PRESSURE POINTS FOR BACK PAIN: Guide to Acupressure Points for Back Pain Relief

Pressure points for back pain

Back pain is a common ailment that people experience these days. Many factors contribute to it, including our sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, and overwork. In addition to traditional physical therapy, massaging pressure (acupressure) points can significantly relieve back pain caused by stress, exhaustion, and spasms. Continue reading for information on how to treat shoulder and lower back pain.

Acupressure began nearly three millennia ago in China. It involves applying pressure to acupuncture points all over the body to relieve back and other general body pain and promote overall well-being.

Pressure to these points in the acupressure technique increases the flow of vital energy called Qi (pronounced chi) through passageways called meridians that connect the body’s vital organs.

How Can Acupressure Help With Back Pain?

Acupressure is an old method of treating pains in the body as well as a variety of ailments. According to the notion, there are pressure points on the body where the flow of our natural energies can be controlled to heal the body of infections. A complex mapping system enables acupressure practitioners to locate and alter energy flow points. Back pain caused by injury, stiffness, stress, and other reasons can be addressed by applying regulated pressure to corresponding points on the body. The procedure increases blood circulation and relaxes stiff muscles, providing temporary relief.

Lower Back Pain Relief Pressure (Acupressure) Points

Here are some pressure (acupressure) points for the lower back and hip for lower back pain relief.

#1. CV 6 Acupressure Point (Stomach Point)

The CV 6 stomach point, also known as the Sea of Energy point, is widely used to alleviate lower back pain. By strengthening the muscles in the lower body region between the waist and hip, applying pressure to these points provides long-term relief from lower back pain.

The Point’s Location

Hold three of your fingers together to find the point: index, middle, and ring. Place three fingers directly beneath the navel. CV 6 is located in the firm region; you can feel it with your ring finger.

What You Must Do

  • With the three fingers clasped together, apply hard pressure on the point.
  • For about 1 minute, apply consistent pressure on the point.
  • Repeat the workout two or three times in a 10-minute interval.
  • Those with gastric issues or a weak stomach can apply milder pressure with the base of their palm.

#2. Point B23 of Acupressure (Lower Back Point)

The pressure B23, also known as the Kidney Shu, is one of the most important points for treating lower back pain. Stimulating these pressure points reduces muscular tension and provides long-term relief from lower back pain. It is best done with the assistance of a therapist or an assistant.

The Point’s Location

The point is located in the area between the rib cage and the hipbone. Find the spot where the inner bladder line joins the waist’s center to find it.

What You Must Do

  • The therapist presses down on the B 23 point for roughly a minute as you lie down on your stomach.
  • As the therapist raises the pressure on the point, take deep breaths and exhale deeply.
  • Once you’ve achieved your pain threshold, release the pressure.
  • Repeat after a minute of continuous pressure.

#3. Point B47 of Acupressure (Als0 a Lower Back Point)

B47 is located next to B23 and is another important site for treating lower back pain. In some meridian charts, it is also labeled as B52. Pressure applied to this region releases tension in the lower back muscles and alleviates pain. This point, like B23, requires the assistance of a therapist.

The Point’s Location

The point is placed on the right margin of the erector muscle group on the outer bladder line near the middle of the waist.

What You Must Do

  • The therapist applies consistent pressure to B47 while you are lying on your stomach for about a minute.
  • As the pressure is applied to the point, take deep breaths and slowly exhale.

#4. GV4 Acupressure Point

The Governing Vessel 4, or GV4, is another important acupressure point for treating lower back pain. The pressure at this location, known as the Life Gate, is the most effective in relieving lumbar back pain. It is also used to treat knee weakness, male sexual issues, stress, and chronic weariness.

The Point’s Location

GV4 is located near the waistline, between the vertebrae, at the same level as B23.

What You Must Do

  • You will need a therapist to work this point, as you will with all of the acupressure (pressure) points on the lower back.
  • Take deep breaths while lying on your stomach and gently exhale while pressure is applied to the location.
  • Apply consistent pressure for about a minute, then release.

