31 Undisputable Signs of a Soulmate: How to Find Them

signs of a soulmate

Falling in love is exhilarating, overpowering, and occasionally complicated, but overall electrifying. You can’t help but see a future together, whether it’s going to prom together, attending the same college, moving to the same city after high school, or getting married… whatever long-term love looks like to you, you fantasize about. But how can you tell if your partner is the one? In other words, how do you know whether they are your soulmate? In this article, I will discuss 31 signs that point to the likelihood of that person being your soulmate.

Key Takeaways 

  • A true soulmate accepts your flaws, accepts your differences, and encourages you to become the best possible version of yourself.
  • Your soulmate is someone who understands you better than anybody else. They push your buttons, irritate you, and make you giggle.
  • A true soulmate is like a best friend. You can be yourself, honest, and real without being judged.


“Soulmate” is a short but intense word, and the concept itself might be nerve-racking. However, soulmate relationships aren’t sealed by fate, the alignment of the stars, or the discovery of a missing puzzle piece. It’s about developing a deep, intimate, and passionate connection with someone and sustaining that love through ups and downs. Sometimes, it does not last forever.

Is He My Soulmate? 31+ Signs He is Meant For You

“I believe that soulmates aren’t born, they’re created. You can spend the rest of your life with one person and have a deep and beautiful love story, but that process is co-created. [It is] not a Prince Charming who arrives perfectly ready to sweep you off your feet,” Dr. Christie Kederian, a relationship specialist and licensed family and marriage therapist, elaborates.

“They are a person you build an equally fulfilling life with, that isn’t always perfect, but helps you grow more into the person you’re meant to be.”

Sure, some people don’t believe in “soulmates,” but it’s comforting to know that there is someone (or a few individuals) out there who is meant for you. Dr. Kederian pointed out that relatives and friends can be platonic soulmates, and your significant other may not be yours forever. Just remember that relationships are journeys, especially when you’re still figuring out who you are and what you want in life and love.

If you’re not sure if your partner is your ideal match, here are 31 soulmate signs to help you determine if you’ve found a deep love connection.

Read More: What Are Soulmates? Psychological Facts About Soulmates

31 Undisputed Signs of a Soulmate

1. You just know.

No test can tell you if you’ve found your true love. It has to be a gut feeling that this individual is the one for you. It may sound cliché, but you’ll know what it means when you experience that feeling. Their presence will excite you, make you feel at ease enough to fully open up, and make you feel incredibly loved. Naturally, each person experiences connections in unique ways, and feelings can evolve. This is one of the most important signs of a soulmate.

During my research, a middle-aged man whom I interviewed, said “When I walked into the party and saw her weird dance, I knew she was the one”. Funny right? They’ve been together for 13 years now. Don’t underestimate your intuition.

2. You felt an immediate connection.

According to Nuñez, meeting a soulmate fosters an instant connection, as if you’ve known them forever. “You just feel like you’ve known that person forever—it’s having that deep connection where you simply recognize that soul,” she said.

3. You “recognize” each other’s soul.

And, speaking of recognition, it’s one of the clear spiritual signs of meeting your soulmate that appears to be beyond understanding. Tanya Carroll Richardson, a professional psychic, believes that when two souls share a significant past life (or lives), they are mysteriously drawn to each other in this lifetime.

In this situation, she explains, “What people are feeling is the built-up energy over other lifetimes together—and soul recognition,” adding that soul recognition can occur with any type of soulmate.

4. They are your best friends.

A friendship is the best basis for any relationship, why do you believe so many rom-coms include two best friends who get together? If you have a trustworthy, positive friendship with your significant other, it is an excellent sign! I’m pretty close to a couple who were best friends long before we even knew what love was. That friendship developed into romantic love but till today, they still act like siblings.

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5.  Being with them feels like home.

No matter where you are in the world, being with your soulmate makes you feel at home. When they’re by your side, you can’t help but feel at ease. You spend so much time together, therefore being with them should make you feel calm. There may most likely be butterflies and anxiety at first, but after you’re comfortable with each other, it feels entirely natural. This is exactly how I feel around mine (If you don’t know me well, I’m talking about my two close friends whom I call my soulmates).

6. You feel a lot of empathy for them.

When they fail an exam, you might as well have flunk it, because you understand what they are feeling. Seeing them unhappy saddens you, but you also share in each other’s joy. No one is prouder of their significant other than you, and nothing makes you happier than seeing them succeed.

Read More: EMPATHY IN RELATIONSHIPS: Common Signs, Examples & Tips

7. The love you have for one another is unconditional.

“Unconditional love”, another one of the soulmate signs, can raise some red flags when it comes to toxic relationships and enabling or repeating destructive relationship patterns, but for soulmates, it’s a magnificent gift that two people can give each other.

