SOCIOPATH TEST: Am I a Sociopath?

sociopath test

Do you have a habit of ignoring other people’s feelings? Do you have a problem with empathy? Take this sociopath test to find out more about this mental health issue.

Who Is this Sociopath Test for?

A set of questions about life experiences typical among people diagnosed with a sociopath—a mental health disease marked by a persistent disrespect for others’ feelings and a lack of empathy—is provided below. Please read each question carefully and answer yes or no to whether you have had these ideas or behaviours since you were 15.

How Accurate Sociopath Test?

The exam questions were developed using the American Psychiatric Association’s DSM-5 Criteria for Personality Disorders (2013). This questionnaire and its findings are not intended to be used as diagnostic tools or replace a formal diagnosis. Antisocial personality disorder can only be diagnosed by a licensed mental health practitioner or a doctor.

According to Psycom, assessments can be a helpful first step toward treatment. Many people avoid seeking help because they fear their worries aren’t valid or severe enough to justify expert involvement.

Sociopath Test

I realize this questionnaire is only designed as a learning aid and is not a substitute for an official diagnosis. Antisocial personality disorder can only be diagnosed by a licensed mental health practitioner or a doctor.

1. Do you deceive others regularly for your gain or pleasure?

A. Always

B. Quite frequently

C. Occasionally

D. Infrequently

E. Never, ever

2. Do you tend to act rashly?

A. Always

B. Quite frequently

C. Occasionally

D. Infrequently

E. Never, ever

3. Do you have a habit of forgetting to plan?

A. Always

B. Quite frequently

C. Occasionally

D. Infrequently

E. Never, ever

4. Do you routinely fail to meet your work responsibilities?

A. Always

B. Quite frequently

C. Occasionally

D. Infrequently

E. Never, ever

5. Do you have a habit of not meeting your financial obligations?

A. Always

B. Quite frequently

C. Occasionally

D. Infrequently

E. Never, ever

6. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?

A. Always

B. Quite frequently

C. Occasionally

D. Infrequently

E. Never, ever

7. Do you find it difficult to empathize with others who are going through difficult times?

A. Always

B. Quite frequently

C. Occasionally

D. Infrequently

E. Never, ever

8. Do you feel remorse or guilt if you hurt someone else’s feelings?

A. Always

B. Quite frequently

C. Occasionally

D. Infrequently

E. Never, ever

9. Are you a fighter?

A. Always

B. Quite frequently

C. Occasionally

D. Infrequently

E. Never, ever

10. Do you take unnecessary risks or participate in harmful behaviour with little concern for your or others’ safety?

A. Always

B. Quite frequently

C. Occasionally

D. Infrequently

E. Never, ever

11. Do you think you’re better than others?

A. Always

B. Quite frequently

C. Occasionally

D. Infrequently

E. Never, ever

12. Do you use your skill or charm to deceive others for your gain?

A. Always

B. Quite frequently

C. Occasionally

D. Infrequently

E. Never, ever

Narcissistic Sociopath Test

Have you been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)? Use this quiz to see if you or someone you know is a narcissist with mild narcissistic symptoms or a more severe form of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).

What Is the Purpose of This Narcissist Narcissistic Sociopath Test?

The following is a collection of questions for persons who believe they are having uncontrollable narcissistic thoughts. The questions are about life experiences that are frequent among people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). Please carefully read each question and mark how frequently you have faced the same or comparable issues in the last few months.

What Is the Accuracy of the Narcissistic Sociopath Test?

This questionnaire is not intended to be used as a diagnostic tool. Only licensed healthcare experts may diagnose mental health issues. Read Psycom’s Guide to Narcissistic Personality Disorder for more information.

Assessments can be a helpful first step in therapy. Many people avoid seeking help because they fear their worries aren’t valid or severe enough to justify expert involvement.

1. Do you have an excessive feeling of self-importance that makes you feel compelled to overstate your abilities or achievements?

A. Never

B. Infrequently

C. Occasionally

D. Frequently

E. Quite frequently

2. Do you believe you are exceptional and that only other special or high-status people or institutions can understand you or that you should associate with them?

