When you’ve not really experienced that feeling of being dead inside, you won’t really know how it feels. But 3 out of every 5 people would have experienced it once in their lives. Additionally, those who have struggled with it might not always have the right words to explain the pain, confusion, sadness, and numbness that accompanies this feeling. Basically, feeling dead inside simply means finding it difficult to process emotions like happiness and sadness. When you feel “dead inside” feelings take on the same dull tone and are hard to appreciate no matter the situation.
Generally, there are a lot of reasons you can feel dead inside. Some are;
1. Depression:
Depression is a very common mood disorder. Basically, it is accompanied by the persistent feelings of melancholy and/or sadness. Additionally, it can also be accompanied by changes in eating, fatigue, and sometimes body pains. One clear sign of this condition, however, is the persistent feelings of apathy. A depressed person might no longer find joy in things that were once exciting basically. This condition makes life and the point of existence unclear in general. In addition, in very serious cases, depression can lead to thoughts of suicide.
2. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder:
Basically, post-traumatic stress disorder occurs when someone has lived through a shocking traumatic experience. It can cause quite a number of changes in the body like nightmares, even anxiety. Because PTSD can lead to someone no longer feeling like themselves, they may describe that they feel dead inside.
3. Suppressed Emotions:
Sometimes emotions can be so difficult to process and deal with, they are instead buried and forgotten. Although, this is understandable and can serve as a very good coping mechanism against negative emotions. However, it’s not healthy because it contributes to being dead inside. When you lock it all up, at a point you won’t feel at all anymore.
4. Depersonalization:
When it feels like you are observing yourself from outside your own body, this might be a case of the dissociative phenomenon of depersonalization. Generally, this condition occurs when a person feels detached from themselves. Basically, it’s feels like you’re living/ existing for someone else. A person might feel disconnected from their body, mind, and environment, making them feel empty and dead inside.

5. Borderline Personality Disorder:
Generally, chronic feelings of numbness are one of the recognized symptoms of borderline personality disorder (BPD) and are closely related to feelings of hopelessness and aloneness.
1. You Feel Like You Have No Purpose:
For most people, a sense of purpose provides the drive to get up and go in the morning. Whether it’s contributing to end global warming, helping the homeless population, or reaching the healthiest version of yourself possible knowing that there are tasks to be carried out every day to draw closer to these goals can be a source of motivation.
2. Questioning The Meaning of Life:
It’s normal to wonder what we are doing on this planet, what happens when we die, or if there is a hereafter. But these thoughts tend to be fleeting, especially because there are no certain answers to existential questions. When you feel dead inside, however, the meaning of life tends to become a fixation. Questions asking what the point of living is, and if existence is worth it tend to become overpowering.
3. Constant State of Numbness:
Feeling dead inside produces a constant feeling of numbness. It becomes difficult to feel or express emotions like happiness or sadness. Life more or less takes on a monotone, with moments of joy or pain having little to no effect in this state.
4. You Feel Alone:
When you feel dead inside, it can feel isolating to watch others move with a sense of purpose. Knowing that people are affected by happy moments, angry encounters, or sad circumstances can push you to hide this absence of feelings.
1. Acknowledge the emptiness:
When you are experiencing numbness like there this hole inside of you. Basically, the first thing you can do is acknowledge it’s there. Because the first step to being whole again is on your realization. Realizing you have a problem and working to make it better in general. Although, that feeling of guilt is totally mundane. But don’t let it stop you from seeking help.
2. Practice self-care:
Generally, that nasty feeling of depression, grief and self-pity might sometimes cause you to neglect daily self-care. This is not something to feel ashamed of, but engaging in acts of self-care might help you feel better. Basically, this means indulging in simple, basic things like eating nutritious meals, getting enough sleep, and exercising.
3. Save time for yourself every day:
Although, it’s natural to sometimes turn to certain events or activities to not think about how you feel. For example, you might feel inclined to go out with friends or spend the night playing video games. However, it’s important you have some down time for collecting your thoughts and feelings.
4. Connect with others:
When you’re done sitting with your feelings and exploring them, you see the importance in connecting with others. Reaching out to friends or family can help you feel better, especially when you’re able to confide in them about your feelings. The idea though is to regularly connect with loved ones through social engagements, hobbies, and mutual interests.

