Requesting or soliciting therapy is a bold step to take. Owing to the fact that our mental health plays a very vital part in our lives and should be taken care of. However, finding affordable therapy without insurance can be tough and draining. The therapy charge is high in cooperation with the single care team survey 2022. Therapy looks at a lot of mental health interests. It also looks at behavioural matters through interaction with licensed mental health professionals. Without insurance, an affordable therapy session costs between $60 to $120 for an hour-long session.

Importance of Therapy

In 450 million people, one in four individuals suffers from mental health disorders, which affects their lives daily. Only about 40% of individuals with mental health disorders ask for treatment. In today’s world, given the social isolation the pandemic has posed on us, mental health problems have affected young individuals. The therapy is a guide used to improve one’s mental health. Getting one which is affordable and doesn’t have insurance attached to it is quite easy. During therapy people are taught ways to address symptoms on their own. This research has shown that the benefit of therapy is better than of medications.

While looking for an Affordable therapy without insurance, one can consider; Local Social Services, Seeking Services at the University, Looking for Non-profit Options, Employee Assistance Program, Negotiate, GoodRx Telehealth Marketplace, Community Health Centers, Local Therapists, Clinical Trials, then for looking at free therapy, Drop-in centers can be considered.

Some affordable therapy options to consider with no Insurance

  • Local Social Services 

Affordable therapy can be provided by student health centres or federally-qualified health centres. This is usually funded by the government in addition to no insurance. The National Alliance on Mental Illness also has a helpline that offers free assistance. This body gives advice 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can reach the helpline at 1-800-950-6264. For more information, visit or text NAMI at 741741. 

  • Seeking Services at the University

Most university hospitals provide programs that give patients access to interns and residents. The payment scale provided is very reasonable. If you don’t attend but have universities and colleges in your area, call to see if they have a psychology department. They might provide a reduced rate. 

Looking for non-profitable options

If you don’t have insurance for mental health treatment, consider an online therapist. According to Brittany A. Johnson, LMHC, online therapy has changed because of COVID-19. She also said some individuals could not get therapy because of work. Now, people can approach therapy during their lunch hour. A lot of online therapy programs like BetterHelp and Talkspace can be affordable. Therapists who have traditionally offered only in-person therapy are now offering online sessions at a lower cost.

Talk Space

Talkspace is an online and mobile therapy company based in New York City. It was founded by Oren and Roni Frank in 2012. Talkspace users have access to licensed therapists through the website or mobile app on iOS and Android.


BetterHelp is a subscription service that gives users access to online therapy. Online therapy can help you put your mental health first from the comfort and privacy of your home.

You get to speak with a lot of therapists. You can also organize online therapy sessions around your workday, family obligations, and social life. BetterHelp therapists have experience in treating a range of issues. BetterHelp is not covered by insurance and does not charge per session. This online counselling service offers a flexible monthly package that covers several sessions and ways to talk with your counsellor (chat, video, phone).

This is important because multiple counselling sessions are needed to help improve mental health. Pricing ranges from $60 to $90 per week.

Another good example of a non-profitable option is the Open Path Psychotherapy Collective. This is a collection of mental health professionals that give both physical and online therapy. Although costs vary by state and mental healthcare provider.

Open Path Psychotherapy Collective provides nonprofit services to clients who lack health insurance. These clients also fall into the category of those who cannot afford current market rates for therapy (between $80-200 a session). We help our members access their choice of affordable in-person or online care from good therapists.

Employee Assistance Programs

In some companies or firms, employers grant E.A.P.s that offer workers affordable therapy benefits. According to the International Employee Assistance Professionals Association, over 97% of companies with more than 5,000 employees have E.A.P.s; in most companies with 1,001 to 5,000 employees, 80% have them. Although working at a company with 251 to 1,000 employees, the odds of having access to an E.A.P. are 75%. Even so, the odds go down from there if one works for a smaller firm. 

Negotiation can be to get Affordable Therapy with no Insurance

Private health professionals may be willing to adjust their fees to meet your financial resources. Without insurance, asking if there’s an affordable therapy treatment based on your budget never hurts.  

GoodRx Telehealth Marketplace

This is an online therapy platform that gives you access to therapists virtually. You can find a provider and schedule an appointment in a matter of minutes. The appointments at GoodRx Telehealth Marketplace come at an affordable price of $65. When you want to book a therapy session, no waiting room, no paperwork, and no insurance is required.

Even with that, online therapy is widely cheaper than in-person therapy, depending on your needs and wants. Roseann Campanna-Hodge, a therapist, said that costs can be adjusted for the length of the session. Most sessions are 45-50 minutes; some can be 30 minutes long, while others are 90 minutes or longer.

Community Mental Health Centers

There are always health centres in every community. Find a community mental health centre in your area, and make enquiries about the therapy services offered. They usually offer emergency therapy support, therapy, and even free prescriptions on-site. The therapists will interview you to know the level of care and services you need. You can also visit a support group

Local Therapists

These therapists are usually in private therapy practices; you will likely find them in your area. Request if they work with a sliding scale fee program. If not, ask if they work with interns who give counselling at cheaper rates.

Therapy practices, rather than individuals, are more likely to have interns. A slide scaling fee refers to a cost which is okay with the patient’s income, this fee structure exists to help make therapy more affordable for people living at a lower income level.

Clinical Trials

When you engage in a clinical trial, the care given to you is usually free of charge. The National Institute of Mental Health concludes research studies on a variety of mental health states. shows a list of mental health-related trials.              

Drop-In Centers

Mental health drop-in centres are managed by people living with mental health problems. This option for therapy is very affordable and free. They are observed to be peer-to-peer aid and offer a hand, advocacy, self-realization, social interaction programs, and a safe haven. Your county department of health would certainly know the drop-in centre location in your country.

Having Trouble Locating Affordable Therapy without Insurance?

If you have trouble locating a health centre that offers affordable therapy without insurance or are currently experiencing a crisis, visit your nearest hospital emergency room.

They must evaluate you because emergency rooms cannot turn you away by law, even if you don’t have insurance or the money to pay for care.

If you are admitted to the hospital for treatment of a mental health condition, the hospital is responsible for making sure you have a reasonable plan for outpatient treatment.


Overall, therapy can be an important and worthwhile expense. Your mental health affects so many areas of your life. From your physical health to how you maintain your relationships. Thus, it is essential to take care of your mental health. By meeting with a therapist, you can heal, process, reflect and receive guidance on how to live your healthiest life. All these got at a cheap and affordable rate without being bothered about insurance.


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