TYPES OF SEXUALITIES: How to Detect Yours Hitch-Free

types of sexualities

Gone are the days when being gay or straight was all that mattered. New types of sexualities have been discovered over time to assist people in discovering who they truly are depending on what sexually draws them. So, believe me when I say there are at least 15 different types of sexualities, and you’ll probably learn a thing or two about your own sexualities after reading more about the various types. Are you eager to find out? Continue reading to find out more.

What Is Sexual Orientation?

A person’s sexuality, or sexual orientation, determines who they are or are not attracted to. This attraction is usually sexual or romantic.

Sexual attraction refers to a person’s desire to have sex or have a sexual relationship with another person. It often refers to physical attraction to others or the lack thereof.

Romantic attraction can refer to a person’s expression of love within a relationship. This relationship does not have to be sexual, and a person’s sexuality does not require both romantic and sexual attraction.

There are numerous sexual orientations, and persons who identify with one or more may notice that their sexuality changes with time. This is totally normal – a person’s orientation can be fluid.

15 Different Types of Sexualities

#1. Gay

Being homosexual is having romantic, sexual, and emotional feelings for another person of the same gender. However, some women choose to be labelled as lesbians. Gay is another synonym for homosexual, which might be deemed offensive at times.

#2. Lesbian

Women who are romantically, physically, and emotionally attracted to other women use this word. As previously said, some women may desire to be labelled as gay.

#3. Bisexuality

A bisexual person is someone who is sexually and emotionally attracted to both men and women. To be bisexual, a person is not required to have had sexual relations with someone of the same or opposite gender. And their level of bisexuality can fluctuate throughout their lives.

#4. Queer

When someone declares they’re queer, it’s because they find the categories gay, lesbian, and bisexual to be too restrictive. It serves as an umbrella term for both sexual and gender diversity. The Q in LGBTQ can also represent “questioning,” implying that they are still unsure about their sexual orientation or gender.

#5. Asexual

Asexual is an umbrella term that refers to a broad spectrum of sexual orientations.

The LGBTQIA Resource Center defines asexuality as a spectrum. Some people may have no sexual or romantic attraction to anyone, whilst others may have varied levels of sexual or romantic attraction.

Individuals who are Asexual do not have to abstain from sex.

The asexuality spectrum includes the following orientations:

  • Sex-averse: is when a person is averse to or completely disinterested in sex and sexual behaviors.
  • Sex-favorable: This is when a person has positive feelings about sex in some situations.
  • Sex-indifferent: This term refers to those who are neutral regarding sex and sexual behavior.
  • Sex-repelled: This term refers to those who are repulsed by sex and sexual behavior.
  • Cupiosexual: Someone who identifies as cupiosexual does not feel sexual attraction but nevertheless wants to engage in sexual activities or have a sexual relationship.
  • Libidoist asexual: This phrase refers to those who identify as asexual yet have sexual desires that can be satisfied through masturbation or self-stimulation.
  • Graysexuals experience sexual attraction infrequently or not intensely.

#6. Aromantic

An individual who identifies as aromantic may not feel romantic attraction to anyone. They may not desire to be in a relationship beyond friendship.

People who identify with one orientation may also identify with another.

A person’s romantic attraction can be different from their sexual attraction. For example, a person may not feel romantic attraction to someone but may be sexually attracted to them.

#7. Heterosexual

Heterosexuals are commonly referred to as straight, which means they are romantically, emotionally, and sexually attracted to people of the opposite gender.

#8. Androsexuals

Androsexuals are sexually, romantically, or physically attracted to masculine persons in general. However, it is crucial to clarify that this does not imply that the object of their attraction must identify as male. An androsexual individual may be attracted to someone who just appears to be a guy.

#9. Gynesexuality

Gynesexuals are drawn to femininity both romantically and physically. Again, this does not imply that the object of their interest must be female. A gynesexual individual may be attracted to someone who only appears to be a woman.

#10. Bicurious

Bicurious persons are interested in researching whether they are or are not attracted to people of the same or opposite gender, just as the Q in LGBTQIA+ stands for questioning.

#11. Demisexual

Demisexual people are borderline asexual in the sense that they only experience sexual desire after developing a strong emotional or romantic attachment to their partner.

#12. Polyamorous

A polyamorous individual is sexually and romantically involved with numerous people at the same time. In such cases, partners are aware of and openly discuss their relationships with multiple people and some ground rules are generally established. Polyamorous persons can sometimes be involved with monogamous people.

#13. Skoliosexual

Skoliosexuals are physically, romantically, and sexually attracted to genderqueer, transgender, and non-binary individuals.

