WHAT TO SAY TO A GIRL YOU LIKE: 71+ Interesting Things to Say to Blow Her Mind

what to say to a girl you like
Image creadit: lovepanky

Finding lovely things to say to a girl is not something that many people are naturally good at. Flirting isn’t second nature for most people, even if a few can bat their eyelashes or send a short but strong text message without thinking about it. Many people sit down and ponder long and hard about what they should say. Is this a long text message? Is it weird if I stare her in the eyes? When I tell her I admire her purse, do I come off as genuine?

Almost nothing about dating is simple, and one of the most difficult components is keeping track of the small details. The wonderful stuff. Little compliments or greetings can brighten someone’s day. There are, however, a plethora of small compliments you can give to the person on your mind. Don’t overthink it; instead, use this list of What to Say to a Girl You Like as a guide.

What to Say to a Girl You Like

Here are the 5 best things to say to a girl you like:

#1. You Brighten Up My Day

This is something any polite guy could say to the woman he likes, and it’ll put a grin on her face. This is a fantastic technique to strike up a dialogue with her.

#2. Your Small Flaws And Imperfections Make You Perfect

This kind of compliment will lift a girl’s spirits, especially on days when she isn’t feeling her best. When you tell a girl wonderful things like this, she will realize that she is valued despite her shortcomings.

#3. I Wish I Were An Octopus So That I’d Have More Arms To Wrap Around You

When she’s having a rough day and you want to cheer her up, say this cheesy line. When you say this, it’ll feel like you’re telling her you want to hold her tighter, but in a positive way.

#4. When You Are With Me, Time Stops, And Nothing Else Matters In The Whole World

This is, without a doubt, the sweetest item on the list. When you tell her this, she’ll think her companionship transports you to another realm. You might even grasp her hand or kiss her on the cheek while saying this to make her feel sincere.

#5. No Sweet Words Can Describe The Warmth I Feel When You Hug Me

When you’re with the person you like, sometimes words just can’t express how you feel. When you simply hug her and tell her how you feel, she will feel close to you. It’s all in the details, after all.

Here are the 5 things to start a conversation with a girl you like:

#6. If You Could Live Anywhere, Where Would It Be?

Is it Paris, Rome, or Moscow? With a query like this, you might get more people talking about travel. If it’s the same location as her, you might have a winner.

#7. What’s A Typical Day In Your Life Like?

You might surprise the girl you like by inquiring about her day in this manner. Few individuals nowadays genuinely care about one another’s well-being, so make her feel special.

#8. What’s Your Idea Of The Perfect Day?

If you do decide to take this individual out, try to recreate their ideal day. You’ll be able to see she was paying attention, which is always a positive!

#9. Who’s Your Biggest Celebrity Crush?

This question will undoubtedly elicit a response from her. She’ll also notice that you’re curious about the types of people she likes.

#10. I Love Your Sense Of Humor

Telling her this will show her that you appreciate all of her amusing remarks. She’ll also realize that her sense of humor is dead-on, making her feel even more at ease around you.

Here are 7 sweet lines to say to sweep a girl off her feet:

#11. You’re So Pretty I Forgot What I Was Going To Say

She’ll enjoy it a lot if you remind her that she’s a lovely woman. You can even remark her lovely eyes now and again.

#12. Will You Share Some Of Your Beautiful Memories With Me?

Making memories with the person you like is one of the most romantic things you can say to them. Kiss her hand or pull her waist closer if she blushes when you say this to keep the feelings flowing!

#13. I Feel Such Amazing Chemistry When I’m With You

This elevates flirtation to a new level. When a woman hears you say this, she’ll know you believe the two of you are meant to be together.

#14. What Is Your Quirkiest Habit?

One of the best pieces of dating advice is to get to know your spouse as much as possible, including the odd details. Say this when you think she’s ready to talk about it.

#15. Your Laughter Makes Me Feel Like The Happiest Man Alive

When you tell the female you like this, she’ll be happy to add to your delight, even if it’s just by giggling.

#16. I Want To Be Your Favorite Hello And Hardest Goodbye

She’ll realize how much you want her to love you once she hears this, to the point where saying goodbye would be the worst thing she could do.

#17. You Inspire Me To Be A Better Man

This is the exact word to use in this situation: better. Because of her, you want to develop and become the best version of yourself.