#5. B60 Acupressure Point

Bladder 60, often known as B60, is an acupressure point on the leg. It can be stimulated to alleviate stiffness and lower back pain. It is also used to alleviate neck pain, headaches, and dizziness. Pregnant women should avoid this point because it has the potential to initiate labor.

The Point’s Location

B60 can be located between the outer ankle bone and the Achilles tendon. The Kunlun Mountains are another name for the location of the pressure point.

What You Must Do

  • B60 is located midway between the Achilles tendon and the mid-ankle bone.
  • Grip the ankle with the thumb directly on the spot and exert pressure for 30 seconds before releasing.
  • Alternate between legs and repeat 3 to 4 times per session.

#6. LV 3 Acupressure Point

The LV 3 point, also known as Tai Chone or the Great Rushing point, treats lower back pain, stress, limb pain, and other ailments.

The Point’s Location

LV 3 can be discovered around 3 inches from the tip of the big toe, where the bones of the big toe and the next toe connect.

What You Must Do

  • Apply light pressure to the region with your thumb for approximately 30 seconds, then release.
  • Alternate between both legs and repeat 3 or 4 times in each session.
  • Back pain can be relieved by applying pressure to this spot every day for a week.

#7. Point B54 of Acupressure (Knee Back Points)

Bladder 54, commonly known as B54, is an acupressure point that is also labeled B40 on some meridian charts. Stimulating these pressure points on both legs aids in the relief of stiffness and lower back pain caused by diseases such as herniated discs and sciatica, as well as the control of muscle spasms and leg pain.

The Point’s Location

The Center Crook is located near the back of the knee, in the middle of the crease.

What You Must Do

  • Apply steady pressure to the pressure point with your thumb for around 30 seconds.
  • Repeat the exercise for a total of 10 to 15 minutes.

Points of Pressure (Acupressure) to Relieve Upper Back Pain

The pressure (acupressure) points for the upper back and neck are as follows: 

#1. GB 21 Acupressure Point

This point, also known as Jian Jing, is widely used to treat neck pain, stiffness, shoulder stress, and headaches. People suffering from back or shoulder pain tend to be most tense in GB 21. This point should be utilized with utmost caution because it has the potential to induce labor. As a result, it is best avoided during pregnancy.

The Point’s Location

GB 21 is located on the top of the shoulders, pointing two fingers away from the base of your neck.

What You Must Do

  • Rub the upper shoulder with the opposite hand to identify the tightest region where the strain is.
  • Hook the index and middle fingers over the GB 21 point.
  • Allow the hook to sustain the weight of the arm when applying pressure.
  • Massage for 4-5 seconds, then release the pressure.

#2. GB 10 Acupressure Point

The GB 10 acupressure point reduces tension and aches in the neck and head while also increasing the body’s hormonal activities.

The Point’s Location

The pressure point lies one thumb’s width below the skull and one thumb’s width away from the spine.

What You Must Do

  • Apply hard and prolonged pressure to the spot with the thumb on the same sidearm.
  • Pressure should be administered multiple times throughout the day and night for 2 to 3 minutes at a time to get the intended result.

#3. TE3 Acupressure Point (Hand point)

This point, placed behind the knuckles, can relieve back pain, neck stress, temporal headaches, and shoulder tightness.

The Point’s Location

The point is placed directly behind the knuckles, between the groove formed by the tendons joining the fourth and fifth fingers. The area is also known as the central islet.

What You Must Do

  • Place the thumb of the opposite hand over the TE3 behind the 4th and 5th knuckles.
  • Apply firm pressure to the groove with the tip of the thumb.
  • Continue to apply pressure for 4 to 5 seconds at a time.
  • Perform it many times every day to relieve upper-body stress.

#4. LI 4 Acupressure Point (Hand point)

The LI 4 acupressure hand point can help with upper back pain, neck stiffness, facial strain, headaches, and toothaches. Pressure applied to this spot regularly relieves stiffness and stress generated throughout the day.

