HOW TO CATCH A CHEATER: 7 Best Methods to Catch Them in the Act (Updated)

how to catch a cheater
Image credit: Ggossip

As distant as cheating gets on, the shitty truth is that you can’t always trust your gut. Although being in touch with your reasoning is normally an excellent idea analysis it shows that those doubts are often extraordinary on fact.  And, can help you make better life decisions on a cheater spouse in the case of a cheater husband and a cheater wife. Let’s look at the perfect methods on How to Catch a Cheater


People cheat especially those who do it repeatedly they’re prone to have developed certain strategies that help them keep their secrets. 

Signs To catch a cheater Cheating on You

If you notice some of the red flags that your spouse might be cheating, you may want to confirm your suspicions before confronting the mischief. talked to experts about a few smart ways to catch him or her in the act, so you can stop wondering if it’s happening.

#1. Collect the evidence slowly and methodically.

“The only way to confirm suspicions is to start collecting information says psychologist and couples therapist Dr. Lonnie Barbach, head of content for the relationship app Happy Couple. “Keep a journal. Simply relying on memory is not the best plan, so keep track of things like bills, ATM withdrawals, and car mileage, and start putting things together.” When emotions are involved, our memories tend to be even less reliable, so even if your partner isn’t the gaslighting type, your best chance of nailing him or her is to compile as much evidence as you can.

#2. Go where they’re not expecting you.

One of the effortless ways to catch someone in the act, whether it’s sex, or even just a shady phone call or texting, is to show up somewhere they don’t think you’re going to be. “You can surprise your spouse at work,” says Barbach—or at the bar where he’s having guys’ night, or the gym, or wherever he’s regularly logging minutes and hours in places you don’t go. Have an excuse prepared for why you had to stop by, do it a couple of times if you have to, and see if he’s actually where he says he will be.

#3. Change your plans, unannounced.

People let their defense down when they think the person they’re deceiving isn’t around. “Tell your spouse you’re going to be late and then come home on time early,” suggests Barbach. “Or say you’ll be out of town and then have the plans cancel last minute.” All innocent actions on your part could lead to you figuring out what your partner does when he thinks you’re far away.

#4. Checking text messages, other messaging apps, to catch a cheater

If your partner’s been superior of his or her phone, and you think they’re being unfaithful, try and sneak a peek at their messaging apps if you can. It’s worth giving it a quick scan to see if there are any individualized “do not disturb” message threads. However, WhatsApp is a likelier objective for wrongful conversations.  super wise cheaters, they may even be making most of shared Notes apps on iPhone or even shared Google Docs. 

And don’t forget to always check for aliases because ‘Aunt Becky’ maybe someone else entirely. While no software can definitively show you how to find out the true identity of a caller, there are apps like Reverse Phone Lookup App for iPhone. Spy or Call Log Monitor can track a person’s contact list and call logs to help tell you exactly how many times a day this ‘Aunt Becky’ calls. Once you have that, make a note of any numbers you find and contact the mystery caller yourself to bust a cheater once and for all.

#5. Check their trash folder

One should respect another person’s privacy, of course, but if you suspect your girlfriend or boyfriend is cheating or your wife or husband is having an and you are ready to see it for yourself, then try going into his or her email trash folder on all potential evidence-storing apps (photos, notes, emails, etc.). If they’re actively emailing someone else, they may have forgotten to permanently delete any conversations.

While you’re at it, you might also want to check their computer’s recycle bin for any incriminating photos. If you find anything, then you can kick this human trash to the curb.

You can track your partner’s location history if they use Google by clicking on the ‘previous destinations’ menu option on the navigation system. Alternately, for Android users, the Google Timeline feature tracks similarly in the Google Maps app or even Google Maps online, if they are logged in while moving about. You can also type ‘Find My Phone’ into the search bar to see the phone’s current location.

If you’re SO using an iPhone, there are several options you can use beyond tapping into a family account where location sharing is enabled (Find My iPhone and Find My Friends app can be helpful here). If these aren’t an option, here is where it gets very interesting…many people don’t even know this feature exists. You can see your partner’s frequent locations under Settings, Privacy, Location Services, System Services, Significant Locations. It would take a super-savvy cheater and a ton of diligence to consistently disable or delete these settings each time they’re stepping out, and this allows you to see which locations they keep revisiting.

#7. Use hidden cameras or voice recorders to catch a. Cheater

Place a spy cam or recording device in the room where your partner escapes when they want alone time. If he’s playing video games or watching his favorite show, cool. If they’re on the phone, chatting with someone online, or doing any other funny business behind your back that could lead to them being unfaithful, you’ll know soon enough.

How to catch a cheater spouse

The impression that your spouse could be cheating on you is upsetting. Making beliefs can also be very annoying. The best way to handle these feelings is to do everything in your power to catch them, first in the act. Most effective ways to catch a cheating spouse.

#1. Using phone spy apps to catch a cheater spouse

Spying on your partner’s phone is one of the most useful ways of catching a cheating spouse. Having direct access to your partner’s texts, call logs and e-mails could reveal a lot. There is various cost-effective cheaters spyware for cell phones that can help uncover a partner’s infidelity.

