HOW LONG DOES ALIMONY LAST & All You Should Know in 2023!!!


Whether you are paying or receiving alimony, you probably wonder how long alimony payments last. To arrive at this answer, you must first become acquainted with the various types.

How Long Does Alimony Last?

These payments are expected in divorces, and they can help one partner live comfortably until; they can support themselves better. This intends to bridge the gap for spouses who have relied heavily; on their partner’s income for support during the marriage, but it does not plan to support them; fully for an indefinite period of time. Its payments, more often than not, have a finite duration. But how long exactly is that? If you expect to pay alimony after your divorce, here’s what you need to know about the typical duration of spousal support payments.

Types of Alimony

During a divorce, there are several types of alimony that can be awarded:

  • Temporary – This type is issued during the divorce process. The payments will only last until the divorce is official and an official alimony agreement can be put into place.
  • Permanent or long-term – This type of alimony is becoming less common. It is given to one partner until they die, retire, or remarry.
  • Rehabilitative – This is the most common type of alimony awarded in today’s divorces. It has a fixed end date that is determined by a judge; the date is chosen based on how long the judge believes the individual needs to get back on their feet.
  • Reimbursement – As the name implies, this is paid as reimbursement for any investment; made in the other spouse’s education or business. For example, if one spouse worked to pay for their partner’s college education and they divorced soon after, the judge may award reimbursement alimony to the first partner until the “debt” is paid back.

The type of alimony awarded is one factor that will influence how long your payments will last. If you’re considering payments for one of the latter two types of alimony, keep reading to learn about some other factors that will influence how long they last.

Equal Reimbursement

The duration of your payments in the case of reimbursement alimony is typically equal to the duration of the support received. So, using the same example as before, suppose your spouse pays for your four years of college. In most cases, this means that your reimbursement alimony payments will also last four years, balancing out the amount of time and approximate cost your ex put into supporting you.


In many marriages, one spouse earns the majority of the income while the other takes care of the children; household chores. In these situations, the partner who was responsible for household care frequently finds themselves; with a significant gap in their employment history. They may have even dropped out of school to care for children at home, leaving them with the skills, education, and work history required to find gainful employment after their divorce.

Marriage Duration

The length of the marriage is another factor that a divorce court will consider; when determining the duration of spousal support. While the final decision will vary from case to case, the following are the averages based on the length of the marriage:

  • 5 years or less – Alimony is awarded for roughly half the duration of your marriage. As a result, if your marriage last four years, you can expect to pay it for two years.
  • 10-20 years – You can expect to pay alimony for roughly 60 to 70% of the length of your marriage. As a result, if your marriage lasts up to 20 years, your alimony will most likely last 12 to 14 years. However, this can vary greatly depending on your personal circumstances and the judge presiding over your case.
  • 20+ years – Marriages that have lasted this long are more likely to see permanent alimony. This means you should expect to support your ex until they retire, die, or remarry.

Contact one of our divorce lawyers if you want to know how much alimony you should expect to pay; for how long. We’ll meet with you and go over your case to get a better idea of what a reasonable alimony agreement would look like. Make your appointment today!

Can A Working Wife Get Alimony

Yes, it is possible, according to the answer. However, it is not always simple. To determine your rights and the specifics of your situation, you must contact an experienced divorce and alimony lawyer. Every situation is unique.

Previously, working wives are not entitled to maintenance; however, with the passage of time and subsequent legislative changes, wives now have the right to maintenance. The idea behind such recognition is that after leaving the matrimonial home, a wife is deprived of many comforts. She occasionally loses interest in life.

Her husband’s financial support gives her some solace. Even living in her parent’s home, she must incur some expenses. She is responsible for the child 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

She does not receive the support she would have received if she had lived in a matrimonial home. It is the husband’s responsibility to support his wife, and this must be prioritized. Even if the wife works, she is entitled to the same status; standard of living that she had in her matrimonial home.

What is Alimony Based On

Alimony is not automatic and is not always ordered in a divorce. It’s not uncommon, but it’s not unusual, either. If you’re going through a divorce and plan to request it, or you suspect your spouse will; you’ll want to understand what alimony is, how judges decide whether to award it; when you can change or stop the payments, and how you and your spouse can reach an agreement; on the issue rather than having a judge decide for you.