For starters, true soulmates will be free of the toxicity that calls unconditional love into question. Nuñez argues that true love transcends time, space, and circumstance. “There’s a deeper level of patience and understanding, where you accept and don’t try to change that partner,” she states, adding that you’ll embrace your soulmate for who they are and what they provide to the relationship. (And you will be able to compassionately let them go if need be). I would liken it to my mother’s love for me. Any mother’s love really.

8. You respect one another.

A relationship is meaningless without respect. If your significant other doesn’t appreciate you for who you are, they’re probably not your soulmate. They should take your feelings and opinions seriously, not dismiss them. They should admire, love, and always treat you nicely.

While researching, when I asked old couples what kept them together for so long 85% of them mentioned mutual respect and love. Something to note down kids. Respect is as important as love. A person who doesn’t respect you is not your soulmate.

9. You even each other out.

Soulmates do not have to be exact replicas of their significant other. You can have varied temperaments, interests, and backgrounds while still being destined for one other. The trick is how you, two very different people, come together. Does your easygoing personality complement their always-on-the-go demeanor? Is your love of the environment compatible with their interest in engineering? Are they the yin to your yang?

10. Eye contact is intense.

Soulmate connections can be highly visceral, particularly in romantic situations. According to Nuñez, soulmates’ eye contact can be powerful and intuitive. You can exchange a knowing gaze with your soulmate, almost like a psychic link, and you will both be on the same page. Simply looking into each other’s eyes might feel like you’re looking into the grandeur of existence while yet experiencing the comfort and safety of true connection. I know my fellow introverts might find this unnerving but trust me, your soulmate will calm those nerves.

11. You respect each other’s differences while agreeing on the important things.

You may never agree on what TV show to watch together or what toppings to put on your pizza, but when it comes to the most important things in life, such as your principles, you’re on the same page. I’ll use my best friends, just as an example. We are very different people who almost never agree on minor things like keeping the blinds down or up, vanilla or chocolate ice cream but when it comes to doing the right thing, we’re always on the same page.

12. You have the same life goals.

Speaking of important matters… you both have similar life goals. We’re not saying you want to pursue the same career or attend the same college. However, you both agree on whether or not to start a family and what ideals you wish to live by. There will be clashes here and there, but you’re all on the same page about the main issues. Having the same goals is one of the key soulmate signs.

13. You challenge each other.

Your soulmate should bring out the best in you, even if it means pushing you a little to become the best version of yourself. Yes, you should admire and respect your partner for who they are, but you should also encourage them to achieve their goals, push them harder when they need it, and help them grow as a person. Relationships are all about progress, and soulmates support each other’s development.

The Wilsons, a couple I interviewed, testified that it was not until they met each other that their ambitions and dreams became a reality. This was because they kept pushing each other to be the best they could be.

14.  You can completely be yourself.

When it comes to your soulmate, you cannot fake it. You can be completely yourself around them, knowing that they will love you for who you are. You divulge your guilty pleasures, strange eccentricities, and innermost secrets, knowing that it will only make them love you more.

15. You trigger each other just so.

If you thought soulmate relationships were easy, think again. After all, growth and transformation have never come easily, and our soulmates can be some of the most powerful triggers in our lives. Couples’ therapist Shelly Bullard, MFT, defines personal evolution as “growing through the things that challenge us the most.” Our souls desire to do this, and our soulmates provide us with the opportunity to do so by bringing our issues to our attention, allowing us to become aware of them and create an alternative reality.”

In this scenario, she says, what distinguishes it as a soulmate connection is that we are able to go past the problems that are triggered in the relationship by choosing love.

16. You fight for this relationship.

Relationships are not always easy, even between soulmates, but you both work hard to maintain the bond you share. This frequently entails compromising, working on oneself, or talking through problems. You may clash or disagree on anything, but you will come out stronger and more understanding of one another. The fact that you two are prepared to go to these lengths to work together and fight for each other indicates that you are soulmates.

17. You truly understand each other’s Love languages.

If you’re not sure what your love language is, try this quiz. Basically, there are five different love languages, or how you prefer to give and receive love. Your love language could be Words of Affirmation, which means your heart skips a beat when your partner tells you how much they love you. On the other hand, if their love language is Physical Touch, like me, they enjoy cuddling to express their affection. You can be with someone who speaks a different love language than you—you just have to understand how you both show love and what you want from each other.

Read More: ACTS OF SERVICE LOVE LANGUAGE: Examples, Ideas & All You Need

18. You are each other’s biggest fans.

Your significant other should be rooting for you always, and vice versa. Their victories are your victories, which means that when they hear big news, you’re just as thrilled as they are. If simply seeing your lover happy makes you happy, that’s something unique.

19. There is chemistry.

Of course, the physical side of a relationship is vital, and it is clearly present between you and your significant other. You sometimes feel like you can’t take your hands off one other, but you also respect each other’s boundaries. This is another important soulmate signs.

