Can a Puppy Stay With Its Mother Forever? Best 2023 Guide

can a puppy stay with its mother forever

Can a Puppy Stay With Its Mother Forever? Don’t we all want this? But in reality, after a few months, it is common knowledge that dog puppies are separated from their mother. Now the question is, “Is there a reason why puppies cannot remain with their mother indefinitely?” and “When separated from their mother, do puppies miss their mother?”

In this article, I will answer the question, “Can a puppy stay with its mother forever?” We will also find out whether or not it is acceptable for a puppy to remain with its mother indefinitely.

Let’s set the ball rolling…

Can a Puppy Stay With Its Mother Forever

Puppies can stay with their mothers indefinitely. As they frequently do in the wild! Puppies in undomesticated dog groups typically remain with their mothers for up to three years.

When it comes to domesticated dogs, however, puppies are usually separated from their mothers when they are a few months old. This is due to several factors.

#1. Most owners prefer one to two dogs.

The majority of dog owners have one to two dogs. And it’s easy to see why. Owning a dog entails a great deal of responsibility.

Dogs require a well-balanced, nutritious diet, regular exercise, and plenty of playtime. They need regular health checks and medical care, which can be costly in the long run.

Some dogs are couch potatoes who can’t be bothered to move, but most will require daily physical and mental stimulation from you.

Furthermore, dogs have predatory instincts that must be suppressed. Having a dog can be a difficult task!

As a result, when dog owners looking to buy or adopt a puppy choose one they like, the puppy is separated from its mother and littermates.

Of course, the new dog owners do not intend to separate the puppy from its family.

#2. Raising a Puppy Litter Is Difficult

Another common scenario in which a puppy is separated from its mother and littermates is when a female pet dog becomes pregnant.

You’ve probably seen a friend or family member offer puppies for adoption because they weren’t ready to care for them.

A litter can have up to 12 puppies, with 6 being average, so it’s understandable why owners give them away. Raising a litter of puppies is a difficult task. It’s a long-term commitment that few people are prepared for.

As previously stated, most pet parents prefer one to two dogs. Owners who cannot care for all of their offspring must either place the puppies for adoption or take them to an animal shelter.

The preceding scenario explains why neutering and spaying are so important: these procedures prevent unwanted pregnancies and reduce the number of homeless dogs.

Mothers Can Reject Their Puppies

Mothers will sometimes reject their pups. As you are probably aware, this is not a dog-specific behavior. Many animal mothers will leave their pups for a variety of reasons.

When a female dog rejects her puppies, it is usually because she is weak or ill. She can reject a single puppy or her entire litter.

A hormonal imbalance can cause the mother’s maternal instincts to fail, in which case she will have no innate desire to nurse her pups. Dogs who give birth via C-section are more likely to develop this issue.

The dog breeder must nurse puppies abandoned by their mothers. If this occurs in a domestic setting, it is best to contact an animal shelter.

Will a Mother Reject a Pup Who a Human has touched?

It is a myth that animals will reject offspring who humans have touched. You can safely touch your dog’s puppies if she is okay.

Remember that mothers are usually very protective of their pups, so you might not get the positive reaction you hoped for. It’s best to leave the puppies alone until they’re a few weeks old; they’re fragile and easily hurt.

What Happens if You Take a Puppy Away From Its Mother Too Soon?

Because staying with your mother is physically and psychologically important, it is understandable that negative consequences have both physical and psychological effects. These puppies are likely to have the following physical issues:

  • Appetite suppression.
  • Inadequate immune system response.
  • Weightloss.
  • Increased Disease Risk

When a puppy is separated from his mother too soon, its life expectancy is jeopardized. Mother’s milk will not provide the puppy with the same hormones, enzymes, antibodies, and other important physical benefits. This means that it may not develop as well as it could if the mother’s milk comes from a healthy body.

Separating a puppy from its mother too soon has serious psychological and emotional consequences. In fact, it is one of the most common causes of a puppy’s behavior problems later in life.

