HOW TO LET GO OF RESENTMENT in a Relationship & Marriage

How to let go of resentment

It’s easy to believe that harboring resentment is justified. When you are treated unfairly, or in any other way, find yourself on the short end of the stick, your natural reaction is to dislike the person who put you in that situation. Holding onto resentment, though, is all too frequently detrimental, much like holding onto anger. The other person can still live their life unhindered while you are burdened by your wrath, probably because they aren’t even aware of how much you are brooding. Reading through this article is a more detailed explanation on the why, how, and when to let go of resentment in a relationship. You can only go on with your own life with the same ease after you learn how to let go of resentment.

Of course, it’s easier said than done. It can be difficult to break out of a mental cycle after you’ve started remembering and recapitulating all the hurt this other person has caused, especially if friends and family are encouraging you and feeling similarly aggrieved by association. Start by defining your hurt in order to process it more effectively and create a plan for letting it go.

For starters, What is Resentment, Exactly?

The sense of resentment is a powerful, multidimensional emotion with components of wrath, bitterness, indignation, sadness, humiliation, and shame associated to it.” It generally occurs when someone believes that they have been treated unfairly, or disrespectfully, or dismissively, depending on their identity or point of view. And like any emotion, it has a wide spectrum, usually extending to whatever degree is appropriate for the specific insult that sparked it.

How to Let Go of Resentment in a Relationship

There are actions you may take to help prevent resentment in your relationship if you believe that either you or your partner are prone to experiencing it. You can try the following:

Deal With Relationship Problems When they Arise

Resentment is a sure sign of an unsolved disagreement. Even though you might not always agree with your partner, addressing each disagreement as it arises rather than putting it off might help prevent resentment.

Improve Your Ability to Communicate and Express Your Emotions

If you have trouble expressing how you really feel about marital problems, resentment may grow. Finding out exactly what’s bothering you is one step you may take to improve communication.

Once you’ve determined the source of your emotions, you may approach the issue clearly, lowering the likelihood of misunderstandings and hostility.

Be Reasonable With Your Expectations

The two people in a partnership frequently have predetermined expectations. Unmet expectations can lead to disappointment. It’s important to keep in mind that no two people are exactly the same, even though everyone has boundaries that their partner should abide by. Therefore, not all of the criteria on your list of expectations may be met by your partner. That’s fine too.

Advice on How to Handle Resentment

Consider using these techniques to get over your relationship’s bitterness if it exists.

Become Aware of Your Resentment

You might not even be conscious of having resentment at times. Therefore, if you’re feeling resentful toward your partner and aren’t sure why, think about taking the time to look further for the underlying problem. If there is resentment, the next step is to identify the problems that are creating it and address each one separately.

Concentrate on the Positives

Even though your relationship may currently be dominated by bitterness, it might be important to keep in mind the benefits of being with your partner. By putting your sentiments into perspective and focusing on its positive traits, you can diminish the hold that resentment has over you.

Examine How You Contributed to Resentment

Sometimes, your perception of a circumstance is what causes you to feel resentful. You might feel abused, for instance, but why? Unresolved emotional triggers—do they come into play?

On the other hand, if your partner harbours grudges towards you, is there anything you are doing that might be contributing to their feelings?

Recognize How to Compromise

Sometimes all it takes to feel like the relationship is a little bit more balanced is a genuine compromise. For instance, perhaps you feel resentment against your partner for handling money carelessly. Separate bank accounts could be a compromise. Resentment may be difficult to develop if the cause of the bitterness is gone.

Despite your best efforts, it might occasionally be difficult to get past resentment-related feelings. Marriage or relationship counselling may be an option to take into consideration if this is happening to you and you want to stay with your partner.

How to Let Go of Resentment Towards an Ex

What you can control, though, is how you respond to the circumstance. Resentment is neither your sole nor best choice, either.

Why not embrace some new approaches and ways of thinking to enable you to let go of grudges and live a happier life?

