13+ Best Long Distance Relationship Tips to Improve Intimacy (Updated)

long distance relationship

At least half the World believes long-distance relationships never work out. Often, families discourage it, and some friends advise you not to take it too seriously just in case you get heartbroken. Well, the truth is, It is not always easy, but love and perseverance take care of at least half the problems you will encounter. In addition, here are a few tips to consider to improve intimacy in a Long-Distance Relationship (LDR).

Tips to Improve Intimacy in Long-Distance Relationships

Video Calling Is Very Important

Ensure that you take advantage of video calls 90 percent of the time you communicate with your partner. Seeing your partner’s face is essential as it helps you feel a bit closer to the person. Although it’s not real, you tend not to feel the distance so much in the relationship with this in play.

Lucky you, you have loads of options to pick from, ranging from WhatsApp, Skype, Messenger, Zoom, and so on.

Respecting the Reason Why You Both Are Apart

Sometimes, you get tempted to stop whatever you are doing to be with the love of your life. As irresistible as this is, it could be detrimental. In the long run, you may not be as happy as you think you would have been by taking such a drastic decision.

Do not let months or years of progress go to waste out of impatience to be together finally.

Find a Way to Hang Out Together While Apart

This just entails you and your partner doing things together while maintaining your own separate identities as individuals. It could be listening to the same playlist throughout video calls, playing an online game, or streaming a movie together.

This helps you and your partner feel more independent yet ultimately connected.

Communicate as Much As /Little as Possible for You to Feel Connected

Both partners will need to decide the right proportion of time they would like to spend together, chatting, video chatting, or calling. You’d be surprised to know that most individuals do not mind texting all day. On the other hand, some find this exhausting.

Nevertheless, both parties would have to be on the same page for this to work.

Remind Your Partner All the Time What You Love About the Relationship

Reassuring your partner you still love him/her is very important. Jealousy, insecurities, and doubts tend to stir up in long-distance relationships because you are worlds apart.

So, reassuring your partner helps to minimize these negative feelings and clarify where you stand as a couple.

Support Each Other’s Interests

Change is usually inevitable as you grow in a relationship, whether far or near. It is totally normal. Even if it subjects the relationship to some changes in the process.

According to research, long-distance relationship couples who secure an attachment to support each other’s interests tend to have a healthy relationship.

Focus On the Positive Aspects of Your Long Distance Relationship

Being separated from the person you are head over heels for hardly seems like a positive thing, but where you can’t immediately change the circumstances, you can immediately change your attitude.

Frustrating as it might seem to be separated, try to think of a few ways your long-distance relationship is actually beneficial.

Learn How to Address Important Issues Both in Person and Remotely

It is very important for couples to know how to talk about or resolve conflict in a healthy way. Bigger problems can arise if you ignore little struggles.

So, learn how to talk about difficult topics. Yeah, it’s not as easy as it sounds, but it takes time and effort and is essential for a healthy long-distance relationship.

Save up Money to Visit Once in a While

No matter how tedious your work is, you can always create time to visit the love of your life. Maintaining long-distance relationships could be expensive, especially when you consider visiting the person once in a while.

In this circumstance, it is then advisable you save up money to plan for your trip ahead of time.

Celebrate Everything

You definitely have to get creative in long-distance relationships. Never forget the special moments you shared with your partner, and try to celebrate each and every one of them.

You can start with celebrating the first day you met, the first day you kissed, the first day you both went out on a date, anniversaries, or anything that may seem insignificant. Just make these moments special for your partner.

Learn to Trigger Intimate Conversations

For instance, questions like, how does it work? How was your day? What did you do? How is the weather over there? etc., are not intimate questions. These kinds of questions usually fail to trigger intimate conversations.

So, try to be more creative with conversations and spice them up.

Hide Love Notes in Each Other Suitcases Before a Trip

This is actually a beautiful thing to do. You can stash them in different parts of the bags.

This will help both partners have a strong connection, and you will barely fall apart from each other.

Surprise Romantic Gifts

Sending just anything at all that you know for sure your partner loves dearly could help you get started with this. Surprising them with gifts every once in a while will always make them feel reassured they are on your mind.

Know Each Other’s Schedule

It is helpful to know when the other person is busy and when he/she is free so you can drop a text or call at the right time. You wouldn’t want to disturb your partner in class or halfway through a business meeting because things like this can lead to slight misunderstandings, which are not healthy for a long-distance relationship.

When It Feels Right, Create a Long Term Plan For You Both

Anyone in a long-distance relationship can experience heartache while away from their lover for a long time. At some point, you need to think of a plan for you both to come together finally. You can’t be apart for too long.

Are long-distance relationships healthy?

The benefit of a long-distance relationship is that it can assist you and your partner in building a link beyond the physical because you have more time to chat to each other about yourselves and each other. Communication and trust are fostered in long-distance relationships.

What are the red flags in a long-distance relationship?

If your partner is continually contacting you, asking where you are, or demanding that you submit images of individuals you’re with, this is a red flag for an unhealthy relationship and controlling behavior.

Should you text every day in a long-distance relationship?

You can text your partner daily if the messages are short and express your affection. Texting for several hours each day can be counterproductive and unhealthy.

Why are Long Distance Relationships beautiful?

One of the most wonderful things is being able to develop and achieve your objectives with someone who is far away from you. You can provide them with so much support from a distance by saying positive things about them and being there to encourage them no matter how difficult things may have been.


Above all, trust is the cornerstone of any relationship, no matter how far apart two people are. In addition, you should carefully consider the opinions of others, such as friends and family, regarding your distant relationship. Don’t be too negative; you can always succeed as long as there is love and trust.

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