TALK ABOUT MARRIAGE: How to Bring Up the Talk in a Relationship (+ Free Tips)


There will come a point in any significant commitment or relationship when you will have to talk about marriage. Marriage is a big step, but when you’ve been together for years, you already feel like you’ve built a deep bond.

The time may come sooner for some than for others, and that’s fine — as they say, when you know, you know. However, you might find yourself wondering why you haven’t had “the talk about marriage” yet.

You might want to talk about it, but you’re not sure who should start it or how to go about it. If you’ve been debating whether or not now is the right moment to bring up the talk about marriage, now is the time. Here are some ideas that can assist you to negotiate this tough journey.

Why is talk about Marriage Difficulty?

Marriage or getting married is difficult to discuss simply because it implies a new degree of closeness, which is frightening. There are numerous things to consider before having a serious conversation with your partner, especially when it comes to marriage.

Regardless matter how long you and your partner have been together, this next step can come with a lot of obligations, sacrifices, and family and friend participation, which is something that everyone is concerned about before taking the plunge.

Couples are also fearful of their relationship changing. However, as the connection evolves, it has the potential to improve and lead to the formation of a new family.

When is it appropriate to bring up the talk about marriage?

You might be wondering when is the best moment to bring up the subject of marriage. When is the right time to bring up the subject of marriage in a relationship? Discussing marriage early in a relationship can be difficult, and it’s also not a good idea because it might frighten your partner away.

As a result, it is not advisable to discuss marriage too soon. While they may be looking for the same things you are, it is understandable that they may require a little more time before committing to marry you.

Most couples decide to have the chat long ahead of their engagement. According to a survey, 94 percent of couples talk about their engagements six months before committing. According to the same survey, over 30% of them discuss marriage on a weekly basis.

So, when is the ideal time to bring up marriage with your spouse and talk about it? Look for signals that will indicate whether it is the perfect time to marry your partner or whether you should wait.

Where do I begin?

You can’t just approach your partner and say, “Let’s talk about marriage!” one day. Where to start. When it comes to getting married, this is a crucial question to ask. And the answer is simple: start with yourself. There are certain questions you should ask yourself before talking to them about marriage if you feel you want to have the marriage talk or have ideas about it.

These questions will assist you in determining whether or not you want to have that conversation with them, as well as the issues you need to talk.

  • Consider your reasons for wanting to marry your partner.
  • Determine whether you believe you are prepared to make the commitment.
  • Consider whether now is the proper time to bring up marriage. If your partner is going through a difficult moment in their life, deferring this conversation for a while can be a better choice.
  • If you decide to be married soon, who would be affected by your decision?
  • Are there any other crucial things to examine before making a decision, such as religion, beliefs, and basic values?

When it’s time to talk about marriage, there are a few signs to look out for.

Look for these indicators if you’ve been thinking about it but aren’t sure if now is the perfect moment to talk to your spouse about marriage. If you can cross these items off your list, it’s time to strike up a conversation with them.

1. You’re in a long-term devoted relationship.

Marriage discussion themes are not appropriate for couples who have only been together for a few months. We recognize that you love each other, but discussing a wedding may require some patience.

Marriage discussion usually comes effortlessly to couples who have been together for a long time. They’ve known one other’s families and even acquaintances for many years and have built a trusting relationship. They’re already living the “married” life, as they say, and they just need to tie the knot to make it official.

2. You have mutual trust.

Marriage themes to talk about include your future, your life together, and spending the rest of your life with this person; after all, that is what marriage is all about.

When you truly trust your partner, talk about marriage. You can’t live without him or her once you know. When to talk about marriage in a relationship will come naturally after that.

3. You have an unmistakable bond.

You’ll know it’s time to talk about your wedding when you and your partner are comfortable with one other emotionally. Can you imagine how difficult it would be to discuss marriage with your boyfriend or girlfriend when you don’t know them well?

How to talk about marriage?

If you want to talk about marriage with your spouse, you need to know what method to take. Again, if it’s clearly evident that this individual doesn’t believe in marriage, discussing your wedding or deciding to talk it may not be a smart idea.