Here are the 9 best things to say to start a conversation with a girl and make her feel special:

#18. Good Morning, Sweetheart!

This kind of material is excellent to read first thing in the morning. It means she’s the first thing that comes to mind when you wake up.

#19. Hi There. How’s Life Treating You Today?

This is a great approach to strike up a conversation with a female on the spur of the moment. It also lets her know that you’re thinking about her throughout the day.

#20. I Want To Spend The Rest Of My Life With You

The best love message a woman can receive is this. Not only will she know you’re serious about her, but she’ll also realize she’s got a good thing going with you.

#21. When I First Met You, I Saw Perfection

Reminding her of the first time you saw her will prompt her to recall all of your shared memories. Reminiscing together might also be a fun activity.

#22. When You Smile, Life Feels Free Of All Worries

You might also tell her that her grin makes your day less stressful. That will put a grin on her face for the rest of her life.

#23. I Think Of You And Kiss My Pillow Before I Sleep Every Night

Before you go to bed, text her this to let her know you’re thinking of her. Make careful to include a smiley face or a heart emoji to avoid offending anyone.

#24. You Make Me Believe You’re My Soul Mate

What would your reaction be if you got a text message like this? I’m sure you’d be giddy on the inside. This is most likely how she will feel as well.

#25. It Must Be A Day Off In Heaven For An Angel Like You To Be Amongst Us

Women love it when guys go goofy and vulnerable for them, no matter how clichéd this line sounds. It doesn’t matter if it’s cheesy; the important thing is that you made her smile.

#26. If People Say That No One Is Perfect, Then For Me, My Darling, You Are No One

It doesn’t make a lot of sense, but it’s a lovely greeting to give when you want to lift her spirits.

Here are the 5 things to say and talk about with a girl:

#27. What Is Your Wildest Fantasy?

With this intriguing inquiry, get her chatting. Maintain an open mind and refrain from passing judgment.

#28. When’s The Last Time You Got Butterflies In Your Stomach And Why?

When you ask her this question, maintain eye contact. Congratulations if she responds with something that involves you! You’ve been kicked out of the friend zone!

#29. What’s The Weirdest Joke You Were Ever Told?

Keep an eye out for the type of jokes she finds weird. You may use this to prevent making that mistake the next time you tell a joke.

#30. Spending Time With You Is The Highlight Of My Day

Couples are expected to spend time with one other. She’ll be overjoyed when she learns that your favorite part of your day is spending time with her.

#31. Words Can’t Explain What A Wonderful Person You Are

This will make her feel like it’s Valentine’s Day if you say it to her. She’ll get the impression that you perceive her in a manner that others don’t.

Here are 6 things to say and talk about on a first date:

#32. If You Won The Lottery Tomorrow, What’s The First Thing You’d Buy?

It’s a simple approach to figure out whether she’s selfish or kind. Get a better understanding of her personality. Add in the fact that you’d love a Lamborghini and you’ll realize just how “caring” she is.

#33. Would You Rather Have A Lot Of Money Or Find True Love?

Listen carefully to anything she says and refrain from making judgmental remarks. You don’t need to go out again if she answers money and it’s not the answer you desire.

#34. You Make My Sadness Disappear With Your Beautiful Smile

On a first date, use caution while saying this. Either she’ll like it or she’ll think you’re creepy. If she doesn’t like it, shift the subject immediately.

#35. I Couldn’t Think Of The Right Words To Say How Special You Are To Me

Perhaps you’ve been talking for a while and this is your first time going on a date. When you want to catch her off guard, say this near the end of the date.

#36. Your Lips Are Like Wine, And I Want To Get Drunk

When you say this to her, pay attention to her body language. If she bites her lips, it’s probably the best time to kiss her.

#37. Babe, Hold My Hand, And I Will Hold Your Heart And Keep It Safe For All Eternity

You might think this is a bit much for a first date, but if you click, she’ll appreciate how expressive you are.

#37. Babe, Hold My Hand, And I Will Hold Your Heart And Keep It Safe For All Eternity

You might think this is a bit much for a first date, but if you click, she’ll appreciate how expressive you are.

Here are 8 things to say to your crush at a party:

#38. You Look Great In That Dress

“You’re hot” or “daaaamn” are tired phrases for girls. Sometimes all they want is a simple statement that expresses how they feel without coming off as a creep.