Think about six ways:

#1. Always Keep in Mind That a Concept is Just That

You give events more power than necessary when you keep replaying them in your head. Simply put, thoughts are thoughts. They don’t have to wreck your life by constantly bringing up the things about your ex-partner that irked you. By employing the technique of awareness, you can wipe away their influence.

Breathe deeply, be mindful, and allow your thoughts and feelings to drift by. Ask yourself: Why do I continue to cling to those emotions? Why does that serve a purpose? Remind yourself that negative feelings and thoughts are okay, but they must be kept to a minimum. To avoid squandering your energy on things you can’t change in the here and now, you must leave them in the past.

#2. Visualize a Happier Environment for Yourself

Give yourself permission to enter a happier mental space once you’ve allowed yourself to stop thinking about the suffering and what-ifs. Examine the situation from a different angle. Remember that you get to start again with someone who treats you with the love and respect you deserve, someone who actually values you, rather than being frustrated that your ex moved on so soon.

Manage your thoughts and feelings by acknowledging them for what they are: remnants of the past that obstruct the path to a brighter future. It’s possible that you’ll never fully get over some unfavourable emotions. However, you can significantly lessen the severity of those thoughts and sensations by concentrating on the freedom you now have to pursue a happy life.

#3. Think About What Makes You Laugh

If you’re not quite ready to envision a better future, consider the things that make you happy right now. Spend time with those who care about you and who love you. Think about all the things in your life for which you have reason to be thankful. Your life didn’t come to an end because of one failed relationship. Far from it. Continue to make objectives for yourself and find fun things to replace the hurt.

#4. Determine What Matters Most

Is having the final say, getting even with your ex, or showing them how much misery they’ve caused you really important? The truth is that not every offence needs to be punished severely. The majority of the time, you’ll discover that if it didn’t matter to them when you were still dating, it matters much less now.

Your happiness right now is crucial. And if there are kids involved, their happiness must unquestionably be the main priority. Let go of grudges and commit to peacefully co-parenting your children for their sake. No of how you feel about your former, this also means establishing boundaries, upholding higher standards, and keeping your word on agreements.

#5. Identify the Lesson

You are the only person in control, as was stated in the beginning. The termination of your relationship will affect who you are today just as your history did. Well, that depends on how you want it to form you. But keep in mind that you’ll need to let go of the unpleasant memories associated with this one if you want to have a healthy connection with someone else in the future. It isn’t worth giving up your delight to hold onto bitterness!

#6. Recognize the Significance of Forgiving

The secret is to forgive. To pardon, set free, eliminate a debt, or forgive implies to release something. You must let go of animosity if you want to fully forgive your ex. This does not imply that you should downplay the transgression or act as though it never happened. No. It entails letting go of the residual hurt, resentment, and fury so that the offence has no more influence on your feelings.

How to Let Go of Resentment in Marriage

Resentment can seem like an insurmountable obstacle to overcoming, but there are strategies to do so and get past them:

#1. Embrace Your Emotions

It’s critical to recognise your feelings and to not try to suppress them. Avoiding these emotions will only cause them to fester and spiral out of control. You may go through the process required to fully move on from them by allowing yourself to experience all of your feelings and move through them.

#2. Speak With Someone

It’s critical to have a network of supportive individuals nearby that you can consult for perspective, whether they are a therapist, friend, or family member. When resentment feels overpowering, it may be necessary to consider meeting with a therapist in order to help you make sense of what is happening. In other cases, talking to family and friends will suffice.

#3. Recognize the Source of the Resentment

Did these grudges just begin to form now? This is probably not the case. You may have attempted to make amends in the past without seeing any significant improvement, but resentment arises from patterns of mistakes done in the relationship. The total number of problems in the relationship that have not been adequately resolved leads to resentment. An essential first step in finding a solution is realizing this and assessing the problems.

#4. Remind Yourself That Errors Do Occur

Recognize that we all make mistakes as humans at the same time. When an error occurs repeatedly, it’s critical to investigate further and take this into account. It’s crucial to be able to tolerate mistakes, but it’s also important to think about your boundaries and how to handle these situations as a pair. Couples counselling might be a helpful tool for handling and understanding these errors.

