WHY CAN’T I CRY ANYMORE: What You Should Know


The lump in your throat grows as your emotions surface, but you can’t cry. You can feel the sting behind your eyes but can’t cry. Or perhaps you don’t feel like crying, no matter how sad or distressing the situation is. Don’t be concerned; you have nothing to be ashamed of. If you can’t cry even when you want to, there could be several reasons for this.

Possible Reasons Why You Can’t Cry Anymore

If you’re wondering why you can’t cry, then let me tell you that there are many reasons, from emotional to medical, why you can’t cry no matter how hard you try. Physically, your tear glands and the number of tears they produce can be an issue, but if that isn’t the case, it could be due to an emotional reason, which is very common.

Let’s look more closely at the list of potential causes of your inability to cry.

#1. Shame and social stigma

According to Chen, it is common for some people to be unable to cry in adulthood due to human development and sociological factors.

“In most humans, crying is a reflexive biological response to an emotional state such as sadness, anger, or happiness,” Chen explains. “As we grow older, we learn to manage our crying response through learned, negative associations like embarrassment and cultural expectations, which affect how easily one person cries compared to another.”

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However, despite the benefits of crying, these negative adaptations can sometimes contribute to depression and anxiety when crying is restricted behaviorally. This is why empathy and acceptance from caregivers are critical in preventing people from developing negative associations with crying.

#2. Depressive melancholy

Melancholic depression is a type of MDD (major depressive disorder) in which you experience symptoms such as hopelessness, flat emotions or no emotions, disinterest in your surroundings, and no reaction to events that occur around you.

You may find it difficult to cry when you have little to no emotions. Consider this: if you can’t feel your emotions, how can you have an emotional reaction?

#3. Abuse in childhood

Joye observes that child abuse frequently involves instilling fear in children about the experience of expressing emotions. Abused children are frequently told, I’ll give you something to cry about! When they suppress their tears, they get a lump in their throat and find it difficult to breathe, which is an involuntary vagus nerve reactivity caused by emotional distress. Fear of expressing emotions in adulthood stunts the healthy development of appropriate sadness or crying.

#4. Anhedonia

Most of the time, anhedonia is a sign of depression, but it can also be a sign of other mental health problems. Anhedonia doesn’t have to be a symptom, either. It can happen on its own. This term refers to the loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities.

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If you have anhedonia, you may also notice an inability to express your emotions. People suffering from anhedonia may have difficulty crying easily or may not cry at all. If this is the case for you, it is advised that you seek the assistance of a mental health professional.

#5. Stuck emotions

Many people have difficulty releasing their emotions, so they usually bottle them up as a coping strategy. At first, this may have been a conscious choice, but it can become automatic over time.

You will eventually experience emotional numbing, and even if something tragic occurs, you will find yourself unable to express your emotions in the most basic way.

#6. Anxiety

People who suffer from social anxiety may not want others to see them cry, so they may suppress their emotions out of fear of being judged. According to Joye, perfectionistic or codependent people may also hide tears to appear in control of their feelings, but this is a fragile facade.

#7. Stereotypes and stigma

Social factors can also contribute to your inability to express your emotions through open crying. Crying is an automatic reaction to our emotional state. As we get older, cultural norms start to affect our actions, even those that are natural, like crying.

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Similarly, if you grow up hearing that crying is a sign of weakness and that “men don’t cry,” this type of negative stereotype can influence your emotional response.

#8. Underlying medical conditions

Mental illnesses such as schizophrenia or anhedonia can make crying difficult or impossible. This is known as the “flat affect,” and people who have it don’t show typical emotional signs. Though people with flat affect may appear uncaring or unresponsive due to blunted expressions or a dull, monotone voice, research shows that people with balanced affect experience just as much internal emotion as neurotypicals do—they have difficulty expressing themselves through crying, laughing, and so on.

#9. Certain medications

Certain medications may also contribute to emotional blunting. According to Oxford University research, 46% to 71% of antidepressant users experienced emotional blunting during treatment. Selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), and tricyclic and tetracyclic antidepressants are the antidepressants most commonly associated with emotional blunting. This could imply that serotonin is one of the primary causes of emotional blunting.

Is It Bad That I Don’t Cry Anymore?

No, not always.

Crying excessively isn’t always a good sign. If you frequently cry, it could mean that you’re dealing with a lot of intense or complex emotions or that you’re suffering from depression or anxiety.

