Do you find yourself in an unhealthy relationship? What are the telltale signs of an unhealthy relationship? How do you move from pondering what to do—self-pity or complete devastation—to taking the measures necessary to return to an emotionally healthy state?

No relationship, whether personal or professional, is flawless. A good connection, on the other hand, makes you feel safe, joyful, cared for, respected, and free to be yourself. Unhealthy relationships can do a lot of damage to your self-esteem. However, there are strategies to deal with an unhealthy relationship that is successful.

Conversely, unhealthy relationships leave people feeling tired, depleted, and sometimes even distressed. You don’t need an unhealthy relationship if you’re operating a business, working with a partner, leading an organization, or managing a team.

Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship

Understanding the warning signs of unhealthy relationships before they get out of hand is critical. This includes the following:

1. Control.

One person makes all the decisions and instructs the other on what to do, what to wear, and with whom to spend time. They are envious of the other person and try to separate them from their friends and family.

2. Dependence.

One person believes the other “can’t live without.” If the connection ends, they may threaten to do something drastic.

3. Clocking or digital monitoring.

To keep tabs on the other person, one uses social media sites such as Instagram and Snapchat. They continuously text the other person, and they want immediate responses.

4. Hostility.

Someone chooses a conflict with the other. As a result, one person’s behaviour may change to avoid offending the other.

5. Harassment.

One person uses unwanted, undesired, and uninvited behaviour to make the other feel unsafe. They may utilize catcalls to make offensive comments about the other’s body or to make unwanted physical advances.

6. Intimidation.

One person tries to control the other by instilling fear or timidity in them. They could try to keep the other person hidden from friends and family, or they might threaten violence or a breakup.

7. The use of physical force.

To get what they want, one individual utilizes force (such as hitting, slapping, grabbing, or shoving).

8. Sexual assault.

One person manipulates or coerces the other into engaging in sexual activity against their will or without their agreement.

Warning Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship

Here are some telltale signs of an unhealthy relationship:

1. All take, no give. 

You will be in the negative in any relationship where you suffer energy withdrawals without deposits.

2. A sense of exhaustion.

It’s time to re-evaluate if, instead of feeling pleased and productive, you’re always mentally, emotionally, and even physically exhausted.

3. Lack of faith.

You can continue a relationship without trust for as long as you want, but it will not last.

4. Hostile environment.

An unhealthy relationship is marked by constant animosity. You should avoid being around people who are hostile since it makes you feel uneasy.

5. Constant evaluation.

In judgmental relationships, criticism is meant to demean rather than to help.

6. A pattern of unreliability.

Mutual dependability is essential for establishing trust and is at the heart of any successful partnership.

7. Constant displays of narcissism.

It’s impossible to attain any balance if the other party’s interest in the relationship is merely a reflection of himself or herself.

8. Negative energy abounds.

It’s nearly impossible for anything positive to emerge from a negative relationship.

9. A communication breakdown.

There can be no connection without communication. Period.

10. Disrespectful behavior.

The foundation of any successful collaboration is mutual respect.

11. Avoidance of each other.

If you spend your time avoiding each other, that tells you everything you need to know about your relationship.

12. Inadequate backing.

Is there any point in staying in a relationship if you can’t turn to each other?

13. Constant control problems.

If one person is in charge or there’s a constant tug-of-war, you’re probably expending too much energy managing the relationship.

14. There’s never a dull moment when it comes to drama.

Good relationships enrich your life rather than complicate it.

15. Consistent betrayal of oneself.

You’re in a bad relationship if you find yourself changing your mind to please someone else.

16. Constant obstacles.

All partnerships face difficulties, but good relationships persevere.

17. Feelings of inadequacy.

Negative relationships have a sneaky way of making you feel like you don’t deserve anything better.

18. Feelings of being entrapped.

Is the other person a constructive influence in your life, or are you there because there is no other option?

19. Constantly undermining.

A partnership fails a vital test if it can’t be reassuring.

10 Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship

While everyone does things that are unhealthy at times, we can all learn to love better by detecting unhealthy behaviours and switching to healthy signs in a relationship.

If you notice unhealthy signs in your relationship, it’s critical not to dismiss them and to recognize that they can lead to abuse.

1. Intensity

When someone shows very strong emotions and engages in excessive behavior, it can be overwhelming.

If you feel like someone is rushing the relationship (comes on too hard, too fast) and is compulsive about wanting to see you and be in frequent contact, things are getting too hot.

2. Possessiveness

When someone is envious of you to the extent of trying to control who you spend your time with and what you do.

While envy is a natural human feeling, it becomes harmful when it motivates someone to manipulate or attack you.

This can include getting agitated when you text or hang out with others that make them feel threatened, falsely accusing you of flirting or cheating, and even stalking you.

3. Manipulation

When someone tries to influence your thoughts, actions, or feelings. Manipulation can be difficult to detect since it might be subtle or passive-aggressive.

If someone tries to persuade you to do things you don’t want to do, ignores you until they get their way, or tries to affect your sentiments, you’re being manipulated.

4. Isolation

When you are isolated from your friends, family, or other people. They will ask you to choose between them and your friends, insist that you spend all of your time with them, or make you question your own judgment of friends and family.

5. Belittling

When someone tries to make, you feel horrible about yourself by doing and saying things that make you feel bad about yourself.

This includes calling you names, making derogatory remarks about individuals you care about, or criticizing you.

When someone makes fun of you in a way that makes you feel bad, even if it’s meant as a joke, it’s also demeaning. Over time, this can cause you to lose faith in yourself and your talents.

6. Guilting

When someone makes you feel like you’re accountable for their conduct or that it’s your responsibility to keep them happy.

