17+ Best Tips for Successful Long-Distance Relationships in 2022

Most people are not usually comfortable with long-distance relationships. They feel insecure and all, but at some point, they realize they have no choice and find themselves in one.

We can all agree that long-distance relationships are not faultless or perfect. However, it is not the end of the world.

There are solutions to make things work. So, I have listed a few tips below that will guide and help you maintain a healthy, solid, long-distance relationship.

Best Tips for Successful Long-Distance Relationships

Be Certain You Are Dating “The One”

Most people these days go into relationships based on what they can get from their partner. It ranges from money to a stable life, appreciation, or just some sort of attraction, but definitely not love.

While we assert that love is not enough to keep a relationship, especially when partners are worlds apart, love is a predominant factor in the order of things.

You should only engage in a long-distance relationship because you believe you are in “love.” You might as well do that locally if you are just dating for fun.

Set Clear Boundaries

Personal boundaries play a very vital role in distance relationships. Experts have it that long-distance relationships fail lack of trust and invasion of space, even if it is just a virtual space.

Setting personal boundaries in long-distance relationships may sound unrealistic, considering that you do not know if your partner will keep to them.

However, setting these boundaries would make a lot of difference, especially knowing you do not want to hurt your partner.

Put On An Act Like You Are “Single”

This may seem ridiculous, but yeah, it should be done.

Aside from physically having a relationship with someone, experts say you can pretty much behave the way you please, but at least it should be done with caution.

Some things to do are to spend time with friends, go out, have fun, update your social media status, feel free, and live life to the fullest.

Remember That Your Partner Isn’t Perfect

Some partners tend to paint the perfect picture in their relationship; they imagine it to be better than it actually is.

It has been shown that couples who imagine their relationship to be perfect are more likely to break up due to an unstable relationship. Keeping things in perspective rather than imagining a perfect partner is advisable.

Do Not Necessarily Speak Daily

Some people think talking every single day will sustain their relationship and keep it solid and healthy. This is usually not the case. It is really not necessary and might actually be detrimental to the relationship.

You look forward to interesting conversations if you go a few days without talking to your partner. Talking daily may become exhausting and boring.

Never Spend More Than Three Months Apart

An important question everyone seeking long-distance relationship advice asks is how long can one go without seeing your partner.

Well, ideally, every three months is the minimum. This is done so you don’t forget why you love the person in the first place.

Surprise Your Partner Occasionally

Surprises are very special moments for partners in a relationship. When you surprise your partner with gifts, a special song, or anything you feel he/she loves a lot, you tend to reignite the passion and love that may be going out as a result of distance.

This is one vital tip for long-distance relationships. This is a result of the little or no physical interaction between you and your partner.

Be Aware of What a Successful Relationship Really Means

It could be difficult for you to know when things are going well in a long-distance relationship, especially when you do not have a goal in mind.

So, keeping a goal in mind concerning how successful you want your relationship to be is pretty important. An idea of what a successful relationship means to you and whether or not you are getting closer to it is the key when you are trying to evaluate whether things working or not.

Keep Calls Brief and Entertaining

Ensure that phone calls, WhatsApp messages, Facebook, etc., are engaging and entertaining. This has a way of bonding both partners together. It makes you look forward to having conversations and spending more time with your partner.


One of the biggest challenges of long-distance relationships is the question of fidelity and commitment. It is actually hard never to be physically present with someone you are in love with.

So, a way out of this is to give your partner reassurance with reasons, especially when you feel they are in doubt.

Digital Dates

Trying digital dates with your partner is very efficient; even if your partner is miles away, you can still go on a date. Instead of just having your normal phone calls and video calls, digital dating is quite entertaining.

You could really have dinner with a glass of wine and food. Even if it is virtual, it would be a lovely experience.

Worry Less About the Distance

People in long-distance relationships oftentimes get a little bit paranoid. This paranoia usually comes when they think of how distant they are from the love of their life.

Thinking about this usually makes you pessimistic about the relationship; you even begin to lose interest. So, instead of worrying, look for things to do to spice up the relationship and keep the flame burning.

Don’t Make Assumptions

A lot of people think all long-distance relationships are bound to fail at some point. This is definitely not true. But if you believe it, it could become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

One way to avoid this is to try not to give in to assumptions as much as possible. This is because making these assumptions and jumping to conclusions kills long-distance relationships faster than the distance itself.

Place a Time Limit on the Relationship

Very few people are okay with being in a long-distance relationship for a long time. If you are one of those, then it is good for you, but if otherwise, think of how long you are willing to keep up the relationship.

Don’t Put Your Life on Hold

There is no doubt that long-distance relationships require some sacrifice. However, it is important to be careful not to sacrifice more than is necessary, as this may lead to regrets over time. Always think of your well-being first and allow things to play out independently.

Focus On Quality Communication

Long-distance couples may actually be more satisfied with their communication than couples close to each other. This may result from realizing how important and precious their communication opportunities are. They really don’t have to waste words on a day-to-day basis.

So, long-distance couples usually have limited opportunities for communication. This means utilizing it effectively should be a priority.

Avoid Dangerous Situations

If you already know going to night parties and taking alcohol with friends will displease your partner, then you should not get involved in it.

However, if it’s something you really need to do, inform your partner before getting involved. You should not be careless about things like this; open up to your partner.

Learn More About How to Approach and Deal With Conflicts

Conflicts are inevitable in relationships, but being in a long-distance relationship makes managing conflict even more difficult.

If you really want your long-distance relationship to work, you both need to learn how to manage conflict situations.

Learn to Recognize and Control Your Emotions

Long-distance relationships always involve intense emotions with extreme ups and downs.

There will be times of intense loneliness, uncertainty, and fear. There will also be times of excitement and happiness.

Either way, you need to realize that emotions need to be controlled to avoid escalation, whether good or bad. The outcomes could be detrimental.

So, learning to recognize and manage your emotions is pretty important.

Give Each Other Pet Names

Trust me, this part is romantic. Ever had a disagreement with someone, and immediately you called him/her by the pet name you gave them? Something just changed?

Yeah, this is exactly the same thing as having a pet name for your partner. It has its advantages.

Calling your partner by a special name you gave to him/her has a way of rekindling feelings.

Conclusively, a long-distance relationship would definitely work out if both partners put in an equal amount of effort to make it work.

And, if you follow these tips I have outlined in this post, you should be on your way to maintaining a healthy long-distance relationship.

What kills long-distance relationships?

The following are factors that kill long-distance relationships

  • Comparing your relationship to the relationships of others.
  • Being acquainted with someone else.
  • Allowing your connection to become monotonous.
  • Not being able to communicate or listen appropriately.
  • Being smitten by the concept of love.
  • Not spending enough time with your relationship—or spending too much time with your lover.

Do long-distance relationships last?

Long-distance relationships might persist for many years or only a few months. However, how healthy your relationship is throughout this period is more essential than how long it lasts long-distance. Long-distance relationships are perceived as extremely difficult, with unavoidable suffering.

What is the success rate of long-distance relationships?

New research shows long-distance relationships have a 58 percent success rate. 

Is Long Distance dating worth it?

The benefit of a long-distance relationship is that it can assist you and your spouse in building a link beyond the physical because you have more time to chat with each other about yourselves. Communication and trust are fostered in long-distance relationships.


Because of the frequent encounters and communication breakdowns, a long-distance relationship may be difficult to establish and continue. Nevertheless, I think that as a couple, you can work things out and come to an understanding.

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