Manipulative Relationships: How to Deal With It!!!

Manipulative relationship

It’s normal to allow yourself to be influenced by your partner and adjust how you make some decisions while in a relationship. However, if you begin to feel as if your sense of self-agility is in jeopardy, you might need to reconsider the levels of control in your relationship. This post will give you insights into how to deal with a manipulative partner. We will also go through how to spot the symptoms of coercion and how to deal with them. In clear terms, how to deal with manipulative relationships

Understanding the concept of manipulation in a relationship

Manipulation occurs when your partner exploits your insecurities or makes you feel bad in order to get his or her way. Passive aggressiveness, sarcasm, and unfair teasing are examples of how they can manifest. However, every case is unique, which makes it pretty difficult to spot.

“It would not be called manipulation if it was easily detectable,” according to relationship expert Ikka. “If you think you’re being manipulated, it’s probably because you’re doing something against your instincts in response to someone else’s wishes or demands.”

Does this ring a bell? Take a step back from the situation to see if your emotions are the product of your partner’s efforts to manipulate you.

Maintain objectivity

Recognize the telltale signs of manipulative relationships. It’s basically important to look at your partner’s behaviour with realistic eyes to spot these signs in your relationship.

“The most difficult aspect of deception is admitting that it is taking place. To do so, you’ll need objectivity, self-control, confidence, and awareness of behavioral patterns “Ikka says.

This means you should be truthful to yourself and evaluate your partner’s behaviour without rose-coloured glasses. Discuss your feelings with yourself, and consider what you would think if a friend mentioned a similar situation in his or her relationship.

Make a proposal with your partner

You must express your feelings to your partner in order to determine whether you can fix the issue. Spend time thinking about how you want to handle the situation before you move.

Also, be aware that your partner may react to your feelings by acting offended or hurt, which will play into your insecurities even more.

In Ikkat’s words,

“Confronting a manipulator risks being further exploited, depending on their level of ability and the level of self-awareness of the victim.”

So, maintain your objectivity and refrain from accusing your partner. Rather than thinking explicitly about your partner’s behaviour, emphasize how you are feeling.

“Itemize the forms in which you believe you are being manipulated using ‘I’ statements before addressing your partner so that you can provide specific examples,” Ikka suggests.

If you avoid using critical words, your partner is more likely to react positively. The conversation will be much more productive if you take this route.

Be receptive to your partner’s viewpoint

You’ll be able to tell whether the dilemma can be solved based on how your partner responds to your emotions. Give him a chance to justify himself. After all, he may not even be aware that he’s behaving in this manner.

“Manipulation has a bad reputation, but it isn’t necessarily evil,” Ikka says. “If the manipulator is able to take responsibility for his or her actions, the remedy is as simple as good communication. If they aren’t, an escape plan should be in view.” She adds.

Consider the next steps carefully if your partner becomes defensive and angry or is otherwise disrespectful to your feelings. Decide if you really want to be in a relationship with someone who treats your emotions this way. It’s up to you to figure out whether you and your partner want to break your relationship’s manipulative patterns. What matters most is that you understand the fact that you are able to identify manipulative relationships. Do well to express your displeasure.

Continue to be self-aware and communicate your emotions to your partner on a regular basis. You should be able to get to the bottom of the problem and work out a solution together.

What Is an Example of Manipulation in a Relationship?

Using an intimate emotional connection to control another person’s behaviour is one of the most popular. In a romantic relationship, for example, an abusive individual may try to manipulate a person by moving too quickly. To reduce their victim’s guard or make them feel obliged, they may overwhelm them with love actions.

What Is a Toxic Manipulative Relationship?

When you’re in a loving relationship, your partner accepts you for who you are. They encourage you to be yourself—perhaps a “better version” of yourself, but still being you nevertheless. Toxic manipulative relationships, on the other hand, convince you that you’re never good enough and that you need to change.

What Is Gaslighting in a Relationship?

Gaslighting is a common method of manipulation in abusive relationships. It’s a sort of covert emotional abuse in which the bully or abuser deceives the target by fabricating a story and making them doubt their own judgments and reality.


Manipulation is painful and detrimental to your relationships, even if it may seem like a “natural” or simple approach to handling a challenging situation or making things go your way. Sincere and caring communication is what you and your loved ones deserve.

Take action to address the conduct in a relationship if you are the victim of manipulation before it becomes worse. Talk to the other person about the issue, set firm limits, and be prepared to leave if they refuse to change.

What are the signs of manipulation?

Signs of emotional manipulation

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