SEXTING ADDICTION: How to Stop & Get Rid of Sexting Addiction (All You Need)


Sexting or sending sexually explicit material via digital devices can become an addiction for some people. Although sexting addiction is not a diagnosable mental health condition, many experts believe it is a component of sexual addiction, which can significantly impact daily functioning.

What Is Sexting?

Sexting sends sexually explicit messages, photos, images, or videos through a cell phone, computer, or another digital device. Sexting can include sending naked pictures or videos or simulating sexual acts. It can also include sending text messages, private messages, or emails that talk about or suggest sexual acts. Furthermore, sexting is not always harmful or addictive. As part of their romantic or sexual activity, couples may exchange sexts.

Sexting is usually done on purpose, with people sending sexts about themselves. Even if the person being talked about hasn’t given permission, sexts can be sent with sexually explicit information about them. Sexts can also be sent to people who don’t want to receive sexually explicit content.

Because sexting is a recent phenomenon, it has not yet been adequately researched, and healthy limits to sexting have not yet been worked out. However, many people have found themselves in trouble over sexually explicit sexts. One of the worst-case scenarios is when teenagers sext sexually explicit pictures of themselves and are subsequently accused of distributing child pornography.

Sexting vs Sex Addiction

Sexting addiction has become more common as mobile devices make sexting available at all times. According to some estimates, the most common subtype of internet addiction is online pornography and sexting. Sexting can be a symptom or manifestation of sexual addiction, which, like other addictions, is an illness with negative consequences. For others, an all-consuming interest in pornography, sexual encounters with sex workers, pathological infidelity, or cybersex relationships can be the primary focus of the addiction.

Sexual addiction, like other addictions, progresses over time. This means that a person suffering from sexual addiction will spend an increasing amount of time and energy engaging in the specific behaviors associated with their addiction. Furthermore, as the addiction progresses, sex addicts frequently seek more intense experiences to achieve the same “high” they once obtained from more benign activities.

Is The Behavior Safe?

Sexting does not appear to be a healthy behavior if it is hidden from others, such as a wife or partner. The behavior would be affirming, nurturing, and beneficial to relationships. Unhealthy compulsive sexting, on the other hand, would almost certainly hurt the sexter (great new word!).  In a committed relationship, where a couple is romantic, sexting could be part of courtship and enhance the relationship—part of arousal, romance, and intimacy. But wait a minute, what exactly makes sexting harmful? Exhibitionism or sexting?

Is The Behavior Dangerous?

If there are negative consequences that increase over time, more risky and harmful behaviors need to feel the same way, or there is an inability to stop the behavior, then we would say sexting is harmful. Exhibitionism—a perversion of healthy courtship, flirtation, and demonstration—is an attempt to obtain sexual gratification by exposing one’s genitals.

We are trained at Lifeworks Recovery to examine a person’s behavioral history, as well as their trauma and attachment history, to make an informed decision about whether or not the person’s behavior is compulsive, impulsive, or not. In the case of sexting, whether it is a healthy form of courtship, attraction, flirtation, and demonstration, or a perversion of this healthy process for the sake of gratification and shock value,

How to stop Sexting Addiction

Sexting is a type of behavioral addiction, and it can be challenging to stop doing it because the act stimulates your brain’s pleasure centers. Another reason you can’t control is that you’re glued to your smartphone all day, and let’s face it, it’s impossible or even practical not to have a smartphone with you these days. So, what can you do to curb your sexting addiction? If you genuinely want to break the habit, consider the following suggestions.

  • Remove any dating or messaging apps from your phone.
  • Clean up your contact list and get rid of your sexting partners.
  • Keep your phone out of your bedroom when you’re about to go to bed.
  • Engage in physical activities such as sports, exercise, or outdoor activities to avoid sexting out of boredom.
  • Find a wholesome pleasurable activity you enjoy, such as watching your favorite TV show, going out to eat with friends, starting a new hobby, and so on.

Seek professional help if you have a severe addiction problem.

Sexting Addiction Symptoms

Certain people are more likely than others to develop a sexting problem, including those who have:

  • A different type of sexual addiction
  • Imbalanced body image
  • Lack of self-esteem
  • Sexual dysfunction left untreated

So, how can you tell if sexting is becoming an addiction for you or a loved one? Sexting, like any other addiction, becomes a problem when it interferes with your daily activities and hurts your personal or professional life.