#39. You’re A Lucky Charm To Everyone Who Meets You

This is a simple complement you may pay a female at a party, especially if you notice how she mingles with everyone. She’ll like how you pay attention to her.

#40. Your Voice Is As Sweet As Honey. It’s My Favorite Sound

Sweet remarks like this are guaranteed to make a girl grin. You can come up with additional ideas like this. It won’t always make sense, but she’ll appreciate it if you try.

#41. You’re Such A Good Dancer. You’re The Flame That Ignites The Dance Floor

If you complement a dancer when you see her, she will know she made an impression on you. She’ll be aware that you were paying attention to her every move.

#42. If I Were Asked To Describe The Color You Represent, Then I Would Have To Go With Rainbow Because You Are Beautiful, Magical And Being With You Is Like Finding Treasure.

Even if you’re at a party, you can say this when you’ve really gotten to know one other. Even if they have only met once, some people leave parties as best friends.

#43. You Make Me Feel Like An Excited Child At A Theme Park When I’m With You

If you’re having a good time at a party with the girl you like, she’ll be overjoyed when she hears this from you. It implies that you find being with her stimulating and enjoyable.

#44. You Were The Missing Piece In The Puzzle Of My Life. Now That You Are Here, My Puzzle Is Solved

After you’ve had a few beers, you can probably say this to a girl. That way, if she thinks it’s too much, you can just say it’s because of the booze.

#45. Happy Birthday! Your Birthday Is A Very Special Day For Me Because It Makes Me Think About How Lucky I Am That You Were Brought Into The World

You should tell her this while you’re alone with her at the party if it’s her birthday. Make sure you look her in the eyes and make it as pleasant as possible.

Sweet Things to Say to a Girl

  1. I can’t take my mind off of you.
  2. The time we spent together today was fantastic.
  3. It makes me ecstatic to be with you.
  4. You make me feel as if I’m worth a million dollars.
  5. Since we started spending time together, I’ve been so much happier.
  6. Is it possible for me to take you out on a date again soon?
  7. Thank you for allowing yourself to be who you are.
  8. To my ears, the sound of your chuckle is soothing.
  9. I’m a big fan of your smile.
  10. I like you a lot.
  11. All I want to think about is you.
  12. Let’s get together and plan a trip.
  13. You have a stunning appearance.
  14. It’s impossible to put into words how you make me feel.
  15. I only see you.
  16. It’s as if I’m in another world when I’m with you.
  17. Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me.
  18. I’m not sure what I can do for you.
  19. Last night, I had a dream about you.
  20. Every morning, my first thought is of you.
  21. How did you sleep last night?
  22. You have had a significant impact on my life.
  23. I adore and admire you.
  24. I wish I had the words to express my feelings for you.
  25. My life would be a lot less beautiful without you.
  26. I’m looking forward to waking up next to you once more.
  27. You are very gorgeous.
  28. Every day, I become fonder of you.
  29. You are flawless.
  30. All I require is you.
  31. All of the nice things in the world come together in our partnership.
  32. I’d like to spend some time with you.

Why the things you say to a girl matter

It matters what you say to a female, especially if you have feelings for her. Some girls enjoy receiving compliments, while others find it embarrassing or unsettling.

It all relies on how you say things, no matter what they are. This is also why the adage “think before you speak” applies to all situations.

Do you really want to be neglected by the girl you like? Don’t be concerned! We’ve got you covered. You’ll discover what to say to a girl you like and what to avoid asking questions about in the following list.


What should I say to flirt with a girl?

  • I wish I could be your mirror and stare at you every morning.
  • I think of your chuckle whenever I need a pick-me-up, and it always makes me grin.
  • Our friendship is one of my favorites, especially when we make out.
  • I’d be fat if I had a candy bar for every time I thought of you.

How do you tell if a girl likes you?

  • Her friends and family are aware of your existence….
  • She makes an effort to keep the conversation going….
  • She gives you compliments and strives to make you happy.
  • She’s definitely nervous in your presence….
  • Her body language is warm and friendly.
  • She recalls what you say to her.

Is flirting cheating?

“While flirting isn’t strictly cheating, it might be construed as such because you’re displaying interest in someone else.”

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