When the feelings you are struggling with are deadness or numbness or even emptiness. Then it is quite understandable that the motivation you might need to move or leave that point is not really there. However, seeking professional help through therapy is one of the most trusted ways to manage your mental health challenges. Basically, it helps you figure out the roots of your feelings of deadness, and assist you in feeling more connected and alive.
1. You see a stray dog roaming the streets, what do you think?
A. Jeez, what bastard abandoned the poor dog, I should call the animal shelter
B. Poor dog, someone else will call the animal shelter I hope, too busy to do it myself(null)
C. Wow poor dog, gonna have to call the animal shelter
D. Cute dog, I should go pet it! Could have infections… Meh who cares
E. Oh look a stray dog, poor dog, anyway got to move on
F. Ew, dog looks dirty…. Got to stay away from it. (null)
2. Do you think you’re dead inside?
A. I probably am
B. I think I’m half and half.
C. I’m dead, and I know it for sure.
3. What set of colors fit you most?
A. Blue, Purple, Dark Green, Black(null)
B. Gray, White, Brown, Light Blue, Yellow
C. Blue, Neon, Green, Yellow, Green
4. Which of these means most to you?
A. Friendship
B. Trust
C. Usefulness(null)
D. Relationship
E. Love
5. Do you like chatting?
A. I’d rather not talk sometimes, but other times I do like to talk to friends(null)
B. I don’t like forcing conversations, mostly just with my close friends, or friends/people I care about
C. Either way’s fine.
D. I do like making new friends so I’ll try and start up a conversation
6. What do you usually do at home?
A. In my room, using my phone/computer or playing video games(null)
B. Doing chores once in a while, go outside for a bit maybe
C. Play with my dogs, talk with my siblings/ parents
7. Opinion on memes?
A. Love em, especially those self-deprecating ones, or the “when you” memes
B. Most memes are crap, pretty hard finding actual good ones nowadays.
C. Don’t care for it(null)
D. They’re cool
E. Love memes, especially when it’s a good one full of irony and a well thought out joke
8. What’s your sleeping schedule like?
A. I sleep whenever I feel like it, if I got to stay up extra hours I’ll do it
B. I sleep when its necessary, maybe I got a test tomorrow or got to get to work early.
C. I sleep during the day, I’m up during the night.
D. I could be sleeping a little more(null)
9. What do you do when someone says something funny, or they say something to try to make you laugh.
A. If it’s not funny, I won’t laugh, maybe just let out a silent giggle to not seem weird.
B. I’ll just laugh so I don’t seem like I’m not listening or enjoying a conversation I’m having(null)
C. When I find something funny, I’ll laugh!
D. If it’s not funny, I won’t laugh, if it is, I will.
10. Are you curious about your existence in general?
A. Not really, I’ll just live it and see what happens(null)
B. I do, what lies at the afterlife? Why are we here?
C. I’m would like to know all these questions about the universe
When all your answers are almost all null, then you’re definitely dead inside. You do react with emotions to normal things like most people, but depending on your mood, you won’t react to normal things.
Generally, our emotions contribute a whole lot to how we act, think and interact who we are and how we interact with the world around us. This is why we can start feeling a disconnection, or worse, not feeling our emotions in general. First of all, try to discover what made you feel dead inside so you start from there. Additionally, seeing a therapist can as well help simplify and solve things.
Why do I often feel dead inside?
Well, it can be for a lot of reasons… Rough breakup, family traumas or even a recurring issue of domestic violence. These things can make you feel “out of touch” with your emotions.
How do I cope with feeling dead inside?
It’s quite hard to cope with it though. Especially when you really want to feel something again. However, therapy is a good start.
Can depression contribute to being dead inside?
Of course it can. Depression is basically all about strong melancholy that drives you to a point of numbness inside. So yes, it definitely can.
Can someone with OCD feel dead inside?
Well, no one is immune to it. It might even be kind of worse when you are really compulsive because you overdo and overthink everything and bringing you back from that edge might be tricky.
Is being suicidal and dead inside the same thing?
Well, yes and no. Being suicidal means you’re fed up to a point and you don’t want to feel anymore and that feeling can be likened to being dead inside. However, it’s a contrast though. Because you might not necessarily be suicidal when you feel dead inside.