How Courts Decide Alimony

State laws establish the guidelines that judges must follow when deciding whether to award alimony in any case, as well as the amount and duration of the payments. These rules are typically different for temporary support during the divorce and post-divorce alimony.

How Does Alimony Work?

Alimony is a person’s legal obligation to provide financial support to his or her divorced spouse after the divorce. It is a type of spousal support; that aims to compensate for the unfair economic or financial consequences of the divorce. Many factors influence how much alimony a spouse can receive. There is no set formula for calculating the total amount of spousal support. However, it is calculated based on factors such as:

  • The husband’s and wife’s property and income,
  • Impairments in earning capacity,
  • Living standards,
  • The length of the marriage,
  • The number of children who will be raised,
  • Each spouse’s earning capacity,
  • One spouse’s contributions and sacrifices for the other spouse’s education or career.

You may be eligible for less alimony if you earn more than your spouse. You should be able to get a reasonable amount of alimony if there are children involved; other factors that can help you with your situation. It is obtained through the mutual agreement of both parties. They will talk about how much will be paid each month. In the event of disagreements or non-agreement, legal counsel is required.

If Wife Filed For Divorce, Can She Get Alimony

If the judge determines that you were financially dependent on your spouse during the marriage, the judge may order your spouse to pay you alimony. Even if you can demonstrate that you are “the dependent party,” a judge will consider various factors; when deciding whether or not to award alimony. For more information, see What factors will a judge consider when deciding whether or not to award alimony?

Alimony payments can be ordered to begin while the divorce is still pending in court; to continue for some time after the divorce is finalized. The court will decide how long you or the other party will receive it. There is no time limit on receiving alimony if you have been married for 20 years or more. If you were married for less than 20 years, you could not collect alimony for more than half the length of the marriage.

Do I Have to Pay Alimony to My Husband

Alimony and spousal support laws vary by state, but judges typically award alimony based on the applicable laws in their state; gender should not be a factor in the award. It is awarded based on various factors, including the length of a couple’s marriage; the income disparity between ex-spouses. In other words, the longer you’ve been in the wedding, and the greater your income exceeds your spouse’s, the more likely it is that you’ll be writing checks to him every month.

Women may be frustrated by the idea of paying alimony, but the entire purpose of maintenance is to assist; the lower-income spouse in getting back on his or her feet. If your husband was a stay-at-home dad, he may need to return to school to brush up on job skills; or it may take months for him to find work.

Take solace in the fact that most alimony awards are only for a limited time; they will end if your spouse remarries. In addition, if you lose your job or receive a significant pay cut, you can petition the court to reduce or eliminate your alimony payments.


Alimony and divorce maintenance rules are equal for both spouses; the more affluent spouse is expected to support the financially weaker spouse. According to the divorce alimony calculator, this primarily ensures a couple’s better livelihood.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Alimony Only Be Awarded to Women?

Alimony can be awarded to either a man or a woman, depending on their individual circumstances. Men, on the other hand, receive alimony in only about 3% of cases nationwide.

What Does the Court Need to Know About My Finances to Determine Alimony?

Both spouses must disclose all of their income and property to the court. Financial records, tax returns, pay stubs, and any other type of documentation that reveals financial; property status will be expected by the court. Once a court has these documents, it will set a schedule for property valuation. Property received by spouses and its ability to generate income may have an impact on an alimony award.

Can I Get Alimony Before My Divorce Is Final?

Yes, many divorces last for months, if not years. To avoid hardship, the state of New York allows you to file a petition; with the court for temporary maintenance as soon as the divorce is filed. Temporary maintenance will end when the divorce is finalized, if not sooner. Of course, after the divorce, a judge may award post-divorce alimony.

Can I Ask a Court for a Change in Alimony Later?

Yes, you may be able to obtain an alimony modification if there is a significant change in circumstances; such as the payer spouse retiring or being forced to leave their job.

Which Spouse Pays Taxes on Alimony?

Typically, the payee spouse will pay taxes, and the payer will be able to deduct the amount.

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