The Point’s Location

The point is located between the thumb web and the index finger. Bring the two fingers together so the thumb is completely in touch with the index finger. There will be a bulge in the muscle, and the highest point of this bump is where the LI 4 point is.

What You Must Do

  • Grip the pressure point with the thumb and index finger of the opposite hand.
  • Apply pressure for 5 to 10 seconds, then relax or massage the area for 4 to 5 seconds.
  • To ease stress and pain, repeat 2 or 3 times.

#5. K 27 Acupressure Point

These K 27 acupressure (pressure) points are important for relieving chest, neck, and upper back tension. Activating this point allows you to breathe deeply and relax, which is necessary to release endorphins.

The Point’s Location

On both sides, the point is one fingertip below the collarbone.

What You Must Do

  • Apply strong pressure to the points with opposing hands for a few seconds.
  • You can also apply pressure while rubbing the area to relieve tension.
  • Hold for 2 minutes, then take calm, deep breaths.
  • Every day, repeat the method 3 to 5 times.

#6. GV 14 Acupressure Point

GV 14 is a pressure point on the upper back that helps ease pain and stiffness in the neck and shoulders. It is extremely beneficial to patients suffering from cervical spondylosis.

The Point’s Location

The pressure points are placed at the shoulder level on the upper back’s midline.

What You Must Do

  • The therapist applies pressure on the point for roughly a minute while seated.
  • Your pain and comfort thresholds will limit the pressure.

#7. SI 15 Acupressure Point

The SI 15 pressure points aid in the pain of back and neck pain produced by cervical spondylosis due to bone and cartilage wear and tear. It can also help with stress and tension headaches.

The Point’s Location

The point is 2 finger-widths away from the spine in the middle of the should region.

What You Must Do

  • A therapist must work on it because you cannot reach the point.
  • The therapist applies pressure to the point with his or her thumb or knuckles while you are seated.
  • The pressure is applied for 1 to 2 minutes, depending on your comfort level.


Take the following precautions when using acupressure: 

  • Apply no pressure to an open wound or swollen or inflamed areas (red or warm to the touch). 
  • Avoid regions with scar tissue, boils, blisters, rashes, or varicose veins.

How Do I Decompress My Spine While Sleeping?

These three positions should help you decompress your spine as you sleep:

Face Up Position

Lie perfectly straight on your bed, facing up. You should be looking at the ceiling. Keep a pillow beneath your knees at a 30-degree angle. This will help your spine decompress while also stretching it out. 

You can also place a pillow beneath your neck to support it and keep it neutral.

Inclined Back Sleeping 

You can try sleeping in an inclined position using an indented pillow or a changeable base between your torso and legs. This can help to relieve the pressure on your spine. 

This technique can help you suppress the symptoms of isthmic spondylolisthesis, a lumbar spine injury in which one vertebra slides under the one below it, resulting in severe back pain and, in some cases, sciatica.

Stomach Sleeping with Hip Support 

Sleeping on your stomach is strongly discouraged by physicians worldwide since it increases back pain. However, some people who are accustomed to sleeping on their stomachs can start by placing a pillow beneath their stomach. 

The added support keeps your back from bending excessively and relieves pressure on your lumbar spine. To avoid further pain, never put a pillow underneath your neck.


Never sleep on a water bed because it is so soft that your spine may easily curve in all directions, unlike a firm mattress. 

Avoid sleeping on your stomach without any support. This shortens your spine and causes significant back pain. It can also cause numbness in the limbs due to compressed nerves.


Remember, acupressure is a gradual process, and continuous practice will yield the best results. When you know where to apply the appropriate pressure, you can perform acupressure at home on your own. However, some of the points must be completed by a skilled practitioner. Consult a licensed practitioner if you are pregnant, have a pre-existing medical condition, or are unsure about trying acupressure on your own.

Medicine and pain relief for lower back pain

6 Self-acupressure points to relieve back pain

Home remedies for back pain

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