20. You are there for each other.

Yes, being in a relationship is fun, but soulmates stay with you in both good and bad times, which means that when you’re going through a difficult moment, you can rely on your S.O. to listen and support you throughout.

21. You feel confident in the relationship. 

It’s natural to feel jealous at times, but you should always trust your partner completely. No one will come between you two, so your S.O. can hang out with friends or attend a party you have to miss while you don’t worry about the condition of your relationship.

22. You are just eager to be around each other.

You do not always feel the need to plan extravagant dates. Simply being together is perfect. You can sit silently and soak up each other’s presence, and this boosts you up. In fact, sitting in silence together is really relaxing. You don’t need to make small talk because it feels very natural to be near each other while reading a book, scrolling TikTok, or journaling. There are only a couple of interactions that feel forced or awkward.

23. It feels like you’ve known them forever.

Whether you’ve been dating for five months or five years, being with your soulmate seems like you’ve known them forever. It’s sometimes hard to believe that they weren’t present at certain life moments simply because you hadn’t met them yet.

24. You can’t imagine a life without them.

Your life is just inconceivable without your soulmate; being in their presence is like nothing you’ve ever experienced before, and the prospect of being apart from them is excruciating. Nothing can break the tie between soulmates; you accept each other’s flaws and imperfections and even come to adore them. 

25. Sometimes you feel like you can read their minds.

It’s simple to communicate with your significant other, to the point that you may believe you can read their mind at times. Perhaps it’s because you’re on the same page about scheduled plans, or you just know what they’re going to say before they do. You might also know their facial expressions so well that you can tell how they’re feeling without having to say anything. Don’t you just think this is one of the cutest soulmate signs?

26. You see the good in their bad. 

Everyone has imperfections, but only a soul mate can find value in their partner’s shortcomings. For example, you don’t mind if your partner is a neat freak because their place always feels and smells nice. In a similar vein, even though you have a lot of impatience, your partner observes that you are consistently early or on time.

27. Your friends and family get along.

If your friends and family get along well with them, that’s a good clue you’re dating the right person. In most cases, your friends and family have known you longer than your significant other, and they want to see you in a happy and healthy relationship. Their approval matters a great deal. Trust your instincts, but if someone significant in your life does not like your partner, then listen to their worries and attempt to have an open, honest talk with them.

28. You gladly accept each other’s wishes.

When soulmates give, they do so out of love and devotion rather than fear or coercion. Because you and your soulmate want to make each other happy, you will succumb to each other’s desires to see the other happy.

29. You feel loved and cherished.

Your soulmate sees things in you that no one else does. They compliment you on the most unexpected of your characteristics and make you feel appreciated in ways you’ve never experienced before. Beautiful, isn’t it?

30. You do not think of separation.

You bicker and argue with your soulmate from time to time, but neither of you contemplates ending your relationship. Even if either of you is furious, you avoid crossing the line and share a deep commitment and respect. Sticking together no matter what is one of the signs of a soulmate. You eventually just grow become an old, funny, bickering couple like a handful of couples I interviewed and that’s so cute.


31. They showed up in a synchronistic way.

Finally, believe in divine timing. Bullard, Nuñez, and Richardson point out that humans tend to attract soulmates during times of need, such as while learning a lesson. “The soul is well-versed in the art of attraction. It will connect you with the people you are meant to be with, and it does so through attraction,” Bullard adds. 

Take this quiz to know if they are your soulmate


Can You Feel Your Soulmate Thinking About You?

Yes, it is possible. When you’ve found your soulmate, whom you genuinely adore, you’ll notice when someone is thinking of you.

Can Soulmates Feel Each Other When Apart?

Telepathy is particularly common in soulmate relationships; you can pick up on each other’s thoughts and feelings right away. Even if they are separated or far apart, they can sense each other’s moods, which affect them physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The Chemistry can be really potent.

What Are 2 Lines for a Soulmate?

To let your soulmate know how important they are to you and how you feel about the relationship, you could say, “I’m very grateful to have you in my life. “Your presence brings me so much joy and fulfillment.”

Do Soulmates Talk to Each Other?

Telepathic communication among soulmates. Some cultures have a belief that soulmates and twin flames communicate telepathically. The connection is often subconscious, and twin flames share a strong spiritual relationship. This relationship enables them to hear each other’s thoughts and converse via thinking.

Do Soulmates Think the Same Thing?

While it is not uncommon for closest friends or lovers who have spent a significant amount of time together to have similar ideas on occasion, soulmates tend to share the same exact thoughts.

Signs Your Soulmate Is Thinking of You

1. You often have dreams about them

2. You see repeating numbers

3. You get goosebumps and shivers

4. You see or hear their name

5. You feel sensations in your stomach

6. You get the hiccups or eye twitches

7. Your emotions shift for no obvious reason

8. You hear songs that remind you of them

9. You are sneezing more frequently 

10. You feel light-hearted and soothed

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