Whether it’s platonic or not, love is an immersive feeling that makes us happy even when we don’t want to admit it. A lot of people have different meanings of love. Although, it’s a general perspective that love is all about huge butterflies and heart aches, the good kind. However, this is not the case all the time. It’s way deeper and more complex. So what is love? What are the psychological signs of love? Let’s find out!
Generally, the feeling or falling in is one of the strangest yet most wonderful things a human being can experience. However, everyone gets to experience it differently. However, there are some signs that can help you understand when you’re in love with someone, like;
1. You can’t stop staring at them:
Generally, this is one of the classic signs of infatuation; losing yourself in the eyes of the one you love. Basically, this is one of the most obvious signs that you’re falling in love with someone. Basically, looking into the eyes of someone who you feel and experience as the most beautiful and attractive person in your world would be purely divine.
2. You abandon your usual activities;
When you constantly enjoy spending time with someone, the reward system in the brain increases your motivation to want “more” and “more” of that feeling every single time. Generally, according to human psychology, you’d start to crave their presence all the time. Basically, you start thinking of ways to be near them, too, which can include taking up their interests just to strengthen the bond between you. Basically, a typical example is; detesting salsa, but taking it up just to get closer to them by proxy.
Generally, there are five stages of a relationships and/ or love. We have the Merge, Doubt and Denial, Disillusionment, the Decision, and Wholehearted Love. Every single relationship moves through these five stages though not only once or in the same order. Basically, think of it as a different phases to a final destination.
Stage 1: The Merge:
Basically, this is first stage of a relationship is the Merge. It is also known as the honeymoon phase. Generally, it’s that initial, sweeping romance that often consumes a couple when they first get together, including an all-consuming joy in the presence of our partner and of course sensual, passionate sex. Basically, they feel they always want to be together, and boundaries often melt away. The two seem to merge together, or at least feel eager to do so.
Stage 2: Doubt and Denial:
The second stage of a relationship is Doubt and Denial. When your relationship is in this stage, you’d know. Basically, you wake up one day from that “feeling of butterflies” and you see the same qualities that appeared intriguing. But now, it becomes annoying. His reliability now feels rigid; her generosity seems irresponsible; their adventurous nature feels like unnecessary, basically, you get really irritated.
Stage 3: Disillusionment:
Without a doubt, this is the winter season of love. At this point, the power struggles in the relationship have come fully to the surface. Basically, some couples might just quietly drift apart over time, putting less and less energy into maintaining the relationship and investing more outside of it.
Stage 4: Decision:
The “decision phase/ stage” is basically the “breaking point”. Basically, the emotional breakdowns, leaving the house for hours to get away from each other after a fight, and self-protective behaviors are things you’d find in this stage. Additionally, the indifference is no joke. When you’re at this point, you’d want to opt for another relationship with another person.
Stage 5: Wholehearted Love:
The fifth and final stage of a relationship is the wholehearted love. Basically, this is when the relationship is at its healthiest. Some people refer to it as the summertime of love. This is when the fruits of the couple’s labours are fully ripe and ready to be savored. Generally, couples experience true individuation, self-discovery, as well as acceptance of their imperfections. Basically, they recognize that the perfect relationship doesn’t exist.
When you love someone romantically, it usually involves a desire for a many-faceted connection. Basically, it can be physical, emotional and in some cases spiritual. In this case, he’d value a lot of things about you, your personality, everything. Love in some cases can be like a sensory overload at times and you might lust after them a little though you can experience romantic love without ever desiring a physical relationship. When a man loves you, he always;
a. Stares at you and smiles.
b. Wants to make you happy by all means.
c. Showing you off to both friends and family.
6. He’s been asking about the future:

When he starts asking you if you like to move in or have kids, he’s not necessarily saying he wants those things so don’t get too excited. However, he is showing an interest in your aspirations and a possible future with you. When partners push each other to answer those questions, it shows a certain level of intimacy. He probably intends to get serious with you and he wants to make sure you two are really compatible.