It’s a problem, for example, if your sexting interferes with your ability to complete work or school responsibilities or if you’d rather spend hours sexting than attending social or family functions. Another sign of addiction is sexting with someone else behind your partner’s back or sexting with multiple partners to get a “fix” without knowing who they are or having any intention of forming personal relationships.

Sexting Addiction Recovery

You are not alone in your battle against lust and sexting. I want to thank you for reaching out… You’re brave, and you’re probably stronger than you realize. Here are some helpful hints for overcoming sex addiction:

  • Honesty: After many years of denial, recovery can begin with a simple admission that a person has no control over alcohol or any other drug to which they are addictive to.
  • Faith: In order for a higher power to function, you must first believe that it can. Someone suffering from addiction recognizes the existence of a higher power who can assist them in their recovery.
  • Surrender: You can change your self-destructive decisions by acknowledging that you cannot recover on your own; with the assistance of your higher power, you can.
  • Integrity: This provides a lot of room for development. In order to recover, the person must admit their mistakes in front of their higher power and another person.
  • Acceptance is the key to accepting character flaws exactly as they are and becoming completely willing to let them go.
  • Humility: the spiritual focus is humility, or asking a higher power to do something that cannot be done through self-will or determination alone.
  • Willingness: Before entering recovery, make a list of those you have harmed.
  • Making amends may appear difficult, but for those who are serious about recovery, it can be a great way to begin healing your relationships.
  • Nobody likes to admit when they’re wrong. However, it is a necessary step in maintaining spiritual progress in recovery.
  • Making contact: The goal is to discover your higher power’s plan for your life.
  • Service: The person in recovery must spread the message and put the program’s principles into action in all aspects of their life.

You do not have to travel this path alone. You did an excellent job of taking the first step by sharing it here. Do you think you’ll be able to take the next step and share this with someone in your daily life? A practical step would also be to delete any contacts, apps, or websites that have enabled sexting. It’s easier to say no when the temptation isn’t right in front of you.

How to get rid of Sexting Addiction

Treating a sexting addiction often necessitates the assistance of professionals, and it can be tough because not using a mobile phone is impractical in today’s world. With that temptation always present, sext addicts must be wary of relapsing.

Working with a psychologist who can provide the most effective treatment methods, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), will be critical in assisting you or someone you care about in developing practical relapse-prevention skills while addressing sexting addiction. Because your relationships may have suffered as a result of your sexting, family therapy may be an important part of your recovery.

Because sexting and pornography addiction are becoming more common, many new inpatient and outpatient treatment centers in all parts of the world have opened. A self-help support group program, such as Sex Addicts Anonymous, can also be beneficial in achieving and maintaining recovery.


Addiction to sexting could be a part of a healthy relationship between two responsible adults. Sexting, a relatively new addition to sexuality, is becoming more socially acceptable. It can also be very harmful when motivated by compulsion and insecurity, and the negative consequences are staggering — career loss, legal issues, loss of marriage, family, and friends.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can sexting be addictive?

Sexting or sending sexually explicit material via digital devices can become an addiction for some people. Although sexting addiction is not a diagnosable mental health condition, many experts believe it is a component of sexual addiction and can have a significant impact on daily functioning.

Why do I like sexting so much?

“When you receive a sext, your brain reacts by activating hormones and other pleasure neurochemicals like dopamine,” explains Dr. When pleasure and closeness are combined, sexual arousal can result — even from sexting! Hormones like vasopressin increase men’s sexual pleasure.”

Does sexting ever lead to relationships?

According to research, people who report higher levels of relationship well-being are more likely to send sexual messages to their partners. To summarize, the way you send sext messages reveals more about your relationship with yourself than you may realize.

How does sexting affect mental health?

Teens who engage in sexting are more likely to exhibit symptoms of depression and anxiety. According to new research, sexting during adolescence is associated with anxiety, stress, and depression symptoms. This evidence comes from a study published in The Journal of Interdisciplinary and Applied Psychology.

Is sexting healthy in a relationship?

Sexting was beneficial to 17.6 percent of participants’ existing romantic and sexual relationships. Some explained that sending naked photos, and presumably their partner’s grateful response, helped them feel more secure and trusting in their relationship.

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