A. Never

B. Infrequently

C. Occasionally

D. Frequently

E. Quite frequently

3. Are you continually willing to take advantage of others to reach your objectives?

A. Never

B. Infrequently

C. Occasionally

D. Frequently

E. Quite frequently

4. Do you expect a lot of praise from others?

A. Never

B. Infrequently

C. Occasionally

D. Frequently

E. Quite frequently

5. Do you fantasize about unending success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love?

A. Never

B. Infrequently

C. Occasionally

D. Frequently

E. Quite frequently

6. Do you have a sense of entitlement from others, such as unrealistic expectations of preferential treatment or unthinking compliance with their demands?

A. Never

B. Infrequently

C. Occasionally

D. Frequently

E. Quite frequently

7. Do you find it difficult to perceive or relate to other people’s feelings and needs?

A. Never

B. Infrequently

C. Occasionally

D. Frequently

E. Quite frequently

8. Do people think you’re conceited or snobby?

A. Never

B. Infrequently

C. Occasionally

D. Frequently

E. Quite frequently

9. Do you find yourself envious of others regularly, or do you believe others are envious of you?

A. Never

B. Infrequently

C. Occasionally

D. Frequently

E. Quite frequently

Psychopath Sociopath Test

This quiz is intended to help you determine whether or not you are a psychopath, sociopath, or have psychopathic tendencies. This questionnaire isn’t intended to diagnose psychopathy or to tell you whether you’re a psychopath for sure. However, based on the studies, it will give you a pretty good estimate. Indicate how much you agree or disagree with each statement for each item. For the most accurate results, take your time and respond honestly.

1. Most people describe me as pleasant and laid-back; I can turn my charm on and off like a faucet.

A. I am not one of them.

B. This is a good description of myself.

C. This is unquestionably me.

2. Regardless of what others want, I do what I want, when I want, when the impulse strikes me.

A. I am not one of them.

B. This is a good description of myself.

C. This is unquestionably me.

3. It is not my fault if something goes wrong or turns out badly.

A. I am not one of them.

B. This is a good description of myself.

C. This is unquestionably me.

A. I am not one of them.

B. This is a good description of myself.

C. This is unquestionably me.

5. I am undoubtedly the best at what I do – no one could ever take my position.

A. I am not one of them.

B. This is a good description of myself.

C. This is unquestionably me.

6. I do anything I want, regardless of what people think – even if it’s against the law.

A. I am not one of them.

B. This is a good description of myself.

C. This is unquestionably me.

7. Each to their own; I don’t see the value in feeling sorry for others and have no desire to help them.

A. I am not one of them.

B. This is a good description of myself.

C. This is unquestionably me.

A. I am not one of them.

B. This is a good description of myself.

C. This is unquestionably me.

9. Lying to acquire what I want is not my problem or concern.

A. I am not one of them.

B. This is a good description of myself.

C. This is unquestionably me.

10. “Live in the moment,” I say; the future will take care of itself, and learning from your mistakes is worthless.

A. I am not one of them.

B. This is a good description of myself.

C. This is unquestionably me.

11. I have never felt sorrow, shame, or guilt about anything I’ve said or done.

A. I am not one of them.

B. This is a good description of myself.

C. This is unquestionably me.

12. I don’t see the sense in taking on any form of responsibility; it only weighs you down.

A. I am not one of them.

B. This is a good description of myself.

C. This is unquestionably me.

Am I a Sociopath

It’s critical to recognize that people have a variety of personality features. Someone may be greedy or violent, but this does not necessarily indicate that they are a sociopath. Because many persons with ASPD are unaware that these characteristics are problematic, keeping an eye out for consistent behaviour patterns may be necessary.

In sociopaths, consistent behaviour patterns include:

  1. Empathy for others is lacking
  2. Impulsive behaviour
  3. Using threats or aggression to try to dominate others
  4. Manipulation of others through intelligence, charm, or charisma
  5. Punishment or failure to learn from mistakes
  6. Lying for the sake of personal advantage
  7. Having a bias towards physical aggression and brawls
  8. Primarily superficial relationships
  9. Occasionally, stealing or committing other crimes is necessary.
  10. Threatening suicide to get someone to behave without intending to do so
  11. Abusing drugs or alcohol can lead to a variety of problems.
  12. The problem is having responsibilities like a job, paying expenses, etc.

