dies, you may remember them lovingly for the rest of your life or perhaps consider them a spirit guide. Soul crossings teach us not to judge the value or depth of a soulmate based on the length of their connection.
#5. Past-life Soulmates
Many Eastern religions and ideologies address the idea of past lives. I can always tell when a client has encountered someone they know well in a previous life by how they describe the encounter. If the relationship manifests as romance, they may say, “I’ve never felt this way before!”
However, just because you had a meaningful former life with someone and are experiencing all of the emotions does not indicate you are destined to partner, romantically or otherwise, in this incarnation. Judge the relationship based on who you are today and how you treat each other.
If you suspect a past-life connection with a present lover, attempt to heal the situation, even if you end the relationship. This could be lovingly releasing them and wishing them well while removing them from your life. When souls reunite in this lifetime, they often want to heal something or do better than before.
#6. Soul Ties
When you experience a soul tie, it simply means that another soul is in your life for a reason. For example, if your life is extremely busy and you meet a new potential friend or business partner, having a soul connection with this person may drive you to create room in your life for the relationship.
Perhaps you’re not looking for a pet. Still, when a friend says they have to give up their pet because they have to relocate overseas unexpectedly, your client, or feeling, psychic pathway may tell you that you have a soul connection with this animal and that bringing it into your home is the right thing to do for both of you.
#7. Twin Flames
This famous expression refers to a powerful soul connection; others believe twin flames are the same soul split into two bodies.
According to this notion, twin flames can love, challenge, teach, and heal each other uniquely and powerfully. However, avoid feeling like you need someone to complete you. Remember that trying to put individuals into a specific category in your life, especially spiritual ones, might have a negative side effect.
While some believe that having a twin flame is the ultimate romantic experience, keep in mind that any relationship you have with another person, romantic or not, has the potential to help you gain greater awareness.
#8. Companion Soul Mates (also known as Soulmate Pals)
Not all soul mates are romantics. Your companion soul mates, also known as soul mate pals, might play an equally vital role in your life. If, like some spiritual people, you consider earthly life a brief journey for the soul, you’ll want to travel with engaging, supportive companions—just as any character in an epic story or legend does.
Consider them spiritual sidekicks, people who appear destined to cross your path so that you can provide each other with love and encouragement as needed to continue on your earthly journey. Don’t underestimate the value of soulmates.
Soul partners are essential food, whether they have been in your life for a long time or only a few months. Just as the physical body needs food and drink, the soul demands soul partners.
#9. Soul Families and Groups
Soul families are large groups of souls tied together. This can manifest as actual family members in this lifetime, such as a cousin who is both part of your earthly and soul family, or as people working toward common goals who never meet, such as activists around the world working for a similar cause or spiritual seekers working to bring more love and awareness to the planet. Sometimes, a soul will incarnate to assist in repairing something in the family line, such as a habit of addiction, abuse, or illness.
#10. Kindred Spirits
Kindred spirits aren’t always soulmates, but they can be. They are folks who truly understand you. You may believe that a kindred spirit shares your spiritual ideas or agrees with you on cultural matters to the point where you can finish each other’s sentences.
A kindred spirit could also be someone who has shared their life experiences, such as being an elementary school teacher, having newborn babies, or being married to working artists. It’s quite peaceful to be with another soul who completely understands you.
11. Soul Teachers
A healer or mentor may appear in your life at the perfect time because they are a soul mate instructor. It may be a college professor who pushes you to pursue a specific major or career route or a counsellor or naturopath who teaches you how to cope with your anxiety.
Sometimes, a soul mate will appear to teach you by challenging you to do something different than what they advocate, teaching you the importance of thinking for yourself. Soul mate instructors are incredibly precious, holy relationships; we have been both students and teachers, whether we acknowledge it or not.
Is a Soulmate Your True Love?
Historically, soulmate love was supposed to refer to having one genuine love who would complete and fulfil you. However, as society and culture have progressed, the concept of soulmate love has shifted.
Can Soulmate Breakup?
Yes, any soul connection can be broken due to time or distance, and only both people can reconnect when appropriate. However, this is not always true, as some soulmates only intend to be together for a limited time.
How to Know if You’re in Love?
- Your thoughts frequently return to them.
- You feel protected around them.
- Life seems more exciting…
- You want to spend a significant amount of time together.
- You are slightly envious of other people’s lives.
- You feel compassion for them.
While the concept of soulmates is sometimes romanticized, the truth is that a soulmate can be much more than a romantic partner—it is someone with whom you have an emotional connection, regardless of its form.