Online Dating Guide: All You Should Know (+Free Tips)

Online Dating Guide
Image Credit: Online Profile Pros (Online Dating Guide)

Is Online Dating worth the stress? This is a common question many have had to ask at some point in their lives. This has been mostly a result of disappointments from meeting the wrong individuals and other factors. If you ask me, online dating isn’t as awful as people make it sound. So, in my opinion, it’s definitely worth the trial and stress. However, you need to be really cautious and mindful of certain things. On that note, this article will act as a guide to online dating, basically every detail you need to make the best decisions.

1. Dating Online is the Easiest and  Best to Meet People

Dating online has been a popular choice for singles since the invention of the internet. Young people, in particular, have shown an increased interest and willingness to use online dating services. According to, there are over 370.09 million online dating users in the world as of December 2020, and it is expected to keep spiraling.

Wow, that’s a whole pool of people to choose from.

2. Lots of Dating Platforms to Choose From 

Just as there are tons of people into online dating, there are also numerous online dating services out there to match this statistic.

According to research conducted by Forbes, there are about 8,000 online dating platforms in the world. 8,000 is a lot to choose from. So, the question of the best dating platform for me pops up. Our guide on top online dating sites already has that sorted out.

3. There’s a Dating Platform for Every Need

With the tons of dating platforms out there, it’s almost impossible to run into a problem of non-diversification. In other words, if you are interested in specific kinds of individuals, you do not have a problem. Basically, there’s a platform for every need.

I am talking about the likes of Christians ( Catholic, Anglican, Methodist, Pentecostal, etc.), Muslims ( Sunni, etc ), Jews, Democrats, Republicans, Africans, Asians, Europeans, just name it. All you need do is hop on your phone and start your research. Obviously, you wouldn’t need some sort of Online dating guide to do that.

And I should add most of the platforms are free.

4. Dating Online Still Counts as Normal Dating

The only way to get the most out of online dating, regardless of the number of guides you read, is by changing your perception. Most people treat their online partners in a certain kind of way based on the idea that they don’t count as real people.

To make matters worse, they have decided to get partners online and offline. This singular perception is the reason why it’s difficult to manage a relationship online.

So even though it’s certain that you’ll have to meet at some point, in the meantime, ensure you do not blow your chances.

5. Lots of Testimonies to Keep You Motivated

According to statistics obtained from eHarmony, 20% of current committed relationships began online. 7% of marriages in 2015 were between couples that met for the first time on online dating services. Think about it; this is just one testimony out of the several dating platforms on our list. Now, imagine when you compile scenarios or figures from other platforms.

The possibilities are endless if you are open-minded.

However, if you are in search of more testimonies, you can find them on the dating platforms you plan to use. Look out for the testimonials section or forum.

6. Anticipate Some Lies

You should expect a little bit of deception and lies in online dating. It is a common phenomenon even outside the online space. It’s just easier to keep up with the lie when you are on your phone.

People literally lie about their age, height, jobs, etc. Mostly to make them look better or just for fun.

For the most part, as I said earlier, online dating makes it easier to lie, so you might discover that the people you chat with are not exactly who they say they are. However, this shouldn’t discourage you; there are still genuine members. 

According to conclusions drawn from several surveys, 20% of women admitted to using pictures from when they were younger and slimmer. On the other hand, 40% of men lied about their jobs in order to look more successful.

7. Your Personal Information Is Kept Safe & Private

Online dating platforms invest a lot in ensuring the safety of their members’ personal data, even though some platforms are not so keen on this. Tons of online dating platforms have suffered from information breaches.

Therefore, we encourage you to look out for yourself. Do your best to secure your vital information, and read up on how to secure it. There are guides that can effectively help you with this, but they are not related to online dating.

8. Even Celebrities Love It!

Some celebrities, such as Martha Stewart, Jenny McCarthy, Halle Berry, Andy Cohen, Hannibal Buress, Chase Crawford, Amy Schumer, Sharon Stone, etc, have been on various online dating platforms.

Amy Schumer literally opened up about meeting an ex-boyfriend on a private platform. So you see that it’s not as terrible as it sounds.

9. Long Term Compatibility Claims Aren’t Proven

Finally, you should also know that algorithms that work on these platforms do not exhibit 100% efficiency. It has nothing to do with the platforms; it’s just the way machines or bots are.

So rather than put your hopes on these algorithms, try as much as possible to add a human touch to them. Make decisions based on your instincts.

Why Does Online Dating Not Work?

Some people are on the wrong dating site, which is one of the key reasons why online dating doesn’t work for them. Perhaps the target audience is too young or old, the features are insufficient to fulfill their demands, or perhaps the site is still new and hasn’t built up a large enough membership base.

Is It Okay to Date More Than One Person at a Time?

It’s not uncommon to have feelings for multiple people simultaneously. However, whether or not you act on those feelings will have an impact on more than just you. If you wish to date more than one person, make sure everyone involved is aware of the situation and agrees. Also, make sure you’re capable of handling it ahead of time.

What’s the Dating Age Rule?

The younger partner’s age (regardless of gender) should be at least seven years younger than the older partner’s age, according to the rule. The rule is frequently stated, but its origins are obscure.

How do you politely say you’re not interested in online dating?

Be direct and clear unless you want your online dating inbox to be clogged with people arguing why you should like them. Inform them that you appreciate their message but are uninterested. You are not interested, not “I guess I’m not interested” or “it’s probably not going to work.” 


We have given you some insights; it’s up to you to make the best out of online dating regardless of your chosen platform. From the aforementioned, you can see that online dating possesses lots of benefits.

From the comfort of your home, you can rejuvenate and energize your love life, meet new people, and eliminate the stress of dating the old-fashioned way. However, ensure you apply caution…

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