Stressed? You are a pornographer. Happy? Porn. Do you have a spare minute? Porn. If you’re worried that you’re developing a porn addiction and want to stop watching so much of it, here’s what you need to know about how to stop thinking about porn.
To begin with, porn addiction isn’t recognized as an official condition, which means it’s not listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Therefore, it’s impossible to be diagnosed with it. That, according to experts, is a positive thing. Ian Kerner, Ph.D., sex therapist and author of She Comes First, says, “I try not to pathologize masturbation or watching porn.”
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Before we go any further, let’s clear something up: contrary to what some conservatives would have you believe, there’s nothing fundamentally wrong with watching porn. Porn can be a great way to become excited and explore your dreams in moderation. You only need to be concerned about seeing less porn if you find it negatively affecting your life.
If it turns out that your smut habit is keeping you from living the life you desire, it’s time to figure out how to stop viewing porn—or at least watch less of it. The article will be divided into five parts to explain how to stop thinking about porn and stick with it.
How to Stop Thinking About Porn
It’s entirely normal to think about porn. We’re sexual, hormonal beings whose genes make us want to reproduce. But sexual thoughts can sometimes be too much, making it hard to concentrate and do everyday things.
However, as you go about your daily life, those urges and needs may fade into the background, especially when you should be thinking about things like your work, education, health, interests and hobbies, family and friends, money, and so on. Continue reading after the jump to learn how to stop thinking about porn.
Part One: Staying Away From Triggers
#1. Recognize and anticipate different types of triggers.
While individual or situational triggers, such as those listed above, may be easy to detect, try to separate patterns from your stimuli. This knowledge can assist you in becoming more proactive about the types of things you should avoid when attempting to reduce sexual thoughts.
#2. Recognize your triggers.
Learn to recognize the triggers that drag your mind into the gutter if a specific person, time of day, or mood always leads to distracting thoughts about sex. Make a list of all of your triggers.
#3. Make pornography challenging to look at.
While it may appear to be a temporary solution to sexual desires, developing an unhealthy dependency on or relationship with pornography can lead to increased sexual thoughts, making it difficult to break free.
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Remove sexual DVDs, publications, calendars, and other things from your house and any areas you frequent. Avoid watching pornography to the best of your ability.
#4. Make a list of unappealing subjects.
Perceive what you consider to be the polar opposite of sexy. When your mind wanders into the sexual areas, you might try to turn yourself off by training yourself to think of unsexy things. Anything you’d consider an unappealing mental diversion could be helpful here.
#5. Other thoughts and subjects can be used to replace your triggers.
By focusing on these other things, you can get in your way and prevent yourself from thinking about porn. It won’t take long until it becomes second nature.
As a diversion, find something to do right away. If you’re continually thinking about sex on long bus travels, for example, make an extra effort to do something else, like finish some homework, read a new book, or talk to a friend.
You might start taking notes if you start thinking about porn during boring parts of a class, a meeting, or at work. If you keep your pen moving, you’ll have to stay focused on the conversation at hand rather than what’s going on in your head.
#6. Agree with yourself.
Commit yourself to limit your sexual ideas so that they don’t interfere with your other everyday activities, such as work or school.
Wear a piece of jewelry or a simple thread around your wrist to remind you to resist the temptation of becoming lost in sexual thoughts if you need help remembering your commitment.
#7. Don’t be too hard on yourself.
You don’t have to feel bad about thinking about porn during your childhood or adulthood. Only when you can’t focus on what you want to think about do sexual ideas become an issue. Remember that life isn’t always difficult and the current impulse will pass.
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Part 2: Staying Busy
#8. Make detailed planning.
Fill up the gaps in your schedule by planning. Everyone needs time to unwind, but having hours on your hands might lead to relapse and excessive thinking about porn. Fill your day with events and activities that will help you grow. Allow some time for meditation and relaxation at the end of the day, but not so much that you become bored or your thoughts drift to sex.
#9. Be inventive.
Convert your sexual arousal into creative energy. Use the time you would typically spend thinking about sex instead and pursue a creative interest.
It can provide another outlet for catharsis and satisfaction while keeping your mind busy and occupied if it’s something you enjoy.
#10. Pick up a book or watch a film.
Getting immersed in a good book or movie is enjoyable in and of itself, but it can also be a low-effort strategy to prevent sexual thoughts in the near term. Make sure to choose a film that will not make you think of sex, and avoid spicy romance novels or seductive illustrations.
