IS MY HUSBAND A JERK QUIZ: Signs & Best Easy Steps to Deal With It


Do you ever feel like nothing you do is good enough for your husband? Do you try to make an extra effort so that he notices and appreciates you, but nothing seems to work? Is there a chance your husband is a jerk using a quiz? If you’re asking yourself these questions and looking for answers, you’ve probably reached a breaking point and need to know if your husband is a jerk.

Is My Husband a Jerk Quiz?

To find out, take this Is my husband a jerk quiz right now!

Questions & Answers

#1. Do you feel you have the same arguments over and over and that he always brings up the same issues that never get resolved?

A. All of the time.

B. That has occurred, but not consistently.

C. Recently, yes

D. Not at all.

#2. Does he criticize your past and/or use it against you to belittle or humiliate you?

A. All of the time.

B. He rarely, if ever, speaks.

C. On occasion, when he is overwhelmed

D. Not that I’m aware of.

#3. Does he have authority over you regarding what you wear, how you spend your money, how he expects you to behave, who you spend your time with, and so on?

A. Yes, quite frequently.

B. Infrequently

C. It occurs when he is pumped up.

D. No.

#4. Do you believe he is constantly trying to bring you down, or do you think he is mainly trying to lift you up?

A. Without a doubt, he tries to bring me down whenever he can.

B. He doesn’t participate in any of it; he is quiet.

C. Normally, he is my cheerleader, but lately, all he seems to do is bring me down.

D. He is usually my biggest fan.

#5. Do you believe your husband is the type to be envious of your accomplishments, or does he join in the celebration?

A. I’m envious!

B. Most of the time, he would join in the celebration, but I believe he has a jealous streak.

C. Right now, I’d say he’s primarily envious of anything good that happens in my life or whenever I achieve success.

D. He’s celebrating right alongside me!

#6. Do you and your partner share responsibilities in your relationship equally?

A. No, he hardly ever does anything.

B. We divided the duties, but he doesn’t always keep his end of the bargain.

C. I have to ask him for help most of the time; he won’t just do what needs to be done or assist me when I’m doing chores.

D. We do this most of the time.

#7. Does he make you feel as if no one else wants you?

A. All of the time.

B. I’m not certain.

C. He’s just too tense right now. As a result, he occasionally says hurtful things to me.

D. No, he never says or does things like that to make me feel that way.

#8. Do you believe that your husband’s mood influences your mood/behavior?

A. Without a doubt.

B. Infrequently

C. Recently, yes!

D. No.

#9. Does it appear that your husband has a lot more free time than you do?

A. Without a doubt. He is constantly “relaxing,” and I never get to.

B. On occasion, but not always

C. He is doing so right now, but he is not usually this way.

D. No, I believe we have the same number.

#10. Is your husband’s relationship with his mother positive?

A. No, it does not.

B. It’s reasonable, but he doesn’t say much.

C. Yes, but he is too agitated to spend time with her.

D. Definitely.

Your answers from the above quiz about my husband being a jerk will help you determine whether your husband is a jerk or not.

Signs my Husband is a Jerk

Are you concerned that your husband is a jerk? To the waiter, your friends, or even your family?

Worse, maybe he’s reserving his asshole behavior just for you? And now you’re concerned that the love in your relationship is fading, and the future of your marriage doesn’t appear to be as bright.

Don’t be concerned. Many women have been in the same situation and have found a way to escape it. Here are some indicators that you’re right about your husband being a jerk.

#1. He does not assist the children.

Does your husband come home from work, sit on the couch, and never help you with your children? While you’re constantly running around trying to look after them?

Even when you force him to do something for you (like hold the baby), he does it reluctantly and never seems to enjoy it.

Regardless of what some men may say, this is never acceptable. Even if your husband works all day, he must still contribute to your children’s well-being.

#2. He is deceptive.

Manipulators are fundamentally liars. You can tell if your husband is a manipulator if he pretends to be on your side but only uses you for his benefit.

Is he also losing his authenticity with you and only wanting you to come to a special event if it makes him look good?

This is undeniably scumbag behavior. In fact, to achieve his objectives, he will go out of his way to make you feel good so that he can use you to get what he wants.

#3. He is only concerned with himself.

If your husband doesn’t care about your feelings, you know he’s a jerk. Your husband is a jerk if, whenever you express your dissatisfaction, hurt, or anger, he shuts you down by “one-upping” you with the story of his own worse tragedy.