7. He gazes into your eyes:
Basically, try and pay attention to where your man is looking and where his eyes are. It’s often said that the eyes are the windows to the soul and basically this is a clear sign. When he’s always lost in your eyes and smiling. Also, on the flip side, sexual lust makes his eyes dart quickly to every part of your body.
8. He’s always putting you first:
Have you noticed your guy is always letting you pick the dinner spot, or the perfect hang out sometimes a cool picnic in a garden or he is even ready to do a grocery run when you’re craving certain chips? There’s a term for that compassionate love or true love.
9. When you laugh, he laughs:
Generally, a lot of men use humor to fascinate a woman. The more she laughs, the more interested she is basically. But even more telling? The more the pair laughed together, the stronger the chemistry between them.
10. He’s reveals intimate details about himself with you:
When you hear the word “intimacy”, it’s more than just sex or sexual attractions and experiences. Sex is only but mere fraction of intimacy, it’s not all that is. However, intimacy is a lot more. Generally, it is all about revealing those details that you would not ordinarily reveal to other people. When your partner shares his deepest fears, thoughts and biggest aspirations with you, simple truth is: he trusts you.
11. Basically, You Just Feel He Gets You:
When you have a really strong emotional connection with your man, that’s a clear sign of true love. If you feel like he just gets the way you tick, and basically he understands and can comprehend your outbursts and your feelings… That is a special “je ne sais quoi“. You have obviously hit the jackpot.
12. He Cares About Your Happiness:
Generally, one big part of loving someone is caring about their well being. When your man truly loves you, he will definitely show it. How? One way you’d definitely see it though is in the little efforts he makes to make you happy all the time. Some of which might be habits that happy couples tend to have anyway.
13. You Can Count On Him:
Generally, true love is all about having each other’s back. It’s about supporting each other through thick and thin basically. When you’re in a tight situation or simply stuck with a problem, you know you can count on him.
14. He gravitates naturally towards you:
Love doesn’t really leave much room for questioning especially when it comes to gravitating and personal space. As we fall in love, that urge and desire to be close to our partner intensifies in general. When you find your man constantly beside you or being squashed up against you on the sofa, resist the urge to be annoyed and instead enjoy the feeling that he just can’t get enough of you.

15. She tilts her head:
Based on research, this is particularly meaningful in the context of nonverbal signs of attraction. When a woman tilts her head to the side when you’re talking to her, this is a clear body language signs that she likes you.
16. She makes eye contact:
Women are not really that hard to understand though. When a woman is genuinely attracted to you, you’ll find her gazing at you a little more often than usual. She will engage in lots of eye contact with you, but she won’t hold eye contact, unlike guys. Rather she’d look down or turn away when your eyes lock. This certainly is one of the physical signs a woman is interested in you.
17. Lip biting:
Generally, this is one of the most obvious physical signs a woman is more than just infatuated with you. When a woman bites her lips while looking at you, she obviously wants you to notice her.
Generally, the major sign that a girl or a guy is in love is you is seen in their actions; like when he or she is constantly staring at you and simply body language. However, no matter how you play it coy being in love, there’s no time like the present, just tell him or her how you feel. They might just be into you too.
What is a classic physical sign that a girl is in love with you?
Basically, girls are mystical creatures. But a clear way to know is lip biting. When she bites her lips and constantly stare at you, then she’s obviously into you.
How many stages of live do we have?
Generally, we have five stages of love. The honeymoon phase, the decision, doubt and denial, disillusionment and the wholehearted love. Some people go through some of these stages more than once though.
What is love?
Love is an intense feeling/ emotion. Although, it’s different for everyone. But personally I’d define love as more than just a feeling. Basically it’s what we do regardless of how we feel.
Is love all about sexual intimacy?
Basically it isn’t. A lot of people now mix love with sexual attractions and physical intimacy. But they are different. Love is a lot deeper and it has to do it different types of intimacy at different levels not just sexual.
How may types of intimacy are there?
Basically, there are four major types of intimacy. There’s a the emotional intimacy, physical intimacy, spiritual intimacy and of course intellectual intimacy.