SPIRIT GUIDES: How to Connect and Talk With Your Spirit Guide (+ Free Tips)

Spirit Guides

Your spirit guides are here for your benefit even though you’ve probably been unable to “access them.” Generally, they can speak to you in dreams or through signs and symbols. Your spirit guides are known to protect you from negativity or anxious and depressing thoughts. Also, they work towards increasing your creativity. So, who is a spirit guide?

Spirit Guides Meaning

Spirit guides are non-human spirits or non-physical beings. Before birth, they signed a soul contract with you to help you navigate the material realm. They guide you toward your greatest potential on earth.

Also referred to as totems by Anishinaabe people (also called Ojibwa or Chippewa), angels, and nature spirits, your guides can take many forms.
While they sometimes appear as ancestors or animal spirits, voices, and visions, they vibrate at a frequency higher than humans.

You can think of them as light beings, energies, or souls that have reached a higher plane.
Some religions say you are given a team of guides when you are born, but others say that guides come and go as you need them throughout your life.

Types of Spirit Guides

There are no rules regarding the different types of spirit guides. Spirit guides take many forms. They can transform from an earthly ancestor into a pure light being. Surprisingly, they might sometimes appear as your dead puppy. Here are a few forms your spirit guides might take to reveal themselves to you:

1. Your Higher Self:

This is one guide you must always have access to; emphasis on “must.” That’s because your higher self is you. However, it is not a separate entity or a spirit-based version of you. Instead, it’s simply the part of you that deeply connects with the supernatural.

Hence, there is a part of you that can easily see past many mundane things in life. Therefore, you can see past them to connect with divine reasoning.
Your higher self is the guide that sees beyond the surface of things. This guide ushers you forward with the deep wisdom of the old.

Also, such guides can access much more information than your conscious mind. Hence, sometimes you say things you’ve never heard before or answer questions you don’t know the answer to.

You may wonder, “How did I know that?”. But it’s like something whispered the answer in your heart. You might see this as your intuition or a “sixth sense.” But accepting this will make it a powerful tool for you.

2. Angels and Archangels:

Although there is a general misconception that angels are only for those with religious or Christian beliefs. However, that is not entirely the case. Angels are non-denominational, and many people receive messages from specific angels regardless of their religious background.

All archangels possess a powerful spiritual figure that tends to come with a “speciality.” For example, Archangel Michael represents protection, courage, and truth, so you can call on that energy anytime you need it. When you sense their presence, feel free to ask for help.

3. Plant and Animal Spirits:

People often think everything, including animals, plants, and places, has a soul or a unique spiritual essence and existence. However, many do not know if their spirit guides are animal or plant spirits.

However, these guides often come in signs and signals, like seeing a hawk whenever you have a specific thought or experience. It’s common to see animal guides in dreams, meditations, and visions. However, plant spirits can pop up when working with a specific herb or flower or spending a lot of time in nature.

4. Universal and Spirit Energy:

Not everybody can connect to the earth and feel spiritual energy. Generally, this spiritual energy is drawn to the universe.

The collective sea of unconscious energy connects us all, a spiritual source of energy all around us and within us.

You can call it the universe, spirit, source, or god. You always have access to it. This is probably the way to go when you don’t feel connected with a specific spirit, animal, plant, or galactic energy.

5. Galactic Beings:

Generally, many researchers believe that we all have ancestral connections to different parts of the galaxy. So, this means that our souls haven’t just been reborn on Earth and other planets, dimensions, stars, and galaxies.

When you begin to feel a spark of energy anytime you hear about the potential of being related to star-based spiritual teams, these guides might be for you.

How To Meet Your Spirit Guides

#Step 1: Know Your Sacred Place:

Generally, imagine that you are walking into a beautiful, magical garden. In this place, you are safe, you are infinitely loved, you are wanted, and you are accepted as you are. This is a place where you can be healed, where you can gain calm, and where you can get answers to your questions in general.

#Step 2: Meet Your Guide:

Ask your spirit guide to come forward. Ask them with a feeling of expectation and love, like you are excited to meet your best friend for the first time. Who is your guide? Please take note of any details about them. Know that there is no right or wrong direction. Ask your spirit guide for their name. It’s okay to know.

#Step 3: Get to Know Your Spirit Guide:

It’s time to get to know your spirit guide. You can ask questions or observe in general. What do you notice about your interaction with your spirit guide? How do you feel? Take note of these things, though.

#Step 4: Gratitude and thanks:

This is where you’d thank your spirit guide for partaking in this. It can be comforting to know that there is a sacred place you can go in meditation to feel safe and accepted.

How To Talk To Your Spirit Guides

Generally, communication is also very important here. When trying to communicate with your guides, the first you should know how to do is “listen.” How does your spirit guide communicate with you? Well through;


Spirit guides might try to send you messages through certain books or even “random” people or practitioners. Please pay close attention to anything you see more than a few times or recurring events.


Many guides send messages through numbers, signs, or symbols. Again, when you know something might be a message, please write it down and track how often it comes up.

Note what you’re doing, how you’re doing it, and what you’re feeling or thinking at the time. In some cases, though, they show up in your dreams.


Basically, how do they offer guidance? The answer is simple: through certain jobs, people, and opportunities.

The first thing to know is that you need to have just a little faith that you have one or more guides who exist beyond your physical experience and are there to support you.

With that desire, you can begin to ask for help, asking from a place of allowing and acknowledgement.

Another way to stay in touch with your guides is to ask for a sign. Say, “If I’m on the right track, show me,” and choose a sign. Don’t overthink it; whatever pops into your head is right.
Asking the guides to show you a sign will be a precise moment to recognize their support.

Spirit Guide Meditation

Generally, a spirit guide meditation is designed to help you connect to your spirit guide. Let me walk you through a step-by-step guideline that would help you understand their energy.

  1. When you begin, I suggest you pick up a pen and paper to write down your experience after meditating. Set aside 10–15 minutes to prepare for the meditation.
  2. Go to your quiet place. This is important because it helps you avoid distractions like a call or anything else.
  3. Shift your focus away from your thoughts and inner dialogue. In this quiet place, it is essential to begin settling your thoughts.
  4. Turn your attention to your breath. When thoughts begin to pop up, they will. It is helpful to focus on your breath. Stabilize your breathing. Then, through your nose, take a deep breath. Then, through your nose, send out a relaxing exhale, almost like yoga exercises. Imagine the in-breath nourishing all your body’s cells, and imagine your body becoming relaxed and worry-free with the out-breath.
  5. Then, in this state of mind, start thinking positively. Talk to yourself about all you are grateful for and all that you love about yourself and your life. Your spirit guide is found in this path.
  6. From here on, connecting to your spirit guide is easy.


When studying your spirit guide, you’d have to open your mind to the possibility because many people doubt their existence. Many researchers have been able to do research and find peace. However, many religious teachers don’t accept this belief. They doubt their existence not because they doubt their existence but because they believe their presence is geared toward the negative.

Developing a relationship with your spirit guides

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Signs that your spirit guides are trying to communicate with you

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