It’s as if he’s competing with you for victimhood and attention. And whenever something terrible happens, he tries to blame it entirely on you. You are always held responsible for any adverse event.

#4. Your husband is highly critical of you and believes he is superior to you.

Is it true that your husband’s toxic behavior will not end? If he finds it difficult to accept you as you are and regularly criticizes you for what he perceives to be flawed, you can bet your bottom dollar that your husband is a jerk.

And you’re probably starting to dislike him as a result. It’s almost as if he employs shame as a weapon to make you feel bad while making himself feel better. Whenever a problem arises, he insists that it is your fault and would never have happened to him.

#5. He never lets you look at his phone.

This, however, is a serious red flag. If your man is constantly on his phone doing God knows what, but as soon as you peek at what he’s doing, he shuts down entirely and ensures you can’t see anything, something is wrong.

I didn’t want to say it, but I believe it’s essential to recognize that infidelity is possible in this situation.

Hiding his phone from you is a dead giveaway that he’s up to no good. Some may argue that we shouldn’t look at other people’s phones, and I agree entirely.

#6. He believes that simply being with you benefits him.

What an exaggerated sense of self-importance! Is your man of the opinion that if he invites you to dinner, nothing else matters because he has graced you with his presence?

He hardly ever speaks and spends most of the night on his phone, but he still believes he has done enough. Perhaps your husband earns more than you and constantly brags about it.

He believes that if it weren’t for him, you wouldn’t be able to go to these expensive restaurants.

#7. He spends whatever he wants but has control over what you pay.

Does your husband go out and spend big nights with his buddies, but when you do the same with your girlfriends, he gets upset? Or maybe he’ll buy a nice car for himself but refuse to give you anything remotely comparable?
This is a clear indication of an asshole husband.

Men who go out of their way to spoil themselves but forget entirely about their wives are incredibly selfish and hypocritical.

#8. He constantly bullies you and tries to control your behavior.

This is not right, and if your husband is bullying you, it must cease immediately. Is he constantly attempting to exert control over your actions? Is he lying to you to manipulate you?

If you say you’re going out with your gal pals, he’ll make a big deal and tell you that you need to be home with the kids.

Meanwhile, he wouldn’t think twice about going out for beers with his friends after work on a Friday.

Why is my Husband such a jerk?

Here are five suggestions if your husband is a jerk.

#1. Discuss it with him

This is the first step in any male relationship transformation. If your husband is unhappy with his behavior, you should start by talking about it. He may not like how he feels and may find it challenging to change his ways if he lacks knowledge.

#2. Take a breather

Sometimes taking a break from his bad habits is the best way to get your husband to change. This can range from spending time with his family to walking or taking his walk.

#3. Make sure that your relationship is in good health

If your relationship is unhealthy, your husband may find it challenging to make changes. You may need to ensure that you and your partner are both happy and healthy.

You can accomplish this by communicating with one another and ensuring that your needs are met.

#4. Obtain assistance

If you and your husband cannot reach an agreement, you can seek counseling from professionals who have experience working with couples.

#5. Move on

If you and your husband can come up with a solution, you must move on. You must be able to love yourself and the person your husband has evolved into.

How Do You Know When To Leave Your Husband?

Any abuse (physical, sexual, verbal, or psychological), infidelity, when your partner continues to break trust, or when the relationship has become unhealthy are all signs that it’s time to leave a marriage. Your partner is adamantly opposed to change.

What Are the Signs of a Dominating Husband?

Indications that he is being too dominant in the relationship

  • He doesn’t understand the concept of space.
  • How to tell if your man is excessively dominant…
  • He expects you to be present at all times.
  • Extremely jealous and possessive.
  • He is critical of everyone around you.
  • He holds you responsible for everything.

Why Do I Feel Like I Hate My Husband?

According to Morris, when you feel like you hate your spouse, you may be feeling something else (hurt, disappointment, or rejection, for example) but aren’t recognizing it. You’re such a jerk! What you may be feeling is disappointment that he isn’t doing his share of the housework.

Who Is a Controlling Husband?

A controlling husband is emotionally abusive to you, and he may also be verbally abusive. And, because he’s a master manipulator, if you even hint that you think his behavior is abusive, he’ll twist everything around until you believe you’re the one with a problem in the relationship.


Hopefully, you now better understand why your husband is such a jerk quiz and what you can do about it. However, if you’re still unsure how to resolve your marriage issues, I recommend watching this excellent video by marriage expert Brad Browning.

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