13+ Relationship Help for Men in 2024 (Updated)

man sitting with clenched hands and pain in his eyes

Often times, we are really eager to jump into relationships without asking the right questions, especially men needing help when entering a relationship, like, Why do I want a relationship? Am I ready for a relationship? Do I know and possess the ethics to help me maintain a relationship?

If you carefully analyze these questions with all sincerity, you will realize that in most cases, a handful of men dive into relationships for the wrong reasons, unprepared and without ethical knowledge of how a relationship should be maintained.

Well, the ladies are also guilty of this, except that in the course of this post, the spotlight will be on the guys. So we are letting the ladies off the hook; for now, though…

But then why do we even need to analyze these questions in the first place? That’s simple.

Relationships require two parties who are prepared to make it work against all odds.

Against the idea that ladies are difficult; against the idea that they are impossible.

Well, if you wait long enough, those perceptions will change. Below are fifteen relationship tips to help you or men in general get on the right track.

15 Relationship Help for Men

As we earlier mentioned, this covers relationship help for men

Read Also: 15 Essential Tips for Women in Relationships

Cool is Underrated

For some ladies, acting cool is adorable, while for others, it’s usually a huge put-off. They actually think cool guys are the most boring. Well, that may be true to an extent but not entirely.

So it’s important you totally understand the category she belongs to and act accordingly. I mean, decide if you are both willing to work at her preference.

However, pretending to be cool when you’re not or the other way around, is not an option

Little things count

Paying attention to little things is usually a big deal for most guys. I guess we can attribute that to how we are generally wired.

Regardless, this can be learned because being observant is something the ladies live for. They basically want you to notice every single detail or change. From the change in their hairstyle to the change in cologne or even in hair shampoo,.

So just quit complaining about it and adapt. They are wired that way.


Although quite a number of ladies look like they do not really care about what you want from the beginning, looks can be deceiving. In reality, they just want you to steer the ship, bring stuff like this up, talk about them and make decisions together.

Ladies prefer when you’re clear about your intentions to prevent games.

Be able to read her Personality

This tip may be regarded as one of the most important because it determines the success of any relationship, whether romantic or not.

It helps you determine your reaction in certain scenarios or even when confrontations arise. And for the most part, it helps you decide if you can keep a relationship with her or not.

But in the end, you would be heading straight for disaster if you were unable to read and understand her personality.

Be Sensitive

They’re more emotional and feel different about things from men so be sensitive about their feelings. Furthermore, this may sound selfish, but they also usually want you to step out of your feelings most of the time to recognize theirs more.

You may struggle with this if your motives are just centered on sex. So if you fall into this category, you should already understand that something is wrong because it’s almost impossible to escape it. Basically, every lady was bestowed with this trait from inception.

Do not try to change it. To them, this just proves how much you care about them.

However, I also need to add that even guys feel this way. You may try to deny it but deep down, it’s there.

Friendship is everything

Friendship is a great foundation for any meaningful relationship. Jumping into romantic dates in the beginning (which isn’t entirely bad) just indicates how willing you are to sacrifice a great relationship on the altar of fun.

Starting out as friends saves you a lot of stress and helps you make decisions about the future with a clear mind.

Let her in

Ninety-nine percent of guys constantly try to man up, be strong, be tough, and be all that’s expected of them as guys. While you need to be all of these in certain scenarios, the ladies also love to see the vulnerable part. They want to be a part of it and help you out if need be.

So you need to be willing to open up in situations when you want to be alone, in situations when you need space or when you feel awful. There’s strength in sharing.


Being honest about everything can be daunting because, at some point, we feel a lie is not totally wrong if we use it for the right reasons. Or that it takes the pain away.

Well, the truth is, everyone feels hurt when lied to, and more importantly, those you’re in a relationship with.

Talk about everything

Clearly communicate your needs and desires to your woman.

Ladies want to be talked to. They’re not mind-readers, so when you’re making plans or anything, let her know

Take initiative

A big tip about women is that they want you to find out what they want, how they want it, where they want it, and even when they want it.

It is not as bad as that, even though it is sometimes. But the idea is that they want you to always take the initiative to fulfill their desires. Figure out what your lady enjoys.

It shows how interested, attentive, and creative you are with them. They want to know how you would do things without them watching over you.

Respect her time

When you show her that she’s a priority, putting her on your busy schedule and making time for her makes her feel important.

However, more importantly, ladies are pretty time-conscious—more so than most guys, if I may add. So, invariably, respecting her time also means you value her.

Be yourself

Whether you’re a nerd, bully, clown, or introvert, show it. What we fail to realize is that there are a thousand and one ladies out there with different tastes, and one of them would love you for who you are.

As wired as it sounds, there are ladies that love bullies, so do not, for any reason, put up an act to match with someone who detests your personality. Life’s to short to live it pretending.

Always Listen

“I like surprises, I like the movies, and I appreciate small gestures.” watch out for statements like this. They come frequently but most times we get too engrossed in other things that we fail to realize. Most times, we even hear them and do not act on them.

This might be the most important piece of advice on this list because, in the end, it says a lot about you as a guy. Whether you’re attentive, inattentive, self-centered, or insensitive,.

So what this means is that besides being attentive to hear these things, you also need to act on them.

Be consistent

A good number of guys are inconsistent in so many things, especially in words and actions. A perfect example points at the stage when you try winning a lady over. In the heat of the moment, we do and say things that end immediately when you realize she is yours.

Well, while this has become the norm, it leads to regrets at the tail end. If you told her you would do anything for her from the onset, act it; If you said you would never make her cry, ensure she doesn’t; or Maybe you occasionally went to the movies with her, stick to it.

Do not be overly religious

As Christians, we need to be conscious about what we say and do. However, in a relationship, friendship, or marriage setting, you should try to balance both sides.

Ever wondered why a lot of ladies want God-fearing guys but do not want to get involved with pastors, talk less about marriage? Here’s the reason:.

Yes, make them understand your stand about your beliefs, but avoid being judgemental, overbearing, or excessively religious. Avoid speaking in tongues during dates or when trying to talk about love to your partner.

Or waiting for some spiritual confirmation to express your feelings. In general, just look for a perfect means to balance both sides.

Where do men go for relationship advice?

Males’ greatest source of support is their friends. Close friends are sought out by 80% of men for advice. According to the data, they visit their male friends 55% of the time and their female friends 25% of the time.

How Should a Man Be in a Relationship?

A man should respect a woman for who she is, not for her body, assets, or social standing! Respect, of course, is a two-way street. It’s impossible.

What Is Most Important to a Man in a Relationship?

Men don’t want to waste time wondering about their partner’s level of loyalty. Relationships are difficult enough without these complications. Any relationship must be built on the foundations of honesty, trust, and loyalty.

What do men look for in a wife?

Men admire thoughtful, caring, loving, and compassionate women. A lady who undertakes small acts of kindness for her guy simply because she adores him. A woman who, whenever she smiles at him, makes him grin back. a woman with an incredibly loving and kind heart.

In summary

The ability to recognize emotions, make wise choices, and own up to mistakes is the foundation of great relationships.

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