Basically, conversations are all about dialoguing in other words talking with at least one person. Basically, with the right set of words, you can cover a lot of distance and gain trust in each other. Although, for some people, finding the perfect topic to talk about is a piece of cake; it’s just to meet, talk, and boom, the magic starts. However, for shy and introverted people, finding what to talk about is not really easy. But the bigger question now is, as an introvert, how do you find the perfect topic to talk about?


Generally, girls love deep and intimate conversations because they are quite “emotionally- oriented”, no matter how they love to dismiss it. However, some girls have other interests, like sapiosexuals, who would rather have intelligent conversations. Generally, not every girl loves to talk about;
1. Movies
2. Music
3. Love
4. Travel
5. Food and drinks
6. Hobbies
7. Work
8. Pet Peeves
9. Dreams
10. Ethics
11. Personal struggles


When it comes to a first date, finding what to talk about is rocket science. Because you don’t know what to expect, what he or she likes. Basically, you don’t know where to start from. Because you don’t know if you should lean too formal or more intimate. But some basic starters and/ or topics can help you slice open your partner’s personality when there is this off silence.

Topics to talk about on a first date:

Generally, there are a lot of things you can talk about, if it’s a restaurant, you can talk about the meal selections, menu, and decor. Additionally, some other fun topics can be travel, photography, and sincere life experiences.

Conversation starters on a first date:

Basically, you can go with;
12. What are your most important personal values though?
13. What is your biggest insecurity generally?
14. When you think of happiness, what comes to heart
15. What is your deepest fear in general?
16. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the word “inspiration”?
These can be the first start and thrust you need when it comes to first dates. However, don’t make it seem so mechanical.


When talking to your boyfriend or husband, intimacy shouldn’t be too hard. When some people hear the word “intimate”, they often think that it only relates to bedroom conversations. However, intimacy
covers a much wider range. It could be emotional intimacy, physical, spiritual, and many others basically. However, not all people have trouble talking to their boyfriends. Well, because there’s this little connection amongst them. But, notwithstanding there are off times where you just need pointers. These could help;

Topics to talk about with your boyfriend:

17. Future aspirations can really help though. So you should understand the direction of your relationship basically.

18. Hopes and/or dreams.
19. Level of intimacy can also be a fun topic too. It helps you know when your relationship is failing especially in that direction.

Conversation starters with a boyfriend:

20. Generally, what type of scent do you like on a woman?
21. Would you say you have a “type”? Do I fit what you thought you were looking for?
22. When you are trying to describe me to other people, what’s the first word, you’d use?
23. Have you ever cheated on a partner or simply considered it but changed your mind?
24. How many past partners have you had in general?
25. When you wanted to ask me out, was it a tough debate?
26. Generally, what is your opinion on marriage and children?
27. Would you stay with me if you found out I was unable to bear children?
28. What are your occupational goals in general and how could they affect our relationship?
29. When you think of retirement, what do you see?
30. Generally, how or what particular way would you like to be loved?
31. Generally, have you ever been burned by love in the past or questioned the possibility of being in love?
32. Do you have any fantasies, in general, you would like to be fulfilled in our relationship?


Texting and facetiming are quickly becoming very important and a primary form of communication for many couples in general. It’s not a surprise that you can have deep and intimate conversations on FaceTime. But what is appropriate enough to talk about on FaceTime? Although, for a lot of people texting is way easier to do than facetiming. However, facetiming can be quite intimate especially in long-distance relationships.

Topics to talk about on FaceTime:

33. The weather is quite an interesting topic especially when you are in two different countries.
34. Politics can be quite intriguing though.
35. Etiquette

Conversation starters on FaceTime:

36. What do you miss most about me right now?
37. What’s something you’ve always wanted to say to me but couldn’t?
38. What would you like me to do the next time we’re together?
39. What’s one of your fetishes?
40. What is the closest you’ve ever felt to me?
41. What one word would you like to be the theme of our relationship in general?
42. Generally, how can do you think I can be a better partner and/or friend to you?


Basically, the main job of a conversation starter
is giving you the perfect pointers on what to talk about with a partner, friend, or anyone in general. Some conversation starters are;

43. When you think about me, what is the first thing you imagine?
44. Do you like flirting in general?
45. Generally, do you have any secrets that you have kept from everyone in your life including me?
46. Generally, what’s your take on transparency between couples?
47. What is your definition of success in life?
48. Everyone has a fear/ phobia, what is yours?
49. What are you grateful for in life?
50. What does family mean to you in general?
51. What do you like the most about your best friend and why?
52. When you think of a role model, what is the first image that pops into your head?
53. Generally, if you could describe yourself in two words what would it be?
54. What is your best childhood memory though?
55. Who was your first high school crush?

Basically, a conversation starter can help you understand the person you are referring to partner understand better. Being able to speak from the heart, say things you’re not proud of, and other kinds of things in general. Trust me, it will open up a whole new window in your relationship!


Basically, starting a conversation might not be the problem. But that spice to keep it going and more importantly with the same energy you used in starting the convo. Here are some guidelines;

1. Ask open-ended questions:

Basically, open-ended questions, keeps the person talking instead of just answering with a simple “yes” or “no”. Generally, we have the “Was work good today?” question. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a bad question though but it’s really closed-ended.

2. Balance between sharing and asking questions:

The amount of energy you put into the conversation is the amount that would be reciprocated basically. However long you want the conversation to run depends on this. You are talking to a person, so you don’t just go from one question to another and another without sharing anything or need I say, personal. Basically, it’d feel like an interrogation and as such, this person’s walls would immediately go up. Learn to balance this in general.

3. Be genuinely interested:

Don’t fake anything. When the conversation starts to feel wrinkled and stale, just end it instead of faking your interest. Once you start faking your interest, then it will be reciprocated.


Generally, you do not need to ask all the questions on here and not in this sequence or order as well. Just pick the ones that best call to you and ask. When you want to build intimacy and respect in any relationship, being rigid won’t help. Basically, it takes a lot to expose your vulnerability in front of someone else. What could be a non-issue for you might turn out to be your partner’s biggest weakness, however, talking about it will illuminate a greater sense of understanding around you and your friend.

Which helps highlight a healthy path forward for all your relationships in general. Sure, you might think you know your partner/ friend but you can never fully know a person. Digging deeper to know what makes your partner truly happy can make your relationship strong generally. Basically, with conversation starters, you can not go wrong. Additionally, knowing what to talk about and more importantly how to execute that conversation is purely an underrated skill.


What topics can you talk about with a girl?

Basically, there are quite a bunch. From likes and dislikes, goals, hobbies… Just don’t make it mechanical.

How can I be flirtatious in a conversation?

Flirting doesn’t always have to be sexual. Basically, you can try being attentive and fully in the conversation, throw in compliments as well.

What can I talk about with a boy?

Well, sports can be quite interesting for most guys. However, not all guys like sports. You can as well try topics like music, movies, and politics.

What can I talk about with a crush?

Although, the consciousness to watch your words is always there. But, don’t make it come off as forced. You can talk about topics like achievements, long-time goals, hobbies, etc.

What can I talk about with a girlfriend?

Girls are suckers for intimacy and “cheesy words” even though they’d rather not say. The best thing to start a conversation with your girlfriend is compliments. Complimenting her hair, shoes, and others. Additionally, some topics you can as well discuss are; fashion, movies, personal struggles, strengths, weaknesses, etc.

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