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Puppies will likely have difficulty biting if they are removed too soon because they learn to inhibit bites from their mother and siblings. True, it is always possible to train a dog to stop biting, but it will be extremely difficult if she did not learn it from the start. This means that not just anyone will be able to care for such a dog, which may necessitate professional and expert assistance.

The sensitive period is when the dog is the most impressionable and vulnerable. They learn the skills and limits described above during this time, which begins around 3 weeks of age and ends around 12 weeks. It can be a very traumatic experience for the puppy if it is separated from its mother during this time, especially in the early stages. Such trauma can lead to:

  • Anxiety and stress.
  • Incontinence.
  • Anxiety about separation
  • Having difficulty sleeping
  • Aggression.
  • Walking in fear.
  • Possessiveness.
  • Destructiveness.
  • Fear of strangers.
  • Difficulty interacting with other dogs.

Other factors can cause dogs to develop similar behavioral issues, but separating them from their mothers during the sensitive period has been shown to be harmful. Several studies have found that dogs who are separated from their mothers too soon are much more likely to develop the aforementioned behavioral issues than dogs who have had a longer period of growth and learning with their mothers and siblings.

Do Puppies Pine for Their Mothers?

Puppies are very attached to their mothers for the first few months after birth and will miss her if they are separated from her.

Dogs, on the other hand, lack the mental capacity for such emotions that humans do. Most puppies will only miss their family for a few days or weeks at most.

Following that, they will naturally integrate into their new family.

Interestingly, pups who spend more time with their mother and littermates can recognize them even after years apart.

When Is It Appropriate to Separate Puppies From Their Mothers?

Puppies should not be separated from their mothers until they are eight weeks (two months) old, according to most experts.

Some people recommend waiting until the child is three months old. Any earlier than eight weeks, and the puppy is more likely to experience long-term mental side effects, such as separation anxiety.

The Advantages of Living with the Mother Dog

There are benefits to living with the mother dog. For one thing, the puppy will be able to learn important social skills from her that will benefit them later in life.

Puppy’s will benefit from their mother’s protection and guidance as they explore their surroundings.

The mother-puppy bond can also be extremely strong, providing comfort and security to both parties. This bond can assist puppies in remaining calm in stressful situations and developing into well-adjusted adults.

Puppies learn and grow in a safe environment when they live with their mother dog. As a result, it may be advantageous for them to remain nearby for as long as possible.

Preparations Required For Long-Term Cohabitation

Living together harmoniously for an extended period of time is difficult and necessitates proper preparation on the part of both the puppy and its mother.

It is critical that the puppy learns to respect the wishes and rules of its mother. Such as not chewing on her belongings or disturbing her while she is sleeping. Similarly, the mother should provide the pup with a safe environment by providing warmth, shelter, and daily meals.

Pup and mother should engage in activities together to strengthen their bond, in addition to respecting boundaries and providing basic necessities.

Playing games like fetch or tug-of-war can keep the pup active while also allowing it to bond with its mother. Walking the dog in familiar areas will make it feel more secure as it learns more about its surroundings.

Long-term cohabitation between a puppy and its mother requires both parties to be patient, understanding, and committed. However, if done correctly, it can be a rewarding experience for both parties!

When Is the Best Age for a Puppy to Leave Its Mother?
There are several factors to consider when determining the optimal age for a puppy to remain with its mother.

Puppies should be left with their mothers until they are at least eight weeks old. During this time, they benefit from their mother’s maternal care and protection.

The puppies also learn vital nutrition and socialization skills that will aid them in their transition to adulthood.

The puppy can be weaned after eight weeks and gradually transitioned away from their mother’s care until they are ready to live on their own.


Puppies should not be kept with their mothers indefinitely because this can lead to behavioral issues and a lack of independence.

It is critical to consider the best age for separation. In addition, any special considerations for puppies staying with their mother in a multi-dog household should be addressed.

Puppies should be separated from their mothers between the ages of 8 and 12 weeks. (1) There are potential health risks associated with living together for an extended period of time.

However, staying with a puppy’s mother for an extended period of time may provide some socialization benefits. Finally, depending on the individual puppies and households involved, the decision should be made on a case-by-case basis.

Considering all of these factors can help ensure the best possible outcome for both the puppy and its mother.

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