#14. Pansexual

A pansexual individual can be physically, romantically, and sexually attracted to anyone. They are thought to have a genderless sexual attraction.

#15. Omnisexual

Omnisexual, like pansexuals, are attracted to people of all genders, although they are not considered gender blind.

Aspects of Sexuality on a Scale

Some argue that the different types of sexualities exist on a spectrum or sliding scale.

The Kinsey Scale, initially published in 1948, proposed that people did not fall neatly into either heterosexual or homosexual categories.

There are six ratings on the scale, plus one additional category:

  • 0: Totally heterosexual
  • 1: Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual
  • 2: Predominantly heterosexual, yet with a significant amount of homosexuality.
  • 3: Homosexual and straight in equal measure
  • 4: Predominantly homosexual, but also a little bit heterosexual
  • 5: Predominantly gay, with a smattering of heterosexuality
  • 6: Totally homosexual
  • x: There are no sociosexual encounters or reactions.

Although innovative at the time, the scale now raises some types because it does not include all conceivable sexualities and identities.

According to the Trevor Project, there are several spectrums focusing on a person’s:

  • Sexual sex in biology
  • Gender identification
  • Expression of gender
  • Presentation of gender
  • Sexual preference

On one end of the sexual orientation continuum, a person may be attracted only to women, while on the other end, a person may be drawn only to males.

So, those in the middle of the spectrum have varying degrees of sexual and romantic attraction to different genders and sexes.

It is vital to understand that different genders might elicit different types of attraction in a person. A person, for example, may be sexually attracted to one or several genders and romantically attracted to different genders.

In addition, a person may identify with one sexual orientation while experiencing different types of sexualities and romantic desires within that orientation. For example, one person who identifies as bisexual may prefer women to men, whilst another may have a stronger romantic affinity to women but a weaker sexual interest in the other genders.

What is the Significance of Sexuality?

Who a person feels romantic or sexual attraction toward is determined by their sexuality. People may believe that naming their sexuality aids them in dealing with oppression or hardships. It may also assist them in locating a community where they can discuss their experiences.

People may also find it useful to be familiar with the terminology used to describe various types of sexualities. People can better appreciate another person’s sexuality if they are familiar with the terms.

The Distinction Between Sexualities and Genders

Sexuality refers to a person’s sexual orientation or the persons to whom they are sexually attracted. Gender, on the other hand, is determined by what they choose to identify as. Let us use an example to demonstrate. Being gay denotes a person’s sexual orientation, but being transgender denotes a person’s gender. As a result, a trans person’s sexuality can be attracted to either men or women.

Is It Necessary for People to Disclose Their Sexual Orientation?

People do not have to identify with a specific sexual orientation.

However, the sexual orientation of a person might change over time. They may also fall under an umbrella term but cannot find a word that adequately expresses their experience.

However, some people may discover that giving a label to their sexual or romantic orientation helps them build communities with others who have had similar experiences.

Where May a Person Go For Help?

People can seek help from the following organizations and clinics:

  • The Trevor Project is a non-profit organization that helps the LGBTQ community.
  • The Audre Lorde Project is a New York City-based nonprofit that promotes social justice for the LGBTQIA+ community.
  • Zuna Institute is a Black lesbian advocacy organization.
  • The National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance is a support organization for the LGBTQ community.
  • The American Institute of Bisexuality is a non-profit organization that helps bisexual persons.
  • CenterLink is a website that helps users find LGBTQ community centres in their area.
  • The Equality Federation maintains a list of statewide LGBTQ organizations.

What Does LGBTQIA+ Stand For?

LGBTQIA+ is an inclusive term that refers to persons of all sexual and gender identities.

LGBTQIA+ stands for:

  • Lesbian,
  • gay,
  • bisexual
  • transgender,
  • questioning,
  • intersex, and
  • asexual.

The ‘+’ symbol represents members of other LGBTQIA+ communities and allies.

What Does ‘Closeted’ Mean?

The term “closeted” refers to those who have not revealed their gender identity or sexual orientation. There are numerous reasons why a person may not want people to know their gender or sexual identity. For example, they may be afraid about how those around them would react.

It’s important to remember that no one is obligated to disclose their gender identity or sexual orientation if they don’t want to. It is also important never to divulge another person’s gender identity or sexual orientation without their permission, which some may refer to as “outing.”


A person’s sexual orientation describes who they have romantic and sexual feelings for.

Sexuality can exist on a spectrum, and people do not have to be sexually and romantically attracted to the same person or gender at the same time.

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