How to Deal with a Sociopath

Sociopaths are less likely to seek professional therapy or even recognize that they have ASPD. As a result, understanding the process of getting someone diagnosed with ASPD is a vital component of dealing and living with someone with ASPD.

Who Needs a Diagnosis?

Antisocial personality disorders are rarely identified in children since some of their actions are mimicked during early development phases, and their personalities are constantly changing.

However, a behaviour problem can be diagnosed and treated if early warning symptoms are noticed in childhood.

If a teen exhibits uncontrollable behaviours like stealing, killing animals, lying all the time, damaging property for no cause, and disobeying rules without considering the consequences, they may be diagnosed.

People with a family history of personality problems, as well as those who were abused or neglected as children, are more likely to develop sociopathy.

Sociopathy is more common in men than in women. Sociopaths are more likely to abuse their spouses, children, and companions.

They are more likely to spend time in prison because they may engage in illegal activities, and their violent behaviour may put them in danger. They could be suffering from sadness or anxiety, among other mental illnesses.

Diagnosis Procedures

If a doctor suspects a sociopath, he or she will conduct a behavioural assessment as well as a comprehensive physical examination, including blood testing, to rule out any physical condition.

If there are no health issues, the next step is to see a psychiatrist or psychologist, who can use evaluation tools and an interview to diagnose antisocial personality disorders.

Treatment for a Sociopath

Those with ASPD, including sociopaths, are difficult to cure. Long-term therapy is required, which can be difficult due to the sociopath’s lack of awareness of the condition.

Family participation may be beneficial if a sociopath is willing to enter therapy. A psychiatrist may prescribe medications to prevent impulsive or aggressive behaviour, such as antipsychotic drugs or mood stabilizers.

Medication, on the other hand, is not thought to be a cure for antisocial personality disorders.

Sessions in which the sociopath and those around him or her learn about destructive actions and their consequences can be beneficial.

Therapy can educate you on how to deal with and manage your behaviour to enhance your relationships and patterns. This can assist people with ASPD improve their social skills and coping methods, making them happier and more productive. The most crucial step is to seek assistance.

Sociopath Test Questions

Is it possible to know if you’re a sociopath by taking a sociopath test? Most actual sociopaths lie on tests like this one, but if you recognize yourself when answering these questions, it’s time to seek help.

So, as you may know, this sociopath test is based on sociopath characteristics and traits. Keep in mind, however, that only a licensed mental health expert or doctor can provide an accurate diagnosis and answer your inquiry, “Am I a Sociopath?”

Instructions: As truthfully as possible, answer the sociopath test questions below. Your results will be scored instantaneously if you click the green arrow button at the bottom.

1. Are you attractive and intelligent on the surface?

A. Yes

B. No

2. Do you suffer from hallucinations or other symptoms of illogical thinking?

A. Yes

B. No

3. Are you a nervous or anxious person?

A. Yes

B. No

4. Are you a trustworthy person in general?

A. Yes

B. No

5. Do you tell lies or make insincere statements frequently?

A. Yes

B. No

6. Do you have any regrets or feelings of shame?

A. Yes

B. No

7. Is your antisocial behaviour unintentional?

A. Yes

B. No

8. Do you make terrible decisions and fail to learn from your mistakes?

A. Yes

B. No

9. Are you a pathological egotist who is unable to love?

A. Yes

B. No

10. Do you have the same range of emotions as the rest of the population?

A. Yes

B. No

11. Do you lack perception?

A. Yes

B. No

12. Do you have to mask your actions and responses to people regularly?

A. Yes

B. No

13. Do you let your partying get out of hand?

A. Yes

B. No

14. Do you ever threaten to kill yourself?

A. Yes

B. No

15. Is your sex life impersonal, uninteresting, or disjointed?

A. Yes

B. No

16. Have you been unable to stick to a life plan?

A. Yes

B. No

Psychopath vs Sociopath Test

Sociopaths and psychopaths are not the same, contrary to popular belief. While their behaviours may be similar, they each have numerous distinguishing characteristics that help medical professionals make a diagnosis.

Sociopaths, for example, have a conscience at times, whereas psychopaths do not. Being impulsive, charming, or ambitious are some of the additional characteristics associated with being a psychopath or sociopath.

To be officially diagnosed, these personality traits would have to be wildly exaggerated to the point of being undeniably harmful – but there’s no denying that we all have personality traits that lean toward the behaviours of a sociopath or psychopath at times – albeit on a much smaller, less harmful scale.