#5. Work on Forgiving Yourself

Because we care about someone, it can be simple to want to forgive them, but it’s crucial to recognize when you are actually prepared to do so. It may feel unfair to your partner if you claim to have forgiven your partner yet continue to harbour grudges. It’s crucial to take your time and assess your mental condition before making any decisions or making any declarations of resolve.

How to Respond If You Are the One Who Caused Resentment in the Relationship

The task at hand is to completely and permanently mend this breach if you’ve injured your partner and created animosity. Do these things slowly; don’t rush. It’s crucial to be meticulous and deliberate. Make notes or practice in front of a mirror. Put the past to rest once and for all by taking the time to do it right.

If you’ve harmed your relationship and aroused resentment, follow these five steps:

#1. Show Some Compassion

You must first put yourself in the position of the person you injured. As much and as deeply as you are able to, not just a little. Make careful to write down at least four distinct emotions when you ask yourself how you think they must have felt when you injured them. Better is more. Ask yourself, “Has anyone else ever wounded them this way in their life?” after you have given careful thought to how they felt about you as well as about themselves. The most important events frequently occurred when they were young. For instance, you must see the terrible connection if you cheated on your lover and their parents got divorced because of it.

#2. I Apologize Again

Choose a time when the two of you can talk things over for at least an hour. Maintaining eye contact with your spouse will encourage them to process what you say as new knowledge. It lessens the possibility that they would interpret what you say through outdated lenses of previous events.

If they allow it, touch them (hold their hand or put a hand on their shoulder). Inform them of all the ways you have come to recognize that you injured them. Be as detailed as you can. Use expressions like “I bet you felt…” Once you have thoroughly understood your partner’s perspective, express your sincere regret for whatever harm you may have caused.

#3. Plan a Prevention Strategy

You must explain how you will prevent hurting your partner in this way in the future after communicating how you believe you have harmed them and offering a sincere apologies. Describe in detail how you’ll ensure it. For instance, you may say, “I agree not to talk about you to other people ever again because now I know how much it affects you,” if you damaged your partner by talking behind their back.

Retrace your steps and inform your partner if subsequent events necessitate putting your preventative plan into practice. When you do this often, your spouse begins to believe that you won’t subject them to the same suffering in the future.

#4. Use Self-Compassion

Self-recrimination can result from realizing you have injured someone dearly and contributed to their harbouring animosity, yet social scientists have proven that beating ourselves up isn’t truly a very successful method for improvement. Developing self-compassion can help you control your emotions and make better decisions, which is likely to help you avoid making decisions that could endanger your relationship in the future.

#5. Possess Gratitude

Making a note of everything your partner does for you, no matter how minor, can aid in the healing process and result in a more balanced spreadsheet. Make it a goal to think of 50 things. If you need to, take your time and spread it out over several days. Numerous studies have examined the advantages of practising gratitude, including increased life satisfaction and self-esteem. Similar to forgiveness, you are the primary beneficiary of these advantages.


Over time, the highly corrosive feeling of resentment can cause serious harm. While some couples are able to conduct these difficult but necessary conversations on their own, many require assistance. It might be time for counseling if you’ve made several attempts to talk about a major breach but they haven’t been successful.

  2. 19 Signs of Lack of Respect in Relationship & How to Fix It

How to Let Go of Resentment FAQs

What is the root cause of resentment?

There is no single source of resentment, although in the majority of instances, there is an underlying sense of being treated unfairly or badly by someone else. It’s common to feel frustrated and disappointed in life. Resentment can be fueled by feelings that become too intense.

Why is it so hard to let resentment go?

Resentment is defined in psychology as a state where a person has persistent negative feelings toward a person, place, or thing as a result of a real or perceived injustice. Resentments are difficult to overcome in part because there is so much conflicting advice available on how to handle them.

What is the antidote for resentment?

The topic of thankfulness is frequently discussed at this time of year, yet most people experience some level of gratitude every day, even if they are unaware of it.

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