An addiction is tiring to dwell in. It can seriously change the way you think, feel, and behave. Furthermore, the withdrawal symptoms that become visible when the habit ends can make a recovery from porn addiction challenging.

In view of pornography addiction, the end result can ruin your life. Particularly if it is neglected for a long time. It can have a range of mental and emotional effects. It can also cause harm to the addicted person’s relationships. Their personal life and their professional stand may also be at risk. However, with the right aid, lasting recovery from porn addiction is an attainable goal. 

Porn addicts yearn for porn materials. The addiction may tamper with their personal relationships or marriage. Even parenting, work, or school. It can also lead to self-destruction of the individual, although it takes a lot to recover. In the report on a 2019 study, online porn use is related to accessibility, affordability, and anonymity. 

These components play an important role in the progress and maintenance of porn addiction. This makes it hard during the period of recovery. Regardless, porn addiction is often dismissed and ignored. In addition to this, there are tons of porn addiction therapies that can aid you to desist from your porn habit. Continue to know more.

What is Porn Addiction? 

Porn addiction is when an individual finds it hard to stop watching or looking at porn content. It is really difficult even if the person is willing to go through the recovery phase. Moreover, it gets to the point where it delays work, relationships, and other parts of daily life. It’s easy to understand how this could be tough with the global availability of internet porn today. 

There are people who become engrossed with sexual thoughts, and it reflects in the way they act. This, in turn, makes their drive to watch pornography correspond to that of a nicotine addict needing a cigarette. Regardless of how porn addiction may not be a physical disorder. It is categorized as a behavioral disorder that can influence a person’s relationship with the people around them and how they act in their daily lives.


So, when do we consider watching porn a stumbling block? It’s essential to designate what porn addiction is as well as in what way it differs from normal or reasonable pornography consumption. This can help individuals in the recovery phase. People frequently clapping their eyes on X-rated materials does not mean that they’re addicted or that they need to request help or treatment. To be aware of the addiction to erotic movies or magazines, one should understand its similarities to other addiction types. For example, common signs of addiction to any substance are Constant craving for the substance, unsuccessful attempts to stop, Increased tolerance to the substance, compulsive behavior, which leads to lack of control, and continually being preoccupied with the activity. These signs are not any different from porn addiction which includes;

  • Lack of happiness in engaging in things you love doing and your hobbies.
  • Forsake personal care and hygiene
  • Less interest in social encounters.
  • Destroying your relationships.
  • Forgoing other responsibilities.
  • Having poor productivity at school or work.
  • Watching it in places that aren’t appropriate, like work or school.
  • Sex life becomes unsatisfying.
  • Yearning for more.

Causes and Risk Factors

Owing to the fact that porn addiction is disputed in the medical/mental health community, there is no obvious reason available. However, there may be some indications of the effect of compelling sexual behavior. Some of these risks and causes can hinder recovery from porn addiction, they include;

  • A brain chemical imbalance.
  • Brain pathway changes. If you do get addicted, it could change the way circuits in your brain work. In other words, you will have to view porn over and over again to get the exact level of excitement.
  • Brain disease.
  • Easy access to porn materials. With the help of the internet, getting hold of pornographic materials is just a click away.
  • Avoiding people or being idle. Watching porn in secluded places is easier than ever. Moreover, compulsive behaviors thrive in secrecy.

Compulsive sexual behavior like porn addiction could also be more likely. Especially if you have drug or alcohol use problems or family members who have them. Other mental health issues such as a mood disorder like depression or gambling addiction, family conflict, and lastly, a history of physical or sexual abuse.

Treatment for Porn Addiction to Aid Recovery

Having said that, researchers propose that a multi-treatment start is the most favourable for recovery from porn addiction. This medical care approach may incorporate cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) with psychosocial and psychodynamic therapies, and/or pharmacologic methods. Therapy, medication, self-help tools, lifestyle changes, mindfulness, yoga, and hypnosis are just some of the methods used to treat porn addiction. 

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of psychological treatment that has been indicated to be productive. It works for a set of problems like misery, anxiety disorders, various addictions like alcohol and drug issues as well as pornography. Marital problems, eating disorders, and severe mental illness are also part of this. An innumerable analysis of this study has proposed that CBT opens up outstanding progress in performance and the value of life. You get to work with a mental health professional during this type of therapy. They point out difficult situations in your life and help you find ways to prevail over them. 

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) 

ACT is a form of CBT that stresses accepting your thoughts and yearnings. It makes you commit to actions that are more in line with other important things. Its goals are to encourage and grow mental flexibility. Mental flexibility limits emotional interest. It also has the ability to adapt your thoughts and behaviors to be in order with your values and goals. Steven C. Hayes, a professor at the University of Nevada, came up with ACT. The theory that combined into ACT came from Hayes’ own experience. He particularly had a history of panic attacks. In due course, he promised that he would no longer run from himself. 