They may make you feel horrible for them by blaming you for things beyond your control.

This can involve threats of harming themselves or others if you don’t follow their instructions or stay with them. They may also try to persuade you to do something you don’t want to do by claiming that it’s vital to them or that you’ll hurt their feelings if you don’t.

7. Volatility

When you are afraid, perplexed, or intimidated by someone’s compelling, unpredictable reaction.

When you’re with a volatile individual, you feel like you have to walk on eggshells, or they’ll react violently to the smallest of things.

It’s possible that your relationship with them feels like a rollercoaster ride with severe ups and downs.

8. Refusing to Take Responsibility

when someone makes excuses for their unhealthy behavior regularly. They might place blame on you or others for their own conduct.

Making excuses based on alcohol or drug use, mental health difficulties, or life experiences is common (like a cheating ex or divorced parents).

9. Betrayal

when someone is disloyal or acts dishonestly on purpose. They might conduct themselves differently around other people or reveal personal information about themselves to others. It also involves lying, leaving you out on purpose, being deceitful, or cheating.

First Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship

The first five signs indicating a relationship is unhealthy are as follows:

1. Dishonesty

A healthy relationship is built on trust. Lying and other deceptive acts erode trust, tainting the emotional honesty required in a beneficial partnership.

Of course, everyone tells white lies now and then; nevertheless, saying “I adore your cuisine” is a far cry from being consistently dishonest.

2. Behavior management

Controlling behavior is particularly harmful, and it frequently worsens over time. This indicator of a bad relationship can take various forms, but it usually revolves around limiting a person’s autonomy and independence.

3. Ignorance

It’s always nerve-wracking to confront a problem head-on, and most people struggle to have unpleasant conversations. While it’s easy to make excuses like “I don’t want to talk about it,” these discussions are frequently the only way to resolve a disagreement. This is especially true when it comes to maintaining a healthy relationship.

4. Uncertainty

Everyone has insecurities, but a partner should never make them worse. Relationships should be physically and emotionally gratifying. On the other hand, partners in an unhealthy relationship can eat away at each other’s self-esteem. Subtle critiques, such as referring to a spouse as “too emotional” or making a harsh comment about their weight, can foster dislike and lower self-esteem.

5. Interdependence

Co-dependency entails more than clinginess or a need for extra attention. One spouse is the taker in a co-dependent relationship, while the other is the giver. The provider will undermine their own wants in order to meet those of their relationship, whereas the taker will rely on that person for unconditional support and approval.

Effects of an Unhealthy Relationship

Consider how your toxic relationship may influence you in the future if you still love your partner or need an additional reason to get out of a bad situation. You can rescue yourself from these negative consequences of recognizing and quitting an unhealthy relationship.

Mental Health Consequences:

Your confidence and self-worth may be harmed if you leave an unhappy relationship. You’ll feel your mind, thoughts, and emotions are at odds with one another. You might feel depressed, and you’ll be mentally weary. Speak with someone or join a support group with others who have gone through similar situations.

Effects on your worldview include:

After an unpleasant relationship, your perspective on the world is likely to shift. After your toxic relationship has ended, you may feel anxious about the world for a while, expecting everyone to act like your toxic partner.

You may believe that nothing can make you happy again, that you are incapable of doing anything correctly. And you begin to despise things you used to enjoy. Building evidence that the world is a good and secure place is the best strategy to reverse this trend.

Consequences for future relationships:

For a while, you might not desire to start a new relationship. You may scrutinize and compare potential companions, making it tough to trust them. It will be easier for you to build walls and drive people away than it will be for you to allow them to get close to you. Fighting that feeling will be difficult, so attempt to work with it.

What Causes Unhealthy Relationships

Millions of people begin new relationships every day. In our lives, a healthy partnership should bring us more delight than worry. Physically, emotionally, or mentally, a dysfunctional relationship is harmful.

Although relationships are an essential part of our lives, there is no such thing as a perfect relationship. Relationships are tough to sustain, and there are a variety of reasons why one could become unhealthy.

Being completely reliant on your lover will result in an unhealthy relationship. People who are highly dependent upon their relationships rely on them to make them happy.

This person is terrified of being alone and desires constant companionship from their lover. They will feel insecure when their lover is not present. Their partner, on the other side, may be stressed and need their own space in this situation.

Furthermore, dominant behaviors have the potential to change a positive relationship into a negative one. Some people have an intense need to control everything and everyone.

If something is out of their control, they will become uneasy and concerned. For example, they will want to know where their spouse goes, who they go with, and what they do.

When one person tries to control another, the latter may consider it rude and attempt to fight back.

Dishonesty will almost always fail in a good relationship. Loyalty is indeed the bedrock of all partnerships. Suspicion will arise as people begin to lie to one another.

When partners can’t trust or believe one another, they may not be at peace and will be stuck in a never-ending loop of squabbles.

What Are the Red Flags in a Relationship?

Excessive jealousy and dishonesty are both red flags in a relationship. You should be wary of a partner who constantly criticizes or dismisses you. A refusal to compromise is another huge warning signal — relationships should not be one-sided. For additional information, go to Insider’s Health Reference Library.

When Should You Break Up With Him?

If you and your significant other are continuously at odds, you may find yourself upset or in a terrible mood on a regular basis. Unresolved conflicts are detrimental to a partnership. Instead of arguing all day, it might be time to consider breaking up.


Keeping an eye out for these troubling patterns of behavior will assist you in recognizing signs of an unhealthy relationship and taking steps to ensure your well-being is a priority.

How to cope in a toxic relationship

Does an unhealthy relationship get better than it is?

Ways to leave a toxic relationship

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