There are four intimacy types. There is emotional intimacy, physical, mental and spiritual. But a lot of people especially women suffer intimacy issues.
#1. Patience:
A very common thing a person with intimacy issues does is to disappear. You are in a relationship with this person and when you try to get close they disappear. Try and be patient with them.
Seen as a social or anxiety disorder, fear of intimacy usually results in a person blowing hot then cold or doing the occasional disappearing act, which can be terribly frustrating for others. But it’s also terribly frustrating for the person who is suffering from this. Although they do want to be friends with you they end up destroying it themselves. The very nature of this anxiety disorder makes it difficult for them to explain what’s going on.
#2. Don’t let the conversations be all about you:
Someone with intimacy issues knows a little psychology themselves. They love to keep you talking all about yourself. When they do this, pay extra attention and turn the conversation around. Get them talking about themselves. Although it might seem hard at first, don’t let them deflect. Remember not to be too obvious when you do it.
#3. Always encourage them:
Life is beautiful even with imperfections. A person with a fear of intimacy is always afraid to make mistakes. They want to be perfect all the time. Then, it’s your job to remind them, that they don’t need to be.
They always want to present this defensive and perfect front. You have to look way past that when you want to get close to them.
#4. Look beyond their facade:
They often love to act strong, with strong opinions but to some rude and sharp opinions. It is a defensive mechanism for them to chase and scare people off. When they get free around you, you’d see that they are more relaxed and appear to contradict themselves. That is, they might act in a direction opposite of the image you painted of them in your mind.

Intimacy issues in marriage can ruin the bond between you and your partner. Intimacy issues in marriage are usually a problem on their own but they lead to other problems, like;
1. Cheating/ infidelity
2. Lack of connection with your spouse
3. Resentment/anger
4. Separation/Divorce.
When it comes to overcoming intimacy issues in marriage, the first thing you need to know is that you don’t necessarily need to talk about. You have to look for how to build intimacy, in this case, physical/sexual intimacy with him. There are two major things you need to do when helping your man with intimacy issues. They are;

#1. Empathy:
You need to be able to feel how he feels. His feelings, his emotions don’t disregard them.
#2. Understanding:
Although, understanding is a very deep word we’d help you understand it in this context. What made his way? Is it childhood trauma? You have tried to understand him if you are going to help him.
However, it’s always difficult at first when dating a man with a fear of intimacy, but, over time, if you ensure proper communication and support towards him, you will teach him how to overcome his fears.
Physical intimacy issues are the lack of physical touch and sensual proximity between you and your spouse. Intimacy issues usually have different origins, like certain childhood experiences such as a history of abuse or neglect, but many other experiences and factors. You have to understand this if you are going to get rid of it.
Intimacy Issues FAQ’s
Is kissing considered intimacy?
Physical intimacy is defined as physical proximity or contact…. Being inside someone’s personal space, holding hands, embracing, kissing, stroking, and having sexual intercourse are all examples of physical closeness.
What are the 4 types of intimacy?
- Emotional intimacy. Emotional intimacy involves candid, authentic sharing of thoughts and feelings. …
- Intellectual intimacy. …
- Experiential intimacy. …
- Spiritual intimacy.
Can a relationship survive lack of intimacy?
Without intimacy, a relationship can exist, but it will become a true struggle for both partners as time passes; neither party will be pleased or feel comfortable in the partnership. A relationship’s foundation is complicated if it lacks happiness and security.