Psychodynamic psychotherapy

Psychodynamic therapy is a procedure that has to do with giving a deeper understanding of one’s emotions and other mental processes. It works to assist people achieve a basic understanding of how they feel and think. With this, people can then make better choices. It lays more emphasis on becoming aware of unconscious thoughts and behaviors. You also learn about your motivations and how to resolve fights.

Medications to take for porn addiction

Medications support recovery from porn addiction. These medications used in treating the symptoms of porn addiction are a new concept. In spite of that, it could spread over time. Currently, some medications usually used for treatment are being checked for behavioral addictions. The medication with the most interest is naltrexone. Naltrexone blocks the outcome of alcohol. For a porn addict, this medication reduces feelings of pleasure when you look at porn. It makes the addict have less interest in pornography. More research is required. Here is a list of medications used for recovery from porn addiction;

  • Drugs that treat depression, worry, or excessive thinking may help.
  • Naltrexone (Vivitrol). This medication is used to treat alcohol and opiate dependence. It blocks the part of your brain that gets pleasure from addictive behaviors.
  • Mood stabilizers. Used for conditions like bipolar disorder, they may reduce compulsive sexual urges.
  • Anti-androgens. These medications dull the effects of male sex hormones (androgens). They reduce men’s sexual urges.

Withdrawal Symptoms

While struggling with recovery from porn addiction, withdrawal symptoms are some not-so-nice experiences an addict would encounter. These withdrawal symptoms are usually the opposite of how you feel when you’re in the act. If you usually feel calm, content, and sleepy during or after porn viewing, porn withdrawal will make you feel restless and anxious.

Porn addiction withdrawal will create unbearable and annoying mental and physical health symptoms. Some common symptoms include:

  • Worry
  • Depressed mood
  • Irritability
  • Sleeping disorder
  • Aches and pains
  • Cravings for more porn

Help or Support Groups

You can be tempted to start watching pornography again when you feel sick and fatigued or when having high-stress levels. This will only restart the cycle of addiction. Making all the time and energy you put into recovery from porn addiction a waste. If you want to live without porn addiction and its withdrawal symptoms, you must resist the urge to fall back into it. You can also look into self-help and support groups. An example is Sex Addicts Anonymous. When you have people who understand what you’re going through, they can also take you to mental health professionals trained in handling too much use of porn. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Treatment Referral Helpline is 1-800-662-HELP.

Porn Addiction vs Sex Addiction

While particular terms and definitions differ, pornography “addiction” is often classified as “sex addiction,” sometimes known as “hypersexual disorder” or “hypersexuality.”

Hypersexual condition (also known as sex addiction) is defined as excessive and uncontrollable sexual thoughts, impulses, urges, or actions that disrupt and impair your relationships, finances, and other aspects of your life.

According to research, sex addiction can manifest as a variety of sexual behaviors:

  • Porn use
  • Excessive masturbation
  • cybersex
  • Phone sex.
  • Excessive sexual behavior with consenting adults
  • Repetitive promiscuity
  • Strip club visits

Sex addiction, often known as hypersexuality, is characterized by an abnormally high frequency or intensity of ordinarily normal urges and fantasies. This condition is estimated to afflict 3%-6% of the population, though it is difficult to say for sure.

Is Porn Addiction Real?

Porn addiction is not considered a true “addiction,” according to the American Psychiatric Association.

However, the related behaviors, signs, and symptoms are strikingly similar to those of other behavioral addictions.

In recent years, the World Health Organization has included compulsive sexual behavior in its list of mental health disorders.

Why Is Porn So Addictive?

Porn is so addictive because it triggers dopamine release in the brain.

Dopamine plays a significant role in the brain’s “reward center,” causing a person to feel good, pleasure, and satisfaction. The dopamine release and feelings that a person feels when watching pornography may be similar to those produced when they use drugs or alcohol.

What Is Considered Porn Addiction?

Porn addiction is when a person is unable to quit watching it, even if they want to, and it interferes with their relationships, daily life, and health. They may start to feel unhappy with their sex life and watch pornography in inappropriate places, such as at work or in public.


Pornography has grown in popularity over the previous decade due to its ease of access, low cost, and anonymity. Many people have said that heavy use has harmed their relationships and caused intimacy problems, depression, and increased secrecy.

Porn addiction is not a recognized diagnosis in the DSM-5-TR, and there is still debate on whether it is a behavioral addiction or a compulsion. As a result, there has been little investigation into treatment options.

If you struggle with pornography, know that you are not alone; this habit is extremely common. Consider contacting a therapist to help you discuss your treatment options. It may also be beneficial to join a support group, speak with a close friend, or pursue a new hobby to help you focus your attention elsewhere.

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