Below is a quiz to see if your personality traits are more like those of a sociopath or psychopath. After you’ve answered each question, we’ll tell you which one you’re closest to.

1. You’re travelling across a bridge that spans shark-infested seas when it collapses unexpectedly! You grab the hand of a stranger who is about to fall. You notice that the added weight forces you to slip as you dangle. So, what exactly do you do?

A. Give them a lovely grin Before letting go of the stranger’s hand.

B. While continuing to grip the stranger, I would scream for aid.

C. I’d let go of the bridge and let us both fall into the water simultaneously.

2. You and your buddies have been waiting long to get into one of the city’s most famous clubs. When you reach the door, the bouncer informs you that you cannot enter! What’s the best way to persuade them to let you in?

A. I’d try to win him over with a lovely conversation.

B. I’d bribe him with a small sum of money.

C. I would become enraged and point out how unjust he is.

3. How quickly do you build a bond with someone fresh you meet?

A. It could be a matter of days if I see them frequently.

B. It takes me months to let go of my guard when I meet new individuals.

C. To build an attachment to someone, I’d have to know them for years.

4. You are asked to give a short presentation about why you deserve the job at an interview for a job you truly desire. You were unprepared for this and had no idea what would happen! What is your reaction?

A. I’d give the presentation, and because I’m skilled at thinking on my feet, I’d probably ace it.

B. I’d give the presentation but be a nervous, stumbling mess the entire time.

C. If they informed me they didn’t get the job, I’d refuse to perform the presentation and become enraged.

5. You’re on vacation with your friends. You’ve meticulously prepared every detail and want everyone to stick to their timetable! Suddenly, a stranger offers you all the chance to spend the night on their yacht! Do you agree to it?

A. NO, I’ve already made plans which we should stick to.

B. who wouldn’t want to celebrate their birthday on a yacht?

C. I’d ask my buddies for their opinions. What if this is merely a ruse to get us into trouble?

6. A significant award has just been presented to you and your colleagues at work for your outstanding achievements in the business! You decide to create a social media post about it, but what kind of post do you make?

A. I can’t believe I won!’ captioned a photo of you holding the award.

B. You and your squad carrying the prize, captioned: You’ll never guess what we won!

C. A photo of the trophy by itself, marked with the names of everyone on your team. The caption reads, “Hard work pays off!”

7. At work, your boss gives you a significant promotion. You’ll be paid three times as much as you are now and get a nice company automobile! The catch is that to obtain the promotion, you must fire two colleagues from a separate team. So, what exactly do you do?

A. I would gladly accept the offer and dismiss the two individuals!

B. I’d decline the offer! I don’t want to step on anyone to achieve my goals.

C. I’d take the job and dismiss the two guys, but I’d feel awful for about 5 minutes.

8. You’ve just lost your job and no money. You also have a £2000 rent payment due today! You’ll be booted out if you don’t pay. After an elderly lady spills £2000 on the street, you find it. Is it something you use to pay your rent?

A. YES, I’d use that money to pay my rent immediately.

B. NO, I’d instead be thrown out than accept the money.

C. I’d use half of it to pay some of my rent, then return the other half to the old lady.

What Are the Traits of Sociopathic and Psychopathic Behavior?

A person who exhibits sociopathic or psychopathic behaviour may do the following:

  • Others’ rights are exploited, manipulated, or violated.
  • Lack of empathy, regret, or guilt for other people’s suffering
  • Behaving carelessly and without concern for social norms
  • Have a hard time maintaining long-term relationships?
  • Not being able to control their rage
  • They don’t feel guilty, or they don’t learn from their mistakes.
  • Others are to blame for their troubles.
  • Break the law regularly

Is There a Sociopathy Test?

No, there is no way to tell if someone is a sociopath without taking a test. A healthcare professional applies the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for antisocial personality disorder to identify sociopathy.


People who show evidence of sociopaths, contrary to popular belief, do not choose to be “evil.” Instead, they are likely suffering from ASPD, a condition caused by a mix of genetic and environmental factors, including childhood trauma and neglect.

Signs of a sociopath

Can sociopaths cry or have emotions?

Who are sociopaths attracted to?

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