Once you’ve decided, it’s time to figure out how to approach your partner about marriage. Here are some tips to assist you and your spouse talk about marriage:

1. Take a chance and start a conversation.

Check to see if your companion is sick, busy, or exhausted. If you don’t know when to talk about marriage, you can end yourself in a conflict or be mistaken for a nag.

2. Talk the future

How do you talk about marriage with someone you care about? Talking about your objectives, your life together, and your life aspirations is a terrific way to start. We mean it when we say now is the moment, to be honest.

When will you tell this person about their areas for progress and their flaws, if not now? You can’t marry someone who isn’t trustworthy.

3. Share your thoughts and perspectives about life.

Are you someone who still wishes to live close to their parents? Do you want a large family? Do you have a habit of blowing your budget? Also, do you like to buy branded items or would you rather save?

It’s critical to talk all of these issues with your partner in order to gain a better picture of the future.

4. Discuss your marriage and lives as a husband and wife.

Will you be the type that want to know everything, or will you let your spouse hang out with their pals on a regular basis? Marriage, in reality, will establish boundaries, which you should discuss now in order to save your marriage later.

5. Talk how you would cope with a difficulty if you were to encounter one.

Will you remain silent and let things be, or will you speak up about it? Because no relationship is flawless, you should jointly decide how you will deal with problems that emerge in your marriage, because how you deal with them is crucial. Remember that even minor resentment can grow into a major problem in your relationship.

6. Intimacy is a topic of talk in your marriage

Why is this the case? Do you realize that maintaining a strong marriage necessitates a thorough examination of all areas of intimacy? Physically, emotionally, intellectually, and, most importantly, sexually.

7. Are you both willing to try pre-marital counseling or therapies?

Why do you believe it is necessary, and how will it benefit you as a couple? This will require a joint choice, and this is the beginning of both of you thinking “together” as husband and wife.

8. Talk your finances, your budget, and ways to save.

Marriage is more than simply a game. It’s the real deal, and if you believe you’re already living together and that’s enough, you’re mistaken. Marriage is a unique commitment that will put you, your life goals, and all you thought you knew to the test.

9. Use common sense.

While it’s necessary to keep your emotions, wants, and needs in mind and make decisions based on them, it’s also critical to make realistic judgments in order to have a better future.

10. Maintain an open mind.

Please don’t close your mind to the possibilities and their thoughts when discussing marriage with your partner. They may not want to be married right away, but at a later point in their lives.

It’s critical to be aware of this and to approach the situation with an open mind. Ask yourself if you still want to talk about marriage after you’ve weighed all of these factors. If that’s the case, you’re all set. It all comes down to being certain and prepared for the commitment; if you’ve both agreed on these points, you’re ready to tie the knot.

Important things to consider before having the talk

Even if you’re certain your spouse is the one for you, there are a few things to think about before approaching them. While love is the foundation of marriage and is a requirement, there are many other factors to consider before deciding whether or not to ask your partner to marry you.

1. Weigh the benefits and drawbacks.

While matters of the heart do not always assess the benefits and drawbacks of a marriage talk, doing so before speaking with your partner may be a good idea. It will assist you in better understanding your wants and non-negotiables, as well as better communicating with your partner.

2. Act it out

Some marriage therapists and counselors create quizzes and games to help you figure out if you and your partner are on the same page. These questions touch on important themes that need to be discussed, but in a lighthearted manner. Taking a questionnaire like this with your spouse can help you uncover a number of topics that need to be discussed before you decide to tie the knot.


Whether or not you decide to have the chat right away or whether or not you opt to wait. Establishing strong communication with your partner and ensuring that you are on the same page is critical. Honesty and communication can go a long way toward maintaining a healthy and happy relationship. While being married is vital, being pleased with your spouse is even more so.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can we talk about marriage?

Still, no matter how old you are, it can’t hurt to talk about marriage if you are in a serious relationship…. In fact, talking about marriage in general with your partner can be a great way to get to know each other and learn about their perspectives on marriage.

What is importance of marriage?

Marriage is the start—the start of a family—and it is a commitment that lasts a lifetime. It also allows you to develop selflessness while serving your wife and children. Marriage is a spiritual and emotional bond as well as a physical union. This union is modeled after the one that exists between God and His Church.

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