Remember that there is no right or wrong amount of crying. Everyone is different, and some people cry more quickly than others. So don’t waste your time doing something you should be doing. Allow yourself to feel your current emotions without feeling ashamed.

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Some people may cry at the drop of a hat. Others may have fewer emotional upheavals, different ways of expressing their emotions, or simply be more in control of their tears. That’s perfectly fine, as long as you’re not suppressing your emotions.

That being said, if your inability to cry bothers you or you’re having difficulty connecting with your emotions, you must investigate this because it could indicate that something else is going on beneath the surface.

What Should you do if you Can’t Cry?

There is no right or wrong amount of crying, and everyone expresses their emotions in their own unique way. However, you must investigate your mental health if you’re suppressing your emotions or having difficulty connecting with others. Some helpful ways to get started on your path to mental wellness include:

#1. Visit a therapist.

If your ability to cry is causing you stress or interfering with your daily life, therapy can assist you in navigating your mental health. With the United States Department of Health and Human Services relaxing HIPAA regulations, it is now possible to access therapy from the comfort of your home. Your psychologist may refer you to a psychiatrist for medication based on your mental state and the severity of your symptoms.

#2. Label your feelings

Isn’t it challenging to explore emotions that you can’t name? As we explore our feelings, let us try to label them. Determine your emotions. Are you depressed? Frustrated? Annoyed? When you understand how you’re feeling, it’s easier to find your best coping strategy.

#3. Express your feelings

Crying can be cathartic for some people, but if you cannot cry to express your emotions, you can try to find other creative ways to do so. The goal is to recognize and accept your feelings, regardless of their difficulties.

#4. Consult with your primary care physician.

There are frequently complex issues underlying the inability to cry, and making an appointment with your clinician can help rule out any physical health issues.

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#5. Reach out for help.

Although it may feel intimidating initially, opening up to loved ones can help you connect with your emotions. Friends and family members may express similar sentiments, validate your feelings, or offer a shoulder to cry on.

#6. Take care of yourself. 

Taking care of your physical health is as important as your mental health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and engaging in regular physical activity can all help you work toward better mental health.

Is there a disorder where you can’t cry?

The inability to cry may be brought on by Riley-Day Syndrome, a rare condition known as Familial Dysautonomia (FD), in addition to a numbing form of sadness.

Why do I only cry when other people cry?

Mental Empathy

The same brain regions are stimulated when we observe someone react emotionally as when we are emotionally aroused, thanks to mirror neurons. You may also be more emotionally sensitive to the feelings of others, which can lead to more excellent tears.

Why don’t I cry when I see others cry?

Because their mirror neurons will likely tend to produce the same sentiments, many people will avoid engaging with someone sobbing because they may find it a little too unpleasant.

Is it unhealthy to not cry for months?

It’s not necessarily a sign that you are suppressing your emotions unhealthily if you don’t cry often. It can imply that you haven’t experienced anything that makes you feel down.

What makes some people cry more than others?

What science does know, however, is this: You can be more inclined to cry for a variety of reasons, including gender (yes, stereotypically, women cry more frequently than males, on average five times a month), past trauma, hormone changes, stress, and lack of sleep. Additionally, crying more regularly is associated with specific personality types.

Is It Unhealthy Not To Cry?

In the short term, it can cause annoyances like irritability, anxiety, and poor sleep. Repressing your tears, on the other hand, can lead to cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension — or even cancer — over time.

What Are Emotional Blockages?

Being emotionally blocked implies that you have a dysfunctional relationship with your emotions. You may be unable to express and communicate them, or you may be confused as to why you feel the way you do.

What Is It Called When You Cry Without Tears?

Scientists believe that people with Sjogren’s syndrome who lack the ability to cry may also struggle to express their emotions. This forces them to rely on their facial expressions and words to communicate their emotions.

How Can You Cry Blood?

What causes bloody tears?

  • hormone changes.
  • menstruation.
  • inflammation.
  • conjunctival injuries.
  • trauma.
  • blocked tear duct.
  • high blood pressure.
  • Hemophilia and other blood disorders


Many people cry for no reason, and many have difficulty crying when upset, which is entirely normal. We are all unique, and we all process emotions in different ways.

While I can cry while reading an emotional book, you might not be able to cry while slicing onions. We have different reasons, but that doesn’t mean anything is wrong with us. There are emotional and physical reasons you cannot cry, and I hope I have helped you understand them.

Talk to your loved ones or a professional if you’re still having difficulty crying or understanding your emotions. Remember that crying is customary and even beneficial. Don’t hold back your tears any longer.

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