#2. Hire a private investigate

This is also a helpful way of catching a cheating spouse, especially in the act. Private investigators are licensed personnel that thoroughly look for evidence by following the cheating partner day and night to uncover infidelity.

#3. Use a recorder

A recorder is mostly used for recording sounds one makes while one is asleep. On the other hand, they can be used to catch a cheater. If you are mostly out of town or not living with your spouse, you may place it on the bed to catch sounds.

Another option is to place a recorder in their car seat so that you can listen to their conversations during the day when you are not together.

#4.GPS tracking devices

GPS tracking devices will show you the exact location of your spouse in real-time. There are various ways you can use to track your partner’s location. One example is using location spy apps. You could also go to Google maps, select ‘location sharing’. Select ‘share your real-time location until you turn this off. After this, select your phone to share the location of your partner’s whereabouts with.

In addition, you can plant a tracking device on your partner’s car. This will enable you to keep track of their location and know where exactly they were that day.

#3. Drop by unannounced

Most cheaters will cheat in the absence of their partners. You could drop by their workplace or home unannounced or simply come back home at unusual times when they do not expect.

The trick here is not to make it obvious that you are spying on them. Always have an excuse as to why you have dropped by. The first thing your partner will do if they are cheating is not to welcome you with a smile but seem surprised or even angry

How to Catch a Cheater Husband 

Are you having impressions about your husband’s commitment Are you often asking questions like “How can I catch my husband cheating”? Do you feel like there’s another woman in the picture? Having these suspicions can be emotionally draining.

Even worse, you may not even be sure if your gut feeling is right or wrong. So, how do you find out the truth without having to ask him?

I have a solution for you. With this trick, you can get the answers to all your questions in just a couple of minutes. Chances are you’ve never even tried this method before.

  •  communication is key, a cheating husband would not be likely to admit to cheating. He would probably become more careful and deep once he realizes that you’re onto him.
  • Some people also advise that you hire a detective or a private investigator to find out the truth. However, this may take weeks or months before you get the information you need. Also, we all know that private investigators don’t come cheap. Are you willing to pay that price to find out the truth?

How to catch a cheater wife.

Now, I have come across and tried out a couple of spy apps. However, one stood out for me, and I recommend it if you’re trying to get all the details of your wife’s activities. The name of this software is spy, and it comes with so many features that will blow your mind to smithereens.

Your wife is your best friend.

Therefore, the idea of getting into a “wife caught cheating” situation probably rips your heart in two.

Still, you can’t shake the feeling that she is doing something horrible behind your back.

#1. A cheater wife is overly protective of her phone

One of the biggest ‘wife caught cheating’ signs is if she suddenly treats her phone like the most valuable possession she owns.

If your wife has something shady going on, she’s going to take her phone everywhere with her. She won’t get up to use the bathroom or grab a drink from the kitchen without pocketing her cell.

 #2. She is losing interest in sex

If you want to know how to catch your cheating wife, look to the bedroom for the first signs of trouble.

Here are listed ten tips on how to catch your cheating wife. These handy tips can help you identify the obvious signs that you might be inadvertently missing out on.

#3. Frequent changes in her schedule is another way to catch a cheater wife

One tip on how to catch your cheater’s wife is to take note of her routine.

Is she suddenly planning more outings with “friends” that you aren’t invited to?

Has she taken up a new hobby that she insists she’s doing solo?

Has she become obsessed with the gym?

Your wife may be doing these things, but your wife may also be making excuses so that she can spend more time with her lover.

#4. She suddenly loves traveling

A woman who is suddenly doing a lot of solo traveling is practically a chapter in the “Wife Caught Cheating 101.”

#5. There is evasive behavior

Another tip on how to catch your cheater’s wife is to study her behavior.

If your wife is hiding something from you, she may become defensive when you ask her about her day. She may even overreact to the simplest questions or concerns.


Where do most affairs happen?

According to Jacquin (2019), some of the top places for an affair are work, gym, social media, and believe it or not, church. And while people on social media can connect halfway across the world, the author reminds us that most of these connections are with people from our past.

How do people act when they have something to hide?

Someone who is hiding something will avoid spending time together, having conversations about certain things, making decisions, making plans, etc. “You may notice it’s hard to pin them down about time together or planning,” says Ross.

Why do men hide things from their wife?

Often, a spouse hides something because they don’t feel like they have a safe place to share. Or, they hide something because they are doing something wrong and fear that the truth might hurt you. That being said, the safer you can make the environment, the more likely they are to open up and tell you the truth.

1 comment
  1. The best way to avoid a psychological breakdown after experiencing or having to deal with infidelity is to make sure you are not just assuming your partner is cheating, don’t say they are cheating until you have gathered proof of their act, confrontation without evidence is just unacceptable. I contacted (cyberexpositors at gmail dot com) when i was in the eye of the storm with my now Ex wife, i saw all her mails, whatsapp messages, kik and even pictures she exchanged with her lover, but it was easier at the end really, having proof helps a lot.

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