PLATONIC RELATIONSHIP: Definition, Examples, Rules, & Tips to Maintain one

Platonic Relationship

According to Google, a relationship is the way in which two or more people are connected or the state of being connected. In other words, it is the way in which two or more people or groups regard, relate, and behave towards each other. There are various types of relationships, such as blood, family, romantic, platonic relationships, and so on. However, for the purpose of this post, we will just stick to the platonic relationship.

A platonic relationship is intimate and affectionate but not a sexual form of relationship. It is often between two people of the opposite sex. 

The term “Platonic” was a derivative of the Greek philosopher Plato. Plato’s original version of a relationship concerns the level of intimacy between two people of the opposite sex, which rises above the knowledge and beauty of canal interest to a nobler pursuit, causing a union with the truth and an attraction of souls to bring the best of the individuals involved. 

In simple terms, Plato’s idea was to have very close friendships with the opposite sex without sexual attraction.

Platonic Relationship Examples

From the above definitions, an example of a Platonic Relationship is simple: a strong non-sexual friendship that involves a man and a woman. A common example these days is the concept of B.F.F. (Best Freinds Forever).

However, a platonic relationship should not be misconstrued as an unrequited relationship. While a platonic relationship involves no sexual attraction from either party, in the latter, one of the parties often harbors a sexual attraction to the other with the hope that they will eventually feel the same way.

This is a common misconception in most friendships, especially with B.F.F.s of the opposite sex these days. It is a wrong idea. On the other hand, most people already know this but hide under the guise of platonic relationships just to play safe.

Conversely, a platonic relationship has its benefits, which include;

  • Enhancing the quality of life that results in the prolonging of life
  • Providing support and genuine love without involving sex
  • Challenging your perspective and understanding about life and the other gender, to name a few.

Platonic Relationship Rules

Just like every other kind of relationship, it is vital to know the rules governing them to set clear boundaries.
So, the rules below should set you on the right path;

  • Line of friendship should be dictated, such as how you talk about your  sex life and sexual relationships
  • Limit and check flirting with each other
  • Avoid unnecessary physical contact that goes beyond greeting, such as sleeping on the same bed, cuddling while watching movies, and so on.
  • Be honest with each other.
  • Communicate regularly.
  • Spend time as a group (i.e., between yourselves and your sexual or romantic partners) to get to know each other better 
  • Be mindful of what you talk about in your partner’s presence 
  • Balance should be maintained between your friendship and your sexual partner
  • Be supportive of the other needs 
  • Avoid manipulating your friend to get what you want 

How to maintain a Platonic Relationship 

To begin a platonic relationship, the following steps should serve as a guide but they basically come as tips;

  • Never act on your feelings.
  • Be clear about what you want.
  • Be open to the possibility of tension.
  • Always remember the benefits of a platonic relationship, such as understanding how the opposite gender behaves and thinks, improving communication skills with the opposite gender, and so on.
  • Reassure your romantic or sexual partners that are affected by your relationship.
  • Be realistic with your expectations. 
  • Engage in activities that will improve your friendship.
  • Be mindful of the display of jealousy from your friend.

Does platonic mean just friends?

A close connection that does not involve romantic or sexual activity is known as a platonic friendship. A friendship ceases to be platonic when it goes beyond being “simply friends.”

Is it OK to have a platonic relationship?

Yes, platonic relationships are conceivable and common as long as both parties have the same aims and understanding of the connection. Of course, there may be times when one person’s sentiments grow stronger and cause the relationship to suffer.

What is platonic intimacy?

A platonic relationship is not romantic yet is nevertheless caring, loyal, respectful, and honest despite the lack of romance. As long as there are no sentiments of passion, platonic relationships can include intimacy, such as sex. One danger of sexual, platonic relationships is that one person may fall in love but not be loved back.

What is the difference between platonic and romantic?

A romantic relationship is a personal connection that consists of close friendship, physical intimacy, sexual activity, and maybe love between two individuals. A platonic relationship is a friendship between two people, and while it might be affectionate, it is not physically intimate.


Being open and truthful with the other person is crucial if you want to develop a platonic relationship—or platonic love—into a romantic or sexual one. Show your attention without putting any pressure on them.

Talk about how it could impact your friendship in the long run and what it might signify for the relationship. Sincerity is crucial in platonic connections as they can provide a solid basis for love partnerships.

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