#11. Attend a show or an exhibit.
This will keep your thoughts occupied with something else and maybe entertaining. It’s much better if you go with pals because they’ll be able to divert you even more. Plus, you can communicate with them about the event and what you think afterward.
Part 3: Maintaining Your Health
#12. Keep in mind to eat.
The source of sexual thoughts or discontent could be another type of unhappiness: hunger. As a result, don’t miss meals. Eat three healthy, well-balanced meals daily, and remember to stay hydrated, especially in hot weather.
Try eating brain foods like celery, spinach, walnuts, sunflower or pumpkin seeds, beets, and even dark chocolate to keep your mind sharp enough to fight off sexual ideas.
#13. Exercise.
Exercise is beneficial in and of itself, but it also accomplishes a few particular goals that aid in reducing sexual preoccupations. Exercise can be both fascinating and distracting, but when you work out consistently enough, other distractions fade into the background.
#14. Participate in a team sport.
You may struggle to move away from your thoughts while participating in an individual sport. Because team sports are a social activity, you’re considerably less likely to experience this difficulty.
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#15. Sleep soundly.
When you’re fatigued, you may have problems concentrating. Sleep deprivation affects your alertness and focus, as well as your emotions.
As a result, preventing your mind from wandering to sex will be challenging, and implementing the sex-free mental habits outlined above will be more difficult.
Ensure you’re sleeping in a comfortable bed and receiving at least eight hours of sleep, including deep or REM sleep.
Part 4: Maintaining a Healthy Sexual Life
#16. Make eye contact with your spouse.
Communication is an essential element of maintaining a good sex life if you’re in a relationship. Getting your thoughts out in the open can help you avoid them developing or festering in your head, and it can also improve your sex life.
#17. Consider sex in terms of romance.
If you’re in a relationship, channel your sexual desire into acts of love and care for your partner. Instead of being just sexual, be romantic. You’ll be able to increase your emotional intimacy with each other this way.
#18. Develop positive thoughts and behaviors when it comes to masturbation.
There’s no need to feel guilty about masturbating, especially if it helps you control your sexual thoughts and cravings. Abstinence may exacerbate your cravings. If you’re constantly thinking about finding a sexual partner, you can date frequently while also masturbating to keep yourself partially sexually satisfied.
Part 5: Seeking Outside Assistance
#19. Speak with a family member you can trust.
Even though your parents appear to be dinosaurs when you reach adolescence, they have been there before. If you’re an adolescent, talking to a parent you trust can make you feel more at ease and routine, even if it doesn’t cure your problem. For teenagers, how to stop thinking about porn is a frequent challenge, and talking about it can help.
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#20. Inform a trusted friend of your dilemma.
This is one of the most potent and successful ways, as terrible as it may sound.
Talk to someone about how you’re doing if you’re lucky enough to know someone who isn’t judgmental and will understand and appreciate your objective.
When you feel pressured to think or act in ways you don’t want to, having a candid dialogue can be a reassuring source of continued support.
#21. Speak with a religious counselor or advisor.
If you’re having trouble controlling your sexual desires as a result of your religious commitment, seek support from your pastor or another religious authority.
This is a common problem, so don’t be shy about bringing it up. They’ve heard it all before and can help you keep your issues in perspective.
#22. Seek the advice of a therapist or a guidance counselor.
Psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and other therapists may fall under this category.
How Do I Quit Porn Fantasy?
- Step 1: Quit watching porn. Only when a person chooses to stop looking at and thinking about porn can proper recovery begin.
- Step 2: Control your thoughts. The majority of abstainers benefit from some psychological assistance.
- Step 3: Learn essential life skills.
How Does It Feel When You Quit Porn?
I feel a lot less alone now. I’m more self-assured now that I don’t need anyone’s approval. I have better social skills, healthier thoughts, and a more creative mind. “I was able to stop feeling guilty and pursue goals that were beneficial to my life.”
How Do I Stop Myself from Remembering Porn?
- Prepare ahead of time. When it comes to quitting porn, like other things, neglecting to plan is intending to fail.
- Consider meditating.
- Participate in some form of physical activity.
- Become a member of a 12-Step Program.
- Change your environment.
- Install a Porn Blocker on your computer.
- Consider ACT Therapy.
- Accept yourself as you are.
Don’t get frustrated by sexual thoughts. Remember that you are not alone in your thoughts about porn and how to stop thinking about it. What matters is that you can go about your everyday life without being bothered by something as trivial as pornography.
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